Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @noodlenewman Welcome! This is a great group! Feel free to join. We are all about sharing life with each other. @cayladebra I'm so sorry you had a rough few days! I know all about those! And yes, I had my doctors approval to step down. The first few weeks were fine, but that last step of stopping everything completely has just kicked my *kitten*. But I'm getting back in the saddle right along with you!
    @Rachel0778 I'm so sorry you're having such a terrible time! I know how you feel about the friend's thing as well. My best friends were all in my wedding three years ago. I've seen one of them since and that was only twice. We all live relatively close to each other but we dont really talk that often either. I spend a lot of time with my DH who really is my best friend but I just dont seem to have a true girlfriend anymore. But know that I am always happy to see you and love to read your posts! I wish we lived closer! Lol.
    @kmshover I love early days! I'm a part-time floating teller at a bank and love the days that I only work a few hours. I hope your DH get's better soon. There have been a couple of times I've wanted to break out in tears as well. I think it's just a natural part of being a woman. Lol. And everyone is entitled to a concrete custard from time to time.

    Well, today is definitely better than the last few days. I got my B/C implant out of my arm and the possibility of babies is getting me excited. The withdrawals are still bad but I seem to be in a better place mentally. Had a good appointment with the doctor, nice chat with Mom and got an appointment scheduled for the DH for testing which he desperately needs. Gonna do dishes, put dinner in the crockpot, take a short walk and a nice nap and I think that's it. I love days off!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    Rachel0778, you can give your dog meletonin, I always keep some around for a few of our dogs who are afraid.
    rachelbachel32, sounds like a wonderful time. So romantic to be on a honeymoon, so happy for you
    I didn't get a chance to read the posts after rachelbachel32's but I will. I have to pick up my granddtr from preschool today. I usually log right when I eat or before so that's why I'm on here & not showering yet. I did want to share it's the 2nd day in a row my wt is 150.8 in the mornings so I updated my wt loss on here. The last time I weighed that was in the late 90's. I never thought I'd get here! Just to show don't ever give up. a while back I didn't lose for 2-3 months!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    So many posts and so little time!

    @HGSmith0920 Welcome back, I hope you start feeling better sooner. Give yourself some leeway, all your body chemicals are going crazy. Sometimes self love means just coping.

    @noodlenewman Welcome!

    @cayladebra Sorry you are feeling down. Hang in there.

    @rachel0778 I know how you feel about friends. When my ex and I split up over some very horrendous things I lost almost all of my friends, and those who did stick by me, were ones I didn't know that well and are dealing with their own life altering crisis. So that, and kids doesn't leave a lot of time to make new ones, let alone form really comfortable bonds.

    @kmshover we all have those kind of days! Did you know crying is actually good for you? It helps relieve stress and lower blood pressure.

    @Evamutt Good job on getting to 150.8 :) You are a rock star!

    I had a yucky day. Was feeling down/sick/exhausted. I ate out for breakfast and lunch. I did eat fairly healthy choices though, had an awesome dinner, was delicious. We had company over, and they brought pie. So I had a slice of pie (after sleeping for 4 hours yesterday.) Who knew it had 600+ calories in it. So was in the red.

    Today is a school function with pizza, tomorrow is our work BBQ and we are having Mexican catered. I have a feeling I am going to have a rough 2 days calorie wise.

    Did manage to do circuit training again today. Missed my step goal. Only had 5k Normally I am closer to 20K. I am going to say I probably needed that sleep though.

    Hope everyone's day is going well.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    It's so good to hear from you HGSmith. I was wondering where you were. So sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. I hope it will pass soon.And it will pass, time & life don't stand still & God always is faithful & lifts us up & shows us things in our dark time, I'm sorry you're going thru this. Life is one problem after another. Rachel0778, I admire you for all you do & you sound like a very caring person. I would say you're a success! I'm more of an introvert, defiantly not a ppl person. I am fortunate to have a best friend. Met her about 10 yrs ago when my dtr & her son were engaged to be married, thankfully that didn't happen & she married someone else. I don't see her as much as i used to lately. I got to know someone a little better I met thru our dog rescue last summer. She's the one got me started to lose weight. She lost 70lbs. I feel fairly comfortable with her, but don't see her too often. She has fibromyalgia & has some bad days but besides that I just have acquaintances. Even ladies in my bible study group, I only see during meetings & sometime text but we don't get together.I feel I know you all better than most of my acquaintances, I wish we all lived closer to each other
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @kmshover Sorry to hear it's been an emotional week, what's been going on? I'm impressed you were able to stop at half!

