Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    So my weigh-in was great! I was down another lb and therefore back to the weight I was just before my bday (191.8). I'm hoping soooo much to see even lower tomorrow! But I've lost 2 Lbs in 4 days. So I know it's possible that the rhythm will slow now.

    I've been a VERY good girl. Tomorrow we are out to a restaurant and Saturday as well. I've got my fingers crossed that I can be a good girl and keep counting and do well even though we will be out.

    Things here with the family are extremely stressful and emotional but I'm doing much better at keeping calm and not crying as much. I'm trying to be there for my husband as much as possible. He seems to be adjusting now too.

    Great job!! I am so proud of you!! You are under so much stress, yet, you are learning that food is not the answer. So proud of you!!!!!!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Also succumbed to the caprese + pasta temptation...my tomatoes are so nice right now!

    2. weight workout (and maybe try a Pound class, though I suspect it will be too easy for me)

    What is caprese??? And a Pound class? Haven't heard of those?

    Caprese is fresh tomatoes, a clove or two of smashed garlic, mozzarella (preferably fresh), torn basil, salt and a drizzle of olive oil. By itself, this is fairly low in carbs. Sometimes I add sauteed shrimp for more of a full meal--also tasty and meets my macros.

    Now, if you chop those things up (not the shrimp), put them at the bottom of a bowl and top with hot pasta and let it sit for a few minutes before you eat it, you get this lusty, gorgeous sauce that can only happen at the end of the summer when the fresh heirloom tomatoes are good and the basil is too. I have lots of yellow, purple and orange tomatoes this summer that are not right for canning, but they are delicious this way.

    Sadly, I am VERY sensitive to carbs, so I really should not do this even with a careful portion of pasta...but it is SO GOOD and would be a healthy thing for a person with a normal metabolism.

    I'm not totally sure what Pound is yet since I didn't get to the gym until after the class ended. Sort of like Zumba with drumsticks? Pilates with drumsticks?

  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Drink enough water
    2) Finish and submit application before deadline (a minute before midnight)
    3) Write two collaborators about results
    4) Take everything else just as it is
    5) Take some time-out to find myself in this chaos.

    To keep it short: I wondrously did everything I planned yesterday, but did it with a migraine. And there is no relief yet. Did not sleep tonight, still have a throbbing migraine and lots and lots of stuff to do.

    1) Go to all three talks at work
    2) Lunch with friends
    3) Scout conference location to figure out how many of which signs we need
    4) Print and laminate signs back at work
    5) Take time-out for myself

    I might take a day off from logging, just because it will be hard anyway.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Weekly weigh-in:

    Goal weight: 154 lb
    Weight (1/9/17): 169.25 lb
    Weight (9/9/17): 169.25 lb
    Today's weight (15/9/17): 168 lb

    So the scale has started moving! Reasonably pleased with that as I was NOT very good this week - there were several occasions of emotional eating.

    However it's started going down - I'll keep the progress up next week!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No daytime snacks except ryvita
    - Choose lunch that's <400 calories
    - G&T only
    - Healthy dessert for dinner (yoghurt)
    - No evening snacking!

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Stay positive!

    Happy Friday everyone!

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Anyone got any good ideas to combat rage?
    I’m absolutely furious today.

    It’s just been the worst day ever.
    My partners been in a mood, I used a satnav to go to place X from home and when I did it from place X to home it took us a different way with traffic rather than country lanes. My partner went mad because i couldn’t remember which way we came and that’s apparently my fault? (That’s his disorder) but he calls me every name under the sun and I can either accept it as his disorder and ignore it or have a go and tell him not to call me names and spark an even bigger argument. I stayed quiet this time in a silent rage but it still hurts my feelings even when I know he doesn’t mean it.

    And to top it off I just slipped down 2 stairs on his fecking coat (he threw it to the bottom of the stairs) whilst carrying drinks and landed on my lower back. Not hard enough to hurt baby so no worry there but my lower back hurts.
    Plus, I didn’t realise from the bowling my left butt cheek and thigh are in agony from the “lunge” when throwing the ball! Just the one side is so stiff lol!

