Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Fall Challenge Week 4 Congratulations everyone, on the whole we had a much better week this week! :) As a group we went from losing a total of 6.3 pounds last week to 21.9 this week!! Impressive! We have reached a cumulative total of 72.80 pounds lost and 30% of our Fall Challenge Goal so we are closer to being on track to reach our goal by the end of the challenge. We have 5 weeks and 3 days left (from Wednesday's weigh in) to do this. I know we can do it! Welcome to two new people @darlin930 and @jennordhavn. @darlin930 if you could give me a little more info so I can enter you correctly I would appreciate it. Just go back and look at the posting right below yours and you'll see the format including starting weight and goal for Nov. 18th, etc. thanks. Keep up the hard work everyone.

    Thank you to everyone who sent me birthday wishes. It makes me smile to see them. :smiley: I can't believe I'm 70!! I hope my head never catches up to my actual age. A great thing about losing weight is not only am I healthier but the more weight I lose the younger, more energetic I feel!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    @verybusybee .... I've found that, with MFP, my best bet is to focus on the calories, carbs, protein, sodium, and fiber for the numbers but look at my food list for the fats and sugars ... because then I can look at ADDED fats and sugars ...
    ...For example, the more meat, cheese, eggs, and some seafoods you eat, the more fat you will rack up because those foods are a combination of fat and protein ... so I look at the amount of fat spreads I use ... like, when your nutritionist said 3 a day she probably meant the butter, margarine, mayo, oil, and nuts you use to be 3 measured standard servings.

    For me, ANY added sugars are a no-no, and I need to watch the carb counts because any grain, fruit, vegetable I eat will up that count and it's the one I need to keep in check to keep my blood sugar from rising too high after I eat the food. And, I know that any baked good like cookies, cakes, pies will be high in fat/sugar/flour; candy and ice cream will be high in fat and sugar; chips, crackers, snack packs will be loaded with the stuff also. ... those are the foods I need to stay away from except in very limited and rare occasions. ...

    Thus ... No chips with a sandwich for lunch of cold cuts with a slice of cheese and lettuce and a cookie for lunch ... but a salad loaded with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, peppers with a small pile of cut up broiled or poached chicken, beef, or shrimp and 1 slice of whole grain bread is OK, and 1 tsp of olive oil to dress that salad (mixed with 1 tsp of cider vinegar or the juice of a lemon, some spices).

    Hope I didn't make my answer too detailed or complicated ... this is just what works for me as my guidelines.

    PS ... For me also, I can have a small baked potato with a meal and not gain weight from it the next day ... but if I have 3/4 cup of steamed rice or 2 cups of boiled pasta, I will weigh at least 1 pound more the next day! ... Yet both foods are pure starch ... which turns to sugar once it's digested. My body just holds on to the carbs in rice and pasta but not in the baked (or boiled) potato ... it's the insulin resistance I have, which has progressed to Diabetes, that is the culprit here. So my own nutritional needs are certainly similar to other peoples, but also unique to just me.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @bapcarrier HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope you have a very special day! @newjax2017 I think whatever diet plan we choose, it has to be for the long haul and work long term. I've always found that being too strict and limiting foods would work at first but not long term. On MFP I eat anything but am mindful of portion size & I journal everything. I like how you can write things in ahead of time to plan and figure out what gives you the most bang for your buck, so to speak. Denying and limiting will only make you fall off the wagon at some point. @ihp2015 Way to go on achieving your steps goal! Awesome job! @NewTnme Congrats on your first 7 lbs! Way to go! @karenleona Never give up! @pneschich My husband was told he had a fatty liver a few years ago. He changed some things in his diet and now it's fine again.

    For my Friday plans for the weekend....I have 3 events to attend this weekend, two of which I can have some control over but one is totally out of my control since I have no clue what is being served at a catered event I'm going to tomorrow. I've pre-planned as best I can. Wish me luck. Down 2.5 this week. I don't want to gain it back in a weekend!
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    @bapcarrier Happy birthday and god bless!

    Friday fitness

    Well i started something new this week -
    Starting on oct far i completed 3 sessions for week 1 and did the first session of week 2.

    I know it will get way hard after week 2 and i will have to slow my progress dramatically to work with my lungs and asthma. But i am excited i can currently run 60 secs no problem!
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @verybusybee .... I've found that, with MFP, my best bet is to focus on the calories, carbs, protein, sodium, and fiber for the numbers but look at my food list for the fats and sugars ... because then I can look at ADDED fats and sugars ...
    ...For example, the more meat, cheese, eggs, and some seafoods you eat, the more fat you will rack up because those foods are a combination of fat and protein ... so I look at the amount of fat spreads I use ... like, when your nutritionist said 3 a day she probably meant the butter, margarine, mayo, oil, and nuts you use to be 3 measured standard servings.

    For me, ANY added sugars are a no-no, and I need to watch the carb counts because any grain, fruit, vegetable I eat will up that count and it's the one I need to keep in check to keep my blood sugar from rising too high after I eat the food. And, I know that any baked good like cookies, cakes, pies will be high in fat/sugar/flour; candy and ice cream will be high in fat and sugar; chips, crackers, snack packs will be loaded with the stuff also. ... those are the foods I need to stay away from except in very limited and rare occasions. ...

    Thus ... No chips with a sandwich for lunch of cold cuts with a slice of cheese and lettuce and a cookie for lunch ... but a salad loaded with mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, peppers with a small pile of cut up broiled or poached chicken, beef, or shrimp and 1 slice of whole grain bread is OK, and 1 tsp of olive oil to dress that salad (mixed with 1 tsp of cider vinegar or the juice of a lemon, some spices).

    Hope I didn't make my answer too detailed or complicated ... this is just what works for me as my guidelines.

    PS ... For me also, I can have a small baked potato with a meal and not gain weight from it the next day ... but if I have 3/4 cup of steamed rice or 2 cups of boiled pasta, I will weigh at least 1 pound more the next day! ... Yet both foods are pure starch ... which turns to sugar once it's digested. My body just holds on to the carbs in rice and pasta but not in the baked (or boiled) potato ... it's the insulin resistance I have, which has progressed to Diabetes, that is the culprit here. So my own nutritional needs are certainly similar to other peoples, but also unique to just me.
    This information helps tremendously and is good to know. I don't have diabetes but I have polycystic ovarian syndrome which also stores my carbs. I have recently bought a few keto books and plan to work from that as well as paleo and basically try to limit my carbs more than anything.
    As for the nutritionist. She wants me to count 1 egg as a dairy and a fat so when she says 3 she is referring to everything. On MFP the fat she wants me to stay below is 18gms which is still low to me.

  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    I'm soooo sorry, I'm way beyond late. I've had one hell-ooo of a busy week. I know the weekly has already been posted. Again, I'm sorry!


    Name: Lydia
    Age: 45
    Height: 5’8”

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):240.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 228

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 236.2
    2. Sept. 27: 233.8
    3. Oct. 4: 234.6
    4. Oct. 11: 234.2
    5. Oct. 18:
    7. Oct. 25:
    8. Nov. 1:
    9. Nov. 8:
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.4
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -6.2
    Total overall weight lost so far: 25.8

    Feel like I'm losing my mind. I've been so busy, unorganized, spastic, frazzled, running ragged this week. I really need a break. I'm wayyyy beyond Calgon. :smile:

    I haven't had time to read through most of the posts. I hope to catch up soon. I'm on my way out for work now. I'm hoping I finally have a day off Monday.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @lydiapassthedonuts sorry for your frazzled week. I wondered what happened to you. (And a couple of other regulars who were missing this week.) Glad to hear it was just an extremely busy time and nothing seriously wrong. I'll just add this week's weigh in to the chart and you'll be up to speed for next week! Hope things smooth out and you get a break soon.

    @ihp2015 and others who have posted pictures, I love the pictures and this idea. Thanks @Nikion901 for the great suggestion.

    The other things I wanted to comment on are back a page and I know from past experience if I go back to look I'll lose this post so... Maybe next time I'll try to make some notes beforehand and not rely on memory. :blush:
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Helloooooo! I've never in years seen this thread go 28 hours without a new posting! Hope everyone is just busy, busy, busy!
  • mushymom
    mushymom Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there. My name is Sheri. Due to several years of heath issues, I managed to gain considerable weight - 375 lbs! I don’t like being fat. I was never overweight but did gain a few with my pregnancies and held steady around 140. I’m a type lvl diabetic. I’m tired most of the time and see food as fuel....the more tired I get, the more I’ll eat which is now takeout cause I don’t have the energy to cook. And so I woke up and released that my dangerous health condition is really ruining my life. I’ve tried many ways and many times to lose this weight but I always fall off the wagon within 4-6 weeks. I NEED help and advice and friends. I need the atta girl and the kick in the butt. I need to be accountable to someone other than myself over the long haul. I’m hoping I can find it here.
  • LowCarbOR55
    LowCarbOR55 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm lisa. I'm 55 and have been increasingly overweight since I had to begin taking specific meds. - 18.
  • LowCarbOR55
    LowCarbOR55 Posts: 5 Member
    Lisa here - Sorry, problem with tech.
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Sheri, Good for you! It is such a struggle. I also feel tired all the time because of the weight and poor nutrition. Welcome, this is a wonderful site. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have about 120 to lose.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... I'm in a bad mood today. One that makes me grumpy and not wanting to communicate with anybody ... so it's a testament to how ingrained coming to this thread is in me that I am sharing this here now.

