2017 Adopt a Noob Discussion



  • Theeerica
    Theeerica Posts: 45 Member
    I would like to be adopted, I'm 46 and am battling Hashimoto's disease. Two of the major symptom’s is weight gain and crushing fatigue. I joined in hopes that the structure of logging my meals will keep me accountable, and help improve my health. My fatigue gets worse if I over exert myself, so I'm more focused on cutting out sugar and processed foods than I am on exercise. If someone thinks we would be a good match I could really use the support. :smile:
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'd love to be a mentor.

    A little background:
    I'm 41 and live in West Texas. Was overweight, then obese, then morbidly obese by the time I was 33. At 37 I hit rock bottom, I tried ever "diet" and gimmick out there. Then one day, I just got sick & tired of being sick & tired.

    I am down to about 180lbs and still going. It's slow, but I don't mind. Progress is progress.

    I'm a single mother who just recently "retired" in order to go back to school full time to finish my degree.

    I know exactly what it's like to not be physically able to do most exercizes because of weight. When "just do a 30 minute walk" was not going to happen because of the pain in my knees, ankles and feet from carrying my weight. It's hard to change, especially after more than a decade of doing the same thing over and over again.

    I started seriously lifting weights about 6 months ago, I love it! I still do regular cardio and try to incorporate new and different things into my life.

    I am generally a positive person, with a bit of a snarky sense of humor.

    I've done mentoring in business. I'm more than willing to help out anyone willing to accept help.
  • Theeerica
    Theeerica Posts: 45 Member
    Adopt me @VeronicaA76 :smile:
  • SherryLong01
    SherryLong01 Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2017
    would like to be adopted :smiley: I live in Cleveland, Georgia and I want to lose 80 pounds.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    edited August 2017
    would like to be adopted :smiley: I live in Cleveland, Georgia and I want to lose 80 pounds.

    Hi! I am willing to adopt you, just FR me. My quick bio is above.
  • Gibbler78
    Gibbler78 Posts: 1 Member
    Id like to be adopted. Im 39 from Canada. 185 lbs and 5 foot 1. 4 Children. Married. I work an 8-5 Monday-Friday Job. Kids have lots of activities in the evening. Im a busy person, but not active. Maybe 6000 steps per day. Ive been a member for a while and was even successful at one point in losing 37 lbs by CICO (Calories In Calories Out) Starting again. Open Food Diary. Looking for a mentor !!
  • kolson111322
    kolson111322 Posts: 34 Member
    edited August 2017
    I'm looking for a mentor to adopt me. I'm back after a long time away from MFP. I'm looking for someone close to my age and can pull out the pom-poms and also give me a kick in the behind and also be a sympathetic ear for those times I may get frustrated or need advice.

    -I'm 30.
    -Type 2 diabetic
    -62 pounds thereabouts to lose
    -looking to train and walk a 5k
    -Haven't been active at all so I'll be starting from scratch.
    -I think my food diary is open.
    -hoping to get and exceed 10,000 steps a day
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Everyone who needs a helping hand can check out my mentor bio and tell me if we'd click! :)
  • kolson111322
    kolson111322 Posts: 34 Member
    zcb94 wrote: »
    Everyone who needs a helping hand can check out my mentor bio and tell me if we'd click! :)

    I think you'd click very nicely as a mentor for me. Let me know if you agree.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Gibbler78 wrote: »
    Id like to be adopted. Im 39 from Canada. 185 lbs and 5 foot 1. 4 Children. Married. I work an 8-5 Monday-Friday Job. Kids have lots of activities in the evening. Im a busy person, but not active. Maybe 6000 steps per day. Ive been a member for a while and was even successful at one point in losing 37 lbs by CICO (Calories In Calories Out) Starting again. Open Food Diary. Looking for a mentor !!

    Check out my bio above. See if we click. If so, I'd be more that willing to adopt you as a mentor.
  • Shalala_Land
    Shalala_Land Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to he adopted. 41yo female in Halifax, Canada. Need some initial guidance to get started.

    Me:5'7" and 205 lbs. Healthy and active, bit need to lose 40 lbs of fat.

    I walk, sail, hike; I eat healthy and no processed foods but my thyroid slows my metabolism. Now that I seem to be on the right medication dose and my energy levels are back up, I need to kickstart my metabolism.

    Enjoy fitness classes (spin, pump, boxercise) and don't mind weightlifting.

    Is it reasonable to start with machines before going to barbells?

    I just want to lose the fat my thyroid has caused me to gain and become stronger! Not focussed on the scale, more focussed on being a better Me!

