Tazzy's August Challenged



  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    I am in as a beginner...My scale weight this morning is 177lbs! Thank You! This is the motivation I need to restart my enthusiasm!!! Bright Blessings xx

    Welcome You can and Will succeed!!
    So very happy for you
  • crazycat828
    Ok. Go!

    My signature has been updated. 151.8 Beginner.


    It's a holiday here and I really just want to go back to bed and sleep in but off to the gym for you instead Miss Tazzy. You are pretty powerful if you can make me fo that. Career as a personal trainer on the side? ;-)
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Ok. Go!

    My signature has been updated. 151.8 Beginner.


    It's a holiday here and I really just want to go back to bed and sleep in but off to the gym for you instead Miss Tazzy. You are pretty powerful if you can make me fo that. Career as a personal trainer on the side? ;-)
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Ok. Go!

    My signature has been updated. 151.8 Beginner.


    It's a holiday here and I really just want to go back to bed and sleep in but off to the gym for you instead Miss Tazzy. You are pretty powerful if you can make me fo that. Career as a personal trainer on the side? ;-)
    Personal trainer on the side? Are you kidding me lol
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Not sure if I gave my info yet...
    8/01: 175.8
    8/08: ?
    8/15: ?
    8/22: ?
    8/29: ?
    8/31: ?
  • fat_girl_b_gone
    Count me in!!
  • curlymason
    curlymason Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, I'm in as a beginner level! Starting weight this morning - 217.8.
  • fat_girl_b_gone
    Ok so I guess I should do the intermediate cause I have already walked 3.50 just at work alone. :happy: My starting weight is 236Lbs,
  • EBundrige
    Still in but making a few minor adjustments... I want to do the intermediate group & 3 goals:
    Goal 1: lose 2% body fat
    Goal 2: total of 3 inches
    Goal 3: 145 pounds
    By Aug. 31......

    So start weight on this journey was 198 before joining myfitnesspal
    Current weight this morning 154.6
    My goal for the end of august is 145
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Still in but making a few minor adjustments... I want to do the intermediate group & 3 goals:
    Goal 1: lose 2% body fat
    Goal 2: total of 3 inches
    Goal 3: 145 pounds
    By Aug. 31......

    So start weight on this journey was 198 before joining myfitnesspal
    Current weight this morning 154.6
    My goal for the end of august is 145

    Awesome goal and very specific. I like your vision !
    I can see it for you!
  • fat_girl_b_gone
    Today was an awesome first day of the challenge. I did not get a chance to work out but I did walk 4.84 miles. One thing I have learned on this journey is that I have to focus on one meal at a time. If I put to much in front of me at one time I get really frustrated. I am on track and plan to stay that way. Thanks you everyone for such wonderful support. :happy:
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Goal to lose 8 lbs total for the month of August.
    We have 3 level of participation
    1. Beginners to walk / or run 2 miles a day for (3) a days a week
    2. Intermediate to walk/ or run 3.5 miles a day for (3) days a week
    3. Advance group to walk/or run 5 miles a day for (3) days a week
    Helpful hints: Drink your water,
    Watch you sodium intake the less the better
    Complete your food diary daily
    Have 100 percent faith that you can and will succeed at losing
    8 pounds,weigh yourself on the last day of challenged
    Once a week post your pounds lost no matter what .
    I wish everyone the best ! If you feel that you are not making any progress please post your concerns so we can give you the needed push. Just Don't Give- up.

    Group closed.
    8 pounds GONE
    Tazzy S. W 215
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    I got 3 miles in today. Still trying to recup from being jetlagged so that was all I muster and work to. But I ate well and drank my water and we'll see what tomorrow brings.
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Goal to lose 8 lbs total for the month of August.
    We have 3 level of participation
    1. Beginners to walk / or run 2 miles a day for (3) a days a week
    2. Intermediate to walk/ or run 3.5 miles a day for (3) days a week
    3. Advance group to walk/or run 5 miles a day for (3) days a week
    Helpful hints: Drink your water,
    Watch you sodium intake the less the better
    Complete your food diary daily
    Have 100 percent faith that you can and will succeed at losing
    8 pounds,weigh yourself on the last day of challenged

    Once a week post your pounds lost no matter what .
    I wish everyone the best ! If you feel that you are not making any progress please post your concerns so we can give you the needed push. Just Don't Give- up.

    Group closed.
    8 pounds GONE
    Tazzy S. W 215
  • Macknbee
    Macknbee Posts: 22 Member
    Ready for this!! SW: 272, Here we go!!

  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Ready for this!! SW: 272, Here we go!!


    Well you go girl!!!!
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member
    Count me in! Aiming for 10 pounds lost by September 10th! SW: 166
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Count me in! Aiming for 10 pounds lost by September 10th! SW: 166
    Welcome aboard
    Can you do this? Yes we can
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Goal to lose 8 lbs total for the month of August.
    We have 3 level of participation
    1. Beginners to walk / or run 2 miles a day for (3) a days a week
    2. Intermediate to walk/ or run 3.5 miles a day for (3) days a week
    3. Advance group to walk/or run 5 miles a day for (3) days a week
    Helpful hints: Drink your water,
    Watch you sodium intake the less the better
    Complete your food diary daily
    Have 100 percent faith that you can and will succeed at losing
    8 pounds.
    Starts August 1 / ends August 31
    Weigh yourself before the challenged and weigh yourself on the last day of challenged
    Once a week post your pounds lost no matter what .
    I wish everyone the best ! If you feel that you are not making any progress please post your concerns so we can give you the needed push. Just Don't Give- up
    8 pounds GONE
    Tazzy S. W 215

  • starting0vern09
    starting0vern09 Posts: 79 Member
    Ok this will be my first challenge and I am sooo in. I may be two days late but I am gonna do this for me. May need some encouragement and some motivation from time to time so some one come on and push me. add me as a friend even if its only to ask me everyday where i stand and give me a lil push. Thanks everyone. We can do this together. starting today at 313.5:tongue: