
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    In NM to visit my father-in-law. The 6000 additional feet of elevation about killed me on my morning run. I wore my heart monitor and just walking kept my heart rate spiking. Only put in 4.5 miles. Enjoying the dryness after all our flooding.

    In the desert.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Heather-your granddaughter is beautiful. Bet she loved the dress and the Frozen cake.
    Michele- glad you are feeling better. Keep a eye on your leg as something may have bitten you and it may be why you are so tired.
    Penny - high winds are scary. We have been through a couple of hurricanes and it isn't fun. All our windows in the car were smashed by the pressure.
    Sue in WA - sorry about your horse but you loved her enough to ease her pain. <3
    Allie- remember you have to stock your new kitchen. You are too nice to still be cooking for Tom.
    Worked in yard all morning trimming and planting new shrubs. So tired now.
    SueBDew in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Looked at Heather's pictures of Edie's party on my laptop. Just beautiful. And she looks so precious in the dress. Looks like she is ready to go to Disney!

    While I had the lap top out I went to find Mary's camper. Had to go searching for those. But it was worth it. Love your simple landscaping. It fits your camper and Shep. Glad he ahs some protection. Also love the fire pit. If I had that I would be out every night roasting marshmallows!

    OK, back to watching my golf.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't know what's wrong with my access to MFP ... but I'm not getting any of your photos! No links ... no small pics .. nothing. The only way I know there is a photo is that your posts indicates you're commenting on something?!?

    Meg ... I was wondering too if your husband might get off early for good behavior?

    Allie ... no shopping or making dinner for Tom! You're just a roommate right now. And I never shopped or cooked for my roommates unless asked and given money to do so.

    I have to say I love the typing mistakes! They, along with my poor reading vision (when I don't have my glasses on), provide plenty of laughs on my end!

    Thank you for the 55+ community suggestion. I'm sure there are things like that here and I will have to look into them. Right now have to deal with DH's back and now another surgery. Thursday afternoon, he lost all feeling below the waist while standing. Scared him quite a bit. Sitting down relieved the symptoms but not everything came back. Doctor ordered an emergency MRI Friday and an appointment immediately after. We thought he was going to see the surgeon but it ended up being a PA or NP not sure which. Anyways, surgeon will review and call us on Monday. Looks like he needs to fuse and shore up 2 or 3 vertebrae. Two vertebrae were so severely affected by stenosis, swelling and disc issues, they could not see any spinal fluid... He's in a lot of pain and pretty much immobile ... just sitting or lying down now.

    Beth near Buffalo ... beautiful Fall day ... but unseasonably warm. I think they used to call this Indian Summer?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,621 Member
    Beth - So sorry for your DH's back troubles. Sounds very frightening. <3

    Suebdew- (((HUGS)))) for you, but of course you did the right thing. :'(<3

    Tired now and in bed. Good day. :DB) And I kept within calories! o:)

    LoveHeather UK xxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,095 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Beth - so sorry to hear about DH... glad they got him in for the MRI and surgeon will call on Monday. Will keep him in my thoughts and prayers! You as well!! And please remind me..... was your older son applying for a job recently? Sorry - I race through the posts sometimes and lose track. Hope he is doing well!!!

    Penny - do you often get windstorms like that? Mighty powerful for sure. Glad your house didn't blow away and sorry to hear about the car.

    - cute, cute photos and glad the Frozen theme was a grand success! Great job on the cake!

    Sue - so sorry to hear about your horse. Hard decision to make but when you see they are in pain, it's a little bit easier. She had wonderful years with you. How many horses do you have now? Are the little goats keeping you busy?

    And Mary - your Arizona spot looks great! Nice spot for Shep to be outside! You and your DH both look healthy and happy. (Thank you Joyce for reminding me!)

    Becca - thank you for the photos. That Gorge trail bridge is something else... I am surprised it didn't catch on fire! And I hope the phone call comes through <3

    Michele - hope that spot on your leg is nothing. Were you working in the yard = spider bite or little sting of some type? Glad you were able to get in to see the doc and sinuses are feeling better.

