AUGUST Move Your *kitten* Challenge!!!!!



  • tenness33
    tenness33 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new here. Is there a place to find out how to make those cool ticker things? I need to lose about 25-30 pounds to get into running shape and run my next marathon -just signed up today for a 3/12 race, so I'm committed!!!! Goal for the next several weeks is 20-25 miles/week.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Okay, I am in again. Let's hope there is no infection to fight this month!
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    I'd love to join! I want to run/walk 70 miles this month! I didn't do any today, but first thing tomorrow. Also, I don't know how to add a ticker. Help? Thanks and I'm excited!
  • megsaroo
    megsaroo Posts: 162 Member
    Got it, I think!

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just logged a 1.7 mile walk with the doggie, putting me at 10.3. Good start to the month! :smile:
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Walked the dogs this morning 2.7 miles before we pulled out from camping. May go for another walk tonight still. Got the new ticker going for August.
  • 1medicwife
    1medicwife Posts: 28 Member
    I am new here. Is there a place to find out how to make those cool ticker things? I need to lose about 25-30 pounds to get into running shape and run my next marathon -just signed up today for a 3/12 race, so I'm committed!!!! Goal for the next several weeks is 20-25 miles/week.

    Most people are using

    Go to the website, and it is step by step how to set one up (the categories are in blue, I chose Exercise & Fitness ticker to set mine up). Message me if you need any further help! :)
  • peechiz
    peechiz Posts: 15
    I would like to be apart of this challange...Goal is 30miles
    1 mile walked today.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,443 Member
    day one 6 miles walking 4 and running 2
  • bbear
    bbear Posts: 96 Member
    Im in for another month! I was only 1/2 mile short last month and I joined late so I'm going to up my goal from 35 to 40 miles (all on foot). I just started a new job working 10 hour days. I hope I can find the motivation to get the miles in. Good luck everyone!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Went another 1.9 tonight ticker updated!
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I did 5 miles today! :)
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    I would like to join. My goal is 50 miles for the month of August walking/jogging and I already did 2 miles today.

    I'll go make a ticker now and add it in to my signature.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    2 miles walked today. - Ticker updated.

    Good luck everyone with their new challenges this month.
  • petchonka82
    Let's try this again!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Got in 20 miles today riding bike! 15 in the morning and another 5 this evening while waiting for the DH to get home!!
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I prefer to bike in the morning, but I had to be at work early. After a hectic day, I was looking forward to my ride. I don't usually like to ride in the wind and it was kind of windy when I started out. I might not have gone if I hadn't been committed to the 400 miles. And the wind died down about halfway through. Nice burn, excellent ride and just what I needed.

  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Went on two walks today. Ticker is updated!
  • sarahlynnew
    This is awesome! I been trying to find a good motivation to get back on the treadmills some and less in the classroom. I'll set my goal at 20 for this first month and go from there.
  • jettichicken
    I did 2 miles today