

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Saturday! I was busy doing paperwork yesterday morning, so didn't have time to respond or post. Thank you for all of the comments on Joaquin. He had his "helmet" appointment Thursday morning and the doctor proclaimed him "graduated"! Yea! No more helmet! His cranial plates have moved into the right places and he grew enough in the past month, where they (the plates) won't move any more. So...he is done with the helmet. He wore it 23 hours a day; coming off only at bath time and for a few minutes after bath (time for his hair to dry). Due to the helmet, he did need a bath each day, but DD didn't use shampoo and soap each day (only about every three days). He actually got his first hair cut at five months, because his long hair was matting up inside the helmet. So...DD took the clippers to the back and sides, but left the top layer alone. Anyway...now I am anxiously waiting for the end of Dec./early Jan. for our long trip (driving) to TX. I am not sure where we will be financially at that time. (not sure if DH will be working by then), but I have put the word out to my daycare families and neighborhood families and offered childcare on weekends/evenings if they need "date nights" or "christmas shopping" time. I already have three families lined up for Friday evenings (two of them on the same Friday). I figure I can easily fund our vacation this way.
    Lenora- My son in law painted the helmet. I am not sure if they are going to save it. It is a smelly little thing. Like an old shoe. That baby sweating in it in the Texas heat...Maybe if they swipe it with a cleaner and let it air out, it will be okay to store.
    Machka- beautiful hair! I kept my hair long (down to my waist) for many years; but I always had to have it braided. It is thick, but fine, and it would mat up and knot every time I left it hanging long. Finally I went shoulder length. I have bounced back and forth between shoulder length and chin length for a few years now. I'd like to go shorter, but DH can hardly stand it when it is chin length. He likes it long. I go along with him, because it is a little thing and I don't really care that much. I still have days, though, when I would just like to shave my head. I can't believe there was a time in my life that I spent two hours "getting ready" in the bathroom.
    Allie- Love your home! The colors are fantastic and you have it decorated so nicely! Hang in there! I think Tom is about to get his "come-uppance".
    Rori- Your vacation photos look wonderful! You are stunning! Oooooh and the infused oils! I could spend all day tasting and smelling and trying to figure out what to buy in those oil and vinegar shops! One of my favorite oils is a Fernleaf Dill infused olive oil. It is great to cook with and on salads. My favorite oil vendor has a 30 year balsamic vinegar that is aged in a copper barrel. It costs $30 for a 10oz bottle, but mmmmmmmm, heaven. Those are luxuries for me. DH will get them for me at Christmas or for birthday/ mother's day. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your vacay!
    Penny- agree with the other ladies about that final paragraph. You really summed up who we are and what we love about us! Right back at you, lady! <3
    Heather- Tandoori chicken is one of my favorite things, too. I have never tried to make it at home, though. Do you have a recipe you use? and would like to share? Also...Do you rice your cauliflower before or after you cook it?
    Joyce-In regards to Scouts: I like the idea of letting boys into Girl Scouts and girls into Boy Scouts. As a former GS leader, if there was a boy who wanted to join us, he would have been welcome. I am sure, many towns/cities, have years where scouting is popular and then there are years when it is not. While I was leading, Girl Scouts was booming in our town. Many troops, leaders, girls and the Boy Scouts were dwindling, unable to find enough leaders, not many boys joining. Now, it has reversed. I would hope in situations like this, that organizations would accept the other gender into their troop. Scouting really does open up doors and experiences to many children, who would otherwise not be able to experience things. One thing that bothers me: The news shows have made it sound as if girls want to join boy scouts to get the Eagle Award (as if they don't have the equivalent). Girl Scouts can earn the Gold Award. The equivalent of the Eagle Award. It is not as well known; perhaps because most people think of girl scouts as "cookie sellers". My DD is a Gold Award recipient. She spent three years on her project.