    I’ve got zero patience for anything, the dog, the girls, the mess, any noise in the slightest so you can imagine I’m just getting more and more angry.

    Bex-my heart goes out to you. Given with what you're dealing w/I can see why you'd be in a rage. Can you take an hour break from home, go for a walk or visit a library or someplace just to escape? It's amazing that you have so much patience with your partner's reaction. I have a hard time backing down (I'm sure this baffles my husband) so it wouldn't have been pretty. Take care of you.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I managed to delete my original post by accident & now I'm pressed for time. But I did skim through a bunch. Love all our differences & similarities.

    Busy day ahead...
    Review to do list before walk.
    Walk dog (looks like rain, but she loves it).
    Use timer if needed to stay on task.
    Dinner is ready to throw in oven. We'll have leftovers this weekend.
    Plan weekend meals, make a large salad.
    Hit 17k steps last night!
    Reduce stress by continuing w/planning & organizing volunteer commitments.
    Listen to a Half Size Me webinar on walk.
    Read through Sunday school materials and plan out art project.
    Keep up with 9 cups of water.
    Meditate w/calm app for 25 mins.
    I need to laugh, maybe we'll watch a funny movie tonight with the kids.
    After church meeting last night, I couldn't sleep...stayed up til 1:30am!! Luckily, I didn't graze, but still, I need to get to bed earlier.

    After the next couple of weeks my volunteer duties should calm down a bit. I will tackle some home Reno & other pending projects after & stop stressing that they're not getting done now.

    JosephineBowman-good for you on being closer to wearing your wedding band. That's one of my goals!
    Skymingen-are your migraines triggered by weather? I've noticed I'm getting them more freq.
    Joan6630-you'll get back on track. It's hard when you've been away but you can do it.

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    If anyone is interested in trying out the Calm App, they have a free 7 day challenge. I still use a lot of the free features & you can choose from so many background sounds. Best 20-25 mins of my day, any more than that and it could interfere w/my sleep.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    Crazy day at work, I'll catch everybody's posts later. For now...

    Recap R 9/14
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work / a little foggy / geese on the move = happy dog & me (cooler weather in a.m. so much more comfortable) :smiley:
    2) Use Calm app, pause & pray = Yes...thanks, @Saragirl2 !!! :smiley:
    3) Before choir rehearsal: deadhead roses, water planters (out of habit this summer ;) ), refill birdfeeders = No (ran out of time) / Yes (not my imagination, local weatherman said this is first stretch of 7 days with NO precipitation since NOVEMBER - ack!) / Yes :smiley:
    4) Choir, then grocery shop = Done / Done :smiley:
    5) Boil eggs, prep veggies, wash dishes, hang up clothes on office chair = Yes / Yes / No / No (see #3-4, list too long for time allotted) :smile:
    6) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Sort of...10:25 :smile:

    JFT F 9/15 = 3 hours of mandatory in-house training 12:30 - 3:30 so eating lunch at desk. At least I get to leave work at 3:30 :smiley: and it's another glorious day in Green Bay! B)
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work = happy me & dog :smiley:
    2) Keep focused on project in a.m.
    3) After work: wash 2 windows, deadhead roses, read Sun. ads, wash dishes, hang up clothes on office chair
    4) Unwind 10:00 / bedtime not too late, busy Sat., farmers market early & walk dog before SIL & BIL arrive
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »

    1) Go to all three talks at work :)
    2) Lunch with friends :)even logged it as good as I can
    3) Scout conference location to figure out how many of which signs we need :#That was a task! I realised it is a veritable maze. Great. Printed heaps of signs. Just in case.
    4) Print and laminate signs back at work :)Colleague helped laminate and we sat together and had a really nice chat during it.
    5) Take time-out for myself :|Hm. I tried to sleep a little after work, but couldn't fall asleep. Bf thinks I would be better if I sleep for an hour after work and just go to bed an hour later. That has so far never in my life worked out, but he is so annoyed about me saying that, that I am just going to try once more to calm him down.

