Where/How did you meet your SO?



  • KAT1892
    KAT1892 Posts: 54 Member
    Lots of interesting stories here! A lot of them could be made into some pretty epic movies I think.

    We met online through Yahoo's member directory. I was looking for some computer help and his screenname was "Computer Wizmaster". I was 15 and he was 16. He lived in Philadelphia, PA and I lived in Hamilton, ON which made things difficult. He ended up chaperoning a lower level high school class to Niagara Falls, ON (first and only time that school has done such a trip, and he wasn't a senior at the time, which made it even weirder he was asked to chaperone). Niagara Falls was only an hour away from my home so we met. 10 years later, 4.5 years married (including the first 2 years in which we were still living in seperate countries, waiting for immigration) and going strong! :heart:
  • Mrs88hurst
    Mrs88hurst Posts: 13 Member
    I met my husband in my living room after working a double shift. My children's biological father was supposed to be watching them & my nephews & I came home to a house full of people, my kids still up, & unfed at midnight. The first thing I ever said to him & all those that didn't belong was " get the f... Out of my house " . About a year & half later we got together & have been a couple for the last 14 years. He's 10 years younger than me, the kids think of him as dad ( they don't talk or see their biological one ) , and he's a wonderful papa to our 3 grandsons.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I met mine salsa dancing. He kept asking me to dance, and I wasn't too interested in him. And when I was leaving, he asked me, "Are you leaving?". I replied, "Yes. It's Thursday and I have to work in the morning." He asked, "Where do you live?" I thought, "Stalker Alert!!!!". And I hesitatantly replied with only the name of the city. He replied, "I live there too!" and proceeded to give me his entire street address and apartment number.

    He turned out to be my downstairs neighbor, but we'd never met before. I married him 1 year later and we still salsa dance together. We are celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary the end of this month. :-)
  • ShanaDarling
    Wow, times have really changed! Only 10ish years ago, meeting online was... barely heard of, let alone accepted!
    On World of Warcraft, yep, we're nerds too :P

    Edit: I was GM of a guild and he was our main tank, LOLOL!
    We've known eachother for about 5 years been together/married close to 4 years!

    Love it! Geeks unite! We were both GMs of raiding guilds (at different times).

    LOL!!! This is so awesome! A lot of people can't believe we met this way but it happens! I had seen his toon many times in the AH and he was a paladin tank during BC (when we first met) and I would always bugged him to tank Shattered Halls for me lol! I saw him a couple of times during Vanilla but mostly BC. I played a hunter during BC/Wrath/Vanilla. It wasn't until the end of BC that we started "dating". :P

    Geeks unite!

    ^ I love this! LOL, though I'm single now - I met my last boyfriend on WoW... (he was hardcore into arena, competitive mage rocking 2700+ rating back in WotLK) - and I was an officer of a competitive end-game guild (#3 Akama! wewt! I played a holy priest). He joined my guild to raid and we were the only 2 crack heads online at like 3am, so we farmed BGs til we passed out. Hahaha aww, I kinda miss playing WoW. :blushing:
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    We Met online...I'd just gotten out of a bad relationship and just wanted to rebound...well that didn't work! 9 Months later he got word he might be restationed to a base in England...well I couldn't let him go without me! so we got married 8 weeks later...three days later England fell through haha. Now we're in NM married almost two years, survived two TDYs and Spec Ops training! I love my airman so much...glad the military made us feel we had to rush into getting married haha best decision ever!
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    I met my boyfriend online 13 years ago. I was in a HORRIBLE relationship at that time and he was the guy I would talk to when my past boyfriend(s) were driving me crazy. He seen me go through a rough part of life and watched me rise above it. When I FINALLY became single we would occasionally talk on the phone. Which led to more talking & texting. Then I realized this was the guy I felt so comfortable being myself around. I didn't feel the need to try and impress him or act a certain way. That's when I made the first move and let him know I was falling in love with him! 2 weeks later, I was on a plane and moved in with him. This was 5 years ago.


