JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 15



  • SheilaBoneham
    SheilaBoneham Posts: 3,070 Member
    Ultimate goal - 135 & more muscle
    Weight 2/21/15 - 218.2
    Goal for #15 (my first round) - 150
    Goal for 2018 - 135

    8/31 - 151.8

    9/1 - 151 Got my walk and stretching in.

    9/2 - 150.8
    Forest fires in the mountains have laid a thick blanket of smoke over us, and the temp is going to the high 90s-100 today through Tues., so I won't be walking outdoors. Stretching & weights, and maybe some jumping jacks.

    9/3 - 150.8
    Went out to eat yesterday, so I'm not surprised - just happy I didn't gain water weight. The smoke is terrible today, so no outdoor acidity, and I don't plan to do anything other than stretching indoors - we don't have ac and can smell smoke even with the windows closed.

    9/4 - 151
    Who knows?

    9/5 - 152.2
    This isn't fat - I went on a bit of a binge last night, so more sodium (and food) than usual. I'll not binge today :-)

    9/6 - 152
    A bit discouraging, but considering that our terrible air quality the past week (ranging from "Unhealthy" to "Hazardous") has kept me from my normal 60-120 minutes of walking every day, I guess holding steady isn't a bad thing. I'm averaging 1750 calories/day and really don't want to go much lower (and get hangry!), so I'll just ride it out. We may get a little rain this afternoon, which may settle some of the smoke for a while. We need a few days of rain to put out the fires. So sad for Oregon - sort of puts a few ounces or pounds in perspective.

    9/7 - 151.8
    Full circle! The air is a bit better today and I hope to get a little walking in. I've gone over my calorie goal several times this week - all good, healthful food, but a bit more than I intended. Still, I think that once the air clears and I get back to regular walking, I should lose. Not gaining is a good thing!

    9/8 - 151.8
    The smoke is coming back, but I got a nice 5-miles walk in this morning while the air was clear from last night's rain. Interested to see that my weight has come back down despite my calories being ~100 higher that planned per day. I write mysteries, but those plot lines pale compared to the mysteries of losing weight!

    9/9 - 151.2
    Well, staying level in a week of way less exercise than normal due to poor air quality is a win, I think. I did get a 40 min walk in this morning, and plan to get out again this afternoon. Onward.

  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    I am looking forward to joining the next round!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    R14 average - 141.4
    R15 goal - Knee surgery on the 4th. Try not to go above 142.

    8/31 - 139.6 - :) I haven't been below 140 for months. Great if it's a whoosh but most likely a bit of dehydration as I didn't drink much water yesterday. Time will tell....
    9/01- 139.8 :)
    9/02 - 140.2
    9/03 - 140.4
    9/09 - 140.8

    I had my knee operated on on Monday so I'm pleased :smile:

    I think I will have the same aim as last round as I'm sleeping most of the day due to pain meds.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    farmgirlco wrote: »
    Anyone else just have a really hard time this round?? I ended higher than I started :-(

    This happens to all of us.. look through the stats of the people who record them in their posts and see you aren't alone.
  • 40lbslighter
    40lbslighter Posts: 479 Member
    Yay!  Ready for my third round with this glorious group!

    Round 15: 
    SW:  165.6
    GW:  164.2

    Round 13:  SW 167.6, EW 166.4 (-1.2 lb), LW 165.4, HW 168.4, AVG 167.4

    Round 14:  SW 166.4, EW 165.6 (-0.8 lb),
    LW 165.6, HW 167.2, AVG 166.2

    8/31:  165.8  Normal fluctuation.  Did not want to weigh today - late night snack attack.  Somehow thought a dinner of carrots and hummus would be enough.  Wrong!  Lesson learned.  :)

    9/01:  165.2  New 2-year low!  :)  Will not overdo it this holiday weekend!

    9/02:  164.6  Nice!  10-day average is now under 166.  Yay!

    9/03:  164.4  Note to self:  This is NOT a free pass to overindulge at tomorrow's BBQ.  <3 Me.

