September 2017 Running Challenge



  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,110 Member
    edited September 2017
    01/09 4.53 miles
    13/09 3.82 miles
    14/09 4.07 miles
    15/09 3.78 miles
    16/09 3.74 miles


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Forgetting a watch - life happens. What I find more frustrating is if the watch did not charge properly - usually user error ( Cable connected to watch but other end not connected to charger/computer ). The one that really bites is when you accidentally double tap the mode function and put the watch in a different mode ( Bike or treadmill ) and then your display changes and nothing makes any sense during the event.
    Some days I think it is good to leave the watch in your house/vehicle - start a timer and run a known distance/route on feel - stopping the timer when you get back. If your watch crash's during an event you need some way of confidently gauging your pace.

    Waxing serious here... I have run as an adult for 13 or so years now, and only had a watch for 1 or so years. When I started I did not even have GPS on my phone. It was a while before I even got an iPod. Those were dark ages I do not want to return to. :)

    The watch is far less important than my phone which has my audiobooks on it. The running apps, even the watch has failed me mid-run, but as long as I have my audiobooks I carry on and just do not record that run. The recording is for me to see where I am, missing one or two runs on record is not a huge deal. When my headphones die, I normally head home. *shrugs* everyone has their limits I guess. :smiley:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2017
    @karllundy have a great and safe trip
    @KatieJane83 I can't wear contact lenses I can't get them in, neither can the end doctor crazy
    @MobyCarp glad you decided to register. Hope your better soon
    @elise4270 I wear under armour shorts that don't have a liner, I just go commando it took a few runs to get used to but I hate pulling undies out of my butt while running

    Cross country meet today so rest day. It's a new meet a school in our county is holding. Like 7 team, a waste of our time. The athlete director thought we should support. The sad thing is the meet we are dropping the kids love. Our team should do great, but no individual awards are going to be given wtf.

    Thanks. Mine just fall down. I'm not shaped for anything to stay up without a tie/belt.

    I hope the meet turns out to be enjoyable dispite the lack of participation and awards. Sheeh, spring for something folks! Maybe hand out mini candy packets as the kids finish. It is almost Halloween.

    ETA oh @garygse don't tell me it was hot hard running today. I think I am just about to get up and out to claim 6+. I've had a lazy week, so my legs are rested but my cardiovascular system may already be on vacation. I hate suckin' wind runs. I did hear "fall next week". I'm ready.
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    Hi all!

    9/3: 6.1k -Very easy-
    9/5: 15.4k -Long run-
    9/6: 12.2k -Easy-
    9/7: 14.4k -w/u, 3x1.6k T, 6x200m R, c/d-
    9/9: 9.2k -Easy-
    9/10: 12.7k -w/u, 4x200m R, 4x400m R, 4x200m R, c/d-
    9/11: 12k -w/u, Tempo, c/d-
    9/13: 8k -Easy run-
    9/14: 9.8k -3.2k w/u, 6x2min hard/1 min recovery, 3.2k c/d-
    9/15: 6.6k -Shake off run-

    Goal: 106.6k/170k

    Last easy run yesterday. Race is today!

    Stay hydrated!

    Upcoming races:
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    9/1- REST
    9/2- Family Time
    9/3- Family Time
    9/4- 6- 384 feet elevation
    9/5- 8- 1598 feet elevation
    9/6- 6.2- 1263 feet elevation
    9/7- 8- Track Thursday
    9/8- REST
    9/9- 20
    9/10- REST
    9/11- REST
    9/12- 8.1 - 1663 Feet Elevation
    9/13- 8.1- 1640 Feet elevation
    9/14- 7.2- 1388 Feet Elevation
    9/15- REST
    9/16- 14- 2352 Feet elevation

    Total Miles: 85.6
    Total Elevation: 10288 ft

    September goal: Survive 100k training and the beginnings of pre-race freak out
    Nominal Mileage goal: 200 miles.
    Elevation goal: 15000ft

    Today's notes: Muddy Miles! Hit the snowshoe and XC trails at the ski resort. made for a pretty flat run, but the mud, single track and puddles made up for that in making it difficult. Feeling really good after this run and not totally dreading going out for another 3 hours on trail tomorrow.

    Have a Runderful Day everyone!

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon (full)
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    Got my 20miler in, slower than I wanted


    How did your marathon plan go though? You were going to run this with your full marathon fueling/drinking/clothing/etc plan...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    9/2 - 2.35
    9/9 - 2.85
    9/13 - 2
    9/15 - 3.1
    9/16 - 1.6

    Total: 11.9/20

    76 degrees when I headed out... it was like a cold front! 20 easy minutes. Followed by three rounds of plyo. Was supposed to be 4 but my legs were tired after running last night and again this morning.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,003 Member
    edited September 2017
    September goal: 65 miles

    9/3: 7.1 miles
    9/4: 3.1 miles
    9/5: 3.2 miles (intervals)
    9/6: 2.7 miles
    9/10: 7.2 miles
    9/12: 3.1 miles (intervals)
    9/13: 2.6 miles
    9/16: 3.1 miles

    32.1/65 miles

    I moved my Thursday run to today because of the heat (101°F) and it was definitely the right call. It was just about 80°F when I went this morning but there was enough breeze and some shade on the route. I really felt good. My pace was pretty fast (for me) and I had negative splits which is something I rarely do. I usually start too fast and slow down as I get tired. Today's run was my usual 5k race pace so I am really hopeful that I will be able to get my time down the next time I have a race. Now I am off to spend the rest of the day watching college football. I hope my Aggies don't disappoint me again.


