
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Heather Happy Birthday! B)

    Karen in Virginia

    :'( for Vegas. :'(
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Happy Birthday Heather!! :flowerforyou:
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    LANETTE aging progs were on BBC TV and as far as I can see even BRITS who have paid licence fee cannot access when abroad.

    Kate - thank you for checking! I bet they'll show up over here eventually on PBS. I'll keep my "eyes peeled". B)

    SW WA State

    Kate UK <3

    Think I will watch again on ipad and make notes a lot of the advice was what we already know but some other interesting stuff. I will do a synopsis of interesting and useful stuff

    DH is busy preparing his tomato seeds for next year, he always saves the seed of different varieties. This year has been dreadful plants only growing half as high as usual. But flowers lovely had forgotten how much I like dahlias and crysanthemums. We used to grow them when kids were young and we always sent them to school with bunches (can you do that now probably not in our health and safety mad culture) DH and I say the ELFS are at it again!

    Kate UK <3
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    Kate - WOW! I am envious of the Dahlias and the cherry tomatoes and everything else! Good for your seed-saving DH! It was not a good year at our house for most things either, but did get banner crop of apples and sauce tomatoes. Some of the flowers did well (the natives did) and dahlias did OK. Had to keep the water hose running on them tho.

    Actually, your garden looks a lot like mine, weeds included.

    I read gardeners keep their brains active which helps as they get older. So looks like your DH is on the right track.

    SW WA State
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good morning! Stepping and catching up with y'all! :)<3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Heather, best birthday wishes!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »
    :) Good evening!

    Cheri do you know anything about Karen in VA. I couldn't send her a message thru the system. Has she left us? I've been missing her, hope all is well.

    Janetr OKC

    Her previous post says she's just back from a glorious vacation!!! Still with us!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited October 2017
    THANK YOU all for your birthday wishes. It's been a lovely day so far, with sunny weather! DH gave me my earrings in bed, plus a hand blown cider glass and an Instant Pot glass bottomed silicone loaf pan. He had already given me a round of stinky cheese and I have another present coming next week. :D<3
    I did my strength training and elastic band work on the carpet o:) and then we wandered off downtown to explore the shops. DH was happy to let me decide where we went and what to do. We had coffee and had a bit of a look around at sparkly dresses, but they have nothing in yet that is long, for the cruise formals. We tried on some shoes for DH , hoping I could buy them for his birthday, but they were too tight over the arch. We loved them - a very smart, leather sports shoe, black leather with red laces!! No good if he is struggling to get them on.
    Then I decided that I wanted oysters for lunch so we found a great place in The Lanes that I had read about. Had six oysters and their cover bread and dips. DH had a great bowl of chowder. We had a glass of Prosecco each to toast my birthday.
    We are meeting the nanny, Alice, in 45 mins at Edie's nursery, with Bea, and bringing them all back here. We have snacks for them. Then DS is arriving with Max at 5.15 and we will all go out for pizza to a fantastic wood fired, authentic place where the kids eat free!! :o:o:o I never normally eat carbs, so this is very different for me, but that's fine for one day.
    The apartment is very nice and we are settling in now and it's beginning to feel like home. We have a table in the front window and can sit and watch street life from above. I love that.

    So sorry to hear about the LV shooting. :'(:s Just seen it online. Sending love to all concerned. <3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2017
    Betsy from NW WA temporarily in AK: Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! :star::flowerforyou: :star:

    Joyce: Punishing a cat seems like a total waste of time. A dog knows when he's been punished and learns from it but a cat gets even or ignores you altogether in my experience. :ohwell:

    Penny: It sounds like you are definitely back on track. Good news!!! :bigsmile: I've always thought that 1200 calories was the bottom for an adult woman in the MFP system. :flowerforyou:

    Karen in VA: I'm happy that you had such a great vacation. :star:

    Allie: :bigsmile:

    Kate UK: I look forward to the information you plan to share. Thanks! :star:

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I am looking forward to stretching and building muscle. DH has an MRI tomorrow and we'll likely go out to lunch afterward. I hope he's feeling well enough for lunch. He actually tolerates the MRI pretty well. I had one years ago and freaked out. Claustrophobia overwhelmed me and I couldn't cope with it.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • dri_dahling
    dri_dahling Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! New to this thread and returning to MyFitnessPal. Glad to see us 50+ women showing success and giving support.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,091 Member
    cityjanelondon happy bdayyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla wrote "He actually tolerates the MRI pretty well. I had one years ago and freaked out. Claustrophobia overwhelmed me and I couldn't cope with it."

    When I went for my first MRI, once I was in the tomb err tube, for about five minutes I called get me out of here. Oh my, I hate elevators let alone something that small for that long. They had me come back and put ann IV in my arm with Valium they also put dye thru it later to take pre and post dye pictures. Ugh, hope to never have do it again.

    Janetr okc
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Dahling ~ Welcome! What would you like to be called? Tell us about your self.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Dreamwriter, I'm on Vancouver Island. Love to say more right now, but I just realized it's time for me to get my stuff together so I can get to the rec centre for my class! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is World Habitat Day!

    "When we hear the word habitat, we often think of places like the rainforest and broad open forests, the places that wild animals live and that are all too often endangered. Rarely do we consider that we ourselves are animals, and that we also have habitats, though mostly we call them homes. Habitat for Humanity has been working to ensure that people everywhere have homes to call their own, especially in those places where the environment is either harsh or dangerous."

    Barbie - Thank you again for keeping us moving forward!

    Rye - When I was a camp counselor, we'd line the girls up on the dock and put a mixture of alcohol and vinegar in their ears when they got out of the lake.

    Sharon - Punched a bully in the face and then turned herself in? I think I like your princess!

    Kelly - Oh, no, I'm so sorry your husband was let go. The corporate world isn't what it used to be, and they don't seem to value or reward loyalty. Hopefully once the shock wears off he'll begin to see that your plan will keep you afloat while he looks for a new job.

    Welcome to the new arrivals - just jump right in!

    Whew, I was gone a lot over the weekend and now we're already four screens into October! I was a good girl, mostly. Yesterday I made the SkinnyTaste spinach and egg pie for dinner. It was pretty good, but a little heavy on the dill for my taste. I think I'll play with some other cheese and herb combinations next time.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    JANET I had to have sedative when I had MRI because Im a bit claustrophobic Best advice from one of the technicians was keep your eyes shut. I did this for whole time and was able to cope, not sure why they don't provide an eye mask if needed. I can use elevators as long as I don't think about it, had a scary incident while on holiday went to bathroom in a huge noisy bar and had a problem with the lock I couldn't open it and think I panicked and was banging on the door and screaming to alert someone. There s noone else there, eventually I fiddled with handle again and it opened. With hindsight I realise that DH would have come to look for me. Horrible I still feel awful if I think about it.

    Kate UK <3
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hola! Just sick about Las Vegas.

    My Goals for September

    1) Run 40 miles -- I was on track to accomplish this -- had 20 miles by the 15th, but then I got sick and didn't run for two weeks. :-( I will try again this month.
    2) Real strength training twice a week Well, not so much, although I did continue doing squats and my Core class could probably count as "real strength training," but that wasn't what I had in mind, so I will have to recommit myself to this as well.
    3) Display grace and patience with my DH (He is exasperating me lately!) This will be a life long goal. But I held my tongue a lot this month -- just yesterday, in fact -- so I will keep on keeping on.

    My Goals for October

    1) Run 40 miles.
    2) Strength training (in addition to Core workout) twice a week.
    3) Continue showing grace and patience to all of the difficult people in my life.
    4) Learn to do this for one breath cycle:


    I started working on it last night, and I can get into position, after about 20 minutes of warming up/loosening up, but I can't hold it for any length of time. Baby steps.

    Rye -- in case you don't see it, congratulations on your mile swim. I am in awe! That is on my bucket list of things to do.

    Allie -- you sound so happy!

    Hubby and I purchased nice snorkels for our Cabo trip. We'll start practicing in the pool once we get them.

    Much love to all.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon