

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    I think, having had cancer, I feel it is important to "seize the day" and not spend too much time trying to guarantee a future that might never happen. Of course, over here, health care is free and the state will step in if you are destitute. Not a great option though and I have every intention of avoiding such a sad end.
    Keeping fit and eating well is our best insurance against decrepitude, but even that can't stop "stuff happening". I do not intend to allow myself to deteriorate so far that I need full time nursing care in a home. I think quality of life is more important than just being alive. Luckily I have no religious faith that prevents me from taking charge of my own life and death. I just hope I am compos mentis enough to know when is the right time. Hospice would also be a good option if the cancer came back.
    DH gets upset when I talk like that, but I think he is wrong.
    I am currently spending my assets and have very little income. I don't mind being all spent out when I go though it does feel quite scary when I see the numbers charging downwards. DH is more cautious, but knows that hanging on to money we will never enjoy is not sensible. I also don't want a funeral, just a party after I'm gone if people think I'm worth it.

    Of course, I could be gone tomorrow. .....

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Heather couldn't agree more, my DH and I agree that we spend what we've got while we are fit and well. Both our kids tell us to do it too.

    Kate UK

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) The audio book I'm listening to now is "Finding Ultra" by Rich Roll. The author is a man in his 40's who found joy in ultra athletic challenges (Iron Man and similar triathlons) after recovering from alcoholism and finding himself overweight and winded just climbing the stairs in his house. It is inspiring reading even though such challenges are beyond me, it encourages me to keep striving to do more than I'm doing now. I highly recommend the book.

    I might find that interesting ... especially given that I do ultras. :) My type of cycling is called "ultradistance" ... really long distance cycling.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    terri VT . Corning, NY is in the fingerlakes region west ny. If you love nature, the area is truly breathtaking, then head up to Niagra about 2.5 miles NW. DOnt think it's a day trip for you.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    edited August 2017
    Joyce lovely garden.

    Mary prayers for your transition.

    Prayers for Texas as they survive this crisis and recover.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary Thank you. I certainly will be praying the warm dry climate helps with the Lymes disease. I know job wise will work out for you DH. Do let us know how things are going. I hear you about becoming snowbirds. <3<3

    Janetr okc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria: I love the photo of you and the fur girls. :smiley:

    Heather: I hope you are not gone tomorrow, or any time in the next few decades. Please tell DH to send us all a note if things go terribly wrong. :heart:

    Mary from MN: Good luck on your move. I hope it all goes smoothly and you & DH are happy. Do you still have Shep? We haven't heard about him in a while. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: The story about HEB stepping in to help Texans hit hard by the storm & flooding is amazing and heartwarming. Thanks for sharing. :heart:

    Rye in TX: You are generous and caring, and wise enough to realize that "just in case" is happening to many people in your state. I admire your generosity. :flowerforyou:

    I plan to go to yoga again today. I've missed so many classes because of travel and health conflicts over the past several months that I'm not as strong and supple as I'd like to be. Time to get back to work on being a strong and healthy me!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Gloria and Michele – One way to get your mail after you move is to go to the PO and fill out a ‘change of address’ card. It takes a couple of days for it to take effect. Writing to the people who send out your bill statements can also be told to change; most have a block you fill in showing a change of address with a place to put the new address. Sometimes we’ll get mail that have our street address number; but the name of the street is wrong. I will just mark on it that the street name is wrong and put it back into the mailbox and pull the flag up so mail carrier to know I have outgoing mail. She’s really good when we receive something too big in the box to bring it down to the house and I don’t have to go into town to get it (unless I have to sign for it).

    Gloria – I love your picture.

    We decided to hit my retirement and pay off all credit cards. But, when you pay several of them the interest rate goes up; and, your payments go down. I had one that charged 25.99%. I added them all up and divided it by the number we had and I realized it would take us 15 years to pay them off, if we never used them again and only paid the minimum amount.

