Complaints and Crabs



  • Runner1393
    Runner1393 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 2017
    I’m on my parents insurance plan and I can’t even call to have them change my last name on my card since I got married. I’m not authorized to do so since I’m not the policy holder. I can’t even drop myself from the insurance.

    I’m 24. Glad they pay for my insurance, not so glad I have no control over whether or not I’m on the plan. Lol
  • Runner1393
    Runner1393 Posts: 60 Member
    Oh, one more complaint.
    It’s a sh*tty one.

    My bff and I decided we wanted to go out for some mud wrestling after we got some hard rain due to hurricane season. Was all going well until the neighbor came outside to tell us that they had a massive sewage leak. Explained the smell. FML.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    I went out for lunch with my family today and never got my meal, I waited patiently for 15 mins after all my family had gotten theirs then went to inquire where mine was, I was told they never received it but they had charged me for it, they said they would go sort it out, I waited another 15 ish mins by that time everyone was just about done eating and I still had not received mine, I went and inquired about it again and they still not not received my order by that time I was very annoyed and asked for a refund, a manager got involved and I said that it was disgusting that I was being treated this way and how hard was it to remember a plain jacket potato and plain side salad, not once did any staff member I had dealt with apologise neither did the manager and she would not even look at me whilst I was expressing this to her, it was like she didn't care at all, just refunded me, threw my card back at me and walked off, luckily I had packed a meal replacement shake just in case I couldn't find anything that was low fat which I sipped as we walked around town.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    nolan44219 wrote: »
    I hate that people at my house try to see how high they can stack the garbage on top of the full bag instead of pulling the draw strings and walking 20 steps to take it to the can outside.

    Ohh one of my pet peeves, my ex used to start stacking it next to the kitchen bin.. drove me insane
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    beingmore1 wrote: »
    weekends? What are those? i still have to get up at 5am to get ready to somewhere that takes all day. Repeat tomorrow. Then suddenly...monday. Who decided to make kids sports take more time that professional sports? i'd like to have @Motorsheen hide some fish in their curtain rods.

    For the record, I really didn't do the fish in a bag thing in a rental car..... or anywhere else for that matter.

    That would be stupid, petty and way too much work.

  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    The guy down the street, I saved his dog from a ditch it was laying there dying and I nursed it back to health and I brought the dog back and he didn't say thank you or anything. Now every time he sees me outside my house he just drives pst real slow giving me a real nasty look.
  • Runner1393
    Runner1393 Posts: 60 Member
    edited September 2017
    My camaros VATS system failed and I had to wire in resisters that matched the resistance of the chip in my key to bypass it.

    It starts now, but it was a real pain in the *kitten*.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    edited September 2017
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    beingmore1 wrote: »
    weekends? What are those? i still have to get up at 5am to get ready to somewhere that takes all day. Repeat tomorrow. Then suddenly...monday. Who decided to make kids sports take more time that professional sports? i'd like to have @Motorsheen hide some fish in their curtain rods.

    For the record, I really didn't do the fish in a bag thing in a rental car..... or anywhere else for that matter.

    That would be stupid, petty and way too much work.

    I put prawn heads behind someones hubcaps ..
    Im stupid and petty, but it was so worth it.. that someone was my ex hub :# in my defence he truly deserved it ..
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    My complaint for tonight is there is no one here to fill my wine glass and let me lay on their chest.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    My complaint for tonight is there is no one here to fill my wine glass and let me lay on their chest.

    On my way.. I have some spectacular pillows for ya :laugh:
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    My complaint for tonight is there is no one here to fill my wine glass and let me lay on their chest.

    On my way.. I have some spectacular pillows for ya :laugh:

    :D bring more wine!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    My complaint for tonight is there is no one here to fill my wine glass and let me lay on their chest.

    On my way.. I have some spectacular pillows for ya :laugh:

    :D bring more wine!

    *running,Im coming* :D
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I hate how every conversation on this site ends up being about sex..I'm going outside to have a cigarette and blow smoke into my neighbours yard.

    Make sure you find a kid to home school while you're out there.
  • Ainadan
    Ainadan Posts: 158 Member
    I am an abused grad student. I had to give a test today which took up most of my Saturday, and my students didn't do well, because no one does well on these exams, and the coordinator for the course won't even let me see the test before the exam. How am I supposed to teach the course?!

    Also, my department wants to use me to teach, and then cut funding when I'm not teaching, even though I am supposed to get 1 semester every year to research. I am one of 2 non-Chinese in my program, and they all want to speak in Chinese together and ignore me, except for one girl from Taiwan. Also, because I am American, they want me to teach more than anyone else. So far, I've taught 10 classes and am teaching two in the Spring. Everyone else in my cohort has taught 5-7, and the max someone in the cohort above me has taught is 8. We were told when we entered the program that we would teach 3 courses, and most people in our field teach 2-3 while in grad school.

    Because I do have this outrageous teaching schedule, I am behind on my research and not the best student, so I am ignored by the faculty except for one guy who is stuck with me because I was his RA my first year, and he is only on his 3rd year out of the Ph.D program. I know this is partially my fault for not presenting them with ideas, but all of last year I was taking 4 classes and teaching 2- when do I have time to come up with ideas or get them polished enough to present to faculty?

    And I have to live in a city with expensive rent and I have to be an hour away from my horse. My school is downtown and I have to pay for crappy parking 4 blocks from my office, and am accosted by homeless people so much that I've developed a pretty intense resting *kitten* face, even though that is not me at all and I hate it. I'm at the point where I want to be done so bad, and still have 2-3 years left (I WILL make it 2!!)

    I know I'll get through, and compared to any other struggle that anyone else is facing, this is nothing. I live in a rather nice (but small) flat downtown of a big city, with a steady-ish job and a rescue dog, so I'm living someone else's dream. I guess I hate it when I can't be the best, and I don't feel like the environment I'm in right now is conducive for me to shine. However, I don't even need to be the best, I just need to get through. But it's hard.