    9/04:  163.6  Fourth consecutive day of loss.  Really liking this trend!  Been doing less cardio and more strength exercises.

    9/05:  163.8  Normal fluctuation.  Still under goal for this round and seventh day out of the 166's.  Yay!

    9/06:  164.2  Ignoring this one as I weighed much earlier than usual.  Plus only got a couple hours of sleep so my little organs didn't get time to do their jobs.  Let's see what tomorrow brings!

    9/07:  164.0  Under round goal weight, so I'll take it.  10-day average is now under 165.  Yay!

    9/08:  164.4  Day 7 out of 165s.  Woot-woot!  Slightly disappointed the 163s didn't stick around for my Friday team challenge weigh-in, but glad to have seen them this week nonetheless.  :)

    9/09  164.0  Ggggggoooaaaalllll!  :D

    Round 15:  SW 165.6, EW 164.0 (-1.6 lb),
    LW 163.6, HW 165.2, AVG 164.4

    Stayed under starting weight the entire round.
    Doubled my loss of last round.
    Low weight and high weight both two pounds under last round.

    Thanks for the inspiration and support, friends!  See you next round.  <3

    I believe in my ability to MAKE HEALTHY CHOICES, to LOSE WEIGHT, and KEEP IT OFF!
  • ultimateyou
    ultimateyou Posts: 108 Member
    Round 12: 314.4
    Round 13: 314.0
    Round 14: 315.4

    Starting weight: 320
    Goal weight: 250
    Current weight: 315.4
    Goal this round: 314

    Day: Weight: Comments
    8/31: 314.0 : Woo Hoo Great start to round 15!
    9/01: 313.8: YES!! I am getting somewhere. My lowest so far.
    9/02: 312.8 : YAY!! Didn't think I would get here.
    9/03: 312.8 : Stayed the same, which is ok.
    9/04: 312.2 : Measure day. Lost weight but gained a couple cm.
    9/05: 311.6 : wipee! This was from a huge workout and under cals. Most likely go back up tomorrow.
    9/06: 311.6 : Glad to see it didn't go up. I would be happy for it to stay at 311 till the end of the week, but a little more won't hurt lol. Don't want to loose too fast lol.
    9/07: 311.6 : So close now to 4lb loss this week. 2 days left.
    9/08: 312.2 : Gone up but I know why. I haven't worked out and on my TOM.
    9/09: 312.2 : Well I ended with a loss and got my goal. See you round 16!
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    Count me in again!
    Round 4 ending weight: 156.2 pounds
    Ultimate goal weight: 144 pounds

    Round 15 (My round 4) For this round I will set my goal to 153.X pounds.

    31 August - 156.5
    01 September - 155.2
    02 September - 156.2
    03 September - 155.8
    04 September - 155.6
    05 September - 156.1
    06 September - 155.2
    07 September - 155.6
    08 September - 155.4
    09 September - 157.0
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,937 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS Round 16

    Weight on 1/17/17 174
    SW Rnd 7 167
    SW Rnd 8 168 Traveling
    SW Rnd 9 164.5 Traveling
    SW Rnd 10 167
    SW Rnd 11 163
    SW Rnd 12 162.5
    SW Rnd 13 159.5
    SW Rnd 14 158.5
    SW Rnd 15 158

    SHORT TERM GOAL Get to 155

    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.

    8/31 158 I'm tired of this number. Tweaking my plan.
    9/01 158 Dinner at Golden Corral
    9/02 157.5
    9/03 158
    9/04 157 Hello again
    9/05 157.5 VERY salty dinner last night
    9/06 156.5
    9/07 156
    9/08 158 Not a surprise. DH wasn't feeling well and when finally something sounded good, it was pizza at Cicis's. I had a large salad with Blue Cheese dressing and one piece of veggie flatbread with the topping from a second piece added. I also had my first diet soda in a week and then because of other commitments, didn't get enough water in!
    9/09 156 I thought I posted earlier but don't see it. I got up late this morning and had to get to a meeting, then ran some errands and didn't get home (or anything to eat) and got home around 2:30. I'm thrilled to be down 2# this round. I haven't been this low since 2013! See you next round!

