Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tdunnegan
    tdunnegan Posts: 100 Member

    Weigh in this week


    I can't copy the format from last week from my cell.

    I was up to 222 last week, so needless to say I'm thrilled

    And just 4.4 pounds away from my challenge goal, I think.

    Anyone have a trick for easy access to last Wednesday weigh post? We have such a terrific discussion going that I find my last weigh in pages back..
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness .... What! Friday ALREADY!!!
    Friday has traditionally been ... Let me remember that old nursery rhyme I used to follow as a young bride nearly 60 years ago so that I had some sort of schedule to follow in homemaking ....
    Sunday heat the church bells, Monday wash the clothes. Tuesday get the ironing done, Wednesday mother sews. Thursday go a calling, Friday clean and sweep. Then Saturday is baking day, and thus we close the week. ...
    OK, now I remember, I clean house today. There's plenty of fitness in that!.

    Plus I have a business appointment right at my usual lunch hour so it will be an interesting day to see if I go hungry and then splurge on a restaurant meal as late lunch/early dinner or if I go home and eat something less calorie rich than a restaurant meal.

    Have a great weekend everyone. Like @Bapcarrier so eloquently reminded us ... we only have 3 weeks left in this challenge and then we're 'on our own' for the holidays. Whew --- let's keep losing, even if just to give us a cushion for the end of year festivities and usual weight gains!
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    Friday Fitness

    I plan exercise 45 minutes 6 days a week. I have not hit this goal since my back started hurting over 2 months ago. I was finally able to hit my goal this week! My back is feeling ok so far. I've had to change up the exercise I do so I don't reinjure myself. But, so far so good.

    Off to work I go.... loooong weekend. Again. :smile:
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning everyone. I am back home now and sad to say 6 lbs up from when I went on vacation. I knew I'd gain some but 6?? Am hoping some of that is water weight. Personally I am dreading the stretch of holidays coming up, when it comes to food. Hopefully coming here will be a big help. I'm sure it will go much better this year than in years gone by. :)

    Welcome to @KolleenS, @brilessmith and @alanidee. Good luck to you as you join us on your weight loss journey. You will find a lot of motivation and inspiration here.
    @pneschich Happy the biopsy was better than you thought it would be. I hope you won't have to wait too long for results.

    I am totally back on the wagon now that I am home again and ready to do so. As I said a few days ago, this time I find it way easier to get back on track as opposed to other years when I'd say things like Oh well...I gained 6 lbs, might as well give it up. Not sure what is up with me with this new attitude but I'm not knocking it. :wink: Only thing coming up this week is a lunch at a Chinese buffet but I can deal with that. Have done it before. Amish country was great and we saw many beautiful fall leaves as an added bonus. As much fun as it is to get away, it's still always good to get back home. Happy Friday everyone!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Fall Challenge Report - Week 6 REVISED. @tdunnegan Terry has just reported in with a whopping 7.8 pound loss!! Last week's gain (water weight?) is wiped out plus more, great going! That changes our numbers, giving us a 27.7 pound loss for the week and 107 pounds cumulative loss to date!! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • KolleenS
    KolleenS Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you @b_lisieux and @newjax2017 What a lovely welcome.

    So far I've lost 45lbs and although I need to lose more than 100 more I feel stuck. So day by day and I'm not giving up !
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    JW, did @RobinsEgg lose the 100 pounds?
  • anneshields001
    anneshields001 Posts: 1,092 Member

    Start Weight (as of Sept. 27) 232.4
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th): 220

    2. Sept. 27: 232.4
    3. Oct. 4: 227.8 (amazing what drinking extra water can do!)
    4. Oct. 11: 226.6
    5. Oct. 18: 226.2
    6. Oct. 27: 225.0
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.2
    Total weight -/+ this challenge: 7.4
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @KolleenS You've done a great job so far. It's typical to feel stuck or even overwhelmed sometimes, but you've got the right attitude about not giving up, so pat yourself on the back about that! You can do this!
    @verybusybee Wow! 22 straight days of working out. Great job!!!
    @tdunnegan Wow!!! Super great loss! Congratulations!!!
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    A few mentions, such a lot of news from everyone. Thanks again to @bapcarrier for keeping tabs on us all.

    @jam5660 - Wow, Onderland! What's the view like from there? B) Can't wait to get there - sometime next spring, I'm hoping.
    @pneschich - Well done getting through that biopsy, fingers crossed it proves nothing to worry about. Keep that photo of you on your paddle board somewhere visible, show that unfeeling nurse what's what! "Us" do not always regain, what a cheek!
    @tdunnegan - Way to go! Brilliant result, and saved the bacon of the rest of us this week. :)
    @b_lisieux - I feel your pain. I'm 5 days back and still carrying those extra pounds, we both said we would :D Glad you had a great trip.
    @newjax2017 - thanks, I did have a fab break. Think I'll remember that more than I will the gained pounds :)
    @happygirlxxx - Oh, so often have I done that in the past, given up when I've either gained some weight, or "rewarded" myself when I've actually made progress. I guess that's what keeps the diet industry and various psychologists/coaches/whatever in business!

    Welcome to @KolleenS, @brilessmith and @alanidee from me too, and all those who joined in the last weeks. I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep up as I'd like.

    I'm hopeless still at regular exercise, that's the next thing to make as a "new Normal" in my life. But we were treated to a perfect English autumn day today, calm, warm and sunny. I took myself off to my local bird reserve, 90 minutes walking and at least 30 minutes peering at birds and chatting with other bird botherers like me :D So, hardly Fitness Friday, but enough to allow me a small glass or two of red wine after dinner B)

    Have a great weekend. I'm scarifying the lawn and generally winter-proofing the garden. Oh joy! :D
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @bapcarrier - thanks for the wonderful synopsis, and for your hard work tracking it all and putting it together! Really feels like as a group we're making great progress. And Barb, I just LOVE the culturally inclusive way in which you listed the upcoming holidays!!!

