vegans did you know that.......



  • WordToYourMamma
    Ugh, annoying. Idk, I was vegan for 5 years and I have never heard that cows just continue to make milk so I looked it up and it seems that they do dry up.

    And cows weren't domestic FOREVER?? At some point they had to have sustained themselves without people so how the heck could his arguement hold? Let a herd of cows go into a field for like 5 years and I am sure all the females would not be dropping to the ground because there was not a person there to milk them.

    Now I am annoyed with this man! Not because I am vegan but because his arguement is illogical and moronic.

    Oh, and tomatos are fruit which means that the plant continues to live even when its fruit (aka seed) is picked. And plants don't have nervous systems or brains to process pain.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    It's not really about "taking" from another animal or whatever. A lot of people have issues with HOW it's taken. If a farmer has a dairy cow that lives a normal farm cow life, and gets milked daily with the farmers loving hands, it's a whole different ball game when its a bunch of cows stuffed in a pen,pumped with all kinds of chemicals and toxins, so it's milk supply is always there,and hooked up to a machine for 12hrs out of the day that sucks the milk from them. Just as it's much different if the same farmer has chickens in a little hen house, that roam freely through the day,and lay their eggs,and the farmer collects them in the morning, Or they are stuffed into cages where they can't move a feather, pumped with chemicals and toxins so they lay eggs on a continual basis. There is nature, and then there is the factory way of doing things, that promote cruel punishment to what we call "food".
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I was a vegetarian for about 15 years. I have now added fish back into my diet (but I have my own whacky rules about that too). My wife is vegan.

    I find that people think that vegetarians/vegans are judging them for their dietary choices. Not sure why, but they are not comfortable with that.

    Frankly, I don't care what you eat. But I don't need to hear anybody's opinion about my choices. I know what I am doing. :-)

    While I do have some beliefs and moral guidelines that apply to my dietary choices, I do not tell others about them unless they ask. And I freely acknowledge that some of them are sort of arbitrary and can be viewed as whacky. That is fine.

    Humans have the luxury of choosing what we want to eat--at least most in the developed world do. So I am exercising my choice.

    BTW, my family STILL makes veg jokes. Which are still not really that funny.

    Well put! Thank you couldn't have said it better myself :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    What I would have done in that conversation would have been to say, "Excuse me, sir, I don't really give a *&^% about your thoughts on my lifestyle."

    Interestingly enough, I noticed I keep going over my protein requirement which cracks me up because people always ask me where my protein comes from (more so when I was vegan, not so much now that I eat dairy).

    I wish I had the guts to say that to someone!! Oh and I get tons of protein in and when I ate meat actually about the same amount both ways so it's a non issue really!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Ugh, annoying. Idk, I was vegan for 5 years and I have never heard that cows just continue to make milk so I looked it up and it seems that they do dry up.

    And cows weren't domestic FOREVER?? At some point they had to have sustained themselves without people so how the heck could his arguement hold? Let a herd of cows go into a field for like 5 years and I am sure all the females would not be dropping to the ground because there was not a person there to milk them.

    Now I am annoyed with this man! Not because I am vegan but because his arguement is illogical and moronic.

    Oh, and tomatos are fruit which means that the plant continues to live even when its fruit (aka seed) is picked. And plants don't have nervous systems or brains to process pain.

    I didn't know that about tomatoes......learn something new everyday. THANKS FOR SHARING!

    Oh and apparently this man is always annoying, I found out today that there was another person at the party that can't stand him due to the kind of stuff he pulls!
  • sqvash
    sqvash Posts: 17
    I have to say the first 3 years or so of being vegetarian I think I spent the whole time fighting. Now, if people want to ask me intelligent questions I'll talk to them about it. However, if people just want to harass me ("you're hurting that vegetable cause it's as alive as a cow") I let it roll off. If you want to pump your body full of hormones and antibiotics from your meat, be my guest. If you truly don't care how corrupt the industries are and how much damage they're doing to the environment, and it doesn't bother your conscious at all, keep on chowing down. (Although so many people have said to me "I just try not to think about it", you're lying to yourself? Anything you have to hide from YOURSELF sounds like a pretty big problem to me!). If you think I'm going to die from protein deprivation....well then you're just blind.

