Serial Starters



  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    arniedog74 - You should look into his 15 or 30 minute recipes then. They're super easy to make, very simple. I made his Mexican tomato soup the other day and it was great. Not gonna lie, you don't actually need the books because there are so many food bloggers who adapted the recipes but hey, I'm a simple girl, I like having it all in one place. :)

    Slow day today. The humidity is killing me. Thought about having sweet potato mash and chicken breast for dinner but I don't know if I wanna stand near the hot stove. Might make it a salad with some tuna and cheese instead...
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,340 Member

    Good morning,

    Decided getting a George Foreman type grill might be my reward for the last couple of weeks. Will do a little research as I am reading the new small version is made cheaply.

    Dog is up and fed and oatmeal cooks quickly - found I didnt put full amount of liquid in..... scatterbrain lately, so need to slow down and stop trying to multi task.

    Will lurk from work (MP3 charged up). Wishing all a great day.
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Hello, all! I kind of took a break from the computer/social media over the weekend. Was busy with housework and yardwork as we hosted DS's 7th birthday party on Sunday with our family. Scale was decent on Saturday morning at 153.0. Eating was so-so. Breakfast/lunch snacks okay but suppers, not so much. Snacks at movie on Saturday night, not so much. Yesterday the weather was miserable and I got in a baking mood. So, that was no good. Today is a new day.

    Back at work. Tired. DH has a terrible cold and even though he went to the couch last night, I didn't sleep well. I had trouble falling asleep. Then DH and cats caused me to wake. Then portable phone in bedroom started beeping for no apparent reason. I think I will sleep well tonight.

    Today is DS's actual birthday. We will have supper of his choice tonight (might eat in, might go out) and will have leftover Dairy Queen cake from his party on Sunday.

    Hard to believe June begins later this week. Our weather needs to perk up. Cool, very windy, and rainy. Has not been good for outside walks.

    Still trying to lose a few lbs before friends visit at the end of June. Not feeling very optimistic but we will see.

    Also need to stop our overspending. We have not been working our Dave Ramsey plan well at all. But all big expenses should be done as sprinkler system has been installed and paid for. Brakes fixed on car. Clothing has been purchased for kids for summer. Now to stop eating out!

    Have a good day, everyone. Will lurk from work!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,340 Member
    Bought a set of nightlights that turn on when it is "dark enough" so that where I sleep might be darker and I might sleep better. Trying it for first time tonight.
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone - I saw the title of this thread and thought "oh, those are my people." I had great success with WW many years ago, and then I "got cute" as my WW leader used to say. Pounds came back over time. I had a baby in 2015 and another one in January and now I have got to take this weight loss seriously because I'm about to turn 39, and I weigh 215 pounds, and I have 2 babies who need me to be a good example to them.

    I'm recently back at work. I've been eating better (except for yesterday which started out okay and then just went downhill so fast). I had started getting up at 5 a.m. to exercise before getting the kids up and ready to go to daycare, and then this past week my 2 year old decided that sleep is not necessary anymore, and so my a.m. workouts have fizzled. I just can't be up from 2:30-4 a.m. and still workout at 5. So I need to find another way. Still figuring out how to balance kids and work and working out. There aren't enough hours in the day.

    Anyway, that was a very long first post but thank you to anyone who read it. I'm going to post here as often as I can, because the accountability helps me.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    iamunicoon - I will hafta check it out...I am the same...I like having the recipes handy...I have a hard time looking things up... get lost and frustrated...
    - Dawn
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,340 Member
    Good evening,

    Welcome Melab - dont worry we dont mind long posts.....

    Loud neighbor at work not moved in yet, our IT staff is always behind in these things. So I got a reprieve.

    Dog out for walk soon and then will settle in for evening.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,866 Member

    Hi All~~

    In NC. Quick check in before bed. Will read posts tomorrow with my coffee.

    Sleep tight~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,340 Member

    Good morning,

    Lana did you take the slow train again?

    Woke up to rain - not impossible this time of year, just didnt put out right clothing. Now to find the umbrella.

    Darker room makes it easier to fall asleep. Will try for awhile longer.

    Loud coworker's computer is not ready for her in the cubicle next to me..... Today is a new day. 3 new people at work this week. We shall see what we shall see.

    Lurking from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member
    This is one thing I definitely need to stop doing - I have a 2 year old who is a very picky eater. I also hate wasting food ... I often end up finishing what she didn't. Need to either put it back in the fridge or become ok with tossing it.

    I set an alarm at work that goes off every other hour reminding me to get up and walk around. According to Fitbit, each time I do it it's an extra 1000 steps, so that's good.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,866 Member
    Hello Everybody~~

    Big welcome to the new peeps!

