Going to lose 100lbs.



  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 404 Member
    edited August 2017

    Expect this is a journey. A lifetime commitment.
    One foot in front of the other. One day at a time.
    This journey isn't linear. You will go forward but will stumble sometimes. You will go forward and backward. It's all part of this path we follow

    I agree. It is lots of little changes over a lifetime.
    You will learn as you go along what foods you like, what suits you and what you can do better.

    Research new recipes, save the MFP nutrition tips cook and prepare your own meals.
    There are many of us in the same position as you.

    I have taken two years to lose 75 pounds and have a long way to go.
    I am learning every day. I don't pretend to know everything. I am open to advice and crave current and new health information.

    On this journey, when I have a bad day of eating, I just start over again.

    Good luck on your journey Ammagio
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    @theabsentmindednurse I agree with this so much I do have to add, daily your body put on and loses a few lbs due to water weight, eating etc, you are bound to put on weight but don't be disheartened, even if you were so good the whole week and resisted that craving don't think "Frack this, I'm going to drown my sorrows in a huge tub of ice cream" or "frack this fracking diet I'm so over it" just shake it off, have a little treat in moderation and get back on with it the next day, our bodies change so much throughout the weight loss, we gain muscles over long periods of time which is another reason weight gain may happen, its just a whole part of life, I have had those "frack this eating healthy shizz" due to not losing as much as I hoped or even putting on a lb or 2, it happens, the first time it happened I will admit I kinda ate my way through a tub of ice cream but I felt so guilty afterwards and I gained more due to it, now I just have a moment where I feel frustrated but I think about what I ate that week and if I ate more or exercised less than I usually do I take that into account and edit accordingly or if I didn't change anything I give it a few more weeks and then ask advice to see what I'm missing, I'm not going to lie sometimes it is hard but I would rather have days where I am frustrated about not being able to eat that junk food or take out and try and find other healthier alternatives to what I am craving as I would lose the weight and think in "such and such time" I will be "this much" lighter.... Sorry rambling yet again :blush: lets just say I have been craving potato waffles dripping in butter these last few days to the point of smelling it haha! but not giving in as I know I will suffer not just with guilt but I will most likely have a gallbladder attack again :neutral: so looking into a way to satisfy that craving without suffering :D
  • darkshadowlouise
    darkshadowlouise Posts: 9 Member
    I have 100+ to lose, struggling though since I'm cooking different meals for me and for the rest of my family
  • theabsentmindednurse
    theabsentmindednurse Posts: 404 Member
    Hi. Yes being vegetarian and married to a butcher ( yes it's true), I do the same. I am making seperate meals much of the time.
    What I can suggest is make a big portion for yourself. I make a large stockpot of vegetable curry, red lentil and vegetable soup and vegetable bakes.
    I freeze in single portions, then dinner is done.
    It is a juggling act and the prep takes time, but the commitment is worth it and it does get easier.

    We are all in the same boat so we can uplift each other when it all gets too much, rhnj19ek2mzc.jpg
    My curried cauliflower soup I made this morning
  • amaggio2
    amaggio2 Posts: 30 Member
    Just know we have your backs! stay strong!
  • 76Crane76
    76Crane76 Posts: 133 Member
    I have roughly 80-100 lbs to lose for a healthy BMI...I log daily & have a great group of motivational friends!!
    I have prepared to b on here a long time for the maintenance part...the invitation is out there for anyone to add me!

  • pepsismum
    pepsismum Posts: 9 Member
    add me too ive got loads to loose and need support
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    By the time I'm at my goal I will have lost 120lbs+. I'm always happy to have more pals to keep me on track and you're most welcome to add me =).
  • 16lec
    16lec Posts: 1 Member
    New here! Starting my journey to my goals TODAY! Let's Go!
  • amaggio2
    amaggio2 Posts: 30 Member
    How is everyone doing! updates with losses...struggles?/
  • nathanrchronister
    nathanrchronister Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone who is seeking to lose 100+ lbs.... DO IT... IT IS POSSIBLE NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!

    I have dropped just over 100 lbs in the last 2 years. Through a couple health events, I began losing weight and it motivated me to really put in the effort. I've lost 10 lbs in the last month or so after I hit a plateau in my weight and began using MFP to track calories.

    I am currently doing a regimen of eating well (mostly anyway... I don't fret about a soda now and again or some chocolate or ice cream) and exercise... I have been running / walking 5 miles a day and hitting weights moderately.

