
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited September 2017
    Heather ~ So sad about your friend! :'(

    I have never been snow skiing but I did a lot of water skiing in my young days. I could even ski on one ski (slalom) and was pretty good at it.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Rye--I think your birds are cute.

    Michele--I agree the best thing would be to call the place the dinner is going to be at. At this point I would not trust Marie to give you the right information.

    Heather--Sorry to hear about your friend.


    Meg--Glad you have someone to be with you at court. Keeping you in prayer.

    Woke up to a nice rain this morning and cooler temps. I love Fall. Blessings, Vicki Grand Island,NE
  • Lanette and Katla – We had a neighbor (across the small side street) who set out poisoned food and really did not care what pet she killed; provided she succeeded. Sister had named one of her cats “Dorothy” after the Mother of a HS boyfriend. She delighted in seeing the neighbor come out in the afternoon to sit on her porch and would go to the door and call out, “Dorothy! Dorothy!” When she wave at her, sister would call out: “Here Dorothy; here kitty, kitty, kitty.” The only cat I had that either did not get run over or die for some reason was my “KissyKat”. Black with yellow-green eyes and loved getting in the tub with me. Would jump up on the dresser and slide down the back of the claw foot tub. She avoided the cars with a vengeance. I had one that crawled up in the motor and Daddy cranked the car without thinking about the kitties. Mimi made sure we all came home with one each Spring.

    Marcelynh – While people like to watch deer having a bunch (infestation) of them is not good and can get outright deadly (especially during rut). People see them as Bambi. Bambi was a mythical young deer (probably female) and while my guys get accused of ‘killing Bambi’ they don’t see it that way … it is control and they both use the meat. We will eat some; but, Louis no longer really hunts. He just goes out to ‘sleep’ or ‘something’. They are very territorial. You can call the Game Department and file a complaint and they will come out and figure out how many need to be relocated, if possible. There was a couple in Lee County who had deer everywhere. They lived on an intersection and there were a lot of deer on the roads at dawn and evening. They did not let anybody hunt; but, after several pretty significant wrecks involving passenger cars and deer, the Game Department went out and did a control kill. To feed them makes them ‘expect’ it and it really is ‘cruel’ especially after giving birth to the fawns. More deer get killed by automobiles than by hunters; and, more die from starvation that that. If you own several 100 acres, then fine … set out your feeders and put out cameras and find out where they are coming from and going to. They do not need to be in a subdivision.

    Becca – When my oldest niece and her family moved to Colorado a few years ago, she broke her leg on her first downhill run on the bunny slope so she spent the rest of the week-long vacation in a cast sitting by the window and fireplace reading. She ‘hated’ the cold weather; but, thankfully they lived in a neighborhood with a lot of other mothers who stayed home. They had moved there from Atlanta and was use to ‘snow school days’ at 3” of snow. Her neighbor would take her kids to school, or she’d walk them there and back (for exercise); and, each time it got a few inches deeper she kept thinking the kids would get out of school. Her neighbor told her that she would be the first one to call and tell her that it was a ‘snow day’. One morning it was snowing and she could just make out her neighbor’s house when she called and said, “Jennifer, today is a ‘snow day’ … this is what it takes for Colorado school to declare it a ‘snow day’. I think Jennifer, especially, was happy to move back to Georgia.

    Heather – I have been told that Yoga is an excellent exercise and a lot harder than most people think. I broke my ankle and crushed my heel on my right side in a wreck and can’t stand on one foot. If I ever got stopped for drinking and they wanted me to do a ‘field sobriety test’; I would just have to tell me they could take me in and give me a ‘blood test’ or a ‘blow through the tube’ test.

    Gee, I’d think that being on morphine would certainly put a kink in your friend who has cancer and her visit to Wales.

    Carol – I love water skiing; but, the next day I would be so sore. I was skiing in the St. John’s in Jacksonville double with my cousin when he hit a submerged log and it knocked him out like a light. Needless to say, we had to get back to the dock so they could take him to the ER. I can remember going to Mrs. Vaughn’s place on some lake around Forsyth on yearbook planning days. Days we’d go through 100s of photos and come up with the sayings under them. The ones in the back of the Empescopes.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Got sad news last night. My son in laws younger brother died unexpectedly. He was only 41. They are doing an autopsy but think it was either a heart attack or blood clot. Daughter and husband will fly into Dallas tomorrow. We will be there also so will get to spend some time with them.
    Meg- your family are in my prayers. (((Hugs)))
    Marcelyn- I agree about the deer. We are a gated community surrounded by a river and have way to many deer. My DH counted 50 in our back yard one night. The association does try to weed them out but it is very expensive to trap and get rid of them. They eat everything they can get to and we also have people who feed them.
    Becca-love the picture of the elk n the beach.
    Got to get back outside and finish my gardening project.
    SueBDew in TX.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Felicia Thanks, it was nice of you to say so! Unfortunately my swimming mileage is pretty uninspiring to swimmers, lol. I love it tho. I have some crazy hoops I go through to keep Dr. approval for continuing to swim - did I ever mention the water absorbing ear pads I invented (by cutting up ultra thin menstrual pads) to put under my swim cap so that I don't get water in my bad ear? Lol, I must look so lopsided- but it works!

