
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    KJ - I am so sorry about your MIL. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you face the rough seas ahead.

    Penny- Your friend has a courageous soul.

    Wendy - Will it be one or two? They are both so cute.

    Long day at work fielding calls from customers about what is going to happen for our store. One lady told me that I needed to do my job and email all to let them know what is going on. First of all, we just got the official word today. Second, we don't keep customer's emails at store level. Third, did telling me I was a f---ing b--ch and that you were never going shop at our store again help you out in any way?
    Some of the many reasons I love retail.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Not funny! Stupid auto correct! I don't remember what I was trying to put there but funny wasn't it

    I'm voting for "finally" read the posts.......

    Peach, I'm shopping for new kitchen floors, too. I've decided against the wood look since my kitchen is going to be in between two floors that will be hardwood and I don't want hardwood in the kitchen. . I am going with sheet vinyl or vinyl tile, I think. I prefer the sheet, but may have to go with the tile to get the look I'm going for. I dread it, but will love it when it's done.

    Struggling today. I won't bore you all with the whys. They don't compare to what most of you are going through. If anybody wants to tell me to suck it up, buttercup, I probably need to hear it.


  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Feel she is going to have to swallow her pride and get some sort of life alert. I like the one that has a GPS. I remember the time so vividly when she was so lost and called me to try to help her get home.

    Michelle said I can go with her to the doctor Thursday so I think I will.

    Joyce, Indiana.

    Joyce My in-laws and husband and I all chipped in for Apple Watch for MiL. She promised to wear it whenever she is not in bed - and she can call my husband or 911 just by saying "Hey Siri, call 911" and we can find her using the gps tracking. It has made us all feel more secure and she loves it, she doesn't think of it as a security device, but as her Dick Tracy watch. Of course we could not have done that if she didn't already have an iPhone- but I'm not sure an iPhone will be necessary for version 3 Apple Watch about to be released.

    One other security precaution we have in place - we have a family text group. MiL texts a hello to that group every day before noon. The texts have become so much more than just a daily check-in, but they serve that purpose primarily. It really makes us feel better about her living on her own.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Dr. katiebug ok buttercup, put on the big girl pants, suck it up, just do it. ;)

    Too lazy or tired to work out today, so I just hit the couch afterwork, yikes am I tired and it's only a 3 day work week! So I will crank out another day of work tomorrow and then make myself sleep in every day for the 4 day weekend and decompress and try to restore my energy.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Petey was the dog on little rascals, and those puppies are adorable...
    home from work, brought to of my co-workers to see the condo and show them around... they got a kick out of it lol, well nighty night.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Well, Talk Like A Pirate Day is almost over, so I’m back to standard English.

    Lanette – If the human version of kaopectate turns out not to be safe, any place that has horse stuff will a pure kaolin formula for horses. The only problem is finding it in dog-appropriate sizes. (I ended up with a gallon of the stuff, but with all the fosters I go through it at a fair pace.)

    Wendy – The puppies are so cute, how can you choose?! They’d make good playmates for each other…

    Rye – Checking in to the family text group is a fantastic idea.

    Hummingbird migration has started, and I saw the first rufous hummingbird at my feeders yesterday. Of course, we’ve still got the black chins and ruby throats that are here all summer. What with things on the Texas coast in a big mess, it’s really important to make sure they get a good chance to fill up before heading any further south.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 5.25min, 130mhr, 9.9amph. .8mi = 52c
    apple watch- 32c
    jog treadmill - 9.40min, 9.40min mi, 6.4-6.6sp, 150mhr, 1mi = 112c
    apple watch- 104c
    other- Trampoline ball toss- 8.48min, 3sets 15 w/12#ball, 4 diff throws, 115mhr, 42c
    apple watch- 50c
    other- Floor exercises- 14min, 3sets of 10ea, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups w/6# ball, on butt-knees to chest, on side, leg lifts, 99mhr, = 49c
    apple watch- 66c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 13.34min, 13.6amph, 142mhr, 3mi = 147c
    appple watch- 96c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 16.20min, 150mhr, 11.1amph, 3mi= 174c
    apple watch- 109c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.06min, 146mhr, 9.59min mi, .5mi = 69c
    apple watch- 57c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.04min, 9.49min mi, 152mhr, .5mi = 63c
    apple watch-58c
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.54min, 7.1amph, 153kmhr, 2.5mi = 201c
    apple watch-136c

    total cal 837
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,582 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Well, Talk Like A Pirate Day is almost over, so I’m back to standard English.

