Weapons of Mass Reduction : Team August Challenge!



  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    I will see those 50 ab crunches/situps and do 50 more!!!! In fact... I have worked myself up to 150 so I think I'll do 150 today!!!

    I will do 50 regular situps, 50 side crunches, and 50 standing abdominal crunches. :drinker: Good luck team!!!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Hey new team!!!

    Welcome to the team!!!! Get ready to KILL IT with us each day!!!!
  • klbtransformation
    hey am i on this team?
  • Sadie_sal3267
    Sadie_sal3267 Posts: 44 Member
    Forgot to report my Jumping Jacks yesterday, think I got close to 200 including my workout with Jillian & Martial Fusion!
  • AJDistel
    AJDistel Posts: 93
    Workout & Challenge complete!! :happy:

    Silly question... For the squat challenge, is it 25 per side or 25 all together. I just want to make sure I complete it correctly. :smile:

    Also... I thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves to get to know everyone. I have only been able to communicate with a few of you, so I'd like to get to know everyone here. Plus our new teammates can get to know us.

    My name is April and I live in Ohio. I'm 29, married, and a mother of 2 (2 & 3 year old girls) They're my life! I'm a stay at home mom so I get to spend my day with my kids. Best job I've ever had! As far as my weight loss journey, I've been pretty over weight most of my life. Most of my family is. But I finally got motivated to start losing weight in January and have been pretty steady since. I have a cruise in November I want to lose weight for but ultimately I want to get to my goal weight by my 30th birthday next year.(July 24) I am motivated by these challenges and hope they push me to be where I need to be when I need to be.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Great idea, AJ!

    My name is Suzanne (Suz for short). I am 29, facing the big 3-0 in October! I am a single mom to a beautiful, talented 5 1/2 year old little girl who was just recently diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder. It's been challenging and frustrating sometimes but I wouldn't change her for the world! I work as an office manager and medical assistant for a physician who practices Hematology and Oncology (blood disorders and cancer). I had to leave a domestic violence situation in 2007 - I just grabbed my daughter, some clothes and ran.... I re-started my whole life over again and ate away my feelings. It took both of my parents being diagnosed with diabetes and a pre-diabetes diagnosis for myself to open my eyes to making a change. Even then, I still needed a kick in the butt. In March, my work sponsored a weight loss and fitness challenge. I signed up for that and MFP on the same day and I haven't looked back since! I want to get back to high school graduation weight. I was a beautiful cheerleader, softball player, and competitive dancer. I can't believe I've let myself gain 200 pounds since that day 12 years ago.

    I can't wait to hear more about each of you!
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    Sorry, just a quick question, I always log my food anyhow but... do I have to do anything extra than log my food and challenges in the usual way or do I need to do specific status updates? :)
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    OK so this is what I have done so far today.

    Convict Conditioning Day #17:
    Vertical Pull ups: 2 Sets of 30, 1 set of 25
    Shoulder stand Squats: 1 Set of 30, 2 sets of 25
    100 Jumping Jacks (continuing yesterday's extra challenge)
    50 crunches (today's challenge)
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Yes you are on the team Trans!
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    My workout today:

    Elliptical trainer: 20mins, Calorie burner prog, 2.62km, 110 ave stride, level 20. 182 Cals, 136 ave HR, 150 max HR.
    Stair master: 20mins, Calorie burner prog, 2.33km, 55 step pm, 69 floors, level 6. 228 cals, 154 ave HR, 166 max HR.
    Concept rower: 20mins, 4.58km, 2:10.9 / 500, Drag 110. 225 cals, 153 ave HR, 168 max HR.
    50 ab crunches, 25 laying leg raises.

    For me the stairmaster is the crippler amongst these three exercises. I can't do too much running these days (knees aren't up to it - years of abuse) so I need to use machines.

    I haven't done 'up and downs' for some years now so tomorrow will be my first real challange this week. Bring it on...
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Awesome idea April! It is nice to meet you!

    Suz, you are atill a beautiful person!

