Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Summer Heat Challenge:

    Name: TRACY
    Age: 57
    Height: 5-2 1/2"
    Start Challenge weight: (7/5) 188
    Goal for this Challenge: 175

    Weigh in Week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    July 12: 186.3
    July 19: 182.3
    July 26: 186.6
    Aug 2: 186
    Aug 9: 185.5
    Aug 16: Hospital
    Aug 23: Hospital recovery
    Aug 30: 178
    Sept 6: 175.5
    Sept 13:
    Final weigh Sat., Sept 16th:

    Weight +/- this week: -2.5
    Weight loss since 07/12: -10.8
    Total for challenge: -12.5

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:
    1. Minutes exercised/day: 60 (d/wk) FAIL 7/7
    2. No late-nite snacking not prev. Allowed (d/wk) PASS 7/7
    3. Sodium below 2000mg (d/wk) Meh, 5/7
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    edited September 2017
    @BarneyRubbleMD what is your trick. Your summary shows you eat about 2200 calories a day. And exercised inside once ( or do you really mean outside cause your excuse says its hot or rainy LOL, always confuses me when i read it) :(

    How do you lose so much weight each week? Is your metabolism super fast? Are you doing other exercise you arent listing? Are you on any sort of diet pills or following a diet like keto or something?

    If i eat 2200 calories....i gain weight :(

    Please share your secrets! :)

    @cellosmiles ,

    No, only the exercise I list. The confusion is I tried walking indoors in my building with short hallways but feel crazy doing it compared to walking outside. IF the weather isn't too hot and it's not raining, I'll try to do a 1 hour walk once/week but it's been too hot for that lately. I did join the gym at work about a month ago but haven't made it there yet--I want to start weight lifting. I did that when I was young and finally feel like I can do it again (my back & knees feel pretty good now that I've lost about 88 lbs) but I've been so busy at work lately that I haven't been able to make it over there yet.

    I'm a type-2 insulin dependent diabetic that has to keep a close watch on his blood sugar levels. I take my blood sugar measurements 7 times/day and closely monitor my post-meal blood sugars so I can keep them less than 140. If they get above that, I get hungry. If they get too low (i.e. I waited too long to eat or I injected too much meal-time insulin), I'll get hungry. If my blood sugar gets to 200 or above it can trigger a binge eating episode where I can consume 5,000 to 10,000 calories in a single meal (this is how I typically gained a lot of my weight).

    I was also diagnosed with a binge eating disorder (BED) back in September2015 but wasn't able to find treatment for that until this year (Feb2017) and have finally been cleared of that in mid-August2017 when I finally managed 90 days without a binge (my last binge episode was May 7th). I still take medication (75 mg of Topamax) for my binge eating disorder & will probably continue with that as it reduces the urge to binge on my "trigger foods" (i.e. I haven't had a cupcake since May 7th and have no desire for one either!) & it seems to reduce my appetite too, way better than previous appetite suppressants I've was on years ago (Phentermine, Tenuate).

    My binge eating episodes were also really messing up my diabetes and re-triggering even more binge eating episodes and we discovered during my binge eating disorder treatment (due to an metabolism test) that I needed to eat more calories/day. My RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) measurement indicated that (at rest) I needed 2,131 calories/day and typically 30% more than that for sedentary lifestyle (about 2800). So, we figured out, based on this RMR test, that another primary cause of my eating binges (which I just called "cheat meals" or "falling off my diet" over my years of diet attempts) was restrictive eating from not eating enough calories/day even though ALL the diets (including MyFitnessPal, Zone Diet, South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, basically all of them) were recommending for me about 1600 calories/day for 2 lbs/wk weight loss where what I really needed is something more like 2200 calories/day for that amount of weight loss (that # has been adjusted based on 12 weeks of actual weight loss data from my dieting and continues to be adjusted as I move along). With past diets, I just could not stick to them for more than a few week before I'd binge off of them and back up to my max weight and beyond! Now, I know why.

    I'd recommend to anyone having a difficult time sticking to diets in general to get an RMR test & an A1C test (the only valid blood test for diabetes other than a do-it-yourself post-meal blood sugar check with a glucometer). Many dietitian places can do this if they have the equipment (my local dietitian place has the RMR machine) and places that have Dexascan equipment typically also do RMR testing. Had I known what my RMR really was and adjusted my daily calories to an appropriate amount based on that RMR result, I would have been able to keep my diabetes under good control and my binge eating would have mostly disappeared and with those two things under good control, the weight would have come off, just like it has been recently & I hope that continues.

  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi Everyone!! Happy Friday!!

    We have reached almost the end of our Summer Heat Challenge, we are at Week #9!

    So this week we had several loses (yay!!!), were small ones, but hey every lbs counts!!! And because of this, we have reached a net loss for the group of 8.6lbs this week!! :)

    I have started deleting all those who joined originally and that didn't participate at least 80% of the weeks; their original weigh-in and goals would bring down our #s ... so having explained this, its great to share that we have actually reached 55% of our team goal ... wohoo!!! :D

    For our last report I will delete all those who didn't participate 100% of the time, so we have an accurate result.

    Hope you are doing well and wish you a great weekend. For those in Florida, please be safe!!

  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member

    Thanks so much for sharing these parts of your life. I am so glad to hear you have gained control of your binge eating. I get like that still once or twice month...but it used to be quite bad. I had gained 80 pounds in less than a year.

    Ive never gotten my metabolic rate tested but i know i am more on the opposite spectrum - the very low end. My hubby is more like you. He used to weigh 450....but figured out his eating and is now at 170. He is diabetic too but refuses to believe it and still drinks anywhere from 4 to 10 cans of coke a day :( along with all the other sugary treats. Whenever he is with me he is my downfall as sugar is always in my house :/ ...but i am his saviour in that i prepare healthier meals than he ever eats. Still glad he lives away from me the majority of the year right now! LOL I need time to get fit first!

    I get tested for diabetes, thyroid and a few other things a couple times a year. Thank goodness it always comes back good. but i have removed almost all sugar from my diet anyways and started to feel like i wanted to much less!

    Keep up the great work barney! I love seeing your results each week. It is encouraging and urges me on! :p
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... not fit at all this Friday ... I've been sick for the past 7 days, and it has now been identified, and is progressing along as expected ... Shingles! According to the blood test I had taken a few years back, I never had chicken-pox, so I'm dumbfounded to have this outbreak of that virus now. So ... today is the second day where I haven't felt too sick to be up and that's good that I am able to up and about because there is laundry to do and bedding to be changed, dishes to wash, soup to cook, and the whole house needs a good run through with the vacuum.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Friday Fitness - I have started to exercise again ... taking my dog for a walk (about 45minutes) and then spinning for another 45 minutes. If I have energy left I do something extra, today I rowed for 10 extra minutes (until my back was hurting). I hope all this helps to bring my weight down because its been sort of stuck!

    @Nikion901 hope you feel better soon!!
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member

    I'm just starting with y'all. I've read a month or so of posts and appreciate how supportive you are!

    Friday fitness: none, nada. I spent almost 6 hrs prepping for a phone interview on Monday. I'll be up early tomorrow and plan to get in several walks and maybe a short bike ride.

    Nikion901 - hope you feel better soon
    You too kam5660!

    For everyone facing Irma - be safe

    Anne from rochester ny
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Welcome, @anneshields001 - from a fellow NYer (near Albany)
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Luckily for me, the track for hurricane Irma keeps moving further west - no so lucky for @bapcarrier :( Be safe!!

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Happy for Robin to be out of Irma's way.
    Hoping Barb , and whoever else is in the path, stays safe.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks everyone. I evacuated to NC but am very worried about my home and even more worried about my sister's home on Pine Island by Fort Myers. We are facing not only the hurricane but also 6 to 12 foot surge which could potentially wipe out the entire island. Praying for some hard headed friends who decided not to leave.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Praying for my family and friends in Florida as their state is brutalized by Mother Nature on Steroids.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    Monday checkin
    My successes and struggles.

    I am feeling fatigued all the time. I need to find a day i can call in sick and just stay home and rest. Looking forward to sep22 which will be my 1st day off since July. :(

    Because i am working so much everything at home is piling up.

    I finally washed some dishes on my lunchbreak yesterday. :p Which allowed me to cook dinner finally. I had been eating out more for both the time convenience...and not being able to cook due to my mess!

    Today i am going to try to tackle the rest of my dishes...need that moldy slow cooker taken care of so i can toss a meal in before i go to work in the morning! ;)
  • mandifriesen
    mandifriesen Posts: 35 Member
    Starting over feel free to add me!

    I started at 253lbs and drop down to 208lbs using my fitness pal! I fell off the wagon and got back up to 223lbs and now want to start working back to my goal weight! I'm always looking for friends to help push me as I will help push them. I have made some good friends from my fitness pal and looking for a few more! Like i said feel free to add me! :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-in ... The scale this morning said I have lost just under a pound from last Monday's weigh-in ... Yesterday's weigh-in showed a bigger difference but I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep ... and got hungry enough that I ate a couple ounces of Blue corn tortilla chips and then topped it off with a half cup of pistachio's in the shell. THEN, I was able to fall asleep. That food was added to my food diary for today .... and I really don't like it when this happens cause then I end up not being able to eat enough during this day to last me through the night. It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
  • joannastanmfp
    joannastanmfp Posts: 14 Member
    Monday check in ~ I had to wake up super early for my work commute and did well in the morning by packing my breakfast to eat on the way instead of stopping at McD's. I struggled a bit at work because there is SO much junk food. I resisted and had a healthy vegetarian lunch instead. Currently laying in bed and wishing I had more calories to eat but I know it will disrupt my health goal.
  • thewindblows123
    Need to get back to weight before I fell off the wagon.
    Short term goal loose 39 pounds
    Long term goal loose 116 pounds
    Need something for myself right now.
    Currently 3 weeks since emergency c section, boy am I struggling in all aspects! Whew! Rough going right now.
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Wow has this last week been a struggle. With being sick and not having energy to do anything, eating lots of soup =sodium=gaining, and stress eating/just grabbing something while preparing for this storm has me up this morning by 4lb!!! Gotta find that straight and narrow path again before I destroy my progress!
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome @thewindblows123, @rundgrenrocks, @mandifriesen. Glad to have you on this thread, looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!!
    @cellosmiles glad you were able to get to your dishes, I know that struggle all to well! The crock pot has been my friend for many years!! Hoping you find a day to take off and get some rest!!!
    @Nikion901 yay for your loss!! I know how you feel about Peter and paul. I think I might take a page out of weight watchers and keep tabs on my weekly calories as well so if I am short a few days (as long as I am logging accurately) I might splurge using those. Getting paid by peter to pay paul.
    @joannastanmfp great job making a plan to avoid pitfalls and sticking with it!!! When I get cravings and have no calories I drink a big glass of water and it usually helps.(but I'm not great at it :p )