

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Natalie - glad you were able to get the Tylenol. Must be that the stores are having a problem getting it in from the mfgr. only in some areas. That's good to know. I'll need some more Sudafed so I'll buy it when we go to FL next and hopefully, they'll have it. I can only imagine how scared you are. Just know that things will work out.

    barbie - I know exactly what you mean by seeing Haifa out of the corner of your eye -- or thinking you did. After we had to have PJ put to sleep, I could swear on a stack of bibles that I saw him out of the corner of my eye ambling like he always did into the kitchen. In a few months you'll be ready for another cat, that's for sure (cats are like potato chips -- can't have just one....that's a sign at the Humane Society....lol)

    Well, after my big downfall after going to the baseball game, I had some of the apple cider vinegar yesterday and that seems to have really curbed things. I'll just be so glad when those chocolate cookies I made are out of the house. Wish Vince would eat more of them. I now have extras in a drawer in the freezer, so I won't even see them when I open the door. What I CAN see are these oatmeal/raisin cookies that are low fat.

    Did an hour of the hula hoop on the WiiFit. One thing I found, if I cover the timer, I seem to be able to go longer. It's probably a mental thing, when I see that I don't have much time left I start to get sloppy. But if I can't see it then I can't get sloppy. A lady that Vince used to work with her husband is in some sort of ball game up in Boone which is about an hour or less from us so they're going to be spending the night here. Tomorrow I'm thinking that since they'll still be here, I'll do a weight DVD by Bob Harper.

    Kathy - so glad you found us. Keep logging your food and posting here, that really will help. You CAN do it. I echo everything barbie said to you. She's so wise. I just realized that a cup of cherries is more calories than a cup of peaches.

    jane - YOU may have skipped the birthday cake, but *I* had to have some ice cream cake yesterday. Well, I did the hula hoop on the Wii for an hour and one thing I kept thinking of was "think of that ice cream cake, think of the ice cream cake", and the time seemed to fly by.

    We had the company yesterday. I gave them beef tenderloin, chicken, we had fresh veges (cukes, tomatoes, green pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrot), rice, then for dessert I had made these ginger cookies, a key lime pie, the ice cream cake, and some cherries. I had the chicken and a SMALL piece of the beef, lots of veges, a little rice, a few of the ginger cookies, the ice cream cake, and cherries. The Wii said today that I didn't gain very much (can't remember how much, maybe something like less than a pound). Just had green tea (unsweetened) to drink. This a.m. the gal made breakfast, pancakes (not that I really wanted them, but I also didn't want to make her feel bad), a piece of this bacon that they brought (to me, it was salty so I'm glad I only had one piece), a bit of butter on the pancakes, and more green tea (can you tell I want to finish it up?). Well, tonight I'm going to try to balance this out with crab cakes and a big salad (I have veges that I want to finish up)

    Tomorrow I'm thinking that I'll do some HIIT and then try (again) taking the tai chi class.

    Vince and I went practice bowling. There would have been 6 people on two lanes or else 5 people. Either way, I don't think we would have gotten in much practice so we used 2 of our coupons for free games (total of 4 games) then Vince's coupon for 3 free games. We paid for 1 game, so we bowled a total of 8 games. I only broke 100 once, but came close once.

    sally - I understand about the "hands and knees" washing of the floors. I always wash my floors on my h&k's. I have yet to figure out how our kitchen floor gets so dirty when it's just the two of us. I'll be interested to see what comments are about the 4 Day Win book. I wonder if there's any reviews of it on Amazon? Going to check that after I go here. Update: I couldn't wait. Most of the reviews seemed pretty positive. there were 54 five star reviews, 9 four star, and 4 three two and one star.

    Gilda - pull up a chair and make yourself at home!

    Going to post this so that my spot will be marked.

    Happy day everyone!

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies;

    BEV, hello and welcome. Setting goals can be tough enough, I can relate to that. No worries though, just be determined to lose what you need. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, is my wonder motto, if we lie on the boards, or cheat in the food department or skip out on the exercise, we LIE TO OURSELVES TOO. :noway: So then why are we saying we need to lose weight? Giving ourselves more stress than enough just pretending and maintaining that pretending.:frown: I learned the hard way! :cry: The ladies here are wonderful and kind, and will give you the thoughts to keep true to yourself, and jump in when you see someone else struggle. That's what we do.:drinker:

    GILDA, hello and welcome, we are here to help, and keep you in good health. Good luck with that re-loosing!:flowerforyou:

    VICKIM, hello, had to smile at that long hospital wait you had. Not a good ordeal at all, I am so fed up with the health system; it is cruel in short. I have a sister, diabetic, one night she had trouble breathing, so I took her into our hospital (just upgraded, rebuilt, and new staff added), at seven pm that night we arrived, at 1am she was taken to a waiting room, at 3am we left, I had to get to work that morning by 5:30am.:grumble: A full day, plus a shift at my second job. Man I was pooped by night time.:yawn: Hope your granddaughter fared out okay, quite a scare for her.:flowerforyou:

    JANE, hello from the eastern side, (Ont), here too we are about 2/3rds out of summer, and yes it has been a scary one. I am terrified of wind, we have had a few close calls with funnels. Not a good thing. I am looking forward to the fall months, my personal favourite season.:heart:

    Okay ladies... I have been in deep wonder lately about my plateau, weight and body measurements have not changed in almost a year. Yo yoing between 186-183. Yesterday I fell onto an article on weight loss ( I read loads), this one had me investigate it through. Well I downloaded a manual on the techniques and found it was very close to the same system I was doing many, many years ago. I was slim and in good health too at that time. Reading the entire manual I digested everything. I am happy to think what I was doing (not purposely) was a key to my weight maintenance. So I am about to embark on a past life habit, crossing my fingers I have not strayed too far that I am not able to organize my body again. A clue for you is that I was fasting 16 hours a day without realizing it. According to the experts, fasting is a good thing accompanied by exercise and healthy foods. So I am your test specimen, I will log everything I can on a weekly basis, (if my work schedule allows me time.) and we can compare notes, if you wish to follow my journey.

    Got to get moving supper time is here and my stomach is talking to me.

  • mynyddisamrs
    Hi there everyone ..........

    I'm still here too .............. although you wouldn't have thought it. :embarassed: I've been AWOL .....but now all my birthday celebrations are over. I can't string it out any longer!! :bigsmile: Methinks a week is enough!!
    Miracles of miracles the weight didn't go on .....perhaps it was because life was hectic.My friend goes back to Spain tomorrow, the chocolates have gone already!!:ohwell: The weekend BBQ went well and I didn't eat much ....or...drink too much!!

    I must admit ....I feel better for being a little lighter and look better for losing those few pounds. Flitting through last years cruise photos and #2 grandson's christening was rather tortuous......my friend was very polite but I certainly didn't think I looked good!
    We've both changed since we first met .......Mmmm!!! 58 years ago!! :smile: We were neighbours as babies and children.

    :drinker: I was only one pound short of my July goal and now must get my August goals set. Hope you all have a great start to your August. It seems my presence or lack of it has been noticed at Zumba so that will be on my list!!

    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone,

    This is the last official month of summer. Let's enjoy all the fresh produce and outside walks, bike rides and just looking at the trees and flowers.

    I did not reach my July goals.:noway: Truthfully, I almost forget that I had some. July became more of a maintenance month than a weight loss one. I'm not beating myself up - mainly because I did not return to some of my old habits. I induleged, but not binge and did not let indulgences last for days and weeks. I managed to exercise at least 4X a week.

    :smokin: This month my focus is as follows:
    1. Continue with Couch to 10K
    2. Cathe strength training workouts
    3. No food after 8:00 p.m.
    4. No wine. At least 4X a wekk I usually enjoy a glass of red wine. I want to see if avoiding wine will really help speed my weight loss.

    Good luck with your goals.
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    My July goal was to lose 5 pounds. I didn't make it, but I did lose 4. So I'm going for another 5 pounds in August or actually 6. Anyway my current weight is 156 and I would like to be at 150 by the end of August. I also have a secondary goal of losing 2 inches around my waist, from 33 in. now to 31 by the end of August.
  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
  • middleofseven
    Hello everyone,:flowerforyou:

    I started late last month with watching the site checking if I would be welcome. Well That was not an issue. I was invited by 2 of my new friends so I am glad to be included.

    My Goal for August is to lose 10lbs. If I can do that repeatedly then my goal won't feel so far away. I am looking for any suggestions to help me. I am type 2 Diabetic but the meds have helped me lose the 26lbs so far. Dr put me on a new med for Cholesterol and It has made me retain water so legs are swollen all the time. I am hoping by stopping the med. I can lose the water weight at least.

    I wanted to thank everyone on the 50+ for having the patients to deal with another "old lady". :blushing: Marian
  • middleofseven
    Hello everyone,:flowerforyou:

    I started late last month with watching the site checking if I would be welcome. Well That was not an issue. I was invited by 2 of my new friends so I am glad to be included.

    My Goal for August is to lose 10lbs. If I can do that repeatedly then my goal won't feel so far away. I am looking for any suggestions to help me. I am type 2 Diabetic but the meds have helped me lose the 26lbs so far. Dr put me on a new med for Cholesterol and It has made me retain water so legs are swollen all the time. I am hoping by stopping the med. I can lose the water weight at least.

    I wanted to thank everyone on the 50+ for having the patients to deal with another "old lady". :blushing: Marian
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: it's great to see how many posts there are for today.......new or old. I'm glad to see you :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: we are deep into packing
    the kitchen looks like my first kitchen----two bowls, two plates, two spoons, etc
    just enough to feed ourselves a meal and then wash the dishes.

    :bigsmile: this morning I pulled weeds for the last time at this house......if anything else grows, the new owners will have to deal with it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Kackie, thanks for the reminder about "Gut 'N' Butt" I should add that to my list

    :bigsmile: Gilda, your appreciation list was just what I needed to see

    :sad: Vicki, how scary for Rhea and for you. Is she OK now ordoes she have injuries that will take time to heal?

