
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning, afternoon, and evening to our group that spans the globe,

    Sharon- Thank you, your grandma had it right. Might as well dance... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The tremor was still there in the night, it actually woke me. but almost gone this morning, so it was definitely the right decision to stop. And I am so sorry for all the sadness... it's such a sticky emotion, hard to peel away from your soul.

    JanetR - Like Penny, massive furniture envy here as well! Such a beautiful piece, gorgeously done. I work with wood, but scraps and end pieces, rough cuts, never enough of anything that would make something like that. Nor do I have those kinds of skills, I might add.

    Barbie - thinking about you and Jake.

    I finished up four grant applications, a letter of interest, and five final reports for other grants yesterday. Long, tough day. One more grant application to finish up today, and I'm off to El Paso on Wednesday. Las Cruces for one of our three annual events on Thursday, and back home...

    Corey and I are going back and forth so much about next steps for our lives that I feel like a metronome. I am not fond of depending on circumstances outside ourselves, as in needing to sell the warehouse in order to move on to the next thing. I am not a patient person, as y'all may have noticed. The year and a half that it will take us to put the necessary money away seems forever, I'm like a child waiting on her birthday to come... and that year and a half would put me at 59 years old... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's just a shrugging kind of day. "The heart wants what it wants," as Dickinson said.

    Time to get Corey's coffee going, get my second cup, and get on with my day. Welcome to the new ones, solace to those who grieve, cheers to those making progress, and a kick in the kiester to the backsliders.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas. Still.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Before I get started,
    Janet Love the cabinet! Your DH is a talented man! Those drawers are wonderful! Are you going to keep it natural or do you have plans to stain it? Just lovely! Like Penny, I have furniture envy!
    Penny- So sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer is such a pisser! I would like to think, after watching both my mother and my sister struggle and die of cancer, that I could live my life with grace, love and a certain amount of joy and still be me. Your friend is a brave lady, but true to herself and the way she wants to live!
    Heather- also sorry to hear that your friend is feeling worse in her fight with cancer.

    Well, I have shared about my MIL's fall and broken ribs. That happened about three/four weeks ago. She spent a week in the hospital and is on her third week at a rehab facility. The docs let us know that although she is in rehab, with the intent to get her back home, her ribs will never heal due to her age and advanced osteoporosis. She has been doing very well as far as regaining strength and independence. Well, we got a call yesterday afternoon that she was back at the hospital with pain in her side and a fever. Tests and x-rays/images were taken. Got a call last night from DH's older brother. She has internal bleeding and it can't be stopped. They figure she has been bleeding internally for a few days. I am just stunned. I was with her all day Saturday and she was happy as a clam and proud of her strength returning, talkative, .... Stunned. DH went to the hospital late last night. He has already cleared his work schedule for the next couple of days. So he will be there quite a bit. I will go after work. I woke up this morning with the term "holding pattern" in my head. This is a place I have been before, and I don't like being. IMO, there is not enough alcohol or ice cream in the world to make some one feel better. DH is in robot mode. This is going to hit him hard; I just don't think he knows how hard. :(

    Ah well, sorry to end this on such a sad note. I will be checking in and reading. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Things are about to get bumpy. Love you all ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Stunned is the word, Kelly. My thoughts are with you, your husband and his mother.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited September 2017
    Sue sorry for son-in-law.


    Sharon sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Janetr love the cabinet.

    Penny friend is inspiring!

    Kelly sorry about MIL struggle and effect on your family.

    :heart: Margaret
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly Sad right along with you for you, your husband & his brother (& other sibs), and your mother-in-law. I hope for a bit of peaceful, quality time for your husband and mother-in-law.

    Penny I liked the story about your friend with ovarian cancer. Inspiring.

    Barbie, Heather, & Katla I think I should start doing yoga.

    Janet Your husband's furniture making skills are impressive. That's a lovely and useful piece of furniture.

    Karen in Virginia
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Kelly - so sorry to hear about your MIL. My prayers are with your family.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Kelly - So sorry about your MIL. <3<3

    Barbie - Hope everything comes back with helpful answers. <3<3

    Penny - I hope I go with grace as well. My friend discovered her secondary cancer on the same day I discovered my primary 10 years ago. So far I am ok. But each day I know it could come back. Hers came back after 12 years. I wish I lived nearer so I could help her more.

    Janetr - Beautiful! I am a bit of a furniture design geek and I think that is a fabulous cupboard. :D<3 It would fit perfectly into our house! Just my style.

    Cleaner coming again this afternoon. She is a replacement and not really on my wavelength.! I have to watch her and give strict instructions. She used a lot of water on our oak floors last week. I was not pleased.

    Looking forward to going out tonight. They always come back for coffee, so I'm going to make a few cocoa dusted truffles to go with it. (We don't have dessert at the pub) I will have one. B) They are one of the few sweets I like.

    Trying to decide whether to do my roots this pm after the bathroom is cleaned. I have got to wash my hair anyway. :* Maybe not.