    1700 meter mixed stroke swim today, aquafit class and 20 minutes kick drills.

    Knee still pretty unhappy and now my shoulder is unhappy too. I think I just slept on my shoulder wrong - I didn't lose much weight the past few months, but the weight sure seems to be redistributed and getting into a comfortable sleeping position has been a challenge lately. Hot flashes as annoying as ever. I haven't heard anything from the job application so I'm guessing that is out of the question. Wondering if I could put together a neighborhood dog walking business for mid day dog walking. Probably not, but maybe I could print up cards and put them in my neighborhood doors and see if I get any 'bites'.

    Aquafit instructor scolded me for injuring knee, but more seriously told me after class that he really doesn't recommend I try to do a squat again unsupervised. Have to admit that made me feel like the dotty old aunt who tried to go skateboarding in her curlers and housecoat...

    Grocery shopping tonight. I hope there is some ripe and sweet cantaloupe and pineapple in the produce section!

    Have a good day ladies!

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all you wonderful ladies, had a good day and I was able to turn around my attitude. My eating is out of control. But what the heck, I'm on vacation. First time since I started this journey in May that I've eaten like this. At first I felt bad but then I decided to not beat myself up about it. I'll be back on track again when I get home on Friday.

    Walked a lot today so that will offset some of what I've eaten. Muggy today and I sweat so much. It's embarrassing. Oh well it is what it is.

    Terry in beautiful but muggy Delaware
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    yum~ that french toast looks great...im home and all ready for bed.. gonna try and get some stuff in the condo , have Comcast all set up for the 28th... between 10 and 12.. so will have to have the TV and modem and router there...
  • Gee, hope you have better luck with Comcast as for their time range than we've ever had with Windstream (only ISP in this area) ... anything form 8 - 12 might mean they'll show up after lunch; anything from 12 - 5; if they show up, they don't have what they need to fix the problem. About the same with DirecTV; but, Dish isn't any better and they don't carry the SEC sports channel.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good evening Ladies!

    Magnetic eyelashes!? Do tell, what makes them magnetic?

    Spent yesterday doing domestic stuff, paying bills (ugh), grocery shopping and some cooking for the week. Small pork roast with glazed carrots was yesterday and tonight's dinner. Fortunately I don't mind eating the same thing many times during the week. I find it helpful to have a meal ready to go when I come home from work, it's one less thing to think about and eliminates mindless munching deciding what to prepare when ravenous. Tonight I roasted some prepped chickpeas and boiled some eggs for work snacks. I usually pack more food to bring to work than I actually eat, log it in the morning and then know exactly what my calorie balance is for the evening. Most often I can subtract what I haven't eaten which gives me some leeway in case I get the evening munchies. Planning I find is the key.

    Off to do some exercise which I still do,not enjoy but don't loathe anymore.

    Love and hugs to everyone.
    Chris in MA
  • sspell60
    sspell60 Posts: 7 Member
    Great group! I just joined My Fitness Pal. I am 59 and hope to learn from you all!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Evening check-in time…

    Carol – I water skiied and slalomed a lot when I was young. That was how our family spent a whole bunch of vacations. Most likely couldn’t even get out of the water anymore, but I’ve got good memories of days on the lake! All three of us kids were like fish, always in the water. Back then Mom could send us to the city swimming pool for the whole day and never have to worry about us.

    Sue – So sorry for your son-in-law and his family. What an awful shock to lose a brother so young!

    Terry – Bet you’re walking off a whole lot of those extra calories. I sweat a lot too, especially when the weather is humid. I end up all red-faced and dripping and yes, it is embarrassing. Do you think we might dry out a bit at a lower weight? I hope so!

