August 2017 Running Challenge



  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited August 2017
    September will have a dilemma. I started earlier than 12 weeks to get ready for the HM on 11/4. I'm in week 7 now.

    First. Stop. Drop. and BREATH! :lol:

    Okay, now as others have said, if you can run 12 in training you can run more than 13 in a race. In fact, I would bet you could run 15 in a race. Heck, 20 miles is all I ran before my first marathon. :smiley: I forget what the percent is but there is some rule of thumb that you only need run like 70% of your race distance in training.

    That aside, if you have 4 extra weeks, my suggestion would be to look at the last five weeks. Push the last week off so that it is the week of the race (as it is intended to be), and repeat the 4 that are left of that 5 in order. So... week 8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11,12. With out knowing your plan, I think that might work okay. As @_nikkiwolf_ said there are patterns the plans follow so you do not want to just repeat one week over and over.

    That is my best guess based on knowing nothing at all about anything at all so take it as it is worth. :)

    @WandaVaughn I agree with @PastorVincent. What he describes it what I did last year. I had 3 events in September. So I trained for the first one and re-cycled the last weeks of the plan between the other events. A common Training concept is to slowly ramp up and then taper back and that is exactly what PastorVincent described. This year for my A Event 20km Mountain Run I never ran 20km in training, my biggest was 15-16km.
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    Thank you everyone. It really was a special day. @mobycarp I think you hit the nail right on the head. Driving home I said to her, that was really nice. She looked at me and said "I know if I was still in Russia I would probably be dead by now". She understands through no fault of Russia as a country that it's a very rough life for orphans who leave the orphanage and then have live in the real world. She said I truly appreciate everything living in the United States has given me and what you have given me.

    The words the Judge spoke about citizenship truly moved me to tears. I told him afterwards that his words should be playing on a loop on the nightly news.

    She also had a cool thing happen, an acquaintance of hers who graduated last year was there. Turns out she was also adopted from Russia so that was special for them and a man who we see at lots of races was there, I can't for the life me of me recall his name, but he recognized her. Thanks again.

    So cool! And she's beautiful!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited August 2017
    10.5 km Pats Creek uphill - 12ft Bush Trail for the return downhill. That was a lot of work and a lot of fun. Roots and Ruts, single track, Quad ATV Double track and some bushwhacking to get around some swampy bits with minimal water damage. Really needed some hydration but left my water bottle in my truck at the Rec Center. Strava
    21C = 70F.

    08/01 7.5 km – 142.5 km - 7.5 km – YTD 870.07
    08/03 14.0 km – 128.5 km - 21.5 km
    08/05 12.0 km – 116.5 km - 33.5 km
    08/12 20.0 km – 96.5 km - 53.5 km – YTD 916.07 km Emperor's Challenge - My A Event for the year
    08/16 6.0 km – 90.5 km - 59.5 km
    08/17 10.0 km – 80.5 km - 69.5 km
    08/19 11.0 km – 69.5 km - 80.5 km
    08/23 8.0 km – 61.5 km - 88.5 km
    08/24 6.0 km – 55.5 km - 94.5 km
    08/25 10.0 km – 45.5 km - 104.5 km
    08/29 11.0 km – 34.5 km - 115.5 km
    08/30 10.5 km – 24.0 km - 126.0 km – YTD 988.57 km

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,015 Member
    August Goal: 60 miles

    8/1: 4 miles
    8/2: 3.1 miles
    8/3: 2.2 miles
    8/5: kr30dc day 1
    8/6: 5.4 miles; kr30dc day 2
    8/7: 3.1 miles; kr30dc day 3
    8/8: 2.7 miles (intervals); kr30dc day 4
    8/9: 3.1 miles; kr30dc day 5
    8/10: kr30dc day 6
    8/11: kr30dc day 7
    8/12: kr30dc day 8
    8/13: 6.3 miles; kr30dc day 9
    8/14: kr30dc day 10
    8/15: 3 miles (intervals); kr30dc day 11
    8/16: 2.5 miles; kr30dc day 12
    8/17: 3.2 miles; kr30dc day 13
    8/20: 7 miles
    8/22: 2.6 miles (intervals)
    8/23: 2.6 miles
    8/24: 2.6 miles
    8/27: 7 miles
    8/29: 2.7 miles
    8/30: 3.1 miles

    66.2/60 miles completed

    Great run today. It was still a little warm, but so much cooler than it has been. I can feel fall just around the corner. I've been feeling really good after my runs lately. I still can't believe how much I enjoy running.

    @skippygirlsmom Congrats to you and Skip! She really is a lovely young lady.


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @skippygirlsmom that is AWESOME!!!!!!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Yes A big congratulations to Skip on her Official Citizen Ship, and you for surviving the twisted path of Foreign adoption that brought her to North America. That she recognizes what a gift she has received says so much about her good character.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Also, @skippygirlsmom that is so awesome! Your daughter looks beautiful!
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Skip is such a sweet girl, she is lucky to have a mom who could foster that level of insight in her <3

    Sunset run today, deadly early run tomorrow before we drive to my mom's for the long weekend. Running my long runs in Cowtown will make for interesting tales if I can rouse some of my Calgary running buddies!

    August 1- 13.4
    August 2- 17.3
    August 3- 16.5
    August 4- 17.3
    August 5- 40
    August 6- 20
    August 7- Off
    August 8- 24.5
    August 9- 34.
    August 10- 15.3
    August 11- 20
    August 12- 21
    August 13- 14.8
    August 14- Off
    August 15- 16.3
    August 16- 8.2
    August 17- 11.2
    August 18- Off
    August 19- Off
    August 20- 42.2 [Edmonton Marathon, 4:01:18]
    August 21- Off
    August 22- 12.1
    August 23- 30
    August 24- 19
    August 25- 20.3
    August 26- 52.1
    August 27- 15
    August 28- Off
    August 29- 18.2
    August 30- 17

  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,129 Member
    09/08 3.80 miles
    10/08 3.82 miles
    14/08 4.03 miles
    15/08 4.05 miles
    16/08 4.04 miles
    19/08 3.58 miles
    23/08 4.08 miles
    24/08 3.84 miles
    26/08 4.16 miles
    28/08 4.15 miles
    30/08 5.28 miles
    31/08 2.72 miles - will be back later with another 2.5 miles(fingers crossed) to bring me to 50 miles for the month. I didn't think I could manage over 5 miles 2 days in a row so thought I'd split it.

    @skippygirlsmom - Congratulations to Skip, what an exciting day for her!


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - sobbing here reading about how sweet the citizenship ceremony was. Congratulations to you and Skip! She is beautiful and more important the same on the inside! :heart:
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - kept choking back the tears reading your posts about you and your daughter. It's surprising sometimes what will suddenly happen and put things in such clear perspective. Without a doubt, it was worth the missed run