    I know what has put me into this mood. And I know what will get me out of it ... the biggest hurdle is to get the ball rolling in that direction. And folks ... I'll give you a hint as to what put me into this funky down-low and mean-spirited mood where it's so easy to start a self-pity party .... my food choices and physical (read that as lack or) activity the past week. I know I'm not the only one who knows this about themselves and I'm probably not the only one who wonders why we do this to ourselves. And it doesn't take a lot of the wrong food choices to do this to me. Wah,wah, wah, I want my mommy!
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Have been very busy this weekend and today, finally, the merry-go-round stops. I can actually stay at home and not go anywhere! Made it through the weekend with my 3 social events. I think I did ok, even though I had to guess on some of the stuff that was served. The one luncheon worked out way better than I thought....the catered food was absolutely horrible and with my current mantra that I won't eat anything unless I really enjoy it, I merely picked at it and passed on the desserts. The party last night I think I did pretty well too, but I did eat a piece of cake. Based on the calories earlier in the day with that lunch, I'm pretty sure I did ok. I guessed at some of it and journaled it so we'll see how it goes on Friday, my WI day.
    @Nikion901 I get how you are feeling. Have been there done that many a time. Like you said, you know what you have to do to get the ball rolling again, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and today is a new start. You've got this!
    @mushymom Welcome!! You will find lots of encouragement and motivation on this thread. You aren't alone in your struggle. You are taking charge of your life now, and it's one day at a time. You can do this and we can all help each other. @Lowcarbor55 Welcome to you too! There definitely are some meds that make us gain weight but when you need them, you do and we deal with it.

    Hoping everyone has a great Sunday!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    b_lisieux wrote: »
    @Nikion901 I get how you are feeling. Have been there done that many a time. Like you said, you know what you have to do to get the ball rolling again, so pick yourself up, dust yourself off and today is a new start. You've got this!
    Hoping everyone has a great Sunday!!

    Yep ... went outside for 45 minutes ... walking for 30, pushing the lawn mower in the back yard, and 15 minutes of enjoying the fresh air while I watched the birds and squirrels flit around. Plus .... I was really zipping along on that lawn and moved faster than I have been able to in a long while ... so it was a good workout and now I feel human again.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Well ... I just ate 770calories worth of potato chips ... I just wonder why do I need to sabotage my progress??
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    @Nikion901 good to see you post, I was worried about you. I get your mood having been there many times. I have to point out though that apparently those walks you've started on are having a result in the fact that you moved faster/easier when mowing. Way to go!

    @happygirlxxx I had exactly the same thought yesterday!! I'm so close to getting to wonderland and yet I used my birthday as an excuse to overeat. Now, if it was just on my actual birthday maybe that wouldn't have been so bad, but no I also extended it a couple of days and ate Mickey D's TWICE, plus a piece of pecan pie (of all the pies to chose to eat!!!) Even though I've been working like crazy in the neglected flower gardens I am still showing up 3 pounds!! :( We will both get back on track, we will both get back on track, we will both get back on track...

    @pneschich sorry to hear about the liver problems. The only saving grace is that it probably would be a lot worse if you hadn't taken control of your weight and lost that enormous amount of weight! I know you can do whatever needs to be done to handle this! Good luck with upping the aerobic workouts, I'm not much help there. Keep us posted after the 26th and know we're all pulling for you. Say Hi, to your wife, she has to be so proud of you. :)

    @b_lisieux congrats on making it thru your hectic party weekend. It sounds like you handled it extremely well! Pat yourself on the back!

    @jam5660 glad to know it was just a busy weekend, I don't know how you managed to stay on track with everything that was going on. Great job!

    Welcome to @LowCarbOR55 & @mushymom you've come to the right place for encouragement and suggestions from people in the same boat you are! Keep checking in, this is a great thread with lots of great people. :)