    Anyway, at this point in my life it amuses me when people want to get belligerent. My mom always told me, it's easier to change a man's religion than his diet. It's SO TRUE, people get so defensive over their meat and eggs, that they want to pick a fight with other people about it. Why is this man so insecure about what he eats that he has to harass you about it? Haha, that's just hilarious to me!

    You'll probably get a laugh out of this...I went to college in Idaho (cattle country). The idea of vegetarianism is just UNHEARD of out there. I had no less than 5 class mates my freshman year tell me that I must have just never had good meat, and they had slaughtered a cow that week and would love to bring me some so I can start enjoying meat properly....well, at least they were sweet about it?
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    I didn't read all the responses, but I will say: I would never judge what a vegan or vegetarian does or doesn't eat. I would expect the same respect from them. If they were to make a snarky comment to me about how it's wrong to drink another mammals milk or criticize my lifestyle in any way, it's on.
    Otherwise, my method of dealing with vegans or vegetarians is never to eat meals with them.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I didn't read all the responses, but I will say: I would never judge what a vegan or vegetarian does or doesn't eat. I would expect the same respect from them. If they were to make a snarky comment to me about how it's wrong to drink another mammals milk or criticize my lifestyle in any way, it's on.
    Otherwise, my method of dealing with vegans or vegetarians is never to eat meals with them.

  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Edited by Ms_Natalie MFP Forum Moderator :flowerforyou:

    I used to eat meat.......up till 2 months ago actually, I know it's tasty never once did I say it wasn't, but I feel HEALTHIER now NOT eating it and I just posted here about how outrageous some people can be with bugging me about cruelty to tomatoes and how he told me I couldn't have cake. I didn't care he was eating meat or everyone else was......just wanted him to leave me alone.
  • driventotheend
    It sounds like that guy was trying to get your goat rather than have a real conversation with you. When people get like that I just don't even bother continuing the conversation, because they clearly aren't open to anything I might say!

    Cows are just like any other mammal - they produce milk after they have a baby and that milk is meant for that baby to eat until they wean. Once the baby weans, the cow stops producing milk.

    When dairy farmers - large or small, family or factory farm - take the mother cow's milk to sell to humans, the calf does not get the milk. Usually the calf only gets to stay with its mother for a few hours or a few days. It makes me really sad to think about it. I breastfed all three of my babies and to think of having my baby taken away and my milk sold for others to drink - that would be the worst thing you could do to a new mother. And apparently both mama cow and calf bellow for days when they are separated. :(

    I'm not vegan, but I've been vegetarian for a long time (8 years) and I am striving to be dairy-free. Eggs don't bother me as much so I sometimes buy organic, free-range eggs, if I'm really craving them. I don't avoid dairy though if I'm out though, that is just tough socially when we go to some peoples' homes. I'm a work in progress.
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    I'm sure that is the view of many dairy farmers; it's their livelihoods, but those cows are bred to produce lots of milk so it's their fault those cows die when their not milked. If people cut back on milk they will bred less dairy cows.

    And the comment about being cruel to tomatoes is lame. Our bodies cannot survive without fruit or veg; same can't be said animal products.
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    Mamagooskie, I think you just won Defensive Omnivore Bingo!

  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Mamagooskie, I think you just won Defensive Omnivore Bingo!


    LOL......that is funny!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm sure that is the view of many dairy farmers; it's their livelihoods, but those cows are bred to produce lots of milk so it's their fault those cows die when their not milked. If people cut back on milk they will bred less dairy cows.

    And the comment about being cruel to tomatoes is lame. Our bodies cannot survive without fruit or veg; same can't be said animal products.

    I get it and that's the thing I didn't get defensive or say anything other than say I that I didn't want a steak because I don't eat meat. I brought my own meal and ate it but this guy just kept going on and on and on and on.

    I didn't give him any facts or say anything neg about farming or neg about meat eaters I just told him that I disagree that cows die when not milked.

    The rest was all him, nagging on me all night for like 4 hours!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    So, how does Forks Over Knives explain the fact that we didn't have all of these health problems over the last several thousand years of eating domesticated animals? I haven't watched the movie itself, but it sounds like an incredibly short sighted concept. Especially when they lump meat, dairy, and artificial processed foods all together. That seems to me like saying that I smoke and drink water, and got lung cancer, it must have been caused by the water.

    Again, I haven't seen the movie, but just reading the synopsis makes it sound more like propaganda to shill their books and diet plans (which you can conveniently order right from their website.)