    I want to tell you all how much I am enjoying this group and the support. Y'all are awesome!

    Florida friends, stay safe!
  • wannabesmaller2017
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5
    Round 10 SW: 181.5
    Round 11 SW: 181.0
    Round 12 SW: 179.0
    Round 13 SW: 178.0
    Round 14 SW: 178.5
    Round 15 SW: 178.5

    Goal for this round: 177.0
    Ultimate goal: 128

    I've only lost .5 in the last month. Need to get serious and determined!!

    8/31 179.0 (almost forgot to post)
    9/01 177.0
    9/02 177.5
    9/03 178.5 Expected to gain a little. Went to a church cookout last night and ate lots of yummy food.
    9/04 181.0 grrr...whenever I overeat one day I can't seem to get back onboard the next day or two.
    9/05 182.0 :-( I'm so bloated I look 7 months pregnant! I exercised hard yesterday but didn't drink all my water and ate Mexican food for dinner. I know I haven't gained 5 lbs in 3 days but this is depressing.
    9/06 178.0 Better.
    9/08 179.0 Apparently I forgot to weigh yesterday.
    9/09 179.5 Well dang. :-/

    I GAINED a pound this round!!

    @farmgirlco - I gained this round. And I haven't done well in the past month. I need to do better or this weight will never come off. We'll do great next round!!
  • bobbylou23
    bobbylou23 Posts: 199 Member
    Round 1 for me. Goal -3lb
    Ultimate goal weight 140lb

    8/31: 178lb -dds bday celebrations
    9/01: 178lb -family meal. 1 hour walk
    9/02: 178lb -gym & 20min home-workout
    9/03: 177lb - desk work all day
    9/04: 177lb - 20 min home work out
    9/05: 176lb - 45 min boot camp
    9/06: 176lb - 1 hour walk
    9/07: 175lb - 45 min boot camp
    9/08: 175lb - 1 hour walk (meal out)
    9/09: 174lb - 45 boot camp (meal out)

    Woohoo! Goal reached - 4lb loss

    First round with you guys... i found it really helpful logging everyday - even if I didn't post online. I think focussing on a smaller goal helped too - so thanks.

    Lots of birthday nights out this past two weeks so I'm hoping to be able to keep the weight off in the next round.

    I joined a boot camp in august but didn't change my diet so that's my goal for the next 10 days.

    What happens now? Do we keep logging here or is there a new group set up?
  • shoui16
    shoui16 Posts: 90 Member
    bobbylou23 wrote: »

    What happens now? Do we keep logging here or is there a new group set up?

    Hello! Congratulations on your loss (my, my, that just sounded weird... :# )

    There's a new thread for Round 16. Check it out!
    (sorry, can't provide the link, dunno how to do it via phone)

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,328 Member
    edited September 2017
    I see a lot of people upset by apparent weight gain when they have been working their butts off. Body weight can fluctuate from one day to the next depending on so many factors. From my experience:
    • Changes often take several days to show on the scale.
    • A drop is often followed by a bounce up before it settles back down. A general downward trend is the aim.
    • A high sodium day usually results in water retention, unless you drink extra fluids to flush it out.
    Don't beat yourself up over a temporary gain. Trust the process and stick with the programme.
    You are making positive lifestyle changes which will lead to increased health and fitness.
    Slow and steady leads to sustainable weight loss.
    But remember to live a little along the way! [/b]