    ETA. I hate it when the ticker is slow to update.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    A bit of a dilemma with my friend who is running the HM with me. We've been running together since the beginning when we both started as non-runners in a walk to run group. Last year we did our first HM together and it was great. We ran and talked along the way, our goal was just to finish. She took off a bit at the end as she had more left in her than I did but we finished within a few minutes of each other. This year, I've definitely trained more, she has young kids and doesn't always get the running in, and doesn't necessarily feel motivated to do races and improve time. That's totally fine and I love running with her anyway because we have a great time chatting and she's fun and positive. But I know she's worried about the race coming up, and just being able to finish (she will, she'll be fine). I know I personally want to improve my time, not just finish. So I think we'll end up parting ways but not sure when to make that call. I think we'll start together and if I'm feeling positive about the day I'll take off or she'll drop back. I think we're both good with that but I feel a bit sad that we won't run the whole thing together.

    Tough call. Have you talked about it with her yet? If she is okay with it, and you really want to improve your time, I would suggest you write your race plan as if she is not running. Encourage her to stay with you as long as she can and let her fall back when she needs to.

  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    @katharmonic I was in this same situation when my friend and I ran Rock-n-Roll half marathon in DC. I knew I had trained a lot more and would finish the race a lot faster, but was too worried to bring it up. But my friend just brought it up herself before the race and said she'd probably drop back at some point. We separated around mile 6, but still had a great time running the race and enjoyed the after party. Just talk to her. That's what good friends do- they tell each other how it is, and I am sure she will understand! Good luck!

    @NikolaosKey Good luck with your race!

    @Elise4270 I wear UA compression shorts with no liner and sports underwear. That's my winning combination so far - very comfortable, no chaffing, pretty low maintenance.

    One more run tomorrow and then I go into taper mode. Very excited for my half marathon next Sunday!

    Goal: 135
    Total: 73.3
    9/01 – 10 miles
    9/03 – 6 miles, easy afternoon run
    9/04 – 7 miles
    9/05 – 6 miles
    9/9 – 7 miles
    9/10 – 7 miles
    9/12 – 8 miles
    9/14 – 7 miles
    9/15 – 8 miles
    9/16 – 7.3 miles
    Upcoming races:
    September 24 – Bachman Valley Half Marathon. Goal – to beat my previous PR of 1:50
    October 22 – Gettysburg Blue-Gray Half Marathon.
    November 5 –Gettysburg Battleground Half Marathon. Goal – to enjoy this local run I was not aware of!

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    9/1 13.1 miles! 2h:09m:49s
    9/2 3.1mi 31m:56s
    9/3 rest
    9/4 4.38mi 41m:07s
    9/5 6mi 57m:38s
    9/6 4mi 39m:50s
    9/7 7mi 69m:59s
    9/8 4mi 38m:49s
    9/9 9mi 1h:26m:35s
    9/10 rest
    9/11 5.2mi 53m:20s
    9/12 4mi 36m:16s
    9/13 6mi 56m:41s
    9/14 4mi 36m:25s
    9/15 4mi 34m:46s
    9/16 8mi 1h:15m:28s

    Pretty good run this morning. It was foggy so I was drenched by the end. I ran past a wedding ceremony- one of the neighborhoods I run through near my house has a really pretty gazebo. I must say an 8am ceremony is the earliest I've ever witnessed!

    I had a hard time keeping pace and I didn't run my last two miles 'easy'. I kind of stink at tempo running unless I'm on the treadmill.
  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    My Week 1 of half marathon did not go as planned but I did my long run today. Next two weeks are jammed pack with work related travel, family activities and a weekend at my brother's fishing camp. Adjusting my run days accordingly.

    09/11/2017 - 4.0 miles
    09/16/2017 - 7.0 miles

    11/72 miles
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    13/9-3.3 (running club - lots of hill work!)
    Total - 53.2/110 Miles
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    It's September 16. Why is it so gosh darn hot??!?

    Temps like this I can only go about 4 miles without hydration. And since I was at my mom's I didn't have my hydration belt, so 4 miles it was.

    Might rain tomorrow. I kind of hope it does, I'd like to have a nice rain run.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @JessicaMcB you are an awesome and full-on crazy person! Just go out and run a chill 80k, you say. At that pace! Before lunch! I can't even begin to imagine. Very impressed.

    Thanks also @JessicaMcB, @PastorVincent, @Runningmischka for the advice re: my friend and I running the race. We have talked about it indirectly and I know she's already expecting we won't run the whole thing together - but I think the approach of saying directly that I'm going to run my race, love to have you keep up as long as you can, then I'll see you at the end and we'll celebrate. She tends to start fast but I know she has that on her mind to help both of us not to start too fast so she'll be good to have in the beginning for sure.