

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited October 2017
    Love all the pictures.

    I had a friend with GERD. She was a singer and it effected her voice, and she is also a teacher. She tried apple cinder vinegar, and it worked to her. She did not want to start the drug route because she knew of the side effects.

    I have decided rather than call my tree a trouble tree. I now call it my healing tree. As I think about the problem or person as I hold an apple. When I put the apple on the tree I think healing thoughts. If it comes up to haunt me through the day I think it is on the healing tree getting care.

    :heart: Margaret
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    You've all been busy! But mostly I see you have been well. Wonderful.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 15 min Yoga, held my plank for 2 min 53 sec, then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD on the bosu

    Joyce - Mr. Mozart looks so relaxed. Actually, it's a testament to you that he does that. By exposing himself like that he's indicating that he's comfortable in his surroundings and he trusts you. That means an awful lot for a cat to feel that way.

    Rye - congrats on those 12's. Your poor cats are starving to death (at least they think they are....lol) They're so gorgeous

    Felicia - happy birthday to your little one. Hope dh gets better fast. Congrats on those 6's

    Heather - I know that everything over here that I buy from Amazon, I have to buy in bulk. That can be a real pain since many times I can't use it up before the expiration date.

    After exercise went to the Salvation Army and found a sweater that will probably go with my gown. It was only $3. Then stopped at Habitat for Humanity and got some tongs for Newcomers. I'm not about to spend a lot of $$.

    Cheri - happy anniversary

    Terry in VT - I need petite sizes, especially in pants. Lots of stores seem to have really downsized their petite departments or done away with them altogether

    Meg - seems if it's not one thing, it's another. You're one tough cookie, (((HUGS)))

    Terry - Lovely daughter.

    Exercised, went to the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity (they will take our lawnmower even tho it doesn't start), bowling, ceramics then mahjongg. Going to get ready for bed soon

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hello again!

    My “morning” post was so late that I don’t have much more to say, but I’m checking in. Today’s workout extracted a price for my recent slacking. Nonetheless, I went up on all my weights. I’ll feel that in the morning but I got through it.

    I haven’t shopped or done a meal plan yet. As a result, I’ve been using what I had on hand and this week’s meal theme seems to be “ugly but delicious food.” The particular combination of veggies I had on hand weren’t attractive together, but tonight’s shepherd’s pie was tasty. I used Yukon Gold potatoes from my garden.

    Now I get to sit on the sofa with a greyhound cuddled up next to me, watching “The Voice.” Hope you’re all having a nice evening too.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,217 Member
    It's 27°C outside today ... the first warm day we've had here since, probably, February or maybe March. It could stay like this all year round!! :)

    Unfortunately, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled 16°C on the weekend.

    However, I went for a nice walk at lunch today and enjoyed a bit of the heat.

    M in Oz
  • katrsss
    katrsss Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. New tot he forum. Getting my self on track.. 65 and heading to 66 lol. Looking forward to all these lovely posts
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    katrsss wrote: »
    Hello everyone. New tot he forum. Getting my self on track.. 65 and heading to 66 lol. Looking forward to all these lovely posts

    :) Welcome, this thread has been a support and inspiration to me for years. If you keep coming back, you'll get to know us and become part of the community.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Question to the ladies who have partial Maine Coome cats. Do they have exceptionally long tails?? Mozarts tail is about 15 inches long? Charlie calls him a beastly hulligan most of the time but I think he secretly loves him he is very playful and Chalrie just loves his fur and his very manly tail. When he walks, it is usually standing straight up. We have often said that his tail enters the room first. If I am sitting in my recliner, I only know he is in the room because of the tail..

    I sure wish I could love to mak ornaments like JanetR is making but I know it would be an expensive hobby that I would probably quit because they aren't up to my standards.

    Lisa,mthat look Eggs has to you is priceless! He is really letting you know something.

    I have often wondered about Nexium also. We are on equivalents. Chalrie was first put on his because of esophageal stricture after he had it stretched. One time he went off of it and realized he was having some stricture prob,elms again. The only reason he went off of it was because he swore he would never be on a long term medicine! But after his heart problems, he isn't bothered by it. I just know I get indigestion if I don't take my pill. But. Take gazillions of medicine.

    Went t see our friend in the hospital. He will be having his aortic valve in his heart replaced tomorrow morning. He also has one more artery that has some blockage in it and they will take care of that if all is doing well with the main surgery. I can't believe they have told him he will be in the hospital a couple of days after surgery. That was my work before I had to quit and our open hearts went home in a week if they were doing OK. Charlie has a friend who was discharged to a rehab facility after his open heart. He was in the hospital 3 days. When I was working 3 days was the day hat your heart had the most potential to develope an abnormal rythem. His wife says that she doesn't need anyone with her since she has several family members so I guess I will stay home and just call her. I was proud to find out that once he found out he had heart problems he is trying to giv up his beer, Their Karaoke group, The Over the Hill Gang is three guys. ChRlie doesn't drink except very rarely, Alan, the guy for surgery drinks some but Jim the last guy drinks a lot. It isn't unusual for him to go through two pitchers of beer in one evening while they are out. He never drives if he does that. But he did have a DUI while out on his boat so it does affect him.