    DDnL#2 had sent me the Dave Ramsey books because that is how she got out of debt after her divorce and then she had a lot more to pay on her house and only has about 5 years to pay for it. They really would like to live on a lake that is about equal distance to each of their job. But, now that she has found out they are pregnant (IVF) the house situation has temporarily put off. She, especially, doesn’t want them to be ‘stretched’ to the limit. Will wants to ‘build’ and he does ‘not’ want to live ‘in town’ (for several reasons). What he suggested was something we did not do because of our ages. We took our retirement money and then reinvested the balance (which wasn’t that much); but, we do have an ‘emergency fund’ and a ‘budget’.

    There is so much I could do to keep me from worrying about retirement. Especially, now that we don’t have any ‘personal’ cc bills. Only one of Louis (business) we did not pay off, just down a lot. He only uses it on rare occasions to buy paint sometimes. Some paints cost over $100 a gallon and sometimes he has to buy 5, depending on the job.

    DOS works for him; but, he has no desire to ‘take over the business’, even when DH tells him that being ‘self-employed’ has its perks. But, of course, he would have to find a crew; and, that is sometimes hard to do – find one that is good, dependable, and honest.

    Toni – Both my sisters were/are teachers. Oldest one ‘retired’ after having the 2nd bout of breast cancer and stopped ‘going for her PhD’. She ‘might’ one day go for it; but, I doubt it. She is a young 72. But she would never teach and since her DH had a stroke in October, they want to continue to travel like they have been doing. Middle sister is now in Administration with her job and only ‘fills’ in if one of the teachers has to be home due to sickness or for appointments.

    Tiffanie – Our feather pillows need to be washed; but, not if they are going to come apart. Did they only lose their feathers when you put them in the dryer? Maybe I could wash them and lay them out in the sun to dry. Louis is so attached to his, that he’d be upset if I screwed it up. He does have a king-sized feather pillow; but, he doesn’t want to have to break in another. Unless my nose is stopped up; I rarely use my new one either. But, mine has begun good to be soft and pliable. Oh, I could think of one or two people I’d like to ‘tar and feather’.

    Sharon – My Will won’t ever talk to DDnL#1 because of ‘how she treated his wife’. This morning I told him that he really needed to tell his brother that they are going to have a baby; because Louis could possibly slip up and say something. I did not ‘think’ it would be good for him to find out about it on ‘FB’. Tami has deactivated her account and Will, being the private man he is, has never had one. He told me this morning that when I posted to Tami, it went to all her friends. So I told him I would not do it because I’ve said something that made her friends ‘not understand the jokingly way I had posted it. She asked me ‘if’ she could take it down, and I did not mind. My DOGD has done the same. I think that my MGD has blocked me; but, that is OK, too. I can still see her postings if I want to. I do send her posts that I share only with her, so nobody else sees it. I’m still FB ignorant.

    Heather – Now I try to “seize the day” as well. I have medical conditions that are (for the most park) controlled by medication and ‘thankfully’ it seems I have an ‘aura’ before each and it is ‘different’ for each. For one, I just go lay down. The other, I get Louis to ‘talk me down’. But, I see my MD for that every 3 months … so I am honest about those times I have felt like ‘calling him’ and ‘having him tweak all my medications’. Some that I take can sometimes interfere with the others I take. But, the ‘good’ they do outweighs the ‘bad’ they do.
    We’ve been spending our retirement down; and now what little bit we had left over is in something I cannot take out prior to 12 months; without a huge fee’ taking out of it. We’ve put off our Texas trip until spring; but, if everything is all messed up; we might take another place to go. I’d like to go to Nashville, TN.
    I’d rather have my family have a party thrown on than to have a funeral, too.

    We have enough insurance to pay off the house (and maybe the car), other than that, nothing is encumbered so they would just have to ‘eat it’. Or go to the expense of trying to sue my sons. Most of the time – it isn’t worth their while, especially is the balance is low. The only 2 I carry are Belk’s and Victoria Secret; but, with low balances and I can pay them off in 2 of 3 months; and, I don’t uses them until they are paid off. Now, I am waiting until I change sizes before buying anything else. So far I am going from about 160 – 165 lbs. Last Tuesday the scale went up about 2 lbs., but, she still said I was doing good because what needed to go down did,what need to go up did and most of what needed to go down did. But, it is still frustrating to watch the scale go up.

    I should get a shower and get dressed and walk, because it looks like we are having a lull in the rain we’ve been getting.