    @Saragirl2 The migraines can be triggered by weather changes, but I am sure this one was just caused by all of the stress of this week.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :( 10,622
    2. weight workout :smiley:
    3. under 75G carbs :)
    4. under 1400 calories :)
    5. 8+ freggies :smiley:
    6. 10+C water :)
    7. pre-track food for the day :)

    1. 10,000 steps
    2. 120 minute pear harvest--lots of walking, climbing and heavy lifting
    3. under 75G carbs
    4. under 1400 calories
    5. 8+ freggies
    6. 10+C water
    7. pre-track food for the day
    8. keep working on trying to get better sleep
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    JFT F 9/15 = 3 hours of mandatory in-house training 12:30 - 3:30 so eating lunch at desk. At least I get to leave work at 3:30 :smiley: and it's another glorious day in Green Bay! B)
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work = happy me & dog :smiley:
    2) Keep focused on project in a.m.
    3) After work: wash 2 windows, deadhead roses, read Sun. ads, wash dishes, hang up clothes on office chair
    4) Unwind 10:00 / bedtime not too late, busy Sat., farmers market early & walk dog before SIL & BIL arrive

    It really IS a beautiful day in Green Bay today! I'm glad you mentioned the farmers market tomorrow. I was wondering if it still happened after Labor Day!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    If anyone is interested in trying out the Calm App, they have a free 7 day challenge. I still use a lot of the free features & you can choose from so many background sounds. Best 20-25 mins of my day, any more than that and it could interfere w/my sleep.

    Thanks for the heads up! I plan to try it today. What time of day do they recommend using it?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »

    JosephineBowman-good for you on being closer to wearing your wedding band. That's one of my goals!

    It's one of mine too! I have not been able to wear my wedding ring since before I had chemotherapy 5 1/2 years ago! I look at it on my ring holder every morning, then look at my swollen fingers and it makes me feel sad.

    We can do this, Ladies!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    Caprese is fresh tomatoes, a clove or two of smashed garlic, mozzarella (preferably fresh), torn basil, salt and a drizzle of olive oil. By itself, this is fairly low in carbs. Sometimes I add sauteed shrimp for more of a full meal--also tasty and meets my macros.

    Now, if you chop those things up (not the shrimp), put them at the bottom of a bowl and top with hot pasta and let it sit for a few minutes before you eat it, you get this lusty, gorgeous sauce that can only happen at the end of the summer when the fresh heirloom tomatoes are good and the basil is too. I have lots of yellow, purple and orange tomatoes this summer that are not right for canning, but they are delicious this way.

    Sadly, I am VERY sensitive to carbs, so I really should not do this even with a careful portion of pasta...but it is SO GOOD and would be a healthy thing for a person with a normal metabolism.

    This sounds sooooo yummy! I might have to try this tomorrow night when I'm the only one home for dinner. Thanks for sharing!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just for Thursday:
    :( <29 g sugar, <75 g carbs
    :( Hydrate! Fingers are like puffy sausages!\
    ;) 30 minutes of activity - No, but I did hit my step goal so that is better than the day before!
    :( Listen to Podcasts
    :( Try the Calm app
    B) Leave work by 11:30 a.m. and have a NICE afternoon doing whatever I feel like. Yup! Was out the door at 11:27 a.m. and went bumming. Found myself 5 new tops on clearance for 70% off the normal price. Was so happy!
    :) Keep working on that morning and evening routine ideas list. Work in progress still. Finishing by Sunday noon so I can begin it on Sunday night to see if my work mornings and days go a little smoother...

