JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 15



  • NayaSaidSo
    NayaSaidSo Posts: 157 Member
    iLadyT wrote: »
    Today was my rest day after working out 5 days in a row. Did 30 flights of stairs and walked for about 50 mins during my down time at work.

    My body would strenuously object to calling 30 flights of stairs and 50 minutes walking a "rest day." Hahaha!

    Are you still weighing at night? If so, (as someone already mentioned) that could account for a wide variation, depending on what and how much you ate or drank during the day. Best to weigh after waking, after going to the bathroom once (or twice) and before showering or bathing.

    Consider really resting on rest days, too. Give your muscles time to recover & rebuild into fat - burning machines!

    My two cents of advice. Keep on, the weight WILL come off! :)

    LOL my body objected too.....Def resting forreal today! I get bored at work when I have down time so decided to just take a couple of extra trips up and down the stairs......I didn't do it all at once, it ended up being 30 flights and 50 minutes total throughout my 12 hours. but yea taking elevator today lol bc my legs feel like logs :s

    8/31: 203.2
    9/1: 204.9
    9/2: 204.3
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,164 Member
    @kelisueray You CAN eat healthy in Vegas. The places on The Strip are pricey and who needs a pass that lets you eat all day at several buffets?!? There are "fast food" places that can be healthy depending on your choice. And you will get in lots of steps if you don't stay planted at a slot machine!

    @RenaPink11 welcome!

    @sdelpapa CONGRATULATIONS! Eat healthy and don't gain too fast. Don't try to lose while you're PG.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,164 Member
    @iLadyT do you weigh first thing when you start your day?

    When we exercise, our muscles hold extra water to aid recovery. When I started working out, I made it a point to drink at least one extra liter of water that day. As a result, I never suffered from muscles so sore that I had trouble the next day.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,164 Member
    Sorry for yet another post. I think I found the ticker and want to see if I can get it to post.

  • NayaSaidSo
    NayaSaidSo Posts: 157 Member
    @iLadyT do you weigh first thing when you start your day?

    When we exercise, our muscles hold extra water to aid recovery. When I started working out, I made it a point to drink at least one extra liter of water that day. As a result, I never suffered from muscles so sore that I had trouble the next day.

    Oh that is a great tip thanks! I normally weigh in the AM, I didn't yesterday bc I forgot. But I did this AM.