    Was talks on the phone to Christina tonight and taking about needing an app so that I could understand my cars. They have that for different languages but not for animals. So I told her that Ellie needs to develope one for me. She said that Ellie is really burdened to either find a cure for cancer or find a way that we don't have to put animals down when they are injured. Christina's boss has a son her age and they are close. He had a cat that broke his spine and they had to put him down. It was really hard on Ellie. She is also working on some question in theology that bothers her. So she is a deep thinking kind of kid. And if she can't find an answer, she really gets t her. Her sister is a typical teenager. Get up in the morning because you have to, g to school and enjoy all the different singing groups she is in, homework, church group and bed. That's it.

    Night night, Joyce, Indiana
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Joyce, Peaches (the Maine Coon, we think) does have a fairly long tail. What tipped us off was the ruff around her neck and her walk. She has a very distinct walk that is, apparently, a trait of Maine Coons. A friend had one that she knew was a purebred and as soon as I saw her walking away, I just knew! Exactly like our Peachie! Until fairly recently, yes, her tail would always be straight up, but she's getting to be an old girl now (18 or 19, we're not sure because of her being a rescue), so, while she will stick it straight up when I pet her, she keeps it down when she's just walking. She still has that distinctive gait tho! lol She really is a sweetie, and I will miss her when she's gone.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Chris, good luck on the job search! I know there will be one company that will be darn lucky to have you! Hopefully they will realize just how lucky they are and treat you accordingly!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Terry in VT: The chance to work with Arrow is a blessing although it causes a little bit of stress because I am developing skills but no expert by any means. Working with him relieves more stress than it causes--most of the time. He can be a real brat. I'm grateful for the chance to help my friend who owns him, and stunned that she trusts me to help. :star:

    Rita: There are other medicines besides Nexium that can help with GERD. Ranitidine helps and it is an over the counter medicine with fewer side effects to worry about. TUMS can help, and so does being diligent to notice which foods tend to cause reflux episodes and cut them from your diet. This is one of those things that logging your food can help with because you can see what you ate that gave you an acid tummy and then avoid that food in the future. Even propping your upper body up with pillows for sleep can help to keep acid in the stomach where it belongs. It is something I do often. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: (((HUGS))) for your DH. Remind him that unhappy things in the past were not his fault. They were the responsibility of the adults in charge way back then. Wish him happy birthday for me. :star:

    (((Chris in MA)))

    Yvonne in TX: I was a Campfire Girl, too. Bluebirds in grade school and Campfire later on. It was a good experience. :smiley:

    I am 99% done with the baby blanket that I've been knitting for the new grand baby. His mom wants a penguin face on it, and I've ordered supplies to do that. Since the baby isn't due until December I have plenty of time to finish.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lisa - yes, I think I would be okay on my own. "Got along without you before I met you, gonna get along without you now" Thanks for your insights.

    Cheri - Wow! That is definitely your mini-me there. You both look so young.

    Meg - the bracelet seems perfect for you.

    Rita - I do take B12. I am on pantaprazole as needed. The B12 gives me back some energy. I don't always eat what I should. I can usually pinpoint the problem if I go back through my food logs. Now if I was only smart enough to avoid the culprit foods in the first place.

    Heather - It sounds as if your hubby should have penned his own memoir. The things he has been through!
    I hope his anxiety lets up.

    Got caught up at work today. No newbies to train so that was a relief. National Hiring Day tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have a bunch soon. No work drama. ahhhhh.

    Had to take Harmony to dance. SHE insisted on coming and bringing the dog that she babysits with her. I saw Keira briefly at dance but between the 2 of them this Grandma is well hugged.
    Jason and family came for a very simple meal and seemed to enjoy it. Larry let us all know that he wasn't very pleased with the choices I had made for this quick meal. "Well, it's not the worst meal you've made" "Did you forget how to cook a good meal?" "Do we still have a bunch of cookbooks? Maybe you should use one"
    Oh, bugger off. You bought yourself an IP and told me not to touch it. You could have made something in that and let me know. ( I didn't say this but wish I could have. apparently restraint is not my strong suit)
    It was good to spend some time with my sweet Harmony. She passed out appetizers and helped set the table.
    She shared her kindergarten day with us and made us all smile. For me a big part of family meals has always been the personal interaction. We always ate breakfast and supper at the kitchen table growing up on the farm.

    Trying to meet up with my DB tomorrow to include him in the circle. I do have the day off but not sure either of us will want to step out of our houses as they are forecasting hurricane speed winds here. It is supposed to be warm though.

    I posted #me too on my facebook wall. Larry is not happy about that and wanted to know what it meant. It actually didn't have anything to do with him and referred instead to my best friend's uncle and what took place in his travel trailer. Also a certain basketball coach and a boss who told me that "What the oil men want, the oil men get" (it was the last day that he was my boss). Larry, of course, assumed it was about him. He couldn't hear me though and has told me that it is embarassing that I posted that. "What will people think of you?" Excuse me. What will people think of me? And so my saga continues.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge hoping not to get blown away.
  • LisaNowInNC
    LisaNowInNC Posts: 7 Member
    Sharon - The fact that he's a) trying to control your communication and b) knows exactly what #MeToo means tells me he's aware that what he's done to you is already abuse. It gave me a shiver. Hope your plans are proceeding quickly to get separated. Have someone there when you tell him, please. There's an unpredictability in all his communication that is unnerving.