    Actually, they explain in in great detail. They use decades of research and studies to back up their premise. Observation of civilizations living currently on the planet and in recent decades gives us the best evidence that a diet low in animal proteins and fats is the healthiest diet for humans. Many cultures have subsisted on a starch based diet with lots of vegetables and fruits as their main resources. Meat is eaten more as a side dish and not at every meal. Some of the studies seem to indicate that if you keep the animal protein intake under 5% you are probably doing just fine. Their suggestion to eliminate it entirely is based upon the premise that you gain nothing nutritionally from eating animal products that you couldn't gain eating a plant-based diet. In fact, the only source of cholesterol is from animal products. It's like a cigarette smoker just having an occasional cigarette or an alcoholic having an occasional drink. Your body can handle it, but it's still poison.

    I have been on this new lifestyle since June 12th. Before that, I was just cutting back on my calories and I was losing about a pound a week. Since June 12th, without changing my caloric intake, I am now losing over 2 pounds per week. The first week I made the change, I lost 4 pounds. I had been dieting for 6 weeks before that. I now have more energy than ever before. I haven't felt this good in years and I have never enjoyed eating as much as I do now. Healthy food tastes so much better than it ever did before. For me, it has been a drastic improvement in the quality of my life and I am no longer a victim of my urges for cheesy fatty foods.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    In fact, the only source of cholesterol is from animal products. It's like a cigarette smoker just having an occasional cigarette or an alcoholic having an occasional drink. Your body can handle it, but it's still poison.

    Wait, what? Poison? Cholesterol is essential for all animal life, including humans. It's used by the body to make hormones, cell membranes, and in the synthesis of Vitamin D. And, in actual fact, there are many plant sources of cholesterol. Particularly any oily plant, and the oils derived from them. In fact, avocado, sunflower seeds, peanuts, coconut oils, and olives are all sources of cholesterol. So if this is what Forks Over Knives is telling people, well, then, they're wrong, or just lying.

    I eat many vegetarian and vegan dishes, as part of my approach of balanced eating. Not every meal needs meat, but that's doesn't mean that meat has no nutritional value to humans. My ancestors have been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years. To me, that means it's part of a staple diet. Is meat 100% required to live? Well, no, but neither are, say, potatoes. There are plenty of sources that can give the same nutrients as potatoes, so you don't need to eat potatoes to live either, but they certainly taste delicious (or not, depending on your taste buds.) I have all the respect for anyone and their food choices. I just choose to use actual fact when it comes to my food decisions, and what's best for me, may not be best for you. I see nothing wrong with eating vegan or vegetarian if that's your preference, but at the same time, the respect needs to go both ways. Use facts when talking about being vegan, not propaganda. And check your facts, especially if it's coming from a source with an obvious slant one way or the other.
  • taurie
    taurie Posts: 225 Member
    It's curious as to why some meat eaters feel threatened by the vegan or vegetarian lifestyles and go on the attack.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Only got though the first page. I'm sure there are massive flame wars on all this.
    I get to hear this all the time, as a vegetarian, and now a unfortunate pescoterian.

    I never got up in anyone's face for eating meat, why does it bother them so much? Just really always bothers me, and ruins my day.

    I have a few come backs.
    "I was abused as a child by tomatoes"
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi guys, this thread contains some interesting responses, so in order for it to continue...please refrain from insulting each other. Report any posts which you find personal and/or offensive...please do not retaliate on the forums. I have edited some posts and deleted others that contained non on topic information.

    Thank you!


    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator :flowerforyou:
  • niste_ketlin
    As far as people go, they can make their own dietary choices. I personally am not vegetarian, or vegan. I can understand why some would choose to be. But please everyone, (I saw the whole thing about dogs drinking milk) don't apply your dietary regulations to your pets. Dogs are carnivores. Just look at their teeth! They were meant to eat meat. Sure some will eat a vegetable (mine won't) but did the vast majority of us not eat junk food before we started our weightloss journeys? If something smells good, they'll eat it. Doesn't mean they were meant to.

    I've mentored on proper pet nutrition. And I've seen the changes in going from kibble to home prepared, meat diets. I had an old Pit Bull x Beagle mix with severe hypothyroidism, and you can just imagine my joy when, after adjusting to her proper diet, her thyroid fixed itself and she was able to come completely off of her medications! She was like a puppy again!

    Just my two cents.