    Round 15: (Round 8 for me. Female, 5'2" aged 71, weight in lbs)
    SW: 227; Lowest weight 18 Aug 2017: 159.2; Final goal weight: 147
    Lowest : R8/1, 162; R9/2, 164.8; R10/3, 166; R11/4, 164; R12/5, 161.4; R13/6, 159.2; R14/7, 158.6;
    R13 and 14 was on holiday and not using my own scale so discounting these weights.
    Highest : R8/1, 169; R9/2, 169; R10/3, 168; R11/4, 166.8; R12/5, 164.4; R13/6, 161.8; R14/7, 167.8;
    Mean...: R8/1, 165.5; R9/2, 166.8; R10/3, 167.7; R11/4, 165.5; R12/5, 162.6; R13/6, 160.4; R14/7, 160.7;
    End W...: R8/1, 169; R9/2, 164.6; R10/3, 166.6; R11/4, 164.2; R12/5, 161.1; R13/6, 159.8; R14/7, 163;
    Daily Goals: pre-log/follow through; balance macros/micros; hydrate; 15+ strength ; 15+ flex ; 7,500+ steps ; close kitchen at 8pm!
    Round 15 Target weight: 162
    30/8/2017: 163 A week's holiday last round put me up a bit again, but have already lost 2/3 of it.
    31/9/2017: 162 Yes!!! Goals ✅ Another one bites the dust. Overdid the sodium yesterday, but drank extra water to flush it out.
    1/9/2017: 156.6 or 164.2 I got both readings this morning, and a whole lot in between. Scale is being temperamental. I moved it all over the joint, changed the batteries, still going haywire. Goals ✅ Did a lot of sitting at the computer, may not have hydrated enough. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Technology can be annoying!
    2/9/2017: 162.2 Phew! Scale has settled down again! Goals ✅ Had a good workout 1st thing. Lots of water. Sticking to my goals and daily plan.
    2/9/2017: 163.8 I was expecting that. Goals ✅ apart from a minor blowout on chocolate after dinner. Drank lots of water early in the day, but forgot to combat the sodium in lunch/dinner later in the day. Live and Learn!
    4/9/2017: 163.4 Goals ✅ Small drop. Back on track. Just a couple of slack days have consequences.
    5/9/2017: 162.6 Goals ✅ Much better. Still working on losing holiday baggage from the summer.
    6/9/2017: 161 Goals ✅ I have finally lost the holiday baggage from the summer months. Time to batten down the hatches and go for my ultimate goal.
    7/9/2017: 161.8 Goals ✅ Normal fluctuation. Often get a bounce after a whoosh. Still below where I started the summer, and my R15 target.
    8/9/2017: 161.8 Goals ✅ Yay! Holding steady and under goal for this round. Now to just stay there!
    9/9/2017: 161.6 Goals ✅ Surprised at this as my hydration yesterday was patchy.

    Round 15: (Target: 162) Highest, 163.8; lowest, 161; Mean, 161.8 It's slow, but I am very happy with the downward trend.
    Don't worry! 1317309lsk5aj07xu.gif Be Happy!!! :sunglasses:
  • farmgirlco
    farmgirlco Posts: 118 Member
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5
    Round 10 SW: 181.5
    Round 11 SW: 181.0
    Round 12 SW: 179.0
    Round 13 SW: 178.0
    Round 14 SW: 178.5
    Round 15 SW: 178.5

    Goal for this round: 177.0
    Ultimate goal: 128

    I've only lost .5 in the last month. Need to get serious and determined!!

    8/31 179.0 (almost forgot to post)
    9/01 177.0
    9/02 177.5
    9/03 178.5 Expected to gain a little. Went to a church cookout last night and ate lots of yummy food.
    9/04 181.0 grrr...whenever I overeat one day I can't seem to get back onboard the next day or two.
    9/05 182.0 :-( I'm so bloated I look 7 months pregnant! I exercised hard yesterday but didn't drink all my water and ate Mexican food for dinner. I know I haven't gained 5 lbs in 3 days but this is depressing.
    9/06 178.0 Better.
    9/08 179.0 Apparently I forgot to weigh yesterday.
    9/09 179.5 Well dang. :-/

    I GAINED a pound this round!!