    Pip - always good to see pix of Rocky and Floyd... love his happy face! How old was Rocky when he passed?

    Katla - hope the Homeowner's meeting went well. I am curious if they got the sprinkler situation and plant watering resolved for you.

    Those of you in the Central US - we on the west coast were very happy to send our hot weather to you! Sounds like Indian summer for sure!

    I chatted with a gal at Tracfone this afternoon, looks like they have a smartphone I'd be interested in where the minutes and data don't expire. Kind of waiting around to see if Amazon has any good deals coming up on the larger Fire tablets.

    Well, got to make a run to the vet for Rosie this morning... same problem that Sophie had a week ago. This was an easy fix. Ran a fecal sample to their office, they checked it out, called me right back and I took the pup in and picked up meds. I can see the Vet's office from the deck! Didn't even need an appointment. Apparently Sophie shared her germs. Nothing life threatening. Whew. Dogs. Thankfully DH is helping out with their outside business.... I'm getting kind of "pooped" from taking them out all the time. Good way to get steps though.

    That's it for now. Have a great rest of the weekend. Hugs to those of you who need one!!

    SW WA State

    he almost got to 11, but missed it by a couple of weeks.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Allie, so happy for you beginning the new adventure. Enjoy life to the fullest! (((Hugs)))

    Mary, your new home looks terrific. I hope the workaholic DH finds the right gig soon.

    Heather, the cake is fantastic. I know Edie will love it!

    Felecia, glad your little one got over his panic attack.

    Lanette, why are you considering a smart phone when you don’t even use your phone now? Yes you can get internet on it but I rarely use mine for that. The screen is rather small. Lol Plus I for one, hate to type on that thing. I do check email on it occasionally and do get and send texts but again, I don’t care to type much on the phone. If you don’t mind that, they are great.

    Tere, I enjoyed your Blue Story, also. Lol

    Meg, (((Hugs)))

    Allie, I can’t remember if there is a reason you can’t go ahead and move since the landlord gave you the key? And for goodness sake woman, why are you still preparing his food???? Stop that! ((((Hugs))))

    Michele, hope you feel better soon.

    Heather, I hope you and your DH have a wonderful time in Hove. (later) Fantastic pictures of the Hove gang.

    Sharon, so sorry your flu came back. I hope you don’t give it to the girls you are watching.

    Chris, so glad the first date went well. I look forward to hearing about more. balloon.gif

    Kay, I like your smile, too. :)

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    When I woke up the morning after my fall, I wasn’t nearly as sore as I expected. I took my glasses to the eye place yesterday. They can’t be fixed. cute-sad-smiley-emoticon.gif I’ve had them for 4 or 5 years and not needed new ones. They are the first ones I’ve ever had that I liked enough to keep that long plus I really didn’t want to spend $550 right now. I found some that I like okay but didn’t order them on the spot as I had to get used to the idea that I had to get some right now. LOL Oh well, that would have been half a cruise. (later) I decided to get an eye exam since it had been 13 months since my last one. I still didn’t need a change in prescription but was worth finding out before getting new ones. I went ahead an ordered some and won’t get them for a week to 10 days. At least I can see with my old ones and they just don’t stay on exactly right.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
    :'(DJ, sorry about the glasses

    <3Allie,stop cooking for Tom and get moved as soon as possible.

    :'(Beth, I am so sorry to hear about what's going on with your husband. I hope he finds relief soon.

    <3 Barbie
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited September 2017
    If you write a reply on your iPhone MFP app and accidentally turn your phone sideways when you sneeze your words go POOF!

    Tere I’d say you are an amazing woman.

    Allie I’d say shop for the condo’s kitchen and make yourself dinner there each night when you stop there before you head over to your soon to be former home. Telling Tom “I don’t know” when he asked if you were going to shop was PERFECT! Try to answer any questions he might have this week just like that: “I’m not sure”. “I haven’t decided.” ... I’m sure it is probably none of his business anyway and the noncommittal response might avoid arguing.

    Everyone, be well.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,095 Member