    Sara - I was able to fly the past two times I came down to NC. I now have a compression sleeve and hand/glove thing, and the actual in-air time is only a little over one hour, so I got the green light. Also the new thinking at MSK is that it is the stress and physical abuse of traveling/flying that aggravates lymphedema conditions.
    I hope the workday goes OK for you. Good luck with new people - hope that they are nice and not too loud.
    New night lights sound good.

    Time to fix some breakfast/lunch.

    *tossing hat and bag onto favorite lounge chair*


  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm slowly learning all your names. I'm always so bad with that. *blushes*

    Welcome, Melab. :)

    Sara - Hope it won't be too stressful for you today. Three new people sounds like a lot of teaching to do.

    Made that sweet potato mash today and it was so goooood. But otherwise I'm kinda cranky and can't get my butt into gear. Glad the weekend isn't too far away and it's a long one.

    Everyone have a good day.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,340 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good evening,

    Acidic stomach from sinus infections made me change dinner plans from chili to lasagna - only slightly less acidic but definitely easier as it is frozen.

    New neighbor at work thinks she can call over the wall and I will respond - I ignored her and put my headphones on. I am not her dog. New member in our little group starts tomorrow - I dont know who will train her, I am too far down the food chain - but you never know... they may want her to shadow someone.

    Kathy - I understand getting names, so dont worry. I resort to the webname if nothing else.

    Melab - anything you can do to limit temptation is good - keep up the good work.

    Someone at work was passing out pastry and she offered and she was not from our department and I thanked her but said no as someone else was bringing in something. Small but probably pure calorie "bomb".

    Hoping for a quiet evening. Will take Miss T to sit on the lounge chairs with Lana.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana - glad you made it safe!

    Sara - headphones are perfect! So annoying when someone calls at you, over wall... good job turning down pastries... boss brought in Krispy Kreme's...I gazed into the box and walked away... not an easy thing to do...
  • iamunicoon
    iamunicoon Posts: 839 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Back at work today and already having a field day. I work in customer service / tech support and one of my coworkers is such an arrogant *beep*, even with customers. I brought it up with my team leader because - surprise! - he never does it when he's around, but was accused of making wrong assumptions. So now I keep my mouth shut. But today I heard that two customers complained about him. Huh, I wonder if they're making 'wrong assumptions', too... :#

    Sara - Headphones are lifesavers sometimes. It gets so noisy here and my problem-coworker is just like your new lady. So distracting when you're trying to concentrate. Hope the stomach's settled by now.
  • MrsSpitser
    MrsSpitser Posts: 35 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I'm new here. I happened upon this thread because of the name, Serial Starters. I relate to that so I thought I'd check it out.
    My name is Amanda. I'm 35 and need to lose nearly 200 pounds. I work at a university so I sit all day. I'm also a full time student so I sit more when I get home. I have 3 kids (ages 15, 13 and 11) and a hubby. My brother also lives with me because he is disabled. My home life is hectic but sedentary.
    I was put on insulin last week and so I've received a reality check but I'm not sure how to go about making the necessary changes. I mean, I know what needs to be done. I'm just not sure how to make myself do it. I start out doing things and then go back to whatever I want. I'm lazy and spoiled. But I don't want to be!
    I quit smoking a month ago and rarely drink soda now. I just can't get a handle on the food. The doc says I should do low carb because of my diabetes but I love bread, potatoes and pasta. Plus, everytime I've done low carb for longer than 2 weeks, I get terribly sick.
    So... that's a bit about me. I look forward to getting to know everyone! Thanks in advance for any support or advice!
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome MrsS - I am new here as well. Congrats on quitting smoking! That, I'm sure, was incredibly hard to do.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,866 Member

    Almost said good morning! It's 12:30PM.

    Welcome to new peeps!

    For some people it is best to do things slowly, one new thing at a time. So for those of us who need to cut down on how much carbs, breads, and such we eat, maybe just start with one meal, or with the evening snacking. That's a project in itself--just one meal.

    *tossing beach bags onto favorite lounge chair*



    48 inches
  • Foodfavor
    Foodfavor Posts: 94 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a serial starter with this app! I have just found out I am prediabetic so I am also looking to make changes in my diet. I would like to lose around 150 lbs. Congrats on quitting smoking! I have the same problem with being spoiled and lazy. I work in an office, and take online school courses so lots of sitting. I have spinal arthritis so I need to be careful with what exercises I do (when I actually do them).

    Today is day one of trying to change my eating habits and to stay on top of this app! Good luck and I hope we can motivate each other throughout this journey.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,340 Member
    did I forget to post? at work bbl.