    Lisa – We saw 3 or 4 HEB trucks on our way to Louisiana. Maybe coming from Atlanta. Saw them on the Interstate that we turn off to once we get through Cuba, Alabama.

    One of Will’s bosses sent him an email last night that showed where the hurricane was; but, wondered ‘where the state of Mississippi was because it did not show it one the map. Maybe they just reversed the names.

    Allie – Good that you are getting a lot of sleep; that makes it better to stay strong and continue packing up.

    NYKaren – Tami gets tired and takes a nap in the afternoon. I don’t think she is coming back out here tonight; this is when she has her short visitation with her child; but, she is going to meet us at the pizza parlor for supper tonight in town. For Will’s birthday we will take him out to Rue 61. They took us out to The Old General Store this past Sunday. I ‘tried’ to be ‘good’ but I wasn’t. It has been raining most days so I only have one that was nice enough to walk a little.

    I can sleep when we drive out here; it is easier to do on our way home, so I won’t cry all the way. I stay awake on our way out because I am ‘so’ excited! I guess when the baby comes we might come out here; but, will stay at a hotel/motel.

    Terry in VT – Our cat has always been around a dog; he is nosey enough to make friends with them. At first he wasn’t thrilled about Cracker until he realized they could play together if they caught a lizard. But, Cracker gets bored and kills it. When we are one the deck Tux rubs up against Cracker and it drives him crazy. I remember once (it might have been Shorty; but I doubt it) Tux can running up the driveway towards the back of the dog; and butt whacked her hard enough to knock her off her feet. It was so funny because Tux just kept running as if he had not done anything.

    I’ve got to get busy with my exercise when we get home. We are eating much too much; but, I love the food out here. We’ll be bringing home the gumbo that Will made for us.

    Mary – Has John checked with the company from this end? Sometimes a company will prefer to fill vacancies from within than to have to train a new person.

    My husband is also a ‘workaholic’ and he says they will find him ‘dead’ in the bushes with him moving her hand up and down as if he is painting. He is also way past retirement age at 75 (turns 76 on November 2nd.
    I think the only place we’d move to would be FL; but, if Louis were to pass away, I might not stay in my home. Although I know my DOS would look in on me daily. If I did not have to change all MDs; I might would want to live in Natchez somewhere. I don’t want to ‘move in’ with either child.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora- yes, my DH has worked with the president of his company here and the president made calls to the president and people in Arizona. The issue is that they are going through a transition and should not have posted the positions because they were really not ready to interview or deal with new people. It will be their loss because when my DH started here in Minnesota he took the majority of business from the company that he is currently working for. He will give them the courtesy of reaching out to them when we move down there next week but, he has no loyalty to them because his small independent food service company was bought by them and he really has only been working for them for a year and a half. I can see the same thing happening again, because he is excellent at his job he will be building whoever he works for a substantial amount of business.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all! Just a quick check in to say I'm thinking of all of you and sending blessings to those affected by the weather in TX and other areas. Meg from Omaha
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    My August Goals:
    ~ Stay under 1500 calories daily - not including exercise ---
    8/1 = 1,289 8/2 = 1,151 8/3 = 1,295 8/4 = 1,780 8/5 = 1,390
    8/6 = 1,323 8/7 = 1,454 8/8 = 1,275 8/9 = 1,114 8/10 = 548
    8/11 = 1,233 8/12 = 1,500 8/13 = 1,811 8/14 = 1,221 8/15 = 1,565
    8/16 = 1,429 8/17 = 1,391 8/18 = ?? 8/19 = ?? 8/20 = ??
    8/21 = 1,172 8/22 = 1,107 8/23 = 1,111 8/24 = 1,555 8/25 = ??
    8/26 = 1,130 8/27 = 1,537 8/28 = 1,278
    ~ Walk 5k steps daily ---
    8/1 = no app 8/2 = no app 8/3 = 3,980 8/4 = 4,675 8/5 = 7,306
    8/6 = 3,374 8/7 = 3,132 8/8 = 2,852 8/9 = 4,551 8/10 = 5,041
    8/11 = 4,211 8/12 = 7,250 8/13 = 5,011 8/14 = 3,218 8/15 = 5,364
    8/16 = 3,556 8/17 = 3,181 8/18 = 5,345 8/19 = 3,749 8/20 = 3,512
    8/21 = 6,873 8/22 = 4,123 8/23 = 6,642 8/24 = 4,976 8/25 = 4,477
    8/26 = 4,891 8/27 = 4,131 8/28 = 4,496
    ~ Plexus regimen ---
    8/1 = yes 8/2 = yes 8/3 = yes 8/4 = yes 8/5 = yes
    8/6 = no 8/7 = yes 8/8 = yes 8/9 = yes 8/10 = yes
    8/11 = no 8/12 = no 8/13 = no 8/14 = yes 8/15 = yes
    8/16 = no 8/17 = no 8/18 = no 8/19 = no 8/20 = no
    8/21 = no 8/22 = yes 8/23 = yes 8/24 = yes 8/25 = no
    8/26 = no 8/27 = no 8/28 = yes
    ~ WATER equal or exceeding 64 ounces ---
    8/1 = 80oz 8/2 = 72oz 8/3 = 64oz 8/4 = 70oz 8/5 = ??
    8/6 = ?? 8/7 = 66oz 8/8 = 70oz 8/9 = 56oz 8/10 = 142oz
    8/11 = 56oz 8/12 = 64oz 8/13 = 60oz 8/14 = 48oz 8/15 = 56oz
    8/16 = 64oz 8/17 = 64oz 8/18 = 80oz 8/19 = 64oz 8/20 = 48oz
    8/21 = 60oz 8/22 = 68oz 8/23 = 48oz 8/24 = 48oz 8/25 = 48oz
    8/26 = 32oz 8/27 = 72oz 8/28 = 64oz

