August 2017 Running Challenge



  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Total - 86.4/120 Miles
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    ha ha my friend just posted this on facebook - sorry it's so big when I tried to make it smaller it was too hard to read the letter.


    HA! Love it! And glad it is not real at the same time! :lol:
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    "possession of a fuel belt in a 5k" made me laugh out loud. There were a couple of guilty people at the one I ran at the weekend. Though for full disclosure, I should confess that I was also guilty of something on that list.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @skippygirlsmom You didn't kneed that diet Coke anyhow. I'mma let it grow out now and see just how hairy they are.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @BruinsGal_91 it doesn't count as full disclosure if you don't tell us which one and send me a check :wink:
    @elise4270 ha ha just in time for winter
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    oh dear. I took my top off in my first HM at the first aid station and ran in just my sports bra. Nobody should have had to see that. I even asked someone to take a picture of me at one point and am mortified by what I see. Abdominal crunches and planks are the way forward.....

    number 8 I see a lot of on my morning runs. It's mostly other females. One day I am going to go right up to them and put my face in their's and yell 'MORNING!!' at them. I may not speak so well in the morning, but I make sure I acknowledge people.

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    a good 3 mile morning run this morning. legs are NOW aching from weights on Tuesday, but I ran through it. My left calf is still being problematic, and there's the suspicion of shin splints, but I am choosing to blithely carry on. I am off hiking over the bank holiday long weekend) so there'll be no running so I think it'll be okay.

  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    oh dear. I took my top off in my first HM at the first aid station and ran in just my sports bra. Nobody should have had to see that. I even asked someone to take a picture of me at one point and am mortified by what I see. Abdominal crunches and planks are the way forward.....

    number 8 I see a lot of on my morning runs. It's mostly other females. One day I am going to go right up to them and put my face in their's and yell 'MORNING!!' at them. I may not speak so well in the morning, but I make sure I acknowledge people.

    I always acknowledge fellow runners. And get very miffed when they don't respond.

    Oh, and I think no. 1 needs a higher fine. I had a young lad stop directly in front of me in a crowded 5k because he wanted to tie his shoelaces. It could have been very messy indeed, but I managed to leapfrog over him and got a congratulatory high-five from a spectator.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @seanevan10 well done on running non-stop!! That's it now, we've got you in our grasp and you'll never escape the running world.....

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    ha ha my friend just posted this on facebook - sorry it's so big when I tried to make it smaller it was too hard to read the letter.


    Number 2 definitely, but that's because me being near other humans is a rare thing, so my snot rockets aren't going to hit anyone but me. Number 4, I did once, but I'm trail, NEVER, it's always pack it out or to the next AS.
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    ha ha my friend just posted this on facebook - sorry it's so big when I tried to make it smaller it was too hard to read the letter.


    I live in an area with a lot of really old out of shape people, can we please raise the fine on #5?

    Side question: Has anyone donated plasma and how did it affect your running? I know you get most everything back including the red blood cells but I have 15 miles to cover the following day so I'm not sure how much it is going to kill me/should I reschedule my run.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    @katharmonic The 5K I'm running on Saturday is called a "Dog Jog". I'll be running dogless cause my puppies are so crazy!
    @skippygirlsmom That is hilarious! I, also, am guilty of an infraction. But since I run alone and in the great outdoors, nobody but the squirrels ever know. :smiley:
    @MobyCarp I am so sorry that you're out of the running game this month. I hope you heal quickly and burn up the road again, soon!

    Ran my 3 miles this morning in the lovely 60F weather. Ahh! I hope it sticks around for a while!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2017
    girlinahat wrote: »
    oh dear. I took my top off in my first HM at the first aid station and ran in just my sports bra. Nobody should have had to see that. I even asked someone to take a picture of me at one point and am mortified by what I see. Abdominal crunches and planks are the way forward.....

    number 8 I see a lot of on my morning runs. It's mostly other females. One day I am going to go right up to them and put my face in their's and yell 'MORNING!!' at them. I may not speak so well in the morning, but I make sure I acknowledge people.

    Well. I run with my shirt off. I just don't dare catch my reflection in the car window. It's hot, I'm just as "soft" with a shirt on. And one park I run at, there are swimmers. I see some brave folks walking the trails in shorts and a bra or swim top. The male runners are cut little bean poles, so I just suck it in when they pass :wink:

    ETA I'm on a squat quest, if I can have larger legs and more butt... :tongue:
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    ha ha my friend just posted this on facebook - sorry it's so big when I tried to make it smaller it was too hard to read the letter.


    Ha! I actually used a belt at my last 5k -- Just not for fuel. I have asthma and carry my inhaler when I run. I also needed somewhere to put my keys. I had no idea I was being so uncool.... ;)