JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 14



  • tomcat941
    tomcat941 Posts: 47 Member
    Starting weight 126.5
    Goal weight for R14 123
    Final goal weight 112

    8/21. 125.75 (nice number to start with!)

    8/22 125! - I know I obviously didn't lost 3/4 of a pound overnight, but hopefully this is a real lost that has just been masked until now. Still quite chuffed about this. I'm hoping to get down to 124 by thursday (my weekly weigh in, I weigh everyday but this one i use for comparison and do other measurements) even if it is 124.75. On the right track, but won't be too gutted if it goes up again as long as I keep eating healthy.

    8/23 125.75 Back up to where I was haha. I had a lot of sodium yesterday and did an initial test for strength training challenges, which involved going to the maximum amount of reps I could do, so possibility I am retaining water for that as well. Oh well. I also finished level 1 of the 30DS, so I'm ready to move onto Level 2 now. I feel smaller, and I know I'm stronger, so it's just a matter of time till the scale represents it. My official weigh in is tomorrow, so I wonder If I'll reach my goal of being within 124.

    8/24 -126.75 I'm actually quite upset about this, because it seems to imply I didn't lose any weight this week and that the days on the scale were just lying to me :/ i guess it's possible it's because I'm still sore from exercise yesterday? Idk. On plus side I've lost 1 cm from my hips, thigh and arm, and 1/2 cm from my waist since last week (but they could always be off...so)

    8/25 -126.25 I'm upset and annoyed as the fact I'm back up here seems to suggest I haven't lost any weight and this has all just been a natural fluctuation of about 2lbs. Which means I've lost nothing in over two weeks :(

  • PlummerBecky
    PlummerBecky Posts: 47 Member
    This is my second Round with this so goal is 179.XX
    I always seem to stall at 180 and I my ultimate goal is 148.00
    I am hoping this helps to keep on track daily
    SW Round 12: 181.2
    SW round 13 180.6
    8/20 180.6
    8/21 181.8 WRONG WAY.... up 1.2 but had a lot of root veggies and salty ham for dinner so think it is water retention.
    8/22 180.2 back in the right direction... Basement flooded yesterday so the work out of the day was bailing out the basement

    8/23 180.6 had ice cream last night so I am not bad with the .4 going to try to behave myself today.. Work Meeting with Refreshments. ( my down fall are donuts)
    8/24 183.8 Bad day at work.. stress ate
    8/25 181.8 still bad at work but tried to not eat the stress I am doubting that I will make it to my 179.XX by the end of the 10 days.
  • RandJ6280
    RandJ6280 Posts: 1,162 Member
    Starting Weight 226.2
    Current Weight 225.1
    Overall Goal Weight 190

    Round 14
    8/21 - 226.2
    8/22 ` 224.3
    8/23 -222.6
    8/24 – 225.3 WOW, I knew I should have said no to going out for Mexican food. YIKES. After eating good for a week then eating like I did last night… I felt bad all night. But I was able to get up and get a workout in before work!
    8/25 – 225.1 Quiet night last night… to quiet. I did keep to one of my new goals, do not eat after 7 at night. I didn’t drink as much water as I wanted, and dinner was high in sodium…. But my mind set is still focused on my goal.. GET HEALTHY, EAT SMART, GET STRONG