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Why are most mfp users against holistic nutrition?



  • justlog
    justlog Posts: 125 Member
    edited October 2017
  • megpie41
    megpie41 Posts: 164 Member
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I suppose I fall somewhere in the middle as to holistic being able to treat disorders. There are some disorders/illnesses that should be treated with medications/antibiotics. Strep throat for example. Could this be treated holistically? I'm sure it could and has been, but having that holistic remedy fail can lead to serious complications (rhumatic fever etc). A simple course of antibiotics could take care of it.

    Those antibiotics can lead to their own set of issues though, such as oral thrush and/or poor gut health due to killing off the good bacteria. In this instance I feel diet and a holistic approach can help this issue of re-establishing the body's balance and normal flora.

    If traditional medicine isn't helping a condition, I don't see anything wrong with trying a different approach.

    The thing is, you don't need pseudoscience for that (let alone pseudoscience aimed at clearing your pockets). You don't need to be told you have candida overgrowth, which you may not have. There are several species and strains in the gut and the imbalance may have nothing to do with candida, which is the only thing a holistic practitioner would narrowly jump to. I would be interested in research on supplementing with specific probiotics with or after specific antibiotic use and if that could be part of the treatment if there is merit.

    Take it from me, and I won't even ask for their asking price ($99.99 should be enough): eat your vegetables and yogurt and you will hopefully be okay in a couple of weeks. And I didn't even need to study chakras to come up with that!

    I think I might have mis-understood the way in which "holistic approach" is being used. When I said a holistic approach could be used to restore gut flora, I meant exactly what you described (eating yogurt, fermented foods, probiotics etc). Isn't that considered a holistic approach (seriously asking)?
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