    @farmgirlco - I gained this round. And I haven't done well in the past month. I need to do better or this weight will never come off. We'll do great next round!!

    We can do it!! It starts today!!
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    m in again :)
    Starting weight: 193 (July 2016)
    Goal weight: 135
    End of Round 11: 143.4 (7/31/17)
    End of Round 12: 142.5 (8/10/17)
    End of Round 13: 140.4 (8/20/17)
    End of Round 14: 138.6 (8/30/17)
    47 yo female. 5'6
    Goal this round: 137

    8/31 138.7 elliptical 30 min and did not eat back any exercise calories
    9/01 138.7 elliptical 30 min and under calorie goal
    9/02 139.1 no exercise, over by about 200 calories
    9/03 141.9 elliptical and ice skating, over by about 300 calories, way over on sodium (getting sick, soup)
    9/04 141.4 no exercise, over by almost 700 calories. And I was doing so well! I have been feeling tired/sick all weekend. No energy to exercise, and not feeling like watching what I eat. Lots of snacking! I'll be back on track by tomorrow.
    9/05 140.1 30 min elliptical and just under calorie goal (I'll be glad to end this round where I started)
    9/06 139.1 (I think, can't find my post from 9/6?) 30 min elliptical and under calorie goal
    9/07 139.2 no exercise, stress eating AGAIN, over by almost 1,000 calories (my goal is 1300 a day)

    I just quit this challenge! I have not done that before. I weigh 143.3 this morning (Sunday)! I became stressed out over an issue with my son and decided I needed a break from logging, weighing, and watching calories. So, I ate whatever I wanted and stopped tracking. Well that was not very helpful to myself. Last night, my stomach hurt and I realized that this is not how I want to feel. I did not eat completely ridiculous amounts of food, but I definitely ate too much, and ate things I haven't in a long time (french fries at Five Guys, carrot cake from the bakery). Well, moving onward I guess. Time to get back on track.
  • NayaSaidSo
    NayaSaidSo Posts: 157 Member
    edited September 2017
    SW 212
    CW- 203
    UGW- 160

    8/31- 203.2
    9/1 : 204.9 - not sure what this is, I've had great day. Today was my rest day after working out 5 days in a row. Did 30 flights of stairs and walked for about 50 mins during my down time at work. Logged my food, was under my calorie goal but went over in protein by 26g. Idk if that matters lol. Measured at about 9pm
    9/3-201.8 - took this measurement this AM after my workout. Hoping to hit my water goal today, hoping this number sticks!
    9/4 - overslept, so couldn't make the gym this am. But was under my calorie goal, and hit my water goal.
    9/5 - 200.6 would be happy to see this number again tomorrow. This was at 7 am after working out.
    9/6- 200.0 post workout at 12pm. I've upped my water this week, so I'm happy to see the water weight go away. Did have alcohol and potato chips yesterday. Logged it, was still under calories but way over on sugar and sodium. Will try to hit 65 ounces of water today and see what the scale does. More importantly, 200 is my mini goal #1 --> new workout shoes today! yay
    9/7 - 199.5 9am after an intense sweat session, so sure a lot of this is water weight. I need to be sure to rehydrate today, i think i had maybe half of my water goal yesterday. and just sweated out what I had left. lets see what tomorrow brings!
    9/8- 200.0 happy with this number
    9/9 : didnt weigh in yesterday. was a rest day so didnt work out either. got some bad news, drank my problems away. expecting to see a huge jump tomorrow

    Just wanted to complete this round. Hadn't been on in a couple of days but wanted to post an update! Looking forward to next round and getting back on track!
  • ajadorsey
    ajadorsey Posts: 78 Member
    Please count me in! Glad to see this group as I am trying to lose weight gained after a sprained ankle and need some accountability. This will be my first time doing this. I have a question--do we post our weight at the beginning of each day?

    9/10 Starting weight is 165.7.
  • rosetigger
    rosetigger Posts: 1,147 Member
    Is there going to be a round 16? I don't see a link.