    Whoot! DD is pinging me on viber! Joaquin time! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Whoops! Lisa- Omigosh, so happy for you and your new adventure in NC! I am sure your daughter is very happy to have you there! Good luck with the ware house sale/rent!
    Rita- Hello again! I will be checking our your link and what you have been up to! Good to see you back!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    Having another girlfriend over to my place later do will be in clean mode for when she comes.
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    KELLY That’s Wonderful! My mother would have been especially thrilled with the fighting Irish logo on Joaquinn’s headpiece, I keep meaning ( and forgetting) to tell you that. I highly second the recommendation to clean and keep that headpiece for sentimental reasons.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    Katla I’m about to go into the gym , I’ll reply about the kids later. Got them all as pups
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,909 Member
    Hi all! Can't say good morning cause we are all in different time zones. 10 am here humid and overcast. You would think the desert would be dryer. I've been surprised by the weather here and flowers everywhere. DH made a breakfast burrito in a spinach wrap. It was delicious but had to guess in calories.

    No plan for today. This area doesn't have a lot to do. More later.

    Rita at Brantley Lake New Mexico
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Katla – I’m not sure that DH has talked to his IMD; but, it isn’t so bad that he is drenched. Actually, his head more than anywhere else. He has had what they thought was going to end up being stints; but, actually they described it as ‘rust’ areas; not needing stints.

    Michele – I think you go to ‘settings’ and there is a ‘notifications’ switch you can turn on and off. But, I also think inside any given program (such as FB, it also has the ability to turn ‘notifications’ to it on and off. I told the guy I did NOT want the darn thing ‘dinging at me’ if I could help it. He told me that she had turned them all off and they should not do it. If it does, then it must be something the phone or an advertiser is trying to sell me and I will ignore it. Young lady I talked to about my “messenger” said one was associated with Samsung; the other was one that was ‘free’. I told her I like the ‘red’ icon much better than the ‘yellow’ so that I can see and find it quickly.

    Janetr OKC – That is a great way to notify someone you are quitting (not just a job) but any other commitment that isn’t working for you. Allie could use it and say, “I’m GONE!

    Joyce – I sleep on my back with C-pap because it is just a more comfortable position and I don’t block the air flow as much as I do if laying on either side. I am more apt to pull the mask off if I turn on my side. I use a ‘wisp’ mask; not a ½ mask or full mask, because I am ‘terminally claustrophobic’. When I had my first ‘sleep study’ they tried everything and finally ended up putting me in a ‘wisp’; if that had not worked they were going to have to go back to the ½ mask so I was happy it worked. I rent my machine; then it becomes mine and all I have to do then is get the supplies and Medicare and my health insurance pays for it. I rent it because it isn’t coming ‘out of my pocket’ and if something goes wrong with it, they will replace it at no charge. I have my first one to use as a back-up.

    Off to watch “Patch Adams”

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rye: Congrats on your new job! What will you be doing?
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,392 Member
    edited October 2017

    Yes, Rye - congrats!! That's super news on the job! Way to go!!

    Katla - I like your dog's reflective vest. Does he like to be walked in the rain if so, do you have a raincoat for him? Or let him go au naturel? Hope you have a great trail ride - nice chilly but wonderful sunny day!!

    Rosie chewed through her harness yesterday...I saw her fussing with it from time to time but didn't realize what a good chewer she was. It was kind of a dainty fru-fru harness. So I raced into town to the pet store and got her a heavy duty reflective harness which makes her look very grown up. She doesn't like the rain and cold but I do want to get her (and me) out walking our little traveled private road once the vet "releases her for duty" in a couple days.

    Terry in VT - I love that scenery!! Thank you for sharing those photos - what a pleasant drive in the autumn. Do you get a lot of snow and is the commute pretty tough in the winter?

    Rori - looks like a good time in Santa Barbara! Great photos and great time of the year, the way it looks. I love the Washington beaches in the fall and winter. Something about the cold wind and spray that is so invigorating, plus they are generally deserted. We used to live closer - an hour's drive - and it was a great way to spend the afternoon and take the dogs for a run.