    Best wishes to All, Birgit
  • cherlyng306
    cherlyng306 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am Cheri and new to this forum. Started my fitness pal a month ago and want to lose a little over 100 pounds. Had started bariatric surgery route but am allergic to many protein shakes and have migraine sensitivity to rest so am still determined to lose the weight and change to healthier eating habits for life just doing it slow natural route now. I don't quite know how to replicate the challenge format?
    Height 5'2"
    Starting weight 290
    Sept 27-290
    Oct 13- 279
    Oct 23 274
    Oct 27 - 269

    My goal is to get down to 265 go 260 by Nov 17 for this fall challenge.
    Fitness/Exercise is my weak spot due to limited mobility right now. need to figure out how to do some activity/exercise despite back, balance, syncope, chronic migraine issues. pretty sedentary as a result so restricting more on the intake. Snap Kitchen has helped a lot for lunch and dinners when I have migraines. Best wishes to others posting with liver issues looking forward to joining you all and being part of the thread over the next year or so. :)
  • cherlyng306
    cherlyng306 Posts: 4 Member
    oops forgot to add my age - 55.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @cherlyng306 - welcome aboard ... here is the format for the challenge. We have 3 weeks left.

    Format for any newbies - just highlight the part below, copy and paste! :)



    Start Weight (as of Sept. 16th):
    Goal Weight (for Nov. 18th):

    Weigh in Weeks (listed by Wednesdays)

    1. Sept. 20:
    2. Sept. 27:
    3. Oct. 4:
    4. Oct. 11:
    5. Oct. 18:
    6. Oct. 25:
    7. Nov. 1:
    8. Nov. 8:
    9. Nov. 15:
    Final Weigh in: Nov. 18:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Total weight -/+ this challenge:
    Total overall weight lost so far:
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Happy Saturday Everyone!!

    Even though I had gained a bit because of all the carbs I ate yesterday I am not in a bad mood; but I need to understand why do I stuff myself every time I get to my lowest weight ... definitively crazy!! :#

    This weekend will be a bit hectic; need to get all the stuff for my dogs ready so the sitter has everything at hand while we are in the US; also pack my bags and leave the house as organized as possible because as soon as we are back my dad is coming to visit.

    How great we have new members!! Welcome all! :smiley: You are really going to like the group ... everyone has been quite welcoming and always have good advice to help you continue with your weight loss journey... we all are going through the same, so we understand the good, the bad and the ugly of the process :wink:

    And do join the challenge... it’s great tool to motivate and keep you accountable!

    Saturday Success!!

    I was able to fit in a size 8!!! Well it’s still a bit tight and the blazer didn’t button up completely, but I think if I lose a couple more lbs will fit perfectly ... so yay!!!

    When I started in January I was a size 18/20 so what a progress!!! I am so happy I will be able to shop in stores that before were no nos because they didn’t carry anything beyond a 14/16 (why they do that I don’t understand :neutral: )

    And I need shoes too! My feet have shrunk and my shoes are so lose now that I tripped yesterday in street (I think my pride was more hurt than my butt :blush: )

    OK time to start running errands! Have a great Sat everyone!!

  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @happygirlxxx I feel this so much! I do the exact Same thing. And I am still carrying all my bad habits with me. It so surprises me that they aren't gone, I still give in to indulgences even when I KNOW I am not hungry and will feel heavy and bloated and bad after. I still want to eat when I'm sad or mad or stressed or lonely. I guess it's all emotional. On my happy days I have no void to fill. Anyway, sorry I can't help, I can just commiserate. Did you see the author @tdunnegan suggested? I haven't yet.. maybe today!

    BUT we really have to work and never give up!

    Celebrate! Being so much smaller, nicer (cheaper) clothes, better movement, much more energy, nothing hurts any more!!!! I can dance and run with my dog, and my friend's kids! I'm not as shy socially cause I don't feel bad about myself all the time.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    edited October 2017
    @newjax2017 I can relate to everything you said, from still carrying our bad habits to the reasons to celebrate! I'm only half way to my goal but I already have better movement, more energy and less aches and pains!! I have never been shy but I've still felt bad about myself especially when I see people I grew up with or knew many years ago (when I was under weight and food was always being pushed at me) or when I met new people. I guess that was my ultimate goal along with better health was to feel better about myself!

    @b_lisieux and @Birdygirl15 glad you enjoyed your vacations and I know you'll both be back on track soon. It sounds like even thou you gained that you didn't go overboard and are ready to continue this journey now that you're back home.

    @pneschich glad the procedure went well and hope you have your results soon. What a thoughtless thing for that nurse to say to you. You know you've got this and have gone thru too much to get where you are to backslide! Have you been windsurfing lately? If not I bet that would cheer you up!! :)

    @Nikion901 thanks for reposting the challenge format, sometimes I only have time to read the posts and not comment so I appreciate you posting it.

    @birgitkwood thanks! :)

    @happygirlxxx a size 8!!! Congratulations, right now I can only dream of that day. You've come a long way and I know you'll continue, even when you have a bad day you recover. This is not an easy journey by any means. Have a great time in the US!!

    I love all the posts from everyone, they aren't only informative and helpful but they remind us that we aren't alone in our struggles. Sometimes I don't have the time (or the energy) to respond to everything but I do read everything daily and look forward to all your posts. Love the pictures that people have posted, they give us a view of the areas where people either live or visit and are often places/things new or different to us. Or sometimes just a great picture you want to share, please keep them coming! Don't forget selfies to show us how you're doing, too!

    Welcome to all the new members! :)