Senior Golden Sneakers............August



  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,
    MARIE, CONNIE, hot is the system here too, I can't stand it too much, but I enjoy the freedom to go outside without a coat, boots and hope the wind is not brutal on the face and hands.

    JERI, those are poppies, wow they look best that way! I have to boast about my one and only flower in the my entire yard, a mini rose plant. It was given to me by the ladies I work with at the Civic Complex here in Pembroke, Ontario. I am astonished at its growth. I am in contact with one of the ladies who has a emerald thumb, I told her it was taking over my garage! She laughed and told me to stop feeding it now, and let it go to sleep for the winter. I am hoping I can keep it growing next year too. It also has my confidence up too, I might just buy some next year and plant them when it is right to do so. Yes of course I will be reading up on a few books and guides etc. The whole process of digging, preparing the spot and planting the thing was great!

    BARBIECAT, hello, your Wallmart will look like a super store too. Ours has just been done too, and man oh man, you can get a couple of kilometres out of shelf shopping. Bernie, must be getting the fall "line" in.:bigsmile: We have wild cats around the house, we are on the river edge, and my crew take in the view and check each outsider out. Buttons has been felling under the weather due to the allergy she has, her little tonsils swell up so she has laboured breathing. Yes pills to get her throught the season have been on-going. Send kisses and hugs to the person who invented pill pockets if you know them.

    Okay, I have a tale to tell. I have been in deep wonder lately about my plateau, weight and body measurements have not changed in almost a year. Yo yoing between 186-183. Yesterday I fell onto an ariticle on weight loss( I read loads), this one had me investigate it through. Well I downloaded a manual on the techniques and found it was very close to the same system I was doing many, many years ago. I was slim and in good shape too at that time. Reading the entire manual I digested everything. I am happy to think what I was doing ( not purposely) was a key to my weight maintenance. So I am about to embark on a past life habit, crossing my fingers I have not strayed too far that I am not able to organize my body again. A clue for you is that I was fasting 16 hours a day without realizing it. According to the experts, fasting is a good thing accompanied by exercise and healthy foods. So I am your test specimen, I will log everything I can on a weekly basis, (if my work schedule allows me time) and we can compare notes, if you wish to follow my journey.

    It's time for supper, and my stomach is making demands.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, you must be so upset about the condition of your sister, and also that your SIL never informed you about her hospital visit! How strtange they both have the similar conditions, even though they are not blood-related! Certainly hope they will both be alright and you have no more scares about either of them! After all, 72 is the new middle age!!!

    MARILYN, sounds very exciting and interesting, and since several of us are on hiatus after either plateauing or gaining , perhaps you can either direct us to a helpful link or inform us yourself about this old/new method that was so successful for you in the past!

    We just got a huge drenching and even the egrets and heron on our pond look completely soaked as they stretch their wings to dry!
    And heah come da sun...again!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A smile for August:



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lol@ Jackie's photo! Friends of yours? Lol
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :grumble: Lost my posting again.:grumble: But, unlike Sandy..I am just going to give up.:sad:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    From Marilyn
    Okay, I have a tale to tell. I have been in deep wonder lately about my plateau, weight and body measurements have not changed in almost a year. Yo yoing between 186-183. Yesterday I fell onto an ariticle on weight loss( I read loads), this one had me investigate it through. Well I downloaded a manual on the techniques and found it was very close to the same system I was doing many, many years ago. I was slim and in good shape too at that time. Reading the entire manual I digested everything. I am happy to think what I was doing ( not purposely) was a key to my weight maintenance. So I am about to embark on a past life habit, crossing my fingers I have not strayed too far that I am not able to organize my body again. A clue for you is that I was fasting 16 hours a day without realizing it. According to the experts, fasting is a good thing accompanied by exercise and healthy foods. So I am your test specimen, I will log everything I can on a weekly basis, (if my work schedule allows me time) and we can compare notes, if you wish to follow my journey.


    Marilyn, I have been playing around with that fasting too. I am going for 18 hours fasting and 6 hours I start at noon for my first meal and supper at 6Pm no more food till noon tomorrow at noon. I have no guide to it. Just what I have been reading.
    Keep us inform.
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    To start the month off on the right ear, oops I mean foot. This is for you Sandy.

    Family Tree of Vincent Van Gogh:
    His dizzy aunt
    Verti Gogh
    The brother who ate prunes
    Gotta Gogh
    The brother who worked at a convenience store
    Stop N Gogh
    The grandfather from Yugoslavia
    U Gogh
    His magician uncle
    Where-diddy Gogh
    His Mexican cousin
    A Mee Gogh
    The Mexican cousin's American half-brother
    Gring Gogh
    The nephew who drove a stage coach
    Wells-far Gogh
    The constipated uncle
    Can't Gogh
    The ballroom dancing aunt
    Tang Gogh
    The bird lover uncle
    Flamin Gogh
    The fruit-loving cousin
    Man Gogh
    An aunt who taught positive thinking
    The little bouncy nephew
    Poe Gogh
    A sister who loved disco
    Go Gogh
    And his niece who travels the country in an RV --- Winnie Bay Gogh
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had a wonderful relaxing shopping at Walmart this morning till I had to go get in the car. Talk about hot.WoW
    They got our fabric dept. reopen now. I spent most of my time there. I did buy some material that I thought I just had to have.Got home and had a low sodium TV dinner and some raineer Cherries. First time I have ever bought some. They were good.

    Sandy thanks for the update on your sister.. Sure hope she does OK.

    Thanks Jackie for the old lady. and her dog.

    Good to hear from some of Members.
    that been missing lately.Maggie good to see you. Lovely face. L don't really know you to well but good to hear from you.

    Buzz hello to you send us a hurrican the last one fizzle out. and not a drop of rain. we are on our 31St. day of over 100 degree streight. We are what you called roasted. roasted.

    Marilyn My feeding window is closed now and I better go to bed before I mess it up.Only open up between noon and supper
    Good luck on your plan. My husband has been doing this for years.Breakfast at 10:30AM snack at 3 Pm Supper at 5:30Pm no more food till 10"30 the next morning. I should follow his example.

    Have a good night.
    PS Jerry lost his garage sale buddy. She move out over the weekend. It is a rent house so we are waiting to see who we get next..
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. It was about 90F with a little breeze. Neil is off on his fishing trip. They don't have cell phone contact up there so haven't heard anything. This is likely the first day in his life that he hasn't talked to me. I expect he is having a busy and fun time.

    Marie-- please be careful with fasting and watch your blood sugars. I know you know what you are doing but I am the family worrier. You are like family to me. :heart:

    Sandy -- I wish I could give you a hug. I know you are so worried about your sister. I hope it won't take long to sort out the diagnosis. You and your sister will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thinking about you all. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Gayla, you are such a thoughtful person. Id nickname you 'Ms.America,but ooops, wrong country! I was wondering about Marie's glucose readings too. Yesterday, dh had a reading of 80,and he hadn't taken his Meds. Thats unheard of for him. Im sure Neil is fine,but how are you? Would you sleep better if he.calls to say nite mom? Does he like to eat fish? Hope so!
    have a great week
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Phoebe, every time I see your picture I want to squeeze your cheeks. :laugh: You are just so darn cute.

    Gayla, I too wonder how you are doing without talking to Neil? I am so happy he got to go on his trip.

    Marie, we are in the 90's and that seems to hot even for me, not sure how I would handle your weather.

    Jake, :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: you are a funny man.

    Becky, have your tried opening two windows to post? Just right click on the reply button and click on open in new window. Make them small enough to be put side by side by putting your mouse on the edge to make smaller.

    Jackie, love that photo, hope I don't catch Daisy with that expression. :laugh: :laugh:

    Buzz, I am sure both my sister and sil will be fine, but it seems there is always someone to worry about.

    Marilyn, good luck with your new food plan, I get too hungry to fast that long, but whatever works for you is great.

    Maddie, so happy to see your icon, how is the rest of you?

    Bada-bing, thanks for popping in.

    L, you have been busy but glad you got a chance to drop in. It will be nice to get your house back, trust me.

    My son Brad had some problems and has given back his truck and trailer to the guys he was buying them from. He will be here to Thursday and then he is renting a small truck to take all his belongings from his truck along with his motorcycle back to Phoenix where he will look for a new job or make arrangements to buy a different truck and trailer. My granddaughter is coming with her two friends on Thursday to just basically sleep at my house for the long weekend so they can go to Lollapalooza in Chicago.

    I might try the casino again tomorrow since I am a little ahead.

    Have a great night, will talk to you sometime tomorrow.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thank you for the information. I am still sort of stupid when it comes to computers. Well shoot, I will have to try this later. Started posting too soon. Sorry about Brad's problems. He may not feel good about them at this time but they do provide growth opportunities.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, not only are you cute but you write great posts.

    :flowerforyou: Oh Gayla, it is so hard to let them go. Do you think that he may find a phone somewhere and give you a quick call?

    :flowerforyou: Yep, Marie...I think that it is hot everywhere. I leave my car windows cracked just a little and that seems to help keep it a bit cooler.

    Jake, love the family tree. :bigsmile: Someone has a great imagination.