    Lanette – If the human version of kaopectate turns out not to be safe, any place that has horse stuff will a pure kaolin formula for horses. The only problem is finding it in dog-appropriate sizes. (I ended up with a gallon of the stuff, but with all the fosters I go through it at a fair pace.)

    -Yvonne in TX

    Yvonne - thank you for the info! B) I'll stop at the Farm Store next time I'm in town - they have a large pet supply area. I think Drs. Foster & Smith carry something too, in smaller bottles. Sometimes they have a free shipping day.

    Sophie seems to upchuck about once a month and have a sour tummy - can kaopectate be used for that? I'd always put a little baking soda on my finger and stick it in her mouth - Vet said that's not good, upsets their potassium (or some other mineral).

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Sorry and hugs to those going through things these days. :heart:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Thank you all for the nice compliments for Jack on the cabinet. I passed them on to him he asked to thank all of you. He's always a bit embarrassed. Other people have offered to pay him to make things for them and he tells them he's not good enough to do that, I think he is. We have several items in our home that he has made, including the end tables in our Florida room. So in answer to questions I can remember, yes it's cherry wood, he does use plans from his woodworking magazines, there is varnish on the outside, a clear finish inside. I have pretty much filled it up. In the drawers I have linen placemats and napkins and napkin rings, small table clothes, some canned goods. Top small drawer has car keys, paraphernalia (junk). I do believe I may have room in that big top side for an IP. :)

    Oh, and no I don't rent him out, well how much $$ we talking? I might be persuaded. Isn't there a name for that? Lol

    Still working away on ornaments. <3

    Janetr okc
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    NYKaren, thanks for the pep talk!

    Janetr, your DH is absolutely talented enough to sell his furniture. I would love something like that.

    I think it might be bedtime. Sweet dreams, my friends!
  • Michele – Physically I feel ok; except GYN got lab results and is changing my chorestorol medication because what he had me on was not doing anything. He is putting me on another ‘statin’ which supposedly doesn’t have the same side effects that Simvastitim or Crestor do. Got to the K-Mart after eating lunch with friend and Chuck told me what it was going to costs for 2 months. I asked him to give me only 7, that way it will give me enough time to see if I am going to be able to tolerate it or not without spending over $100. Then they called me back and said that they also showed I was ‘pre-diabetic’ so they are going to run a test to see what it has been doing for the past couple of months. I did not ‘think’ I had lost any weight; but, was happy that I had actually lost 1 ½ pounds. Still ‘bummed’ about the baby; and, we haven’t heard from the kids – they might be ‘off’ on a trip to get away from everybody if this is the weekend that Mallory’s Dad has her longer. I thought these things were supposed to improve ... not start showing up when I lost weight. Well, maybe if I end up with yet another pill, I will take it because it will (might be) a requirement.

    Sister and BnL are on their way down from Peachtree City and tomorrow we’ll get up and go to Daytona to meet with middle sister and her friend. We’ll be playing a lot of Mexican Train dominoes and 8-1-8 (which always get the two of us [Louis and me] into trouble because ‘like’ bridge you have to decide how many ‘tricks’ you can make. A lot easier (I think) than Bridge. Something I never learned how to play and Louis has never been a card player. I’ve cooked spaghetti for tonight and Suzanne is bringing salad stuff. French bread and tomorrow when we get to the beach, the first thing I am going to do after unpacking is walk. Might go to grocery store and liquor store to do our walking; but, maybe later we can go walk on the beach.

