JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 15



  • missionhercules
    SO this has helped everyone....to weigh in everyday? I've been working on healthier options for about 2 months now and yes I am down but last 3 weeks has been a see saw on the scale. It frustrating as hell since it is a MAJOR mental breakthrough point for me as well (haven't been under 300 lbs in years and last 3 weeks I have went around 304-301 back to 303 to 301.2 to 301.8 (this is today's weight) etc.) Been clean eating and lots of water (which has never been a problem with me). Also running and lifting 3 times a week and heavy bag boxing 2-3 times a week. Both days between 600-800 calorie burns just from the workouts. Daily weigh ins I believe would drive me nuts. I noticed yesterday the next tighter notch on my belt needed and I feel better, just curious about this daily thing. Is it more for accountability daily?
  • Terilynn78
    Terilynn78 Posts: 107 Member
    @junodog1 I hope everything works out and Irma misses you. How scary! Glad you're prepared though!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,069 Member
    8/31 157.6
    9/01 159.6 Bad and salty day, yesterday. After I weighed, I tossed some things from my kitchen
    9/02 158.4
    9/03 158.4
    9/04 157
    9/05 157.6
    9/06 157.6
    9/07 158.7
    9/08 158.4
  • amg226
    amg226 Posts: 39 Member
    Second round for me. This round will be a challenge itself as before my period I have irrational cravings. If I get through them without gaining weight then it will be already a complete challenge!

    R14: start 61.3, end 60.9, average, 61.0 (-0.4kg)
    R15: goal 60.5 kg (New Goal 9/04: get under 61 kg)
    Ultimate goal: 57 kg

    8/31 61.0 - cravings started yesterday evening. I I went out to meet some dear friends, ordered salad and water, but still felt hungry after that. Then ordered nachos (boo)! Thankfully that the scale showed only +0.1kg . Hope I can start running soon, as I am healed from last week's cold.
    9/01 61.1 - chaotic day, had a lot of stuff to do. I ate when I could, and what I could find.
    9/02 61.2 - chaotic day #2. Felt very tired and ice cream was my friend in need.
    9/03 61.5 - Darn, last night I ate out, a little bit too much bread, but my oh my it was goood! The kind of food that is worth the extra weight and 10km it needs to loose the wieght.
    9/04 61.4 - NEW goal for this round: get under 61. I am still happy to be in the 61s as 66 was my fiend for a while.
    9/05 60.7 - HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? Glad it did, though :wink: Ate some cake yesterday, and french fries, so -0.7 kg it's a miracle..
    9/06 60.7 - held yesterday's weight. 50minutes of swimming, 2km running (came up after 2 weeks break when I was sick, and could not run more).
    9/07 61.3 - cravings before my period starting to kick in. Hopefully will keep the 61.0 by the end of the round.
    9/08 61.4