    @Evamutt What does melatonin do for dogs/how does it work? Do you notice a marked difference? I tried a calming collar once but it didn't seem to make a difference :( Congrats on reaching such a low weight! You're doing a great job! I agree with you on the online friendships, even though we don't know each other IRL it's great to be able to connect.

    @jdelaroy Running on 4 hours of sleep is not easy! Great job not going more into the red than you did! And it is really hard to form those bonds with new people as adults. I miss the days of being in school where you were stuck with people around your age all day long so it was easy to make friends!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I'm feeling much better today after going out to eat last night with family and scheduling some things out for next weekend with my friends in the cities. I have to keep reminding myself that my friends are really just a little over an hour away, which is nothing, especially since I no longer have to commute to work. I just need to continue to reach out when I need it :)

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member

    True Story!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    Rachel0778, melatonin makes them sleepy. Used to give them benedryl, but melatonin works better. the ones I buy come in 3mg tabs. You can look up on line how much to give according to weight.xf48rlqc2g48.png
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    Though melatonins not listed, you can look it up on line. Really helps mine
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    I haven't lost a pound in the last 5 weeks :neutral: I have made strength gains but it's a little discouraging. I was hoping that i could at least get to the healthy weight range before it slowed down. I feel that it could be that I am lifting heavy and gaining muscle in a small deficit. But stupid me lied to my self when i measured my self last month so now it seems like nothing has changed and I am not making progress. :anguished: I just want to get a healthy weight range and focus on recomp, I am tired of this belly
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    rayzerwolf, keep at it, don't give up You'll get there. one day at a time & try a few different things to get moving again. You probably want to share your starting weight, goal weight, height & calories to get some input. at one point, the scale didn't more for nearly 3 months. I upped my exercise & eventually i started losing again.
    Today is one of my grad dtrs 4th birthday party, so I'm not counting calories today, tho I'm so used to not eating much I'll probably not eat much. They're having sandwiches & cake. It's a halloween/b day party so I bought some cat ears & going to try to put on make up to look like a cat. Pics to follow...
  • memegirl77
    memegirl77 Posts: 18 Member
    I am needing motivational people to help me on my journey. I am on week 2 and have lost 6lbs. My goal is to lose 50. So far it is going good.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,433 Member
    good for you memegirl77 & welcome. I have 7 more lbs to go go from my original goal but making it 10 for wiggle room. My grand dtr's 4th B day party was very nice. It was halloween theme, so I went as a cat. Im rather an introvert so I feel uncomfortable in crowds, but I did talk to the lady I sat next to & she lost over 100 lbs so far. Her friend sat down soon after so we didn't talk any more. I decided to eat all I want, so I had 3 slices of sandwhich. They were about an inch thick each, pasta salad, beans, potato salad & rice crispy treats with top dipped in chocolate & eyes on them, like little ghosts & one cookie. I left at 5 when they were doing the pinata & cake after so no cake. I was SO exhausted when I got home. this morning I felt like i have a bad hangover. No I don't drink but it felt like I did along with the headache, messed up stomach & hard to be in the light. I also had to leave to feed some cats asap after getting up, we still have a few pet sitting clients from when I had my business. Hubby didn't come, he was not feeling well. Today's a day of recovery, a little dog walking & cleaning & cooking. I bought some ground chicken instead of ground turkey so will be making patties & having veggies with them.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt Thanks for the infographic, that's definitely helpful! How did your recovery day go?

    @memegirl77 Welcome! Congrats on the initial loss!

    @rayzerwolf Welcome! How are your clothes fitting/feeling? Especially since your focus sounds like recomp and not weight loss, the scale probably isn't the best tool so I hope you don't get discouraged by the numbers!

    So I literally spent the entire weekend packing boxes in preparation for this move. And now it's Monday and I've got 5 days of work ahead of me before I have to guessed it...more boxes. How did I end up owning so much crap? Why do I even own so much stuff???