    Janetr – Love the cabinet! I’d like to find one that is narrow in width and depth and tall (we need more storage in bathroom).

    Heather – I have a friend (a nurse) and her husband (former tractor trailer driver) who opened up their own Yoga place. I don’t know if they still are at it; and, I know they teach Tsi Chia (that is a phonetic spelling) … supposed to help with balance, I think.

    I haven’t tried it since I tore my rotator cuff a couple of years ago (twice) but I could do a cartwheel. But, at this point, the last thing I need is a broken bone. Dropped a thick glass ‘beer’ mug on my big toe … saw starts and probably said a few choice words before I started crying.

    I tried to hold a plank … people who can do that are marvelous! I’m not. Must have done it incorrectly (for me) … threw out my back; but, that isn’t difficult for me to do because I am very swayback. Not so sure I will try it again, or if I do, it will be for 10 seconds (maybe).

    Sharon – Louis called Tami to tell her that we were thinking about her and wanted her to know that we ‘loved’ her. She has gone back to work, so I guess things are beginning to settle back down. I’m sure they’ve taken her off all of the hormones she had been taking. We are not going to ask any other questions. I’ve tried not to cry, so I haven’t talked to Tami since last week. I will probably call her when we get back home from vacation.

    Lisa – I think a lot of us are ‘impatient’ when we see what things we want to do. Wanderlust. I think about the things I will we had done (no regrets), then I think about what I’d do ‘if’ things for us were different. Our granddaughters are growing up and even though they are next to us, we don’t see the 2 younger ones. Our oldest granddaughter will call us 2x a week, and come down her while she is home and before she goes back ‘home’ to college. Now the 2 younger ones ‘might’ come down. Her mother ‘made’ her drive yesterday and came down to bring the ground chuck I needed for supper tonight. She (DDnL#1) was so frustrated I did not say anything to her. I’m sure Madison was strung out having to drive where she made her drive. I’m surprised they were speaking to one another. You don’t force someone to drive on a highway when they are not sure how to drive. Madison was going slow, so I am ‘sure’ her Mama was griping about it. She finally told her that she would take her to the MD so maybe he could do something to ‘calm her nerves’. But, she doesn’t want her to be dependent on drugs at the age of 16. I am beginning to wonder ‘if’ she is taking the medications she was given. For some reason, I doubt it. I want to grab her by the shoulders and tell her ‘for once when you are talking to me’ … LOOK me in the eye.

    Kelly – I know your husband has to be in a ‘holding pattern’ … we felt that way about Louis's mother and my mother, more so than for our Dad’s. He will take it hard. At his mother’s funeral he was going to get up and say a few words, he started, and then just broke down and cried. Of course, his brother thought that he was his mother favorite child and voiced it and has several times since. My MnL ‘never’ did for one child, daughter-in-law, or grandchild that she did not do something for all of them. I was stunned when my Dad died and we were prepared, just not ready. I’ve had friends who have lost their spouses say the same thing, ‘they were prepared, just not ready’. Even when they had been wheelchair-bound or in some cases, bed-ridden.

    Seeing my BnL (who had a massive stroke this time last year (after we got back from Daytona), he is so frail looking. It’s sad. Middle sister’s friend isn’t going to get to come this year. Louis has 'offered' to drive, he is a bit concerned about his 'reflexes'. I might have to buy a bottle of wine to make it down there. I'm not sure about this. But, we will be in the back seat, so maybe we will make it down there and back with no problems. Will really miss him … he is about 83, not in the best of health … but pretty good for the shape and age he is. I just don’t know what sister will do when a man she has been very close friends with and loved for quite a while is no longer around. Louis has said that we need to go to Louisiana as often as we can, because at some point we might not be able to. I don’t think I can handle that thought. Not see my babies?