    Lisa - how neat things are falling into place with the warehouse. Some of my favorite reads are the Father Tim - Mitford series by Jan Karon set in the mythical town of Mitford, NC. Don't know how accurate the description of the valley and the townspeople are, but I've wanted to move there for a long time o:)Michele, do you live in or near Mitford or Blowing Rock by any chance? LOL!

    That's it for now - DH is hoping to do the final lawn mow in the next couple sunshiney days. Looks like Tuesday, the Pacific NW monsoons will start.

    Have a great weekend!

    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,761 Member
    I'm home sitting in my recliner...listening to Pandora on Amazon Echo got everything cleaned up.and Lenora I fixed the pictures in the bedroom have them faceing the correct way and brought them in a bit more as you said...will wait to do mirror..
    My dad was arguing with me about driving down to Virginia..I have to get a hold of DMV and speak with them..see what they have to say..
    I bought coasters and do you think I can find them ohhh no of course not...geesh.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,965 Member
    :)Rye congrats on the job especially because she worked hard to get it and didn't give up when there were bumps in the road

    :) As an alternative to keeping Joaquin's helmet for "sentimental reasons " why not consider a digital file of photos. One less thing to clutter the storage in someone's house

    :) We just delivered a knitted blanket to Project Linus and many boxes and bags of stuff to the local charity thrift shop. My afternoon project is scanning photos from my parents' wedding

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Hi all! Can't say good morning cause we are all in different time zones. 10 am here humid and overcast. You would think the desert would be dryer. I've been surprised by the weather here and flowers everywhere. DH made a breakfast burrito in a spinach wrap. It was delicious but had to guess in calories.

    No plan for today. This area doesn't have a lot to do. More later.

    Rita at Brantley Lake New Mexico

    RitaI have to admit that I'm surprised that it's humid there. Not the norm at all for the Carlsbad area. We lived in that part of New Mexico for many years and humidity was rare. You caught it at a "good" time but I'm sure it makes it feel hotter than it is. :) They have had recent rains down there and that accounts for the wild flowers. They stay dormant until rain and then the desert just goes blooming crazy! I always loved the desert after the rains.

    I was up this morning to head out for a 14 mile run and instead ran to my daughter's house to watch grandkids. Our son-in-law was taken to the hospital (admitted) for chest pains. Nothing wrong with his heart but they are on to checking his gall bladder. Still has pain but not as bad. So I've got her two grandkids, another two showed up while their folks went off for a date with their oldest daughter and tonight my other daughter and her two show up to spend the night as that daughter has to be at work at 4 am tomorrow for a computer program change-over that she's in charge of..... so it turns out that it is grandkid day. All self-sufficient aged kids and they are super excited that grandpa cleaned the pool and heated it up a bit for them so they will spend most of the afternoon in the pool. Easy baby-sitting for me. :) The rest of my day will be laundry and cleaning, as much as you can with six kids around....

    A sucker for grand-babies.
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi Sisters, I have been reading a most fascinating book by Dr. Jason Fung. He specialises in treating people who have kidney failure but he was unsatisfied at just dealing with the symptoms of disease. He wanted to find out the cause and fix that. Well, people who got Diabetes would end up with kidney failure, and there was a link to obesity. His book The Obesity Code, goes into all the triggers of Obesity/Diabetes and it is all about the hormone Insulin. He says the key to really shedding weight for good and actually resetting your body's weight setpoint/homeostatis and keeping the weight off is about breaking through your body's insulin resistance. Here is a link to an interview with the Doctor. I think this book is good in some ways, although I don't think it goes far enough in looking at how all the hormones interact with one another and how menopause changes these hormone balancing acts. However, it is a good start at seeing how hormones do effect weight gain and loss and sheds some more light on the big picture: https://www.bewell.com/blog/q-dr-jason-fung-book-obesity-code/ <3 Wendy