September 2017 Running Challenge



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    9/1 - rest day
    9/2 - 7.2km
    9/3 - rest day (walk)
    9/4 - rest day
    9/5 - 5.5km

    Total 12.7/100 km

    Threw my back out Sunday wrestling with my toddler at church. So I took it really slow for a couple of days. Ran last night and felt pretty good. Even the tweaky knees felt better. My first time running at night and it was really humid but it felt good to stretch my legs again. Tonight I'll walk or do yoga.

    Upcoming Races:
    9/24 Heartbeat Run 10K
    1/1/18 Resolution Run 5K
    8/18/18 Edmonton Marathon 10K[/quote]

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited September 2017
    @Orphia funny you should ask about the AIM for the Cure Melanoma run (virtual) because I just signed up for it about 10 minutes ago after seeing it on @Elise4270 list of races. I tried to pick an option where they don't send me a shirt and medal so the organization can save the expense and put the money where it needs to go but unfortunately that wasn't an option.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    9/1 13.1 miles! 2h:09m:49s
    9/2 3.1mi 31m:56s
    9/3 rest
    9/4 4.38mi 41m:07s
    9/5 6mi 57m:38s
    9/6 4mi 39m:50s

    A hot 4 miles. I ran 3, then did walk/run intervals the last mile. Tomorrow is 7 miles, but it's supposed to be cooler.
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all!

    9/3: 6.1k -Very easy-
    9/5: 15.4k -Long run-
    9/6: 12.2k -Easy-

    Goal: 33.8k/170k

    Stay hydrated!

    Upcoming races:
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • EHollander89
    EHollander89 Posts: 169 Member
    Slow start to September since my training plan was light for the weekend. That actually worked out pretty well since it was a holiday weekend. BUT I was definitely itching to run on my extra rest day. So far I've run 10.11 miles this month out of my planned 121.3. I have 7 miles on the agenda for tonight after work.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    Running is on the back burner right now. The next several days are all about Irma. Prep, evacuation, return, and clean up. It's going to be a long couple of days,

    @Dcorrick are you evacuating? We're securing the yard and house today and tomorrow and deciding on Friday or Saturday if we're going to bug out.

    Where do you all live? I am north of Orlando - Longwood. I'm being hopeful that they won't cancel school here! If we miss days we have to make them up Thanksgiving week. I saw Osceola closed so I'm not too hopeful Orange won't.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @DCorrick and @bettyM1017 stay safe. My brother and other family is just North of Tampa so I’m watching like a hawk too.
    @karllundy it’s very seldom I hear “ouch” out of you, are you okay?
    @wandaVaughn you little speed demon
    @katharmonic super mile time! Strava is so rude with that rounded down that I actually continue down my street when my Garmin hits the X.0 so that I get full credit from Strava. “maybe even changed seasons” ha ha I’m so going to use that comment in my life.
    @orphia Skip and I are signed up a ready to go
    @PastorVincent I’ve never heard of changing a bus halfway wow.
    @Stoshew71 you know I have to mention that I have more miles than you, because never in the years I’ve know you has that ever happened until the 1st of the month was your rest day  Now you may go forth and kick my *kitten*
    @greenolivetree I hope the allergies let up soon
    I agree with @kgirlhart on the song @pastorvincent
    @sarahthes hope the back feels better
    @elise4270 I love this so much “I think wearing that shirt will be like hugging @HonuNui. It'll be special to me.”
  • Dcorrick
    Dcorrick Posts: 56 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »

    @Dcorrick are you evacuating? We're securing the yard and house today and tomorrow and deciding on Friday or Saturday if we're going to bug out.

    We're in Port St. Lucie; about 45 mins north of West Palm. No, we're not evacuating, and yes, I know all the reasons to. I have parents in assisted living nearby, and we're in a pretty good location. We got direct hits (3 weeks apart) from Frances and Jeanne, and we think we're better off staying put. Also, I am pushing her path eastward thru sheer force of will.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @karllundy it’s very seldom I hear “ouch” out of you, are you okay?

    Thanks for asking. No worries, just major league DOMS from Monday's speed work. Our group leader, who is awesome, really pushed the pace and distance.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Enjoy the shirt and medal. Commemorate the occasion in honor of Steve. I think wearing that shirt will be like hugging @HonuNui. It'll be special to me.

    Glad I could inspire you Pat Lenny. :smiley:

    I just looked over the event website a bit closer and read that Steve designed that medal. Yeah, I want it now. Definitely.

    I have a trail half marathon the morning of Oct 14th. My first thought was to say that the first 5K of that race would be in honor of Steve, but no...I'll run a separate 5K for him. If I did my time math correctly, 7:30 AM Hilo time is 11:30 AM central time, so that's when I plan on running it.

    I'll be sure to run mine at 1130 central too.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,109 Member
    edited September 2017
    September goal: 65 miles

    9/3: 7.1 miles
    9/4: 3.1 miles
    9/5: 3.2 miles (intervals)
    9/6: 2.7 miles

    16.1/65 miles

    It was so pretty today that I ran at lunch instead of after work. I felt like I could run forever. It was a really awesome run. I am so looking forward to the cooler temperatures, I don't want really cold temps, but 60's and 70's are nice. It was about 79 at lunch and I decided that it would be much nicer than the 85 it should be this afternoon. I really just couldn't wait until after work to run. I did have to cut about .5 mile off the route, but it was still good. I'm planning to take the dogs out for a walk later today just so I can enjoy the weather a little more.

    Speaking of weather, stay safe @BettyM1017 , @dcorrick and @ddmom0811. We'll be praying for all in Florida.


  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I had set target of 120 but been ill at start of month and had to miss a few runs so im now going to go for 110 miles.

    Total - 17.2/110 Miles
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ddmom0811 yeah for Hobbs. Girl it's not looking good there for you. Be safe.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    @7lenny7 I got my shoes at Academy Sports. Not sure of their return policy and the shoes have about 31 running miles on them now. I definitely need thicker socks. Not sure about wool, either! And seeing the Northern Lights with my own eyeballs is on my bucket list!

    @skippygirlsmom Speed demon? Haaaa! (but thanks for the confidence booster)
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited September 2017
    Just jumping it say thanks to you all....I am honored and humbled and overwhelmed with your support. Remember, the offer is still open to any who want to be here in person for the Aim at Melanoma run/walk to camp out on my 2acre lawn (with ocean view.....), and barbeque/party to follow after the run!

    Also, my prayers and hugs to all impacted by Harvey and looming Irma...