    Well, I am at work waiting for 8:00 to arrive. I am doing much better with my meals and I think that the scales will be showing that soon. My clothes are feeling a little looser.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hello everyone, its a beautiful day in Califonia, up here near Monterey anyway.
    Yes Jake, that was a good one, when I got to the end of the 'gogh' joke, I I wanted to channge your ticker to read 'Ten pounds to gogh' lol

    Marie, how has your first fast day gone? Does it make you feel grumpy? Lol, you wont want to talk to us until you eat!
    I would be good at fasting. There are days when I dont eat until 3 or 4PM. I know it is not supposed to be good for metabolism, so I try to eat even a banana and coffee.
    did you read my post that Jim had a reading of 80 and he hadnt taken meds? We were surprised.
    like you, he loves fruit.
    Thx Sandy, for the compliments, that photo is seven years old, lol!
    thx Becky for your compliment too. My mother used to have about two hours in the mornings on the days she road with my father. Luckily, there was a shoneys nearby, and she had a lot of coffee! I remember her telling me she was sitting there one morning when a guy came in. And saw her, he stopped and said" wow! I'm in Love!" It made her day!
    she was a pretty lady.
    Everyone have a safe day
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Phoebe...where have you been hiding? There are so many funny, talented people here.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yeah I seen that. I am having oroblems this morning. I open a new pen for my insulin and it is not doing any good about lower my blood sugar. Will have to called the doctor when they get back from lunch and see what is going on.
    Its not that high yet.Think I will go back to the vail.

    Becky Yes Phoebe is a witty on this writing. Love her.

    Gayla do they have a nurse with them on this trip? I bet you are missing Neil more than he is Missing you.That boy is really getting independent. Hooray.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lol@ Jackie's photo! Friends of yours? Lol

    Phoebe ~ It's me!!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy August, Thanks Sandy for continuing this thread I
    appreciate it. :happy:

    I tried reading all the posts but the computer keeps kicking me out :mad:

    So here goes, the sailing trip over was kind of rough on Friday and my stomach
    got very queasy most of the way. Usually when I touch land I am okay but not this time.
    I was sick most of the day and night. :sick: So I was to bed early and Dave went to the
    Burger Fest which the club puts on with live music , and had a few with our friends. I told him to go
    no sense in staying back and not enjoying himself.
    When Saturday came I was back to my old self. We went bike riding and stopped for
    Gelato on the way back. Our pot luck dinner was Saturday night and it was yummy. :smile:
    On Sunday it was hot and sticky but we went for another bike ride and then I had a nap
    before our catered dinner. The chef from this club cooks for all their functions including
    the Burger Festival. So our choice was chicken or steak and it was delicious.
    Then to top it off the couple that hosted brought out the Sambuca and Tequila shots for
    an after dinner drink. Dangerous :drinker: It was all good.

    On Monday we got up and had breakfast at the neighboring club's restaurant and then started
    back home. It was still a hot one but the sail was unevenful and that was okay by me.
    So now this was the last organized cruise by our sailing club. Now we just sail on our own when
    we can . So the next holiday sail will probably be Labor Day.
    The summer is going so fast i can't believe it.
    This Friday we have a wedding to go to and high will be 86. They predicted a hot and dry summer
    and they have been right so far. :tongue:

    Have a great day everyone and I hope the internet is better tomorrow. :tongue:
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Just dropping in to say a quick hello. I will catch up with you all tomorrow. Just glad that I found you all.

    Sandy: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY for yesterday.:flowerforyou: :drinker: Hope you had a good day

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. What a glorious day. My garden was crying out for water so I gave it a good soak. I did get a few groceries after my optometrist appointment. He concurred that I do have an eye infection and changed my drops. I am hoping it will be behind me in a couple of days. Other than that, life is good. I do miss hearing from Neil but it really is more a desire to know that all is well. I am sure if it wasn't they would have contacted me. It isn't so much letting go because he is my son. It is knowing what Neil has gone through over the years. Yes, I am very over- protective. Hmm, i think she protests too much!:bigsmile: I do know that he is well looked after and is having a great time. I am not sure if there is a nurse there but several of the group home staff are there. Next time will be easier.p

    Marie -- I hope the blood sugar is back in your normal range.

    Shirley -- so sorry you had a sick day. Those waves can really do a number on your stomach. Glad you were able to enjoy the following day.

    Maddie -- so glad you stopped in. I have been wondering how you are. How are you?

    I will catch more of you tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I know it's hard not hearing from Neil, but I'll bet he's having a great time :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the escrow closing on both houses has been moved up a day so we'll be starting our move even sooner than we expected :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: time to move around a bit, then go to bed so I can get up at five and walk the eager frisky poodles.:bigsmile: