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Flu shots? For them or against ?



  • descene
    descene Posts: 97 Member
    edited August 2017
    They're fine, I just don't get them myself. My parents never had me get them and I've literally never had the flu so I have never bothered. If I was older or got colds more often, I probably would, but I never catch anything that's going around.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    If there was independent research that showed the cost/reward of flu shots as being positive it would be helpful.

    That was the study out of an university in Europe that did show taking Vitamin D offered more protection from the flu viris than getting a flu shot. This subject seems to be more based on emotional positions than actual science.

    Did Vitamin D pay your fee this month?

    And this is from someone who has been taking 400mg a day since May because I never see the sun in winter, and has had the flu once (already explained I can't get the shot due to a reaction) along with multiple colds, literally been sick almost non-stop since June. Full blood workups show all levels optimal.

    If you have been taking 400 mg daily for three months and can still post you may have set a medical record. Just 2.5 mg in one day equals 100,000 IU of Vitamin D3 taken.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited August 2017
    If there was independent research that showed the cost/reward of flu shots as being positive it would be helpful.

    That was the study out of an university in Europe that did show taking Vitamin D offered more protection from the flu viris than getting a flu shot. This subject seems to be more based on emotional positions than actual science.

    Did Vitamin D pay your fee this month?

    And this is from someone who has been taking 400mg a day since May because I never see the sun in winter, and has had the flu once (already explained I can't get the shot due to a reaction) along with multiple colds, literally been sick almost non-stop since June. Full blood workups show all levels optimal.

    If you have been taking 400 mg daily for three months and can still post you may have set a medical record. Just 2.5 mg in one day equals 100,000 IU of Vitamin D3 taken.

    Apologies, I mistyped and meant 4000 IU per day. My point stands.
  • FatAFNoMore
    FatAFNoMore Posts: 73 Member
    They are free to get their shots as they are high risk. I do not oppose it for others. I am an avid hand washer and don't often touch my face so that is the best way to avoid being sick in my personal experience. Others may have less of a tolerance to germs and should then get the shot.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Herd immunity GIF.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    The only reason I get emotional about anti-vaxx is the virulent spread of misinformation. I take Vitamin D and I line up first day for flu shots.

    The non-emotional reasons:


    Do you have a link that applies to the flu shots which is the subject of this thread?

    If you find independent evidence of the validity of getting the flu shot please post but please do not keep trying to change the subject from the flu to other health conditions. There are places that I would not go without specific shots because of their need.

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