    Some good news today. One of my best yoga friends has a son doing a PH D in South Korea. He has decided to come home and is arriving Saturday. She is over the moon. :D

    My son rang me today about our arrangements for the week we are renting a flat in Hove. Trying to coordinate visits, pick ups etc.They want us to babysit on the Saturday. That's fine. He has had Edie's cough really badly like me and so have the other grandparents. The other grandfather said it made him really depressed. Tell me about it! ;):):#:'(
    I am definitely feeling a bit better, though I had to sit up in yoga and not lie down.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Good morning to you all.
    I am old and have seen/done a lot. However, magnetic eyelashes are a thing I do not know. And from reading here, I am thinking I dodged a bullet! What about that string thing people do with eyebrows? Walked past it a few times but never stopped. I have mine waxed/just jerked out every so often for the unibrow.
    Janet-what a lovely piece! How talented your husband is!
    Rainy today (well, chance of showers). Someone is out there-Jose maybe? And I see another storm is in the Caribbean. I am missing sun but then I rarely go outside and just enjoy. Haven't mown the yard in 2 weeks!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,582 Member
    JanetR - my word, that cabinet is awesome. Did he come up with the design on his own or did you give him suggestions?

    - so sad to hear about MIL. I'm glad you were able to spend some good time with her this past weekend when she was feeling well. Glad your DH is feeling better and be at the hospital.

    Lisa - is the plan still to eventually move to Arkansas?

    - good luck with the puppy search!! It's hard for me to "go look" and not bring one home - or at least put dibs on one. Machka corrected me - is it legal for you to carry pepper spray or similar in NZ? Speaking of NZ, have you been there during any of their earthquakes?

    - hope Jake's meds adjustment works well. You both need to enjoy that spruced up house for a long time! I'll get a walk in the rain this morning, bought a new oilskin hat so will try it out. Still need to get some better waterproof walking shoes... when I started to search for them this spring, they were already out of season - nothing in the stores but lightweight summer shoes. Should be plenty in stock now.

    I took Sophie to the vet yesterday afternoon - no worms, no fever, nothing bad showed up in the blood test. So she must have just picked up a bug somewhere. She is now on kaopectate for a couple days, stomach pill and antibiotic. And a probiotic. I'll pick up a bottle of Kao next time I'm at Walmart and just have it on hand-it is super spendy at the vet's. Happy to say her digestion is returning to normal!

    Rosie the puppy hates the rain. Hopefully she'll get braver when her adult coat comes in. I lectured her that schnauzers are terriers and brave and nothing stops them from going down a rat hole no matter what the weather and she wasn't buying it. Finally we settled on a good bathroom place for her - there's a small porch roof at the entrance of my potting shed which stays dry.

    DH just built the first fire of the season in the woodstove - high of 58 today and windy, rainy. He is cold all the time.

    Time to get back on track eating-wise. Will dig out my bean salad recipes and bring the Instant Pot back into the kitchen. I was almost back to the "need a kick in the kiester" stage but remembered Pip and her boot and now Lisa is joining forces, lol.

    Have a good Tuesday!

    SW WA State where the air is finally fresh!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Lanette - today, yes. Tomorrow it could change. Thus the metronome reference. It changes daily.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks. This is a wonderful place to chat, get new ideas, share lives, and grow!

    (((Kelly and Family)))

    Janet ~ Like everyone else, the cabinet is beautiful!

    Sharon ~ I am so sorry your son's family is going through this. I was very, very upset a couple of weeks ago about my son and his wife. God's help seems to be pulling them through. I am saying a prayer for your's.

    (((Penny & Heather))) Penny, your friend's story is so inspiring. Heather, so sad about your friend.

    We were just told that the first layer of linoleum that was in the house when it was built has asbestos. So, hoping the insurance will agree to whatever needs to be done. When it is over, I am thinking about putting in the porcelain tile that looks like wood. Have any of you used that? The only problem I can think of is that my cabinets are dark and a wood grain floor might be too much.

    Carol in GA

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    On my phone so this is limited, funny read the post this morning and feel sad for people who have folks suffering and concerned and I just wanted to send out a little morning love

    Kim in ca
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: I agree that the yoga teacher makes a huge difference in the quality of a yoga class. I've had two yoga teachers who move around and help students on an individual basis. Neither of them is currently teaching and I miss them both. The teachers I have now do a predictable routine that meets my needs. The classes I attend are mixed in both gender and age, but a high proportion of students are 50+. :star:

    (((Sharon in Lethbridge)))

    Allie: WTG! You'll likely be finding things in random boxes for weeks. I certainly did when we moved--back when. :smiley:

    Penny: You have a very courageous friend and I admire her for continuing to live her life on her own terms. :star:

    Lisa: You'll be 59 in a year and a half no matter what you do. Don't worry about it. I'm currently 9 years older than that. Life is good at this age because I work on being happy & healthy. This group has been an amazing help. (((hugs)))

    (((Kelly: Hugs for you & your DH.))) :heart:

    It is a rainy day, and the painters are supposed to be here today to begin washing buildings. It looks like they'll have help from Mother Nature. I'm planning to go to yoga today. It is weather proof. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James