    ~ Toni - that kind of retirement is one I could certainly look forward to!

    ~ Retirement thought - My other thought is to work part time at a library...LOL...go figure! I'm pretty sure my destiny is to hang out at my job until the day I'm called to the crossroads and they'll take me out on a gurney. I'm terrified of idle time, because "retirement" killed both my Daddy and step Dad in my opinion. I want to embrace every day and give it all because we're never guaranteed a tomorrow. Sure, I have LOADS of dreams about US travel...I've still got a few states up in the NE corner of the US that I haven't been to, so I have a bucket list. Plus, a lot of PTO too...

    ~ Glow - great photo!

    ~ Mary from soon to be AZ - welcome to the desert soon! Shep is adorable, and be prepared for LOTS of shedding after the move as the heat will prompt that with the pup...

    +++++ Mom lost her best friend of 60+ years yesterday, which was a blessing as she has been bedridden quadriplegic for about 2 decades after a massive stroke in her 50's...scary to think I'm the same age she had that stroke! Mom is grieving, but I believe she's at peace because Sue is no longer suffering...Sue lived in southern OR and Mom is in FL. We were able to visit her last summer when we were there for a family reunion, and I remember Sue saying she didn't expect to see her best friend again, so hug her extra tight - even if she couldn't feel it - because my Mom gives great hugs. I shared that memory with Mom yesterday and she thanked me for the reminder, and informed me that Sue's estate has included something for her. She has no idea what it could be, but she's hoping it's their HS yearbook - which Sue still had a copy of and Mom lost hers years ago.

    I had a sleep study done over the weekend, and my allergies have been attacking me since then. I've never had a sleep study before, and perhaps should have asked about how it would affect my allergies, or if there were precautions I should have taken, etc. I have an appointment with my primary care on the 22nd, where I will get my sleep study results, and will make SURE to tell her that the mask over my nose and mouth causes me anxiety AND my sinuses have been assaulted as well. I do NOT like the idea and hope there are appropriate alternatives!

    Much love and respect from Vegas,
    Dorrie aka TrulyDivyn
    "If plan 'A' fails, remember there are 25 more letters!" --- Sam Q
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Katla - Thank you. <3 I hope I live happily and healthily for a looooong time. :D I am just not interested in eking out my days half alive. :o:D My thinking is, now is the time to live my life, not when I'm too old to enjoy it.
    Not sure I could get DH to post on here. :o He thinks you are all trolls and imposters. :laugh: If I were to leave you all for other reasons I would have the courtesy of informing you all. <3 If I suddenly stop - I've had a terrible accident. :bigsmile:

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxx