Serial Starters



  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    So cold this morning - low 40's! What the heck happened to summer????

    Good news from my older brother - he decided that with all the issues they were having with his port, that if the nurse could not get blood draw from port at treatment yesterday, that he would quit treatment. much to his surprise (and our elation) the nurse was able to draw blood with absolutely no issues whatsoever! so he is in better mood and ready to push forward with treatments. just hope side effects dont get bad enough to make him decide to quit again.

    My FL branch of the family are all bracing for Irma. Have been in touch with them as much as possible. Brother is evacuating with wife & kids. Dad is staying put. He said he has been through 6 hurricanes and 3 direct hits and will be staying home. Step-mom had mastectomy last Dec and has still not recovered well so it well may be her decision to not evacuate.

    Sara - having steel cut oatmeal for lunch. thought of you! :) Hope Miss Tillie is doing well.

    Dawn - I swear that every workplace is just about like high school all over again - have all the personalities & dynamics of it anyway! Oh - the Quest bars I usually get off Amazon, the Detour from Sams Club.

    Lana - hope you got your rest and are able to get packed up and out of there

    *ordering warm drink and wrapping in a blanket*
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Kathryn - that is great news about your brother. Hopefully, things will go well and he will continue treatment. Prayers and good thoughts to your family in Fl...that's one reason I'm glad to be stuck in Mo... still hafta worry about tornadoes and flooding, tho..

    So true about workplaces... saw a post, yesterday..."Sometimes I try to figure out if I'm in preschool or highschool, then I realize I'm at work" haha.. had to share that one... some people just can't get over childish actions... so sad...

    Sara - hope you cool down, soon... nights have been chilly here and days beautiful... warming up next few days... but, not miserable... Will send some cool air your way...

    Lana - hope you got some rest and make it back to NYC safely..

    Waves to Tess, Ali, Vanessa, Missy, Annie... who else am I forgetting?
    Have a great day!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Hi Ladies~~

    Dawn---you got just about everybody except Samuels, single-handedly taking care of the whole other half of the world from South Africa. She just came out of her winter, and it's springtime there!
    I wonder what kinds of crazy weather she has, or is it relatively calm and uneventful?

    I am proud to say that I managed almost 10K steps by walking home from my appointments today. The temps were in the mid-60s. I'm not doing the best in the food arena though--fighting the sugar cravings and losing. Better tomorrow.

    Sara - I keep thinking about your saying Tillie has heart murmur of 6. Is that permanent or just current symptoms? Poor thing - and poor you worrying about her and trying to fool her into eating her meds.....

    Jeez I'm tired. Time to put feet up again.

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all - glad the workday is over! Everyone seems to be sick, getting a cold or just plain tired out. It's like we've all gone back to school after summer vacation! (The school references by Dawn and Kathryn are particularly apt).

    Kathryn, glad your brother is continuing treatment, and keeping your Florida family in my thoughts. I have an aunt in Ft. Lauderdale who usually shelters in place but is leaving tomorrow morning. Hope she gets out in time.

    Sara, hope it cools down soon! It was much chillier this morning than it's been in a long time, but nothing like Kathryn's 40s!

    I am at that point in my weight loss journey that I've been at before - almost to my first goal weight (yay!), but still with a ways to go before I'm at a healthy weight. This is where things often go wrong and I eventually gain the weight back. I'm trying to avoid that this time and MFP (and this chat) seem to be making a big difference. But I want to be aware of that point where I "fall off the wagon" and go back to old habits. Any advice on what it to look for or what your triggers have been would be appreciated!

    Best to all,

  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Looks like I belong here
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    heart murmur is 3 to 4 on a scale of 6 medication is the solution. peanut butter and marshmallows were suggested by coworker ( think mini ones!) as pill pockets. Time to fool little girl to see what meds I can get her to take.

    at work but almost done, bbl.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Oops... didn't mean to leave out Samuels... waves.. hope you are well...

    Lana - way to go on 10k! You deserve to relax with feet up... maybe, get CBoys to rub them for you!

    Sara - PB is great, hot dogs and cheese work good, some times.. hope she isn't too smart ...

    Tess - I get it! Every time I'm close to goal, I screw it all up... and, I usually have no idea what I do different to cause the gain... so frustrating... good thoughts to you... hope you get there and start towards another goal!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member
    dog is being a "pill" no pun intended and is not eating anything. what I tried to give her today didnt stay down long, so I am just waiting. I will call Vet shortly just to make sure.....she is barking up a storm and running around, so that is a good sign.

    Cold fried rice - read lazy. Windows open with breezes. What a delight!!

    Food choices have been good but walking has been cut short with dog walks not being too long. Just is.

    Hope to stop by before z-time.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Mother of Pearl Shaun, that is some graph! My head is spinning. I will try to make sense of it after coffee tomorrow morning. It's definitely me, not you. I still have bad case of chemo-brain.
    Welcome to our little weight-watching resort on the beach~~

    Tess - I have no pearls of wisdom except to try to keep anchored to why you want to lose more weight, so you don't get as stuck, or worse, blow it all off!

    Sara - glad your windows can be open! Also glad to hear Miss Noisy Pants is barking up a storm.

    Waving to Dawn and all who stop by later on~~

  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Our preparation for END of year production starts tomorrow and the director of our dance school has mentioned that she wants to talk to us about unhealthy relationships with food: food addictions, emotional eating, unbalanced diets. So tomorrow's going to be emotional for many of us.
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome Shaun.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,380 Member

    Good morning,

    Rsamuels, sounds like you have a good dance director who is looking out for her dancers...

    Called Vet, got a pill down dog with syringe and a little peanut butter after crushing it, that helped make her hungry and sure enough she ate her new low fat dinner and I tricked her into a pill with treats last night. More success this morning, final pill she has to take for awhile may prove the hardest of all as it does not taste good.....

    Just glad its Friday again. Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work when I can.
  • bjohnnie4
    bjohnnie4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I have stopped and started on weight watchers. I was just using fitness pal for a while and was having success but then I switched back to w.w cause a friend was doing it and felt I needed more support wish I hadn't cause I gained and so here I am again starting back I am at the weight I left off so that is good took. I am fluctuating between the same few pounds which is frustrating. :)
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Good morning all & Happy Friday!

    So I have a bit of an issue - My bf took last Friday off of work so I went to bed at my usual time on Thursday, he woke me up standing over me & saying "You know I love you" once I was awake we went outside for a bit then I went to back to bed, couldn't sleep, so went back outside to where he was wanting to spend a bit more time with him, he looked up at me and said I should go back to bed bc I was crowding him! I thought that was kinda odd considering he was the one who woke me up to begin with. Then I found the dating site on his phone a couple days later as I was looking on his browser for YouTube. Have been struggling with it ever since, scared to confront him as I don't know (don't want to know) what this means. I have been trying to act normal around him, but just get a knot in my stomach when I think about him going on there.

    I don't have anyone else to talk to about this and would appreciate some advise. :(

    Wave to all who follows & have a great weekend!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Saltine24 wrote: »
    Good morning all & Happy Friday!

    So I have a bit of an issue - My bf took last Friday off of work so I went to bed at my usual time on Thursday, he woke me up standing over me & saying "You know I love you" once I was awake we went outside for a bit then I went to back to bed, couldn't sleep, so went back outside to where he was wanting to spend a bit more time with him, he looked up at me and said I should go back to bed bc I was crowding him! I thought that was kinda odd considering he was the one who woke me up to begin with. Then I found the dating site on his phone a couple days later as I was looking on his browser for YouTube. Have been struggling with it ever since, scared to confront him as I don't know (don't want to know) what this means. I have been trying to act normal around him, but just get a knot in my stomach when I think about him going on there.

    I don't have anyone else to talk to about this and would appreciate some advise. :(

    Wave to all who follows & have a great weekend!

    Saltine --

    Honesty in a relationship is supremely important.

    In any relationship (work, family, any) we cannot be guessing what people's intentions are. We will guess incorrectly often.
    Get it all out there in a non-dramatic, non-emotional way, said from your point of view: I feel, I sense, I would like to know. Don't use any You did, You said....that doesn't sit well with others.
    Simply put forth your reality. If this relationship is meant to be a long-term thing, honest talking has to happen.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member

    Welcome to BJohnnie ~~

    *tossing bag and hat onto favorite lounge chair*



    242.6 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,961 Member
    Our preparation for END of year production starts tomorrow and the director of our dance school has mentioned that she wants to talk to us about unhealthy relationships with food: food addictions, emotional eating, unbalanced diets. So tomorrow's going to be emotional for many of us.

    Yes, I hope that her talk is helpful for everyone. Let us know how it went.

