Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey ladies - so..... I guess it didn't stick. My temp dropped this morning, there's more spotting (almost too much to be spotting) and I am now getting BFNs.

    Well, pregnant for a day.... that sucks @ss.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hey ladies - so..... I guess it didn't stick. My temp dropped this morning, there's more spotting (almost too much to be spotting) and I am now getting BFNs.

    Well, pregnant for a day.... that sucks @ss.

    i am so sorry!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    my final pregnancy test was today. since my ovulation was july 9th/10th, it should be showing on a pregnancy test and i should be feeling symptoms, but no dice on both. to say i am very disappointed is an understatement.

    anyway, we will get to try again in october for a july pregnancy. i'm not looking forward to another clomid round, but maybe it will go better now that i know what to expect.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Boo jalara and GBOH.... jalara at least u know u can GET prggo! Now just gotta figure out how to STAY preggo!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hi ladies, newbie here. I presume you are open to new members? :flowerforyou:

    I'm 32 years old (33 this August), and have been married married for 7 years. No children yet. I've been off the pill for a little over a year now, but we just started officially TTC about 3 months ago. So this is all very new to me.

    I'm not on any kind of conception drugs or anything like that - that is all totally foreign to me and I know nothing about them. We are just starting out TTC. The only thing I've been doing is tracking my cycle and trying to do what it takes to conceive during my fertile days. I just have this iPhone app that tracks my periods and tells me when my fertile days are and when my ovulation date is. Let me know if I should be doing something else!

    I must admit that it has been VERY disappointing to get my period these last 3 months, but I'm not getting discouraged yet - I know we have only just begun. But, I can definitely see how this is going to be VERY emotional process, and could use some support. Hopefully it happens quickly (for all of us!). On top of that, I'm an emotional eater, so it's been a struggle for me to continue to lose weight these past 3 months. I started on MFP a couple of years ago, but really got serious this January. I've lost about 25 pounds since January, and am very close to my final goal weight - which I am absolutely thrilled about! I'm at a healthy weight now, and am ready to get pregnant. But, I want to continue to lose as much weight as possible before getting preggo.

    Anyway, I hope to learn from you all, give support, and receive support here.

    I saw reference to a post with definitions to all the acronyms? Can someone post that link again for me?

    Thanks! And best of luck to you all! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • batgirlrox
    batgirlrox Posts: 105
    Jalara and God Bless- I'm sorry things didn't work out as planned. Keep your chins up and have faith and if it is supposed to happen it will. There is a plan for each of us in life, although I know how discouraging it is when those plans don't match up with the plan we wish for ourselves. Jalara, Alisa said it best at least you know you CAN get preggo now :)

    LMR- Welcome, I hope your stay here is brief and you are able to move onto the pregnancy forums soon!

    AFM- Vacation starts tomorrow YAHOO!! Went for another motorcycle ride with my dad today instead of packing and doing laundry like I should have been doing ;) AF started today (wonderful timing for a beach vacation) but the good news is we plan to start TTC this month YAY. Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the weekend.
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Jalara--Boooo. That just so totally stinks. Hard to find a silver lining in that. Hugs, hon. I wish I could do more. If you need to send an expletive-filled rant, you can PM me to get it all out without putting it in the forum.

    Sounds like there are a few people on here who just need a cyber-TTC hug. This whole trip is just crazy, isn't it?

    AFM: I had the IUI today. Here's hoping Ollie the Follie did what it was supposed to do and that all the hormones can keep it where it needs to be. I'd be lying if I said I had a lot of hope....I don't. But a lot of that is me just trying to keep my expectations realisitic so that I don't fall double-hard if/when it really doesn't work. A 20% chance is not odds that I would usually ever bet on. But, either way, this process is a step towards closure of this chapter--it's a step towards a baby, or a step towards acceptance that there won't be another one. If it doesn't work, we'll take a month or two off, probably try once more, and then call it quits after that. Or at least that's what we are thinking now. So now I'm settling in for the two week wait. This may be my first two week wait...the progesterone is supposed to stop the spotting I usually get that make my wait much shorter than normal. So, we'll see how this goes.

    Good luck to everyone else.
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Aimee and I just turned 26. New to the thread but not to MFP. I have been on here for almost 2 years. I lost about 20 lbs in about 6 months in time for my wedding last August. My husband and I bought a "fixer-upper" house which has kept us really busy, and I got a new job which leaves me very little time to workout. My weight is slowly creeping back on. We are now TTC but I want to also lose some weight.