    Just for Friday
    If at first you don't succeed, try try again... <29 g added sugar, <75 g carbs
    64+ oz water
    Calm app
    Optimal Living Daily, Optimal Health Daily, Good Life Project and Half Size Me podcasts
    :D Leave work by 11:30 a.m. - DONE! I'm typing this at home right now. Yea!
    Continue brainstorming ideal morning / evening routine and add to running list
    Sew two potholders today. Just to get back in the groove of quilting.
    Laundry: Wash, dry, fold and put away
    Relax with husband tonight and maybe watch a movie
    Bed early so I can hit the Farmers Market tomorrow morning

    I love this group. You guys are so insightful and caring. I love coming on here and getting new ideas to try. Now, if someone could just come hang out with me and make sure I don't stuff ice cream in my face tonight..... :mrgreen:

    Happy Friday!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Day 23 (Sept 15) Goals:
    1. Drink only water or tea (no alcohol)✅
    2. Keep under 100 carbs✅
    3. Exercise a bit✅
    4. Stay calm and patient✅
    5. Log Everything✅
    6. Have a RELAXED day✅
    7. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals✅

    Yay!!!! A good food day despite the restos. I enjoyed myself, but didn't stuff my face. Had a bite of my man's pizza and a little cookie with my cappuccino.

    I've been very sick to my stomach this afternoon (stress/nerves) which helped me eat very little at dinner. We walked a lot today as well, which I hope will show on the scale tomorrow!

    We're going to a big party tomorrow so there will be lots of alcohol and sweet things to eat. I'll try to be good!!!

    Day 24 (Sept 16) Goals:
    1. Keep under 100 carbs
    2. Exercise a bit
    3. Stay calm and patient
    4. Log Everything
    5. Have a RELAXED day
    6. Bonus: keep under 2000 cals
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Didn't hit a single goal yesterday, in fact, I dont even remember what my goals were and I'm too worn out to even look for them. Lol. I got paid this morning so I was able to do a telephone call with a doctor and get some prescriptions called into my pharmacy. Apparently, I have some kind of viral upper respiratory thing. I forget what he called it. I slept like complete *kitten* last night though. I was up pretty much every hour on the hour. It was terrible. But I got up when the alarm went off and ran to the bank and such and I realized my head was much clearer...well not mucus-wise. Lol. But I wasn't as fuzzy brained as I had been the two days before. After I got off the phone with the doctor I had a nice chat with my parents, went and picked up the meds and laid down. And proceeded to continue to sleep like crap. Lol. I was up roughly every hour and a half. Finally got up about a half an hour ago, went and got some mashed potatoes, buttered roll, and a bottle of pulpy orange juice from Wawa...yes I know, the lunch of champions, but I needed something warm and comforting that I didn't have to cook. Lol. Now I'm home waiting for the DH to get home so that we can cuddle. Lol

    I'm going to keep my goals simple for tomorrow,

    1. Sleep as late as I want
    2. Drink plenty of fluids
    3. Take my medicine
    4. Spend a few hours laying in bed reading
    5. Move to the couch at some point to watch some baseball or something
    6. Go to bed early

    I think those are all doable. Lol
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,500 Member
    JFT F 9/15 = 3 hours of mandatory in-house training 12:30 - 3:30 so eating lunch at desk. At least I get to leave work at 3:30 :smiley: and it's another glorious day in Green Bay! B)
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work = happy me & dog :smiley:
    2) Keep focused on project in a.m.
    3) After work: wash 2 windows, deadhead roses, read Sun. ads, wash dishes, hang up clothes on office chair
    4) Unwind 10:00 / bedtime not too late, busy Sat., farmers market early & walk dog before SIL & BIL arrive

    It really IS a beautiful day in Green Bay today! I'm glad you mentioned the farmers market tomorrow. I was wondering if it still happened after Labor Day!

    Sat. farmers market goes through the end of October. tbh, some vendors stop coming (no product) but there's always squash and pumpkins. So far I've only missed two, due to walking in 5Ks. :)

    Broadway Wednesday market ends sooner, don't know the date.