Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member

    Name: Jenn
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 4"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 303.8
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 290.6

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 303.8
    2. Sept. 27: 303.8
    3. Oct. 4: 304.2
    4. Oct. 11: 300.6
    5. Oct. 18: 301.6 (TOM)
    6. Oct. 25: 297.6
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -4
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -6.2
    Total overall weight lost so far: -13

    I guess my water weight from last week fell off plus a couple more pounds. Happy with my progress the past three weeks.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member

    Name: cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 230
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 223

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 229
    2. Sept. 27: 226
    3. Oct. 4: 229
    4. Oct. 11: 229.8
    5. Oct. 18: 232.8
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +1.8
    Total overall weight lost this year: -17.2
    Total lost from highest recorded: -24.2

    Oh my... :| when you admit to it and see it recorded like this...sigh. It has been a hard last 2 weeks. Feeling like i never have time to cook so have been eating out way too much. I found myself again on Sunday and am working hard on figuring out my time constraints and food issues. :(

    Looking forward to next week, as i am off all week to look after my nephews. Then i will be making homemade meals all week B)
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (Sept 16th): 249.2
    Goal Weight (Nov 18th): 239.9
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept 20: 249
    2. Sept 27: 249
    3. Oct 4: -- 248.6
    4. Oct 11: - 247.8
    5. Oct 18: - 249
    6. Oct 25: - 249.8
    7. Nov 1:
    8. Nov 8:
    9. Nov 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +0.8
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +0.6
    Total overall weight loss: -36

    Apparently, another week of unintentional "maintenance"! I am still struggling. I just can't stay focused.

    I walked around my complex 3x last week and haven't again since last Friday. I was out and about walking on Saturday though. My daughter and I went to an Outlet mall for a wee bit of retail therapy for my son's birthday. Then I was off on Monday and yesterday was rainy. A cold front is passing through today so I am looking forward to a nice brisk walk today with one of my fur babies. It is currently 68°F in my neck of the woods going down to the mid 50s tonight. That is damn near blizzard weather for us south Floridians; don't laugh! :p
    I can't wait! I LOVE when the weather drops below the 70s! Then tomorrow, back up to the 80s again. :/

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!

  • lksmeeton
    lksmeeton Posts: 45 Member

    Name: LaDana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5' 2"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):271
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 260

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 270
    2. Sept. 27: 270
    3. Oct. 4: 269
    4. Oct. 11: 268
    5. Oct. 18: 271
    7. Oct. 25: 272
    8. Nov. 1:
    9. Nov. 8:
    10. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: +1
    Total overall weight lost so far: 31
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member

    Name: Barney
    Age: 58
    Height: 5' 3"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 227.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 213.4 lbs (aiming for 1.6 lbs/week this time since I need to slow my loss a bit)

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 226.0 lbs
    2. Sept. 27: 224.6 lbs (woo hoo!...I'm finally BELOW the Morbidly Obese category!!!).
    3. Oct. 4: 222.6 lbs (on vacation Sept 28 - Oct 4, actually weighed in Oct 5th).
    4. Oct. 11: 222.6 lbs (stalled!)
    5. Oct. 18: 219.4 lbs (recovered from stall)
    6. Oct. 25: 218.2 lbs
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: - 1.2 lbs
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: - 9.6 lbs
    Total overall weight lost so far: - 98.8 lbs
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member

    Name: Jo
    Age: 47
    Height:161 cm

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):167.6
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 158.6

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 165.5
    2. Sept. 27: 164.3
    3. Oct. 4: 170.6
    4. Oct. 11: 165.3
    5. Oct. 18: 164.3
    6. Oct. 25: 161.6
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:...................-2.7
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:....-6
    Total overall weight lost so far:......-71.2

    My daily calories are all over the place, a couple of days over 2400, a couple under 1400.
    Yesterday was 1340 so I'm afraid today's low is not 'real'.
    So I think I need to work on being consistent this week and see what happens.
    I will try!

    Good luck to all the people here, on your road to a better, healthier life <3<3<3
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5ft 2ins

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 294lbs
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 276lbs

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 291.5
    2. Sept. 27: 291
    3. Oct. 4: 291
    4. Oct. 11: 288
    5. Oct. 18: 287
    6. Oct. 25: 289
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +2lbs
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -5lbs
    Total overall weight lost so far: 33lbs since February '17

    Sorry, team, a couple of pounds on :( The result of 4 days with my beloved, but boy, was it worth it! :D We stayed in a 1920's house in Southern England, from an era known here as Arts and Crafts. I felt very at home there, the annexe that the owners rent out to visitors/tourists was packed with really old books, and the annexe cosy but a bit faded, lived in. We had a bad storm one day, so perfect excuse to stay in with the log fire roaring and skip through these dusty books, clearly had been well loved by their original owners. The chap who co-owns the house, one left to his wife by her godmother years ago, is a sculptor and has many of his pieces around the grounds. It was lovely.

    Now I am retired, holidays don't feel the same as when I was escaping work, but these few days did feel like a real break. Back to the calorie counting now though, I won't make my target for this challenge, I fear, but I want to be under 280 lbs by Christmas, that would put me in the "teens", ie into 19st+ for the first time in decades. Stones are an English weight measure, 14lbs in each. It gets confusing, using pounds on MFP, stones when talking to my UK friends and family, and kilos for family in South Africa and New Zealand!

    My good wishes to those facing health worries, it cannot be easy for you. Well done to those managing to shed pounds, and Hang On In There for those like me who slip back sometimes. It took a long time to gain those pesky pounds, so they won't come off easily, but we will win! Forward, team! :)
  • cedar2526
    cedar2526 Posts: 44 Member

    Name: Jackie
    Age: 56
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th): 252
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 240
    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20: 252
    2. Sept. 27: 251
    3. Oct. 4: 251
    4. Oct. 11: 250.5
    5. Oct. 18: 250.5
    6. Oct. 25:251
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: +.5
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: 1.

    Total weight loss so far - 14. LBS

    I won't make any excuses. I just can't stay motivated.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thursday Truth ... this mornings weight states that I have met my modest goal for our Fall Challenge ... so I've had a big whoosh this week because of curbing in my calories ... I know that a lot of this is probably 'water weight' ... because I can feel the difference in my midsection; it just feels less bulky and looser. Following the servings and portion recommendations for the DASH diet the past 3 days have intensified to weight drop and also helped me keep myself satiated as well as in the 1350 average calorie range ... which is 500 calories a day less than I need to maintain. Let's see if I can continue with this eating plan yet another day. Cause, I'm a person who needs frequent change to keep myself interested in a project. Otherwise I get complacent and when that happens I start to consume more calories.

    So far, comparing the DASH portions to MFP calories, it appears that the food choices I made these past 3 days are lower in calorie than the average ... because I set my portions to be between 1400 and 1600 calories and while I haven't eaten every block of food in the plan on any day, I've eaten enough that I should have met or exceeded the 1400 calorie plan yet the MFP cals for the weighed or measured portions have come to from less than 1300 to just 1390, with an average input for the 3 days at 1348. But hey, who's to quibble over 50-150 calories ... heck, that's a cup of full fat milk!

    PS ... OH, I forgot to include in my calculation .. my 3 hours of activity this week resulted in NET calories of 987 ... and that is 900 calories a day less than I need to maintain ... a big factor in the whoosh!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for your consideration. I will look into those books. As I've said I was so good with this new routine for the first months that it really bothers me that my habits are still there, barely under the surface,, Obviously I'm downing all these calories without hunger. And I'm allowing myself to. Why was yesterday a fine day at 1340 and today I ate and ate and got to over 1800 calories in the space of a few hours, This is not what "regular" people do!
    And good job on being sugar free!
    Maybe I will also look into @Nikion901 dash diet portions control.
    @Birdie, in my opinion a few pounds up after such a lovely holiday is so worth it. I'm glad you had a lovely time!
    @b_lisieux the photos, what an nice holiday,
  • mtumale
    mtumale Posts: 17 Member

    Name: Melissa
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 4"

    Start Weight (as of Oct. 23rd): 274.5
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 264.5

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesday)

    1. Oct. 25: 274.3
    2. Nov. 1:
    3. Nov. 8:
    4. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.2
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: -0.2

    Total weight loss so far - since October 23, 2017 - 0.2 LBS

    I love the TRUTH Thursday... I have had a head cold for the past few days and last night it took a turn for the worst and I feel like crap and so do my 2 daughters (12 & 9) I kept them home today and let them sleep, daddy is taking care of them. I forced myself to take my son to school and come into work, blah! Well to add to my already feeling like crap attitude, I drove through McDonalds this morning and ate a McGriddle and hash brown with a coffee. On the plus side I haven't had McD's for breakfast on almost 2 weeks (it was becoming a habit, ugh) AND I did not order an extra McGriddle or sausage burrito (like I normally do) So Yah for at least that! I am eating a salad for lunch with spicy thai dressing so I hope it will help clear my sinuses lol
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Thursday truth. Liver biopsies are not as horrible as you would think. Not a picnic but done worse things. Getting more sore as the day progresses. Been ravenous since I came home. My nurse used to work for my bariatric surgeon in the OR. Told me most of “us” ended up regaining, a real bright spot in my day. Statistics say otherwise. Waiting for the results is going to be challenging.
  • KolleenS
    KolleenS Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all. This is my intro post. I'm late to the party.
  • brilessmith
    brilessmith Posts: 16 Member
    Hello. Looking for motivation hope to find some here.
  • alanidee
    alanidee Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! New here and looking for motivation too. Happy to join!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    pneschich wrote: »
    Thursday truth. Liver biopsies are not as horrible as you would think. Not a picnic but done worse things. Getting more sore as the day progresses. Been ravenous since I came home. My nurse used to work for my bariatric surgeon in the OR. Told me most of “us” ended up regaining, a real bright spot in my day. Statistics say otherwise. Waiting for the results is going to be challenging.

    Sorry you have to go through this. Do you think being ravenous today is emotional? Also, tell that nurse about your great attitude and your love of life.. there is no way you are regaining!
    Keep us posted!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome @alanidee @brilessmith and @KolleenS . Good luck with your goals!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Once again I binged ... 1000 calories during lunch ... the good thing is I still have time to workout today so should be able to burn some of the additional calories ... but not much else for the rest of the day ... but now I actually feel sick :'(

    I don’t understand why when I move forward I sabotage myself? It’s so weird ... if I want this so much, why a temporary satisfaction trumps my willingness to continue (plus make me sick!)

    It’s quite disappointing!! :/