
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,150 Member
    Hello! I am new to this site. I am 51, overweight, a 4 1/2 year breast cancer survivor, and noninsulin diabetic. I am determined to get this last 60 pounds off. I have already lost 50 pounds due to the cancer and surgeries involved with it. My problem is I get no support from my family and so needless to say I have no motivation. I tire easily when exercising (when I actually get to exercise; I am a high school science teacher who works year round). I don't exercise much because I feel self conscious due to the fact that I get made fun of while exercising. I have started walking as much as I possibly can in a day's time. I guess what I am asking is "what do you guys do for motivation"? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

    :) Welcome. It sounds like you have motivation if you are determined to get the weight off. Set aside your challenges (no support from family, tiring easily, etc) and look for what you can do. Make a food plan and stick to it no matter what your family is eating. Seek every opportunity to be active (not just formal exercise) but some walking or not sitting so much. I found that eating healthy food gave me more energy and more energy allowed me to burn more calories. Log your food and look for extra, non nutrition dense food to eliminate in favor of healthier, lower calorie choices. Do it one day at a time. And don't compare yourself to other people. List your personal achievements at the end of each day.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Patrice I'm so glad you found Gloria's page. She will be missed so much. Welcome and come back!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Feeling quite blah.

    So I send good thoughts to y’all and call it a night.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Patrice, you will probably lose it many more times. And it is OK! I remember years after my Dad hearing a song that he loved. By that time, my oldest daughter had married and had a daughter. Dad loved kids, from anyone. Mom had a preschool and he was the resident Grandpa. You could always find at least one little one on his lap playing with his hair or looking at a book with him.mbut it hit me then and there that my Dad would never have MY little girl on his lap. Oh, did I lose it. I was in the choir at church and had to leave the choir loft in the middle of a song. My take on things like that is that all emotions are a gift from God. If we deny ourselves that emotion, we are denying ourselves a blessing from God. And yes anger can be a gift. That is how we get things changed in this funny world we live in.

    Well Christina's boss didn't like the truck so she needs to fly back but funny thing is that she can't find the cheapest flight until Thursday! So she gets a nice hotel room right on the beach until then. Poor thing. Now I can't see how a boss can put the cost of two nights in a hotel along with meals and say a cheaper flight in two days is the better bargain. But that is what she is doing. He is bidding on a truck auction in Tennessee tomorrow so she might have to fly to Tennessee and pick that one up. All this time he is in Texas doing a consulting job. He has a strange job. Maybe he needs Lisa to work for him.

    Michelle is doing as well as expected. Back home enjoying the dogs laying next to her. So far they haven't gotten on her. I would almost say that I wish she and her boyfriend live together. She at least would have a big guy to help with the dogs.

    To those in Australia, watched a show tonight about a town in Australia called Seventy Seven. Weird name but beautiful town.

    Was it Ginger that posted a pic over Dallas? I love night skys. That is what was the most beautiful of that picture, not the skyline, it could be anything underneath the sky. I just loved the night sky. I love to take pictures of church steeples at night.

    Joyce, Indiana get my every 6 week hair cut tomorrow. Same cut I have had for maybe 20 years. Just less hair to cut.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,477 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    To those in Australia, watched a show tonight about a town in Australia called Seventy Seven. Weird name but beautiful town.

    Was that Seventeen Seventy? That's a town/locality in Queensland.

    I have not been there, but did pass close to it on a cycling trip in 2004.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,698 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Joyce, Lisa and Katla have given you good advice, I would also say that from what you have said in the past her company values her and I would expect they will cover hotels, meals, etc… so worry a bit that is a Mom’s job but don’t worry too much As for driving on the interstate at night, I do it every few days and feel very safe.

    Peach – hang in there!

    Read everyone’s post, just not much time to respond as bed is calling, I made a batch of bread and butter pickles tonight, these are a bit different as they are made with zucchini instead of cucumbers… I loved the idea of using up 2 quarts of thinly cut zucchini!


    Kim from N. California
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2017
    Great to hear about your bees, Wendy. I've toyed with the idea of keeping bees, and a guy on the other side of our island in northern Norway DOES, so I know it's at least possible, despite being at nearly 70°N. It will have to wait until I'm retired, though.

    Kelly - I'm sorry to have to confess I giggled a bit at your predicament of having a popular porno/stripper name. :blush: Sorry about that! And I feel for your poor daughter!