    :brokenheart: bada_bing our weather in NW Washington hasn't been very much like summer, either, but today was sunny and beautiful so we are hopeful for more of the same....but we are also grateful to not have the terrible heat that is going on in the south and the east coast

    :flowerforyou: Peg, how great that you are so close to your goal......MFP has been very helpful to me in maintaining my new weight

    :flowerforyou: MIchele, we are determined to stick with only one cat LOL.......I wonder how long that resolve will last?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Before I go to bed i look over my day and think about the day and how it went.
    I`m also grateful for the following-wonderful hubby,wonderful kids,3 precious grand children.
    80 lb loss so far-37 to go
    for a wonderful pt dr who has been helping these past years with my ups and downs.
    have a good night
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Just a quick one, didn't do too well with my July goals, so thinking of new ones for August. I really need to get myself organised - I want to lose a few pounds before I go to my friends Anniversary party in September.

    :flowerforyou: I am feeling much more like my old self now, and although still a little sore I'm back dog walking and doing light household chores. In fact I am planning on a good clean up today.

    :frown: Sorry I don't have time to reply to you all individually, but I'll try and check in again later, need to get breakfast now and plan my day.

    One thing I should have as a goal is to wean myself off playing games on line - while I've been off work I've got addicted to them, nearly every moment was spent playing games! No wonder I'm putting weight back on!!

    Have a good day all looks like we might have sunshine today :glasses:

    Viv xx
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yesterday was first day on the new job and it was a nightmare. No computer until almost noon. No manager ( he was removed) and just all around confusion and chaos. I will check back later when I have a bit more time.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    I was MIA for a few days because we went away for a little break. We went down to the US for one day and I bought some more of the Glucosamine/chondroitin that was recommended here. I have been taking a half dose every day and have noticed an improvement in my knees when going up and down stairs. I bought 2 more bottles. DBF decided that he'd try it too, so one of my bottles has gone.

    Bev (bevsdietfor2011) - if you find you can't stick to goals, perhaps the goals you are setting are not realistic. Yes you might want to lose 20 lbs, but is that a realistic goal? Perhaps your more realistic goal is to lose 1 or 2 lbs. Then when you can meet the small goals you will be able to meet the bigger ones.

    Amanda - don't worry about your scar. I have lots and so do most of the people in my 50+ aquafit class. There aren't many folk who haven't had something done by that age. Wear it with pride!

    With regard to my t-shirt. No, the oil didn't come out. Yesterday when I was doing my laundry, I needed to put some soil and stain remover (pre-wash) stuff on a grass stain on my shorts. I noticed that it said that it cuts grease. So, I sprayed it on one of the oil spots. Left it to soak in for 3 or 4 hours, then washed it out with bar soap and left it to dry. This morning it seems to have gone, so I've just sprayed the rest of the oil spots. I'll let you know if it is successful. If not, I'll find something else to try. The t-shirt is nearly new!
  • kitmkath
    Woo Hoo! I am so glad to join you all. I finally got into my Third Grade classroom yesterday - what a mess....I still have several "posters" to make (classroom rules, morning routine, morning song, etc...) and alot of lesson plans and centers to put together. BUT I AM SO HAPPY - I have wanted to teach for 30 years and my career path sent me in a different direction. At 51 years old I have come full circle and am so excited and proud to call myself a "Teacher".

    Ok, I am going to make baby goals - this week I will record everything I eat. I am not very happy about the way this program tells you how much you'll weigh in a few months at the rate you're going...whew..what a wake up call.

    I have so much weight to lose some times it seems too much to conquer. Baby steps...right?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Everyone have a good tues.
    hopefully,get my washer fixed.
    kitmkath-baby steps are a good idea.if you make too big of goal,you may set up for failure.
    You can do it-1 day at a time.
    Good luck
  • kitmkath
    Thanks Jane!!! :happy:
  • cbrown30303
    cbrown30303 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone! I am 60+ and I am glad for an opportunity to share/and read all of your wonderful comments! I am very pleased with MFP's community! The people are so nice and we all share a common goal...LOSS THE FAT!
    I must admit I have been down at times because it is hard work but...I keep plugging away and the pounds are slowly "melting" away. I do have to remember the weight did not hit me overnight. There were plenty of doughnuts, chocolate bars, starchy foods etc, to get me to weight and now I am trying to remove the doughnuts and chocolate bars etc., which is still attached to my body but only under my skin! At my highest weight, I was 131 lbs. over what I weighted at age 21 and I am working feverously to get back there. When I read of success stories like yours, I know I can continue to do what is necessary to achieve my goal.

    Thank you all for being there!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Couldn't find the thread, found it now...
    Surgery is Thursday, waiting on some lab tests, had elevated white count, had pedicure, toe got infected, put on antibiotics, HOPING and PRAYING that the white count is normal, otherwise they cancel the surgery... NOOOOOOOOOOOO...
    I can't go thru this waiting game again.... PRAY.....
    Anyway, I think I lost another pound, didn't eat much yesterday, had a hamburger last night, ate 1/2 of it... some broccoli and a pickle.
    Trying to force myself to eat.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Prayers for you natalie!!:flowerforyou:
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Thinking of you Natalie.