    Josephine – My oldest granddaughter has had her eyebrows weaved on occasion, mostly waxed; but her outside brows past her point there they arch the grow wild and this is the only way to make them follow the line of the brow. I have thin (not plucked) eyebrows and I use what is called WunderBrow – blond … it stays on, for days. I love it. Trying the ‘magnetic’ eyelashes has NOT be successful at all and would not recommend it. I will just put mascara on, let it dry, curl my lashes and put another coat of mascara on. I have found the best way, for me to curl my eyelashes without pinching my eyelid with the thing is the put my head back a little and put my finger right above my eyeball (the crease) and lift up and then the curler fits right on then and you don’t pinch yourself. I also make sure that I only have one thin coat of mascara on them when I curl them, then thicken them up afterwards. There is NO SUCH animal as ‘water-proof’ mascara (unless you happen to stick the wand too close to you eyeball and hit the skin beside it … then you have to take make-up remover to get it off. Oldest granddaughter’s half-sister on her Mama’s side of the family had a uni-brow and nothing got done about it until the kids in school started making fun of her; then she took a razor to them ‘to shape them up’ and about shaved them off. They’ve grown out now, of course. She was in ‘homecoming court’ this year as a junior (same as her oldest sister). She also blossomed when she was no longer around her Mama.

    Wendy – We rescued our Cracker and Tux and they have been the most loving pets we’ve had; not that the others haven't been. I just think we must believe that every pet we have are terrific. Tux is a huge black and white cat who during the winter easily weight over 20lbs. Cracker is a “Jack Rat” (legs of a Rat Terrier) and (sweet expressive face of a Jack Russell) and ‘if’ she could speak ‘human’ … we’d never get a word in edgewise; but, she lets you know exactly what she wants.

    Lanette – Cracker has just gotten to the point where she’ll go ‘out’ in the rain … she would just hold it until it stopped (or occasionally mess up on the deck). We got her almost 2 years ago and they determined she was approximately 4 months. So we 'assigned' her our oldest son's birthday. She got out of that when she had her nose pushed down near it. But, of course, now she enjoys the rain (misting … not pouring); but, we do keep the pet wipes around so we can rub her down which masks the ‘wet dog smell’. She’s at the ‘spa’ until Sunday … she likes it and I am glad that I don’t have to keep her ‘crated’ the entire time we are at the beach. We did not take her to Louisiana this year, even though she travels well. She’s happy, we’re happy (but broke) … oh well … the things we will do for our ‘fur babies’. Tux is an outside cat and he gets fed; when Trey comes home.

    There are a lot of human OTC medications that animals can take; but, it is always best to ask the vet about it. There are a WHOLE LOT of food that humans eat that can ‘kill’ a pet. Best to never let them get the taste of table food. Especially do not feed a dog, raw meat. They get that blood taste in their mouths and sometimes it cause them to be ‘biters’.

    Wendy – My vote is for the ‘white’ one; for some reason he just looks like he has ‘more spunk’ to him. The black one reminds me of a Boston Bull Terrier and the only experience I have had when them is that my middle granddaughter has one … both of them were just plain ‘stupid’. I think the one she has now is more stupid than the previous one, who ended up losing one eye because the cat scratched him.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: It is good to see you. :star: You probably were "helped" by auto correct recently. It is one of my pet peeves. :grumble:

    Cheri: I love the cabinet. Your DH made it??? Wow! :smile:

    Heather: Love the picture of you and your brother. Nice! :heart:

    Wendy: I like both pups. If I were choosing, I'd sit on the ground and see if a pup chose me. Our current "pup" chose me about 10 years ago. It is a definite love match. :bigsmile:

    Yvonne: In the past we were used to hummingbird migration, and expected them to head south for the winter. Our current tribe of Annas Hummingbirds is here year round, even in ice and snow. They've stayed in our area for several years, now, no matter what the weather brings. We keep our feeders going all year, especially when it is cold outside. :heart:

    Barbie: I love yoga and depend on it, but your decision to stay with what you're doing rather than add yoga makes good sense right now. I hope Jake feels better as time goes by. :flowerforyou:

    I think I've had a little bug of some sort for a few days. My energy level has been low and I haven't wanted to do much. Tomorrow I plan to get my flu shot, though. I hope it actually protects me from the flu this time. I take the shot annually. I've been protected some years and have gotten the flu anyway other years. I hope to be lucky this year and get the shot that provides protection.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Was going to use the stairmaster today, but when I went to use it, it was broken only there wasn't a sign on it saying that it was broken. So instead I did about 45 minutes of HIIT. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class.