    MFP says I didn’t eat enough today, but I feel satisfied right now so I may just leave it. I know I’ll be… let’s just say “calorically challenged” over the weekend because my brother and sister-in-law invited me to meet them for a festival at one of the Hill Country microbreweries Saturday. If I can comfortably try a little harder before the weekend, it’ll probably help at next week’s weigh-in.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:

    with winter bike now and sprinkles and rain to boot--

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 4.42min, 135mhr, 13.3amph. .8mi = 58c
    apple watch- 40c
    jog treadmill - 40min, 9.50min mi, 6.1-7.0sp, 153mhr, 141ahr, 4.10mi = 434c
    apple watch- 410c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 14.25min, 12.7amph, 139mhr, 3mi = 140c
    appple watch- 98c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 16.33min, 150mhr, 11.1amph, 3mi= 174c
    apple watch- 109c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.05min, 157mhr, 10.01min mi, .5mi = 74c
    apple watch- 57c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.41min, 10.20min mi, 155mhr, ..4mi = 63c
    apple watch- 52c
    ride dome 2 hm, windy and showers- 21.53min, 7.1amph, 148mhr, 2.6mi = 202c
    apple watch- 144c

    total cal 1145
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We have a ski park in our neck of the woods here in Southern Indiana which isn't particularly known for being a snowy state down here. So they have one of those snow making blowing machines. I can't imagine getting stuck next to one! Our youth group at church always had a least be overnight there. My poor girls, I was so terrified of them going skiing. Every time the youth group was supposed to go, I managed to find something to ground them over.

    My sisters son called me a little bit ago. You know when you can just tell by the tone of the callers voice that something is wrong. Plus my nephew doesn't call me that often. The women who gave been here with me for a long time know my sister has put us through some harrowing times. She fell in the shower and couldn't get up. Her husband had called her and she didn't answer so he knew to go home. She had been on the floor for over an hour, very confused. Ambulance called since Jeff couldn't get her up. She has pneumonia, the confusion and an electrolyte imbalance. So I have no idea what is wrong and what they will do to insure her safety when she dies things like taking a shower. I don't know why she has these periods of confusion. It was just a couple of weeks ago we were shopping all afternoon and she was driving.

    Sue, I'm so sorry your SIL brother died. I'm glad you are close enough you are supporting him so, that's what family should be like. Good for you.

    Last night was the first night I slept without an Ambien!!! My doctor gave me this one drug last year to try to get me off the Ambien and it worked some nights, others not so well. But yet I have done that with the Ambien. So I am trying it again. Hopefully by next week I can say I am off of the Ambien! Then maybe I can get off this pain contract. I'm not sure why it bothers me that much. I know I don't like having to go for my pee test. I guess I don't like that some one is doubting that I am taking my meds correctly and hav to spy on me. But I picked up my script for the Narco and it was for just 40 tablets. I doubt I can get rid of that pill. The leg pain hurts me to much to go to sleep.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    hello-wave-smiley-emoticon.gif Just a quick check in to say I'm thinking of you. I had a Moose meeting tonight and am home and exhausted. I hope to go to the beach tomorrow but will try to catch up.

    Sending love, good thoughts and and good weather to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 10 minutes of Beach Body DVD, held my plank for 2 min 52sec, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do something on the stairmaster mainly because afterwards I'll go to pick up my gown for Denise's wedding.

    Lenora - do you feel OK?.....lol

    Felicia - sending you virtual chicken soup

    Yes, I do think that I'll ask Denise what SHE would like me to wear to the rehearsal dinner. This is about her, not me or Maria. That will hopefully make her feel more in control. I'll tell her that I did ask Maria but she hasn't gotten back to me and I would like to know.

    Made an appt with the salon at the local community college. I'm supposed to pick up my dress for the wedding tomorrow. Denise has a hard time envisioining something, so I'm thinking that I'd like to show her a pic of me with an updo and with the makeup done so that she can see what it'll look like

    bonniepl - welcome!

    Kate UK - I'm jealous of your patio

    Marcelyn - I've never seen a frog fish. How interesting!

    Sue in TX - my deepest sympathies. How sad!

    Terry - I didn't realize that you lived in DE! Where in DE are you?

    sspell - welcome!

    Michele in NC
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Made it through work. A lot of people were coughing so something is going around. I made gluten free turkey noodle soup for dinner tonight. It was yummy, and I have enough left over for lunch tomorrow. Settled in for the evening with midsomer murders. We've moved on to the new Barnaby.