  • SSGKunze
    SSGKunze Posts: 21 Member
    If someone want's to pass cool features of this site on to me ? I just found out you can PM and request people on here lol. I'm about as new to this as possible.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'd like to he adopted. 41yo female in Halifax, Canada. Need some initial guidance to get started.

    Me:5'7" and 205 lbs. Healthy and active, bit need to lose 40 lbs of fat.

    I walk, sail, hike; I eat healthy and no processed foods but my thyroid slows my metabolism. Now that I seem to be on the right medication dose and my energy levels are back up, I need to kickstart my metabolism.

    Enjoy fitness classes (spin, pump, boxercise) and don't mind weightlifting.

    Is it reasonable to start with machines before going to barbells?

    I just want to lose the fat my thyroid has caused me to gain and become stronger! Not focussed on the scale, more focussed on being a better Me!


    I'm 41 from. Texas. 180lbs, used to be over 300lbs!!!

    As far as weight training, machines have thier uses, as does cables and free weights. Learing how to use them all for a better workout is better than just sticking to one or the other. I do cardio daily (because it's good for me, not because I get any joy out of it) and love weight lifting. My bio is above. FR me if you think we click.
  • ckorenowski
    ckorenowski Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2017
    Any experienced keto mentors willing to adopt a keto noob?
  • Ginamg08
    Ginamg08 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for help and direction. Type 2 diabetic. *a little history* March 2016 I was taking metformin and it wasn't helping my blood sugar. My blood sugar averages 400+ I've had my meter read HI which indicates over 600. Aug 2016 i went back to my Dr and got put on insulin injections. I gained 50lbs in 2 months with no success of my sugar being controlled through medicine. My Dr had no answers. So essentially I gave up. I lost the 50lbs since then. About 2 weeks ago I found a lump on my neck (my mom has history of non-hodgekin lymphoma) so I went to see a Dr about that. She was so shocked about my blood sugar numbers she said she wasn't even concerned about the lump (ended up being swollen gland) she told me she would make it a priority to know why my body isn't responding to medicine. She said if I don't do something I will be on dialysis by 30 (I'm 27 now) she recommended the keto diet for me and since Wednesday I've been watching what I've been consuming. Last Sunday my blood sugar was 448 today it is 218 which is still not good but I'm on the road to recovery. Need some guidance and recipes to not be tempted to quit. Thanks in advance for advice and good recipes!
  • Rottingtone
    Rottingtone Posts: 26 Member
    Looking for some "guidance".
    Just started out trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I mostly lift weights and walk occasionally.
    I'm an open book and just would like to gain some more knowledge about this.

    -open food dairy.

    I'm a 24 y/o male 5'11. 251 pounds.
    I'm from Thornton,Colorado
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Giant thanks to all our new mentor volunteers!

    @bee_bee8 @LarryRacesBikes @tweaking_time @VeronicaA76 @emilyb117

    Have all been added to the list of available mentors in the opening post.

    Noobs, please reach out to these mentors via private message to see if they are interested in adopting you.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    edited August 2017
    I used to weigh 250 pounds and used Atkins (now called keto), Weight Watchers, and ultimately MFP/diet/exercise to reach goal (175 pounds or less). I cycle, swim, and run regularly and log daily. Add me if you want.

  • angi373
    angi373 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like someone to adopt me :-) I'm interested in someone who can assist with eating healthy and weight loss. I'm 45 years old and am 215lbs at 5'3". Due to having a busy job and the commute I have joined cookinglightdiet which provides dinner recipes for 7 days ( I find this holds me more accountable when I already have things planned out ahead of time) and have started counting calories on a 1200 cal per day. I have a fitbit HR that feeds into it but my job is pretty sedentary and on a really good day I can reach 7000 steps. I have a gym membership (have for awhile) today was my first day back and tomorrow 8/31 I will be meeting with a personal trainer to hold me accountable in my working out. I hope someone is willing to take me on, I'm not big on posting
  • Leahbcc
    Leahbcc Posts: 38 Member
    I would like to be adopted....even though I am nearing my five year mark....I am almost 49...have two children that live with their father {21 &14}I have lost almost fifty pounds...it is a slow process. 5"3 and under 200. About nine years ago my life changed...I broke my entire right side...arm, knee, and ankle...was told I would walk with a quad cane for the rest of my life...Citizen Sugar Cane whom I don't use at all any more. I have defied all the odds that where placed in front of me. I still see the "FAT" person. I have worked with the same trainer for years and only get to the gym when I see her....I work in an office and not easy to get up and move. I have cut out so much and changing for the better. Any help or support would be great as I want to show my children that I am not about to give up or in. Thank you
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