Two months Keto ❤️



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Congrats on your success! Looks like keto working well for you. :)
  • Enigma11
    Enigma11 Posts: 1 Member
    I started low carb about 3 weeks ago, and am working my way into full keto, although finding it hard to get the carbs quite so low; even veggies have carbs. I've read quite a bit about it, and am finding some great recipes online. I like this diet because by reducing carbs I don't feel hungry. Good luck to everyone!
  • Pumpkin34_160
    Pumpkin34_160 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you! And good luck
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    Yes! Research is key!!!
    Depends on your research. Lots of ketoers will quote Taubes and Lustig who have been challenged by other peers and debunked a lot of their journalism on the anti sugar movement.
    While I personally don't care how someone attempts to lose weight, I still have yet to have a client or acquaintance who's been on it to lose weight, keep it off in the long run.
    Wish you luck though if this is your lifestyle from this point on.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Pumpkin34_160
    Pumpkin34_160 Posts: 40 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Yes! Research is key!!!
    Depends on your research. Lots of ketoers will quote Taubes and Lustig who have been challenged by other peers and debunked a lot of their journalism on the anti sugar movement.
    While I personally don't care how someone attempts to lose weight, I still have yet to have a client or acquaintance who's been on it to lose weight, keep it off in the long run.
    Wish you luck though if this is your lifestyle from this point on.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    From what I’ve read, it truly has to be a life change. When you break down and start eating carbs again little by little you will gain then some.

    But, perhaps when I hit my goal, I will stick to keto or eat whatever in moderation and just exercise like a normal way of living.
  • jelizabeth713
    jelizabeth713 Posts: 98 Member
    Any Keto'ers please feel free to add me, I've been on for 5 months now. Down 22 lbs. I'm here if anyone has any questions too, shoot me a message :smile:
    I love this WOE

    And CONGRATS!!!!! <3<3
  • pkdarlin
    pkdarlin Posts: 149 Member
    I started keto a few weeks ago and would really like it if you sent me a friend request. I need keto friends!
  • Anycleavers
    Anycleavers Posts: 38 Member
    edited October 2017
    Read Ketoclarity. I started on October 2nd and am down 15 Lbs. It does take some time to adjust to the changes, physically and mentally. I am still trying to wrap my head around it as it goes against everything we have been taught and force fed regarding nutrition. The book is helping explain.

    My two big takeaways so far besides the weightloss.

    One, I do not get hungry every couple/three hours, which is big for me. I have no cravings of carbs and sugar and I am an admitted junk food junkie.

    Two, my sleep has most definitely changed for the better. Previously I would wake several times in a night and have a very bad time returning to sleep, sometimes up for hours. Not anymore, I sleep straight through the night, very soundly.

    These are the very blatant observations, one the smaller side I have noticed a (good) shift in mental acuity, whether real or imagined.

    Is this sustainable? IDK, I ask myself this all the time, but I do know a diet of high carbs and sugar is NOT sustainable and will lead to many kinds of health complications. For now I'm on the Keto train.

    Send some friend requests. Thanks
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I encourage anyone doing or considering a keto diet to join this group:

    Lots of great advice, including some differing opinions on things like bullet proof coffee.

    Best to you all!
  • ironjay37
    ironjay37 Posts: 136 Member
    Pumpkin, you certainly have done a great job, may success continue to chase you down.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Congrats to those who have found success. As others have stated, I would think that this would need to be a part of your life style.

    I am looking at Keto due to a higher A1C value (for the past decade) and have played with really low carbs (like 10g to 15g) for close to one week. I am not in the gym so training is not an option now. I really like carbs.....but I do not think that carbs like me. So, I will never bash one way of eating. I really dislike it when people - on either side of the fence - start spewing 'talking points' about this way is better than that way.....well, maybe. What are you selling? I need to find out for me what works.

    I am also looking at power lifting! Ha! That will be interesting.

    My point here - we all have to make decisions for ourselves and we all need to find out what " for me". It is great that this worked for you or that this did not work for you. But, I need to find out for me.

    Everyone is different. Things works the same way for most.....and then the slight difference come into play.

    I will tell you what....I really enjoyed the food that I was eating when I was doing the 10g to 15g of Carb a day. I could not complain one bit about the food. Fats are good, too! DANG GOOD!

    I have some more playing to do to see how things work......for me.

    Interested to see what happens in the gym when I do return.

    Again, congrats to all those who have found their way....

  • nurseeli
    nurseeli Posts: 1 Member
    Keto is amazing. I came to it due to intestinal issues. It has been the best experience.
  • jonezy444
    jonezy444 Posts: 14 Member
    Stick to reading labels, if you can’t pronounce it don’t buy it, bullet proof coffee is life! Don’t be so hard on your self in the beginning, log all of your food! Buy, a scale, eat greens every day. People don’t understand keto so don’t listen to them with their concerns about high fat. Educate them. And research! The more you know the more successful you will be! I sent you a friend request! If you have ANY questions please feel free!

    Ahhh what is this bulletproof coffee I've been hearing so much about???!!! Coffee is life. Also great tips!
  • silkyb1
    silkyb1 Posts: 49 Member
    How did your body do at the beginning you doing Keto. A lady i work with started having bad cramps in her legs so she had to stop.
  • silkyb1
    silkyb1 Posts: 49 Member
    will you please send me a friend request.
  • Pumpkin34_160
    Pumpkin34_160 Posts: 40 Member
    silkyb1 wrote: »
    How did your body do at the beginning you doing Keto. A lady i work with started having bad cramps in her legs so she had to stop.

    Keto flu sucks, but, it passes, cramps come, pickle juice does wonders. Tell her to jump back on the train and drink a couple oz of pickle juice a day. Electrolights are key! It’s been 2 1/2 Monday I’m down 30lbs. I started for a weight loss competition at work, it ended yesterday I came in 4th place, sadly 1st place lost 5 more pounds but he’s also a man and wasn’t As big as I was. I cheated last night with shake shack and fries, back on keto today,

    Just checked and I didn’t bounce out of ketosis
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