Last 10 pounds Club



  • AScarbrough19
    AScarbrough19 Posts: 124 Member
    Oh one last thing...Do folks in this challenge have a set day to post their weigh ins? Accountability and encouragement is crucial for me!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Andrea, we usually weigh in once a week on either Sunday or Monday whichever works for you. I only do about 15 mins of strength training a day.....not sure that is enough or not. The resistance bands are also great for strength training. I got a set with my Leslie Sansone walking dvd. I agree accountability is very important to me too!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    @Highreargisele: Glad to hear I inspired you! I was inspired by others on MFP to start competing again and I am definitely not the fastest runner, but that's the beauty of most 5K's...people are there for fitness and fun, they don't laugh at slower people or walkers! I can't wait to hear about your experience! I am also doing a 5K this weekend. It's my first night race, starting at 8 pm. I'm trying to figure out what all to eat during the day so I won't be hungry during the race but not weighed down either.

    @Andrea: welcome to the group! Feel free to add me too! On the strength training topic, I have one day per week dedicated only to strength training. I do P90X arms, back, and abs. It takes about 2 hours. I also do core strength training one or two extra times per week. I am following a training plan for a sprint triathlon and that's what it has in it, so that's what I do. However you choose to add it in, I think you should def. add at least some strength training every week!

    Great challenges this week!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Just checking in, 127.5 so about the same. Will try the exercise challenge to mix things up. Good luck all!
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    I just started doing a pilates routine. Im hoping to see some toning results from that as well!
  • Ooh me, ooh me!! I have only a few pounds to go.
    I just started doing a pilates routine. Im hoping to see some toning results from that as well!
    I'm trying this as well! I would recommend weight training for toning, it has helped me so much!
  • Hello, can i still join, i am at 124 right now , and would love to be at 118, i am currently doing a Jillian Micheal's Ripped In 30 /Turbo Fire Hybrid , i see i am losing inches ,but the scale does not seem to be moving , i put my goal at 1/2 pound a week and am not losing, i figured since i am almost at my goal that i would not train as hard and the weight would fall right off, boy was i wrong , anybody here eat their exercise cals, i know for me eating them is not problem but i don't lose any weight , so i tried eating about 100 back and the weight came off slowly , any advice or suggestions , thanks guys :smile:
    I remember this happened to me, I worked out really hard sometimes 7 days a week and I was stuck. Not sure why this happened, I'm just sympathizing. I thought it might have been more muscle, and since muscle weighs more than fat, I maintained?
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    hey friends! im kinda anxious about sunday's weigh in, so i just did some research and changed my carbs/fat/protein to the 40/30/30 ratio. this follows the zone diet and is supposed to be awesome. im not into the whole low/no carb thing because i think carbs are important, but mfp had them set a little high. since i don't have that much more to lose, i need to focus more on these nutrients instead of just the overall calorie limit. have any of you guys tried this?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hey everyone! Well I am coming to the end of my "recovery" week and happy to have dropped another .5 lb! I'm down to 138.0 lbs. I know I at least want 135 and after that, I'll worry more about NSV's than the numbers. Next week in my training plan is the "stamina week"...aka ridiculously hard week! I'm excited but nervous at the same time. Hoping the change from a recovery week to a really tough, tons of calories burned week will let me drop 1 lb by next Friday, when I leave on vacation! I have a 5K on Saturday night that I'm kind of nervous about because it's a downhill course (I've never run the course and don't run down steep hills hardly ever!) and they are predicting rain. If you knew me, you would know: Britta + wet road + steep downhill running = recipe for disaster! LOL

    Lipe44-I changed my nutrients to 50/25/25 a few weeks ago but it is sooo hard to meet my protein goal! I think carb are important too and after being a competitive swimmer most of my life, I grew accustomed to eating tons of carb-loaded foods which are now my favorites....I could never do a low/no carb diet! It's hard to say if I have seen any results but I did break my plateau by .5 lb the first week I tried it and I lost another .5 lb this week...just can't point it to changing my macros. It has made me really watch what kind of calories I am eating and has definitely made me put down a few things in the grocery store that were ok in calories but had high fat and no protein. I'll be anxious to see if your research pays off!