    What is the end of year production? Is it a dance concert, or a musical play with dance in it, or a variety show?

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    I have been MIA. I know! Welcome to all the newcomers. It's been a crazy few days getting the kids back to school and having meetings out of town for work.

    Have not been sticking to much of anything but am starting low carb, high fat today to see if I get an results from it. My brother and his wife started it two weeks ago and are getting good results. It should help me kick my sugar habit, for sure! The scale last weekend was not good at all, so need to do something!

    On a positive note, I was able to walk a 10K last Sunday. Very slowly and stopping for a couple of water/stretch breaks. And I didn't end up crippled afterwards! :) I did log in and request a doctor appt to discuss my hip/leg/back issue with my regular provider and to get a referral to a different PT. I hate to go to the doctor when I've gained MORE weight, but I need to stop being a wuss and deal with some of these things.

    Sara - I thought of you and your pup. Our dog has been very itchy for the last couple of weeks. DH took her to the vet on Wednesday and sure enough, she has allergies! So, she's on a medication for the next few weeks and we'll see if that helps. The vet said August is the worst month around here for dogs and their allergies. Hopefully this passes quickly.

    Wishing my grandma a happy 88th birthday today!

    Please keep my parents and their home in your prayers. They live on the SE Georgia coast and are in the direct path of Hurricane Irma. My dad's job evacuated them to Atlanta beginning today until 9/17. (They also had to evacuate last year during Hurricane Matthew but thankfully had no damage.)

    Happy Friday!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited September 2017
    Annie/ Sara - we've seen so many dogs with allergies, lately... feel so bad for them... they're absolutely miserable... some, get a fast acting injection, then tablets to take home...I know how miserable allergies are... hope your pups get some relief, soon...

    I got to see 3 dogs that were adopted from shelter (2 same house) makes me so happy to see them... especially the 2, they had rough lives before and we were worried they wouldn't get adopted.. but, they are so happy and love each other so much...
    One of the Board members brought 2 of her dogs in...I asked co-worker if she would go in...I just don't wanna face her.. she's so fake and unpleasant..I'm sure I'll have to at some point (she's bringing other 2 dogs next week, ugh) but, will do my best to avoid her as long as possible...

    Everyonehave a good rest of the day...
    Check in later...

  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Welcome to all newcomers!

    Saltine - I second what Lana stated. If you dont have honesty, you dont have anything. Its a delicate subject but really needs to be addressed. Its not fair to anyone if one person is committed and the other is not. You need to both explain your intentions for the relationship - dont make guesses or let your fears fester.

    Lana - sage advice.
    hope your travels go well.

    Annie - i would be interested in how that low carb/high fat diet works. what kind of foods do they recommend for something like that?
    keeping your parents in my thoughts!

    Sara - I typically ask the vet for liquid meds that I can squirt down throat with syringe. our dog is too smart for his own good. (he just graduated from obedience classes this week too! LOL)

    rsamuels - wow, what a dance director! good topics to discuss.

    Tess - hang in there. you've made it this far, dont give up just because you have messed up right around this point in the past!

    Have a situation with my cat. to be totally honest, I have always had outdoor cats and do not consider myself a cat person by any means. DH got me an indoor kitten for my birthday last year. she is quite beautiful but a real brat. the shelter told us she was full of "piss & vinegar" I dont see how she is full of anything- she has been peeing on everything DH owns and anything that ends up on the dining room, living room, or laundry room floor. Took her in to be tested for UTI but she is fine. No changes in litter or anything. Its like she is just being a petulant child! Even though she is obsessed with playing fetch, I know I can not train her like a dog. Any cat people in here? Any suggestions on how to get her to leave stuff alone? Am going insane with work schedule plus trying to get house ready for guests for the wedding. Last thing I need is to worry about (and constantly clean up after) that cat's attitude!

    Everyone from work that went to TX are already on their way back. Seems TX told them "Thanks for coming but we dont need you." Maybe that is just a TX attitude. Whatever.

    My younger brother has just finished evacuation but Dad still set on staying. Hope Irma loses enough strength not to do much harm in FL. Friends in the Northwest have been basically captives in their own homes as they deal with horrid air quality & all that ash from wildfires. So far, they are safe, the fires have been staying about 50 miles from them.

    *waves to everyone who drops in*
    *plops down on lounge chair and orders a foot massage*