    He got me into WOW! LOL. I have quit that game though :laugh:
  • Tralee1111
    Tralee1111 Posts: 2,039 Member
    We met working at Red Lobster back in the mid-80's. Dated, fell in love and then I broke his heart. He tried so hard to get me to come back to him, but I was too young and wanted to have fun.

    25 years later, a friend of a friend told me he was on Facebook, so I sent a one sentence personal message. From that one line, it opened up our relationship again and 10 months later we got married.

    So never underestimate the power of the internet!

    ETA: Oops. Guess you can use the work d*ckens on here .... :flowerforyou:
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Mail ordered Russian bride.
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    On my 18th birthday, a freshman in college, I walked into a lounge and saw a guy playing on a chess computer. Played a game then and about 30 more over the course of a year. Five years later, we met again, this time in the cafeteria. I had taken two years off to do a church mission and was back for my senior year. He had graduated and was back for a master's program. We were married a year and a half later on February 11, 2006.
  • _eislek_
    _eislek_ Posts: 198 Member
    My husband and I met while working as servers at Olive Garden. From the first time we really talked I knew I wanted to marry him. <3
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    Ha! Stiletto fate :laugh:

    I met him in college; he was my professor. We remained professional while I was his student and started dating after I knew I wouldn't have him as a prof again, though I was still a student at the school (which is a technical college, it's not a university). We weren't breaking any written rules but because we didn't want to stir up trouble of the "So THAT'S why she got an A!" variety, we were very careful. I've graduated so now we are all public and have been together for over 2 years.

    Btw, I got a B in his class, not an A. I love him more as a boyfriend than a professor :tongue:
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I met my husband when I was running an adult bookstore,he was buying porn

    Total high five. :smile:
  • Madrow
    Madrow Posts: 62
    I met mine online at a local dating site that no longer exists. It was a super cheesy site and the day I was going to close out my (free) account, I had a message that wasn't disgustingly repulsive and was actually nice, not at all dirty, so I responded to him. We messaged back and forth for a bit before he asked if it was too forward to ask for my number. We talked all night long, until it was time for me to get ready for work the next morning and have been together ever since. :happy:

    Awww! Wow, sounds like you guys have great timing:smile:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I met my boyfriend online EHarmony
    I signed up for an eharmony account once, years ago, before hubby. They told me I was "unmatchable" and that 1 in 5 people who try to sign up are considered unmatchable. How offensive! Thank goodness they were wrong!
  • MargaretNoon
    I met my great hubby at a birthday kegger at my brothers house when i was 24 years old. Married him 3 years later, then had twins 3 years after that!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I met my first husband ballroom dancing, he didn't think I was a good enough dancer to be his partner, but wanted me as a girlfriend. I got to be both and then we were married for 16 years.

    My second husband - I was on several internet dating sites for a few months, and then decided I'd had enough, but one site made it impossible to delete my profile. My future husband contacted me and that was that.

    Unfortunately I have been widowed for 3 years now, and have recently been dating a co-worker, but the timing is all wrong so my heart is broken.

  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    We met at what I call a "training bar". It was a dance club for teens, I was 15 and he was 14. I think he was actually hitting on my friend by asking her for a piece of gum.. but she didn't have any, but I did :wink:
    We were at the same high school we realized and dated (on and off) all through high school.
    So known eachother for 25 years and just celebrated our 17 wedding anniversary.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    We met online in an MSN chatroom, which I don't believe exsists anymore. That was 8 years ago. I guess the commercials are true, 1 in 5 relationships start via the internet.
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    I worked in the Emergency Room as a Tech and he was the super hot Paramedic I couldn't stop staring at. I would flirt with him heavily and say "you are my favorite." After 3 months of flirting he finally asked me out on a post it! We went on our first date March 13th 2009 and we were married March 11th 2011. "you are my favorite" was part of my wedding vows.

    Now he is my super hot Husband/Firefighter :)
  • Bob_Sugar
    We met 3x in different bars and clubs...finally we were like why don't we go out.