    Welcome to bodyrocks365!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    @Gisele: How was the 5K? Can't wait to hear!

    I had my 5K tonight. I really wanted under 30 minutes and I got it: 29:20. But gosh do I wish it would have been more enjoyable. Mile 1: 8:46 Mile 2: 9:15 Mile 3: 11:00! I bonked so bad! I got heat exhaustion and really could have used another water station (the only water station was right after mile 1). I've read it a million times on MFP but I still went out too fast. Used it as a reason my husband should buy me the Garmin 310XT so I can see my pace, time, HR, distance, etc. so I would know I was going too fast! lol

    This marks the beginning of stamina week for me, aka, ridiculously hard week. 20 Mile bike ride in the morning. I'll want to cut my legs off by mile 5, but I'll finish it!
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    down one pound!!!!! that plateau is OUTTA HERE!!!!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    down one pound!!!!! that plateau is OUTTA HERE!!!!!

    Great Job , how did u break through it ?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Weight for today 123.0, i keep staying the same if it's not 122.8 it's 123.0. i splurged before to see if that would help but nothing , i changed my workout also, any advice :sad:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    down one pound!!!!! that plateau is OUTTA HERE!!!!!
    Awesome on breaking through your plateau lipe44!!!

    Weigh in for me today.....still the same at 144.2. I've burned over 4000 calories and I have eat back most of my exercise calories too and done strength training everyday. My body just doesn't want to let go of these last few pounds. It's not getting me down though:) Sometimes you have to focus more on NSV's when the weight isn't budging. I went shopping yesterday and size 4's are loose on me now. I fit into a size 2 although they are a little bit snug. This is the smallest I've been in a LONG time:) Unfortunately I need to buy all new bras:( Losing more than I wanted to in that area lol.

    @bstamps, Good luck this week with stamina week. You are doing fabulous girl:):)
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    down one pound!!!!! that plateau is OUTTA HERE!!!!!

    Great Job , how did u break through it ?

    thank you! ive been adding pilates along with cardio and weights about every other day. i just do videos i find on youtube, and i changed my macronutrient ratios. i eat 1310 calories a day, and i adjusted it so 40% is from carbs, 30% from fats, and 30% from protein. this follows the principles of the zone diet. from most people i have talked to it seems to work marvelously
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    A friend of mine also suggest i try this but i don't know how to change it , can u explain , thanks
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    sure! just go to goals, change goals, custom, and then you can adjust the percentages of the nutrients you are taking in
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    sure! just go to goals, change goals, custom, and then you can adjust the percentages of the nutrients you are taking in

    Thank you another question do u eat ur exercise cals back , thanks
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    sometimes i do, sometimes i dont. it all depends on how hungry i am haha! if i dont, i dont worry too much about it. i never burn over 200 doing cardio anyways
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Great job breaking through the plateau Lipe44! Trying new things pays off!

    Cookie: I put together a bunch of changes in one week and it broke my plateau by .5 lb. I did eat most of my exercise calories back, getting within 150 calories every day. I changed to 50/25/25 on my macros because of my long workout sessions needing more carbs. I haven't done the best actually sticking to those macros but it has made me more aware of where my calories are coming from. Last week was a "recovery" week for me. I had 3 rest days and I dropped another .5 lb (i usually have only 1 rest day per week.) It's just a big juggling act of what works for your body.

    Exercise challenge: Target your abs this week! Having a strong core is essential to almost any other workout. I'm shooting for 3 days of intense core work this week. Planks, bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, mason twists, head-ups, etc. Post your favorite ab workouts or even your ab circuit so the rest of us can get ideas to keep us going with core work this week!

    Nutrition challenge: Look at your sugar. I just switched iron to sugar in my tracked nutrients and looked back a few days. I've been way over every day the last week and it's not like I eat candy. I've seen lots of things about sugar on the boards here lately and I'm going to look up and post here some benefits of staying w/in your sugar goals. Let's all post our favorite low sugar snacks!
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