    We did have a fun date night on Saturday where we escaped to go to the orchestra gala. It was beautiful, the food was wonderful, and there was a wine pairing with every course from the local winery. I took a few sips of each before handing them off to my SO. Needless to say I drove home and he had quite the headache the next day! We even won the raffle so we have tickets to a bunch of fun local places so that we can go on future dates too! It gives me something to look forward to once this move is over with...and helps the checkbook for cheap date nights while our savings accounts re-establish themselves.

    On the bright side, I was so busy with moving and packing that I didn't overeat this weekend. I made sure to take the time to cook up some healthy food for this week so I don't have to worry about what to eat on top of everything else I have to do. My slow cooker will be the last thing I pack! I'm really looking forward to my shepherd's pie lunches <3
  • jessicalifford
    jessicalifford Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all -

    I have struggled with weight for pretty much my entire life (I can remember being teased about it as early as 2nd grade and going on a diet), and I feel like I'm finally ready to make the changes needed to make this stick.

    I'm hoping that joining a support group will be helpful for me. : )

    So often, I find that it's in my nature to retreat and not talk about my struggles, so I'm trying the opposite now!

    Some info about me: I'm 30 years old, live in Indianapolis (I will be relocated to Colorado Springs in a few months), am married with no kids and am vegan.

    I figure skate competitively (I started taking lessons at the ripe age of 27!), which is one of the reasons I would like to lose weight. I want to be able to do jump higher and get to higher level jumps (and maybe get a chance to do jumps with 2 revolutions!). And as you know, the costumes in figure skating leave little to the imagination.

    I also enjoy mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, traveling and I do a lot of active volunteering with animals. All of these activities would be more enjoyable with less weight to carry around.

    If I had to guess, I probably have about 60 pounds to lose, but I'm curious to see how things go.

    I don't LOVE the idea of tracking my food, especially since I can't imagine doing it for the rest of my life, so I'd love other thoughts on how to make weight loss work without tracking.
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    @Rachel0778 That gala sounds wonderful! I'm glad you guys got the chance to get away from all the packing and even won something too! The moving process is the worst, but hopefully you'll have some fun setting stuff up in the new place. :smile: The last time I moved, I got rid of SO much stuff. It's always nice to have the chance to purge your house of unnecessary clutter.

    @jessicalifford Welcome! It is definitely helpful to have a group to share your struggles with. It's really cool that you figure skate! I am 26, and I have always wanted to take dance lessons. Thanks for the encouragement that it's never too late. :smile:

    Well, I made it to the gym once last week, and I really ate badly this weekend. I also had a lot to drink. It's been really hard to get back to tracking and being active since getting back from my honeymoon. I guess the big motivator (the wedding) is out of the way, so that's probably why. When my husband and I first started at our gym, we did a 10 week challenge and had perfect attendance (6 days/week). We are challenging ourselves to do that again for 10 weeks (minus one day when we'll be out of town). We will be rewarding ourselves with something- either a massage, tattoo, or new work-out clothes. I'm hoping this will get us back in the swing of things! The scale is still up, and I am feeling pretty frumpy lately.
  • memegirl77
    memegirl77 Posts: 18 Member
    edited October 2017
    I have a new trigger... Being sleepy. I am tired now and want to eat everything in sight. I am only 230 calories to my goal and it is not even 5pm. Looks like I will be doing some exercising after I watch these 2 kids. I did eat a snack sized bag of Doritos... Make that 90 calories left.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gemwolf110 Your summer sounds amazing. A travel trailer is such a great investment, especially if you have a lot of national parks and camp grounds around you. And I was shredding papers yesterday from 2012 so you are not along with putting off organization! As far as the wedding party goes, it might be worth asking the friend in question if she feels she has time for it. She'll be flattered you asked her first and that way if she doesn't feel up to it you can still ask another friend.

    @memegirl77 Being sleepy is the worst! I make terrible food decisions when I'm tired too. I hope you got more rest last night

    @rachelbachel32 Don't be too hard on yourself, it's always hard to get back in the routine after vacation. Starting a new gym challenge sounds like a great way to get back into things!

    @jessicalifford Welcome! Glad to have you in the group! I'm a food tracker so I have no tips on not using it. I can say that food tracking gets easier with time and I usually takes me no more than 5 minutes a day.

