Short girls!



  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    mazza8791 wrote: »
    Hi everyone....I'm 5'2 and 132lb....aiming to be around 115lb. Desperately need motivation. I used to be 111lb and was happy with myself but as I'm approaching 40 it seems to be creeping on (I say as I've just eaten 2 chocolate digestive sat at my desk

    Approaching shouldn't make a difference but it does. I'm there with you! :s
  • dforey88
    dforey88 Posts: 4 Member
    28 y.o. 4' 11" currently weighing in at 150. Goal weight is 135. Was pretty active, then after after few years gained some weight back. My goal weight is my lowest weight as adult. Today marks me getting back into my workouts and healthy eating regime. Tough stuff starting out again man!
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome back to MFP, All the best!!
  • MaidenofLaurus
    MaidenofLaurus Posts: 18 Member
    5' and 138 trying to get to 110-120 (so long as I feel good, I don't want to be feeling dead).

    I've been 118 before but walked a lot more due to a commute and now I have a desk job -.- and need to drive to work.

    I tried the 1200 food with minimal exercise and just felt exhausted all the time. I guess more food with moving around is better.

    Feel free to add and message me! Let's do this!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    ckelly2016 wrote: »
    AnneTanne0 wrote: »
    (For us shorties the 'new bmi' is said to be more realistic - ) .

    According to this I am overweight just as I assumed... The old chart always had me at healthy and I couldn't quite wrap my head around that. A little weight loss won't hurt. So it seems I'd need to lose a little over 8lbs to be healthy. BMI calculator says I should be 79.13 (wth???) to 106.9 lbs

    humphf...that "new BMI" changed me from a 26.4 to 27.3 - so it increased it (for reference I am 5'3" and 151lbs) i'm not sure how its any more accurate - since I am in low 20% BF getting to 137lbs (high end of BMI range is not likely to happen any time soon)
  • nelja
    nelja Posts: 282 Member
    5' and 138 trying to get to 110-120 (so long as I feel good, I don't want to be feeling dead).

    I've been 118 before but walked a lot more due to a commute and now I have a desk job -.- and need to drive to work.

    I tried the 1200 food with minimal exercise and just felt exhausted all the time. I guess more food with moving around is better.

    Feel free to add and message me! Let's do this!

    Hi, I am also 5" and can not get through with only 1200.With exercise,no way. Trying to move more now and cycling 2-3 times a week.I am at 121 lb now.And do not know if I still need to loose anymore.Otherwise I will be dead as you said.
  • 5'4 1/2ish (on the taller side of the shorties). I'm about 155, or maybe 160 at this point, haven't weighed in a while since I moved from home, but my goal weight is 125-130. I don't really have a target weight, but rather, I have love handles I want to get rid of. Could use the motivation and support!
  • shenanigans_
    shenanigans_ Posts: 457 Member
    5'3.5" My first goal is 160, then 150. After that I will reevaluate. I'm 41 and I don't think that I will ever be a tiny person (ie 120) but ya never know :)
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I am 5'2 I started off at 275.7 pounds, I have lost 134 pounds. My goal is about 125 - 140 because i am a runner and bottom heavy so sometimes the lower weight makes my upper body look too skinny.
  • maramccardle
    maramccardle Posts: 1 Member
    Hello to my fellow vertically challenged ladies!! I’m 40 years old, currently 130 and trying to get down to 120. At my heaviest last year I was at 148 😬 I lost about 20 lbs in 3 months and mostly maintained it. I’m back to trying to lose more but these last ten pounds are soooo hard to lose!