    The main thing EVERYONE NEEDS TO REMEMBER IS CONSISTENCY!!! There are days when you will not feel like doing it. Days you won't want to stick to things.... But keep at it. If you have a bad day and go over on calories, then simply try and make up for it with another day. I've gone 1000 calories over on my limit twice this week, but have made up for it with pushing hard on my 5 mile run to burn 1000 calories that day. I am tracking on a spreadsheet my calorie intake / burn off on a weekly basis and simply trying to keep a few hundred calories beyond my 1500 cal limit set by MFP.

    As your clothes fit looser and you start seeing changes in the mirror, you will feel more and more motivated. Walking will do wonders for you. Throw in your earbuds and crank on the tunes and get those feet moving.

    If anyone wishes to reach out and chat about fitness, feel free. I've not really gotten into the whole social aspect of things, but have no problem with helping motivate and tell my story. I'm almost 40, and ex-smoker (cigs and weed) and hit 312lbs 2 yrs ago. I'm down to 210 and feeling better than I ever have (knees are feeling it a bit though) and will end with .....

  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey all, how is everyone doing, I have lost another 2 lbs Yay! plus had a non scale victory, I went to a charity shop a few months back and purchased some clothes that were a size or 2 smaller than what I was then, they now either fit just right or are too baggy on me I do enjoy baggy clothes so its a win, I always lose slower from my bottom half but the PJs I purchased a while back the bottoms do now fit me, wishing you all the best <3

    @nathanrchronister such an inspiring and motivational story, we all hit those invisible walls at times I have a few times and you just have to either take a day off then get back to it the next day or just punch through that wall and continue, I have had to take the occasional day off from exercise as it does help.
    I was given an exercise bike a few years ago that I was using to dry clothes on haha! I dusted that off and started using it and its helped so much as I am very anxious, from 2012 - March this year I rarely left my home, now I leave and go for walks, I love the freedom of picking out my own dinner and what I am going to have in the week rather than leaving it all to my partner... the more weight that falls off me the less anxious I feel.
    I also track my calorie intake and out take on google spreadsheets along with my daily fat intake and what weight my fitness pal says I will be in 5 weeks after finishing my diary for the day, I find it keeps me motivated :)
    I agree with your ending too, thats what I often tell people, as all my adult life I just ate what I wanted and didn't exercise and tbh I am really lucky I didn't end up bigger than I actually was in January this year (308 lbs) turning 30 actually made me realise I needed to change.
  • amayla0407
    amayla0407 Posts: 218 Member
    Hey there. I've got 105lbs to lose. My problem is I have to hold myself accountable and I'm not quite strong enough yet to do that. I don't have a support system. Just me. So I'm back at it and determined to drop this weight. No pills or gimmicks, just exercise and diet.
  • Shaydayglam
    Shaydayglam Posts: 45 Member
    Everyone please add me Im working on losing 100lbs also I recently started 5 days ago and I need friends for support!!!!
  • Marillian
    Marillian Posts: 3,892 Member
    To anyone who needs to lost 100+ pounds (without surgery) and would like a fun and supportive group, I invite you to join http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/discussions/3322-100-pounds-with-no-surgery.

    It's so much easier when you have people who understand the struggle.
  • cincyjoe77
    cincyjoe77 Posts: 3 Member
    just found this thread and Wow, great job so far. I started losing last year, and stalled. overall target weight will be 110lbs lost. went from 355 to 314. then back up to 338. We just started Keto and it seems to be helping. I scaled in at 329 and 1.5 weeks ago, and today reading is 320.4. 75lbs left to go for target completion. Support is huge.
  • nettie219
    nettie219 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello I am right in there spending to much time being over weight. I need to lose at least 96 lbs. 104 lbs. if want to get down to 175 lbs. I now have type 2 diabetes and need to take very good care of myself. I had Breast cancer 5 years ago. So now need to lose the weight to be healthier. I have 2 young children. okay maybe not real young 11 and 14. Need to be with them a very long time and my dear husband. I just started a program that lets me start getting active again. Looking forward to it. Nice to meet you all. Thank you for support. Nettie
  • amaggio2
    amaggio2 Posts: 30 Member
    Im back again, I will share a setback I had..I gained 1.5lbs last week, my uncle passed away last sunday, and he was my fathers caregiver. Man, what a rough week..I am back on track again..and here to tell you all..find a way, dont let the old habits take you in again. Ohh how it was easy to drink that soda and eat a candy bar when you are emotionally damaged, but that is the enemy baiting you back in. I continue to pray for all of you here, and for good health.
    JRSINAZ Posts: 158 Member
    I am ready to start this uphill journey. I have done it before and can do it again. My biggest issue is once I get there to work at maintaining.
  • jirish101
    jirish101 Posts: 18 Member
    I've been here about 4 weeks and almost 20lbs done. Only 165lbs to go.