    After exercise went and picked up my dress. The alterations came out nice. Thurs I'm going to go to the local community college's salon and have my hair in an updo and they'll do my makeup if there's enough time, then I'll take a pic of myself (well, I'll have Vince take the pic) to show Denise what I'll look like. She just isn't the kind of person who can see someone with an updo. She didn't think I needed one. I think I did because the dress is dark silver and my hair is dark. I feel I need some sort of break between the two darks.

    Then went to Aldi, came home and had to run to WalMart since Aldi only carries chunk cheese during the holiday season. Then we went for our dance lesson only the guy had it down in his calendar as we were coming tomorrow. So came home and made some 7 layer bars. Went to Rummikub. Jess and then Denise called Vince, seems there was some more drama.

    See, when we went to get the bridesmaids dresses, Angela wasn't there but she did tell Denise to order a 2 for her. Well, I do remember the woman at the dress place saying that the dress ran small. The lady and Amanda convinced Denise to order a 6. When Denise told Angela she's ordered a 6, Angela told her to change it to a 2. According to Denise she called, left a message asking them to change it to a 4. Their practice is to wait 5 days before placing the order. Well, Denise called them the 5th day but they said they'd already placed the order for the 6. Did she call? Who knows? Tonight for whatever reason, Angela texted Jess and was venting about how upset she was. Denise feels that Jess shouldn't be involved, and why did Angela contact Jess. Vince just told Denise that Jess was just being a good friend and listening, she didn't contact Angela, Angela contacted her. Jess was going to call me at Rummikub to ask me what I remembered from the dress shopping. Vince just told her not to bother me, that I was enjoying myself. While at Rummikub I showed the gal who made the "veil" and helped me make the charms and keychains for the favors, and told her what had happened and how I was so upset. BTW, Maria to date has not acknowledged how hurt I was -- maybe she doesn't care????? Anyway, what's done is done.

    Pretty late, so I'll probably just skim a bit.

    Welcome everyone new!

    From all this wedding/shower stress, honestly, the dress is fitting much better, I probably won't need the spanx. Bad news is that I must have cut the tags off before and now I can't return them.

    machka - TSO has two touring groups, did you know that? There's the East and the West groups.

    Yea Allie in her new place. Looking forward to hearing lots. Don't worry about not finding things. I think it took at least a year before I could get a handle on finding things.

    Penny - I'm so sorry about your friend. I admire her attitude. I had a really good friend who had breast cancer, she would teach aerobics while she was undergoing chemo. She used to joke how she had to wear a hat otherwise her head sweated. She was such an inspiration. How many times I didn't fee like going but then I'd think "if she can teach while she's on chemo, the least I can do is attend the class".

    KJ - how sad about your MIL. I know you'll be strong for your hubby

    Wendy - when Denise was going to surprise me with the kitten, she and Jess disagreed on which one to get so they called Vince and asked if he'd come make the decision. Really, they knew what his decision would be -- take them both. After our first cat was killed and we were ready to get another, we knew we wanted two. So Vince and I went first during the day and looked at these two cats. That night we took the kids to see them, then Bryan noticed that there was a third one that came in with the other two. So each kid was holding a cat saying "can we get them". I just walked out telling Vince to handle it. His way of handling it? "Well, of course we can get all three"

    Katla - feel better fast

    Michele in NC
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    KJ I'm truly sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope you and your DH can be there for her as much as possible.