    I think I mentioned how poorly my vegetable garden did this year but never got around to posting picture proof. Well here it is. When I was putting the garden to bed for the winter, I felt I simply had to eat one of the carrots. I chose the biggest one I could find:

    Please nobody be offended, but here's a joke for Yvonne's Lumberjack day. (The joke's on me.) I was a naïve youngster. A friend told me a joke, and I didn't get it, but I repeated it nonetheless. My version went like this: Why did the freight train stop in the forest? It wanted to let off the lumberjack. My friend immediately said "That's not how it went..." but there were adults present and she decided against explaining. It was years before I understood.

    /Penny, pressing on with students' texts at the North Pole
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    doubekranch 1: Welcome to a great group! I hope you'll post regularly. There is a lot of support and encouragement here.

    Patrice: Success at weight control is all about calories in and calories out, CICO. If you burn more through exercise than you consume, you will lose weight. The secret is to find way to move more that you actually enjoy. Barbie dances & walks. I take yoga classes, ride horses & walk. We have some swimmers and bike riders. You'll do best if the exercise you choose is fun for you and weather proof. :smiley:

    Kim: It seems like ages since I've seen you post. I am so glad you're here now! ;bgsmile:

    It is 2 am here and I'm not sure why I'm awake. I think I'll head back to bed.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,620 Member
    Hi all,
    The painter is putting on the emulsion today. It is a pale pink/lilac/grey. I think it will look rather nice. It's a change of hue for us as we are very blue/grey dominated. :D
    He'll be doing the downstairs and stairwell while we are away, but we have got to move a huge dresser that is up against the stair well so he can get ladders in. It's glass fronted and needs all the stuff in it packing up. Masses of stuff including a lot of crockery and recipe books. The bottom is full of Christmas stuff. It does divide into top and bottom, so I hope it won’t be too heavy. Got to remember to give him a key etc for when we are away. He is off to Rome on Friday for his 70th birthday. B)
    Tomorrow we have the dentist in Winchester in the afternoon. It's a train ride away. It's the nearest National Health one we could find. You still have to pay, but it's much cheaper than a private dentist. The one I used to go to changed hands and tripled its prices! We were furious and had a big argument with them. The government policy on dentistry is sooooooooooooo wrong.
    Then I've got a hair trim on Friday. We thought we might have lunch out locally.
    Tomorrow in Winchester we thought we would have a quick look for a birthday present for me. I want gold earrings (so I am not allergic) or a shimmery/sparkly dress for the next cruise. I have a feeling that we might need more than one research trip, but we can also look in Brighton.

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    <3 NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Morning ladies
    Waiting on my brother he is going to help get my bed apart and take that over.hoping he can help tomorrow morning too.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Missed a lot of stuff as WiFi here has been a bit tempremental. Last day here in Rhodes we are having stifado for lunch then will get changed and wait for pick up to the airport. Should be home about midnight and sleep in our own bed, will miss the sunshine though.

    Dreading getting on the scale but heyho it is what it is and will get back on the wagon eating healthy and back to the gym.

    Kate UK <3

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Allie - I hope your brother is able to help tomorrow too!

    Hearing about everyone painting makes me want to do some work at our house. The problem is the high ceilings and I hate ladders. The garage walls have been driving me crazy (they are marked up, the house is about 20 years old) and the garage floor has been driving my husband crazy. Maybe if we are home at the same time for more than a weekend at a time, we can start on it. I will paint the walls and he will pressure wash the floor and seal it.

    Yesterday was a total success food wise. The free sample at Ben and Jerry's was plenty to satisfy all of us. We also went to a chocolate factory and I was fine with just one caramel. It was a delicious caramel, but i wasn't tempted to buy a sleeve of them. I knew if I did, I would eat them all quickly. We shared a flatbread with chicken and spinach and unfortunately (or fortunately) the crust was overworked and very tough so neither of us ate it. I also had a salad and didn't care for the dressing so no temptation there to eat a lot of the high calorie dressing. Lunch was late so dinner was just some microwave popcorn to round out our day.

    Today's activities include a trip to a cheese factory and I'm not sure what else. Maybe a woolen mill.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Oh my sweating to death already...we took bed apart and it is down at the condo not put together but down there non the less.will sleep on box spring and mattress until sunday.going to.try and get some things down in the morning ..
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Bummer ~ The dishwasher is now leaking onto the floor even though it hasn't been turned on. Will call the company that did the flooring removal yesterday and our insurance adjuster. When will it stop? :s

    Alison ~ Glad your brother is helping you.

    Penny ~ Did you enjoy that carrot? :)

    Oakie ~ Good for you not letting the chocolate and ice cream overcome you.

    Carol in GA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,477 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Bummer ~ The dishwasher is now leaking onto the floor even though it hasn't been turned on. Will call the company that did the flooring removal yesterday and our insurance adjuster. When will it stop? :s

    Soon I hope ... I hope it won't be long before everything is done and looks good. :)