    So last night we got derby photos taken and I was told they would just be headshots so I didn't wear cute clothes and then found out when I got there we were doing full body photos as well...grrrr..... I also didn't get a workout in since between the photo shoot and going through our files/old paperwork to pack my evening was shot :( Today I'm going to hit up the gym.

    I'm a bit miffed at my SO since he's barely lifting a finger to pack so far. I've been doing the lions share of the work. I know that he's super busy at work, but I coordinated the new utilities, reserved the moving truck, scheduled my family to help us move, and have packed up our kitchen and bookshelves. I feel like I'm drowning and he's like "Oh I'll just throw everything in boxes and sort it out when I get there"....NO! I'm not having my family move *kitten* unnecessarily or wait for him to finish up his "last minute packing" when he should be helping moving. Okay, rant over. Can you tell I'm in a bit of a mood today?

  • Momofthree224
    Momofthree224 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm new to MFP. In a nut shell, I'm a 42 year old, married mother of 3 awesome human kids, 3 crazy dogs and 4 cool cats. My husband and I just celebrated our 16 year anniversary. I recently resigned as a director of a dog rescue after 4 years of dedicated service and am now a SAHM.

    I am about 85 lbs overweight. I have been contemplating weight loss for a long time, but after my second child it was really a struggle and I lost all motivation to try. I'm chock full of excuses...I'm genetically predisposed to being heavy. I love to cook and to eat. I like to exercise but find it hard to make time and get going. It's a challenge to prepare healthy meals that will make everyone happy. I loathe tracking food and counting calories. It's October and I'm already thinking that I don't want to "diet" during the holidays so I'll just wait for the new year to start...wash, rinse, repeat.

    But I read an article this morning that the CDC has found evidence that obesity increases risks of cancer. This came as absolutely no surprise to me, but the article had a link to MFP. It looked easy to use and had an app for my phone so I decided to give it a try. I got set up and entered what I'd eaten so far this morning. I had consumed more than 75% of the daily calories I'd need to maintain my weight before 10am. Yikes! I guess it's time I start counting those dreaded calories!

    After my first child, I successfully came within 15 lbs of my "ideal" weight. I followed the South Beach diet very strictly instead of counting calories, got up at 4am every day to exercise and joined an online support community. I hated the food I ate and I was exhausted, but I looked fantastic. The support community was probably the only thing that got me through. I'm not torturing myself this time, but sharing support and motivation with others is a must!

    @Rachel0778 - the SIMS meme is what caught my eye. SO TRUE! Your mood today is completely understandable. Moving is stressful in itself, not having the support of your SO is crushing. I had a similar situation with mine. He also did not help unpack anything and two months later is still complaining that he can't find anything. I wish I had words of wisdom to impart, but the best I can offer is that you are NOT ALONE!

    @Evamutt - your info re: doggie OTCs was great!

    Did someone say Shepherd's Pie??? Next up...researching recipes!!!
  • AshEvelynn
    AshEvelynn Posts: 205 Member

    I need people like you in my life! I feel like I'm standing still and bashing my head into a brick wall. Over and over again. I feel like everyone has their plan in the bag and I'm the one who can't get her stuff together for longer than 2 days. I am inspired by motivating other people and seeing success but my lack of success discourages's a very rocky road.

    Please add me if you need the motivation and I will be right there with you! I could use some too :)
  • gymprincess1234
    gymprincess1234 Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    I'm back. 2 consecutive days of feeling healthy after more than a month!

    Life is a lot at the moment. Uni is a handful, exams start soon, trying to organize the move to Canada which is in 11 weeks already, struggling with not liking living in France and missing UK, missing family is starting to creep up on me as I realize I'll see them only in May 2018.
    With being sick and not working out, I didn't track food or logged just bits here and there for 18 days!! Now back on tracking and cut out dairy, all the French cheese and not working out got me +1cm in all places! Did a cardio workout today, planned to fit in workouts on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in October. Starting slow, cause I feel the sickness hit my fitness levels hard. :|

    Basically, I'm struggling with life at the moment, bit of a Bridget Jones phase :| , but I'll get through it. I'm still motivated, fighting all the setbacks. If I got through the summer one, I can get that 1cm off, get in a fitness routine again and finish what I started. 11 months of battling the extra pounds this Sunday!

    I'll read what everyone else is up to when I get my head above the water! Best of luck!