    I know nothing about TTC and hope to gain some knowledge and support from this thread :)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Boooooooo :( I hate BFPs that don't stick :(
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jalara I would still get blood tests etc done at the dr. If I was positive etc maybe they can at least check ur other levels to help it be a sticky baby next time around! I always think of those girls on "I didn't know I was pregnant" who get their periods thru most/all of their pregnancies
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, all! I wanted to drop in for my Monday check-in and catch up on the news. Sounds like some of you (Jalara, especially) have had an emotional week—hugs to all of you, and hopes for happy news to come your way soon.

    My post is going to be short and sweet because I've got to get down to starts in four weeks and I've got to dissertate as much as possible, plan three classes, and make a 1400 mile round trip somewhere in those days. My protein/fat goals have been miserable this week. I didn't bother tracking three days and know those were the worst, and the days I run it's pretty much impossible to meet protein because MFP bumps it up (based on my percentages) to an insane amount. Here's how I did:

    M 7/25: Protein=64% (102g), Fat=162% (76g)
    T 7/26: Protein=73% (74g), Fat=160% (48g)
    W 7/27: Protein=48% (100g), Fat=87% (54g)
    T 7/28: N/A
    F 7/29: N/A
    S 7/30: Protein=50% (50g), Fat=207% (62g)
    S 7/31: N/A

    Trying for a better week this week! Happy Monday, everyone!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone.

    Yesterday I got another BFP but my temp was still down and the spotting turned to bleeding so I got some bloodwork done at the hospital and my beta was only 14. Today my temp went back up but I have bad cramps and lots of bleeding so this is being classified as an early miscarriage. Apparently by BBT will be a little erratic until the hormones settle down.

    We're going to go back to TTC right away, and we still have our appointment to set up IUI protocol at the end of the month.

    Alisa - I know I can get pregnant - I've had 2 precious m/c at 6 weeks and 12 weeks (although they dated that embryo at passing at 9 weeks). That was a few years ago, before I met my husband. We know it's at least possible in theory, but that's not quite good enough for us.

    Karen - I hope this IUI goes well for you!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Jalara, Hugs! I’m so sorry, it’s not fair that you’ve had to endure so many m/c, no one should have to go through that. I’m sending you lots of sticky vibes so that next cycle it happens for good for you!

    GBOH, sorry to hear it wasn’t you month either. Fingers crossed for your July baby!

    Welcome lmr9, I hope you don’t need to be staying on this thread for long (because you get pregnant). And about your TTC question, tracking your cycle is probably the best thing for now, just remember that the phone apps are designed for a 28day cycle person and you may not be that. So take the “fertile days” it gives you with a grain of salt and be aware that for you your ovulation date may very well be a couple days before or after those “fertile days”. Good luck!

    Karen, My fingers and toes are crossed for you!

    Welcome Aimee, I hope your stay here with us is short too! Best of luck TTC and don’t worry those pesky pounds will start coming back off in no time!

    AFM, I’m really busy right now (work and home) so I may very well only get to post a few times this week and then will be going on vacation for the next two. So if you guys don’t hear from me in a while it’s only because I’ll be camping for most of my vacation. I say most because we had to book our vacation around the fact that I may O towards the end of the vacation. We were intending on camping through the Maritimes, but because of where my cycle falls we need to now stay close enough to home to keep coming back for U/S and a possible IUI, otherwise we’d have had to skip next cycle too. So I’m expecting AF any time this week (probably towards the end of the week (and can feel her coming so I’m not hopeful for a BFP this month). I’m actually hopping AF comes earlier so that I can book our campsite accordingly; otherwise my vacation is at a stand still!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - what a rollercoaster week!!!! I would be a mess :)

    Ashley - Isn't it insane that we really do put our lives on hold for all this stuff (not that there is really any choice.....and there are so many pretty places closer to home for you guys)

    AFM: Today's weigh in wasn't as good as Friday, but then I had wedding food and then birthday party food and it was sooo hot and I know I wasn't drinking enough H20 (even though I might have topped 15 glasses on Saturday). Having people over for dinner tonight, but am making it a quiet, easy meal....pulled pork. Meat is in the slow cooker now and hubs is bringing home buns, veggies and dip. I think we're going to finish it off with smores.......not the greatest meal, but not the worst either....I'll load up on the veggies and my smore will include dark chocolate.....

    Yesterday we went to the local conservation area for one of my best friend's youngest's 1st birthday but I spent most of the afternoon with my favourite 4 year old. Also spent the afternoon with mutual friends (she's expecting in November) so I was surrounded by babies, children or preggos ALL weekend......and I find that I'm more apt to say things like "I want a baby" that baby fever seems to be coming back for me. Tomorrow is our clinic appt. I realized that we probably won't be doing the IVF procedure on our Anniversary (Oct 7) just because my natural cycle is 36 days. The doctor's are probably going to medicate me for a 28 day cycle, which will bump everything up. Hopefully I'll be doing my IVF stuff in mid-late Sept....which now that it's August isn't so far away for my brain to grasp....