    Take care.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Chris - Magnetic lashes - thus far I have not found any that work like they advertise. First ones I got were just about less than 1/2 inch wide, sort of stiff and did not follow my eyelids; so I returned them, to get my $$$ back. Then I googled them and they are put out by several different companies, with One Two Lashes (supposedly) the first ones and fighting copyright issues. More expensive; but, I am just too shaky to deal with them. First time I tried them, dropped one part and thought it had gone down the drain. Then found it behind the faucet. Tried them again, pulled them off (like instructed) but, realized to get the two small magnets apart, I was tearing them up; then dropped the bottom half in such a way that it 'apparently' went right down the one tiny hole to the sink for overflow. So I have basically wasted my money. Still have one pair for each eye. I think a pair of tweezers with the fingers holes 'might' help. But, you have to put mascara on before you put them on. There is a very small magnetic strip on each set of lashes - these were strong. If I had not had the shakes so bad, they might have worked. I will just play around with them. If I put 'enough' mascara on, and curl my lashes, they show up, so if I don't have them on it wouldn't be the end of the world. I also found that I'd probably need to trim the length. I've seen another company that has several different types. When I met Louis I could put false eyelashes on in nothing flat; and, right before I got married is when the individual lashes were becoming popular. Eyebrows and eyelashes are pretty thin; so I really have to find make-up that suits my coloring with my hair that is 'white' more than any other color other than very, very light brown. The only eyebrow makeup I had been able to find was either 'light' brown or taupe. Both very dark on me and harsh looking. Then I saw WunderBrow advertised on FB; so I emailed them and we decided that I should try the blond. It is perfect; and, it 'stays' on until I take it off. So that purchased I was happy with and it did not cost much more than a brand name like Clinique or Lancôme. I usually use my K-Mart points to try out new make-up. I'd love to find a lip stain that would actually stay on as advertised. Tami had some that works but, she did not want to make the choice between the 3 'corals' they sold. And you also had to buy the topcoat to 'set it'. I want to say it started with an "S"; but, it was not the "Semaphore" [sp?] brand that you can buy at the department store (here it would be Penny's). I've bought probably 5 or 6 different colors and all seem to be too dark, or not dark enough to show up. The ones that are a stain, dry out so quickly. The ones that are sort of a liquid-like ... you have to put them on with a lipstick brush (I don't always remember to put one in my purse). I hate the mascara advertisements that talk about adding length (when in small print they admit they use false eyelashes - just to keep from being accused of 'false advertisement'. There is a lady that works at the nursery (greenhouse) and I would have to describe her as a "Ginger". She has 'eyelashes' to 'die for'. Thick and they branch off at the end (like a deer antler). She does not wear ANY makeup at all. I would image that she would be 'drop-dead gorgeous' if she was ever 'made up'. The eyelashes are red at the base; and the split tips are very blond. I have a niece whose eyelashes were so thick and dark, they almost 'looked' like 'false' eyelashes; and, she was a natural blond.

    I had a friend once (when I lived in Macon) who got up long before her husband and washed and fixed her hair and face BEFORE he got up. Another friend had long thick naturally curly hair. The 'only' thing I have going is that since my hair has started getting 'gray' it is a 'white gray'. I have had a lot of people, including hairdressers ask if I put anything on it. I don't. I don't even use a rinse on it. Why is it that you 'want' what you don't have insofar as hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and others seem to have it all and can get up and go without checking in a mirror. My two younger granddaughters have beautifully shaped eyebrows. I keep telling them to NOT pluck them, for any reason. Jenn used to have the same shaped eyebrows and at some point she got a niece to 'shape' them and she plucked them so severely they haven't grown out. She always looks like she is 'pissed' about something. I find her very 'hard to read', therefore I constantly 'stick my foot in my mouth and don't know it until Trey comes down and tells me something that I did not say and could not even be translated that way'. IF I ever 'meant' to hurt her feelings ... she would KNOW it. I get 'caught in the middle' even though I prefer not to be. I know = "I'm crazy!" I get that all the time. I'll admit it ... I've even got 'certified' papers .... so I will have an excuse it I choke someone, thanks to a very 'means-spirited' MD that decided to transfer me without the consent or knowledge of my family. I guess she figured if you had to be locked up, you had to be 'stupid'. Sorry, Charlie, not so and that was one case where I did not get 'mad', I got 'even'. I can be 'read' by the color of my eyes. If my eyes are 'green' ... I am fine; but, if I am 'sick', 'tired', or 'upset' ... and depending on how much so, my eyes turn pure amber. In fact all 4 of us have 'hazel' eyes (all different from one another) and they all change different colors when they change.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :) Rain didn't deter the frisky dogs and me from our walks. It's getting cooler here and will soon be time for the girls to wear their coats again.

    :'( Jake had an appointment with his doctor today which resulted in more lab work and changes in his meds. There may or may not be something wrong and the waiting is the worst part.

    <3 Barbie