    Moms and daughters with pics - The next generation is just as beautiful as the first - such a lovely lot of women. Good genes, indeed!

    JanetR - emailing you back as soon as I'm done. Saw your email after writer's group last night... :)

    On the subject of GERD - I was on Nexium for years, and honestly attribute part of my weight gain (I was at 300 lbs. at my highest) to it. I had no side effects, to my knowledge--but the fact that I could finally eat anything I wanted without suffering for it was not helpful to someone who ate massive amounts of food. I did have a hiatal hernia, where part of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm, but it was fixed when the gastric bypass was done. I take raniditine now, and have no side effects to my knowledge. TUMS are never an option for me, as they make you burp--anything that does that makes for an almost unbearable pressure in the small stomach portion.

    Long day ahead, driving into Midland just at rush hour this morning to be there at a board committee meeting. Prepped everything for it yesterday, but still up at 3:30 a.m. trying to figure out if I have everything covered. Also got a call from a funder and will be meeting him Thursday in Hobbs, another two hour drive, but later, at least. And I've got time on my side, as it's at 10 a.m. Mountain Time, and I'm on Central Time. Works against me on the return, but not that big a deal. So, a busy week just got busier. Ah well, keeps me out of the kitchen!

    Off to the races...
    Love y'all,
    Lisa, still in West Texas for a little while longer.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Morning ladies
    Slept well Homer did too,took him for a walk earlier and lots of new smells and things to pee on..
    I am having my cup of tea and will whip up something for lunch and then take him back to Tom's .that is where he has grown up so I'm sure much more comfortable..but he did well here .will bring Chester over Saturday night..equal time..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,217 Member
    edited October 2017
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    I have often wondered about Nexium also. We are on equivalents. Chalrie was first put on his because of esophageal stricture after he had it stretched. One time he went off of it and realized he was having some stricture prob,elms again. The only reason he went off of it was because he swore he would never be on a long term medicine! But after his heart problems, he isn't bothered by it. I just know I get indigestion if I don't take my pill. But. Take gazillions of medicine.

    Yep ... that's how Nexium and similar keep you addicted. You try to go off ... and the indigestion and pain is terrible, so you think you need it and keep on taking it. If you're going to go off, you've got to wean off very slowly. There are websites that will help with suggestions of how to do it.

    And maybe now that the evidence is stacking up against Nexium and similar, a good Dr might help as well. I would recommend consulting with one first.

    (BTW - when I started getting more active and losing weight, I decided to get off as much medicine as I can. When I'm old, I will probably have to take several things ... my 96-year-old grandmother does ... but not now, not yet. :) )

    Katla49 wrote: »
    Rita: There are other medicines besides Nexium that can help with GERD. Ranitidine helps and it is an over the counter medicine with fewer side effects to worry about. TUMS can help, and so does being diligent to notice which foods tend to cause reflux episodes and cut them from your diet. This is one of those things that logging your food can help with because you can see what you ate that gave you an acid tummy and then avoid that food in the future. Even propping your upper body up with pillows for sleep can help to keep acid in the stomach where it belongs. It is something I do often. :flowerforyou:

    Yes! Now that I'm off Nexium, I use your suggestions on the occasions when I have indigestion. :)

    On the subject of GERD - I was on Nexium for years, and honestly attribute part of my weight gain (I was at 300 lbs. at my highest) to it. I had no side effects, to my knowledge--but the fact that I could finally eat anything I wanted without suffering for it was not helpful to someone who ate massive amounts of food. I did have a hiatal hernia, where part of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm, but it was fixed when the gastric bypass was done. I take raniditine now, and have no side effects to my knowledge. TUMS are never an option for me, as they make you burp--anything that does that makes for an almost unbearable pressure in the small stomach portion.

    I attribute Nexium to some of my weight gain too. For me, because it threw me into such a depression and sapped all my energy, I became an eating couch potato ... and I hit my highest weight ever.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2017
    Sharon - The fact that he's a) trying to control your communication and b) knows exactly what #MeToo means tells me he's aware that what he's done to you is already abuse. It gave me a shiver. Hope your plans are proceeding quickly to get separated. Have someone there when you tell him, please. There's an unpredictability in all his communication that is unnerving.

    Off to the races...
    Love y'all,
    Lisa, still in West Texas for a little while longer.

    Sharon -THIS.

    Karen in Virginia
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Sharon - The fact that he's a) trying to control your communication and b) knows exactly what #MeToo means tells me he's aware that what he's done to you is already abuse. It gave me a shiver. Hope your plans are proceeding quickly to get separated. Have someone there when you tell him, please. There's an unpredictability in all his communication that is unnerving.

    Off to the races...
    Love y'all,
    Lisa, still in West Texas for a little while longer.

    Sharon -THIS.

    Karen in Virginia

    Sharon, ditto from me