    My name is Crystal and I am 30 years old. I have been overweight since I was 11 years-old. After finally being taken and freed from a very abusive home; the stress hit me all at once and I ballooned up. I did lose it all when I was 18 years old--but it was through a bad eating disorder. It was rapidly within a couple of years that I gained it all back and now here I am...getting healthy the right way! I have three beautiful daughters and am married to my best friend. It is both of ours' second marriage and we have a total of 6 kids between us. (1-mine, 3-his, 2-ours) My husband is a recovered alcoholic - 5 years sober. We had a very rough patch in our marriage before some jail time and treatment for him. I put on 40 pounds though all of that. Making my starting weight 207.2 lbs and I am barely 5'2"! Anyways, I am a stay at home mom and LOVE it. My husband works rotating shifts that change weekly, plus he is school right now to finish his BS in Criminal Justice--so it just makes sense to have at least one parent home for our kids at all times. I started my journey March 23, 2011. I have lost 37lbs, 29.5inches, no longer have asthma, and feel tons better about myself. I would love to lose another 40 pounds or so and needed this challenge to help push me. We are totally going to rock this WMR!!!
  • klbtransformation
    My workout today: Day 2 of 30 day shred + 250 sit ups

    Working at the water and calorie intake!
  • klbtransformation
    My workout today: Day 2 of 30 day shred + 250 sit ups

    Working at the water and calorie intake!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Awww, thanks Crystal! You are too!!!

    I've completed the water... I am going to be doing the crunches and situps along with leg raises tonight while watching Big Brother and So You Think You Can Dance! I bought a mat for my hardwood floors just for this reason. I can't wait to put it into good use!
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    My wife and I are addicted to So you think you can dance. That and the most un masculine show on TV. Project runway. I hate that I like it so much. I'm addicted the level of creativity these people possess. Not into the drama or the well...the other man drama but I do dig the creativity. Melanie is gonna take it or Marko. Really rooting for Melanie she is just a little cutie!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    64 ounce of water in me
    150 leg raises
    50 ab crunches
    30 minutes of 1D1W of couch to 5K
    calroie are under for the day

    and I am beat!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    My wife and I are addicted to So you think you can dance. That and the most un masculine show on TV. Project runway. I hate that I like it so much. I'm addicted the level of creativity these people possess. Not into the drama or the well...the other man drama but I do dig the creativity. Melanie is gonna take it or Marko. Really rooting for Melanie she is just a little cutie!

    I love both of those shows!! I hope Melanie takes it...she's done consistently the best the whole season, but I love Marko too....Melanie has been every celebrity favorite all season...Love her!!
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    My wife and I are addicted to So you think you can dance. That and the most un masculine show on TV. Project runway. I hate that I like it so much. I'm addicted the level of creativity these people possess. Not into the drama or the well...the other man drama but I do dig the creativity. Melanie is gonna take it or Marko. Really rooting for Melanie she is just a little cutie!

    I DVR'ed Project Runway and I will start watching it soon!!! I also love Melanie and hope she makes it all the way. I love Marko too... And Sasha and Thadd are good competitors and I like them... but I love M & M more. LOL!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    OK so this is what I have done so far today.

    Convict Conditioning Day #17:
    Vertical Pull ups: 2 Sets of 30, 1 set of 25
    Shoulder stand Squats: 1 Set of 30, 2 sets of 25
    100 Jumping Jacks (continuing yesterday's extra challenge)
    50 crunches (today's challenge)
    30 mins. walk/run

    Edited to put in the 30 minutes of additional exercise.
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    Water - 96oz done! +1
    Food - Logged and stayed under! +1
    Challenge - 50 Sit-ups! +1
    Then I added 75 additional crunches as well as 50 leg raises from another challenge. (I attempted 100 but couldn't do it...)
    I also vigorously cleaned my kitchen, dining room, and living room but only listed half the time and under "light cleaning" - it was better for me to underestimate than overestimate!

    I really wish I had a gym membership....