Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Well, I have a crappy update for everyone.

    My temp has since come back up since the other day, and I've gotten multiple BFPs. But there has also been bleeding that come and goes.

    Beta at 12DPO was 14.
    Beta at 14DPO (today) was 17.

    I was sent to the ER today by my GP and they're scared about an ectopic. Since I have no cramping or pain it's not a medical emergency, but while I was there and the doc was poking around my tummy (from inside and out) he induced some blinding pains. So now they are also concerned about ovarian over-hyper-stimulation.

    They want me back in the hospital tomorrow morning for a detailed ultrasound (whatever that means) and then I have to go back to the ER for whatever comes next. They didn't do an ultrasound today because they want the advanced radiologist to do it since I'm still so early in the pregnancy (not sure if they'll be able to see anything for sure).

    Since my betas are not doubling, they're also looking at inducing a miscarriage to move things along before there are any further complications. More to follow on that.

    So that's it - that's my update. As of right now I am pregnant, but it's not going to last.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Well, I have a crappy update for everyone.

    My temp has since come back up since the other day, and I've gotten multiple BFPs. But there has also been bleeding that come and goes.

    Beta at 12DPO was 14.
    Beta at 14DPO (today) was 17.

    I was sent to the ER today by my GP and they're scared about an ectopic. Since I have no cramping or pain it's not a medical emergency, but while I was there and the doc was poking around my tummy (from inside and out) he induced some blinding pains. So now they are also concerned about ovarian over-hyper-stimulation.

    They want me back in the hospital tomorrow morning for a detailed ultrasound (whatever that means) and then I have to go back to the ER for whatever comes next. They didn't do an ultrasound today because they want the advanced radiologist to do it since I'm still so early in the pregnancy (not sure if they'll be able to see anything for sure).

    Since my betas are not doubling, they're also looking at inducing a miscarriage to move things along before there are any further complications. More to follow on that.

    So that's it - that's my update. As of right now I am pregnant, but it's not going to last.

    Jalara - you're right that *is* a crappy update :frown: We just had the rundown on hyperstimulation from the doctor today and I can see why they would be concerned...some serious risks. I hate that it's coming to this for you :mad: Hopefully though, this will give them the piece of the puzzle that they're missing to get you to the point that this doesn't happen again!!!!!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    So sorry, Jalara. Keep your spirits up!! :flowerforyou:
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    So sorry to hear that. :(
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Jalara--I just want to eat a lot of sympathy pizza on your behalf. (I know you can't even eat it!) What an absolute and complete downer. But, I'm glad they are taking care of you and the issue---don't want to mess with ectopic or hyperstimulation! Hang in there, take it easy if you can, and let us know if there is anything we can do. I hope that whatever information they gather from this experience can help you all find your way to parenthood as quickly as possible. As my family always says (very sarcastically) "Oh GREAT--Another learning experience." Blech. Hugs chica.

    AFM: I'm one bloated little lady. I dunno if it is the prometrium, the estradiol, or the pre-natals that I'm taking, but I'm bloated, and have dizzy spells and nausea spells every once in a while. And I'm tired. I think the nausea is the pre-natals, to be honest--it's a sample I got from the Dr. and I seem to just have a passing wave of nausea about 15 minutes after I take it. I'm going to muscle on through the sample and then go back to my plain-Jane OTC prenatals. No sense in wasting them. How wonderful to get to experience so much of early pregnancy without even really being pregnant. (SARCASTIC. In case you had any question.) It's only been 2 days--so I KNOW it's the hormones and not actual pregnancy symptoms. Sigh....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Jalara, I’m so sorry to hear about all that’s going on! You’ve gone through so much the past couple days, it’s not fair. My thoughts are with you!

    Karen, wow you’re having quite the reaction to the IUI, I had none of that! The day of I had some mild cramping and fullness in that area but nada afterwards. FC for you!

    AFM, I’m finding it really hard not to test (not actually due till Friday) especially since I want to be able to book a bunch of things for my vacation, and am at a stand still until I know what cycle days I’ll be at. Still hungrier than usual (can’t stop eating, I’m lucky if I maintain my weight!) but that can easily be because AF is around the corner, it’s sad how we let ourselves turn any symptom into a ray of hope!
  • rhondaredhead
    rhondaredhead Posts: 135 Member
    Jalara, so sorry! This has got to be tough. Sending thoughts and prayers your way the next few days for you and your hubby.
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Hello all. Had a few minutes to check in.

    ALISA - good luck with your goals. You have such a great thing to look forward to at the end of the month! You & DH are going to love Hawaii!!
    MADBABYSMAMA - Welcome aboard the TTC roller coaster - Hope your ride is short!
    KIMBERLY - Welcome & great weekly goals!
    LMR9 - Hope your work test went well. I have no idea about the big weight fluctuations. Maybe your goal of drinking lots of water this week will help even things out. In terms of caffeine intake, I don't know what the official word is. I did cut out diet sodas (mostly because of the artificial sweetener and my suspicion that it contributes to my insulin resistance), but I still drink iced tea and coffee every once in awhile.
    KAREN - Sorry you're feeling all off, but I've got FC on both hands for your through the 2WW!
    JULIA - Hmm...I hadn't heard that about fish oil. I used to take it to help lower my cholesterol, but stopped when I got that under control with diet & exercise.
    RHONDA - Way to go on challenging yourself w/walking. It's too hot to be outside in Georgia in the summer so we've been at the gym (and mostly the pool) a lot more.
    GBOH - FC for you too. I can't ever seem to get the math right either. Hubby says that just means we need to BD more, but he always says that! ha!
    ASHLEY - Sorry about your toe - owww! Very excited for you about kayaking though!
    PAM - Glad your appt went ok. You're so close now!!
    JALARA - Just a simple Sorry and lots of *HUGS*

    AFM, today is my coworker's funeral. I've had stomach aches all week and AF started today, so in addition to be being sad, I feel crappy too. The team is doing ok so far, but I think they're still shocked. The next week or so should be pretty telling. This has definitely been one of the tougher things I've ever had to work through as a manager. I'll check back in with y'all later.

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Well, I have a crappy update for everyone.

    So that's it - that's my update. As of right now I am pregnant, but it's not going to last.

    omigosh, what a horrible week for you. :( i am so sorry for your loss. first, the excitement of pregnancy, then the uncertainty and now this. boo. i am praying for you. hugs!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I think the nausea is the pre-natals, to be honest--it's a sample I got from the Dr. and I seem to just have a passing wave of nausea about 15 minutes after I take it. I'm going to muscle on through the sample and then go back to my plain-Jane OTC prenatals. No sense in wasting them.

    i have not found a prescription prenatal that i can take without feeling ill, but the otc's are fine. what is up with that? :)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    AFM, today is my coworker's funeral. I've had stomach aches all week and AF started today, so in addition to be being sad, I feel crappy too. The team is doing ok so far, but I think they're still shocked. The next week or so should be pretty telling. This has definitely been one of the tougher things I've ever had to work through as a manager. I'll check back in with y'all later.

    that is tough. sorry you are feeling crappy in addition to being sad. prayers.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Ahhh Wednesday!! It's my favorite day of the week and marks off another week closer to seeing my hubs and being in Hawaii!!

    Jalara - I'm so sorry you are dealing w all this! Like everyone else I'm hoping this "learning experience" gets some helpful answers for you for next time!

    Karen - 2ww sucks! I'm NOT looking forward to that AT ALL! I'm hoping w all the hussle and bussle I'll be dealing w having family in town and getting used to the hubs being home will distract me thru it....

    Ashely - fingers crossed for you to get a BFP and not have AF show up!

    Stephanie - Boo for AF showing up...ESP during such an emotional least she came after ur vacation! What sort of active things did u do in Hawaii? What island did u go to?

    AFM - another successful day yesterday! I got my workout in the morning, 72oz of water and under calories (even though mfp says I was over by like 20calories) I can tell I'm getting used to eating like this BC it's taking me longer and longer to start getting hungry between meals. I **plan** to walk tonight but we'll see how hot it is when I'm ready to walk. If not def planks, pushups and squats. Meeting my trainer in the morning! I have been redoing our budget all morning to make sure we're good when hubs gets home and all out pay goes back to normal (while he's gone we get extra stuff..danger pay, separation pay etc, guess they figure it will make u sleep better at night knowing your loved one is doing something SUPER dangerous if they pay u a little more...) looks like we'll be good and even be able to start saving even w me going PT at work once school starts AND not getting paid at all if I go on maternity leave sometime next year! That is a HUGE thing for me...I constantly worry about money so I have worked it out where we pay bills out of each check, put $$ into savings and then we each get an "allowance" and that is for gas in our respective cars and fun things (going out to eat etc....) it will be mice not to have to get freaked out when he comes home and tells me he filled up his gas tank and we have bills getting ready to clear! Whew!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yay!! Just heard that there are three meds that I'm going to be covered on for the IVF - Femara (which we can't use per my doctor yesterday), Progesterone in Oil & Lupron injectibles. I'm covered up to 70%......That made my day. My guess is that the meds are going to cost around $1750 (based on the estimate from my OB), so 70% is a big deal!!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey everyone, thank you so much for all your support! You ladies are pretty awesome!

    So my ultrasound went okay, they couldn't see anything (it was too early anyway), but they also couldn't find my left ovary.... um, what? It was there the last time I checked! They right ovary was fine, but they don't know what all the pain is (that they triggered yesterday).
    My beta dropped down to 10, so instead of inducing the m/c it's happening on it's own - which is kind of the least bad thing that could happen right now, and I'm glad I don't have to go on meds or anything.
    I have another appt tomorrow to go over my "options" with my GP... although I'm not sure what those could be at this point. But I see the specialist on Sept 7th for follow up and we're still taking our appt with the fertility clinic on August 29th. So that's me.

    I actually have a tip to help anyone who has trouble with the prenatal vitamins. Cut them in half and take 1/2 twice a day. Your body can't absorb all the vitamins in the tablet at once, so spreading out your daily intake helps absorption and should eliminate your nausea. :flowerforyou:

    Also - I finally figured out what FC stands for! Fingers crossed! Ha! I always though tit meant Fat Chance so I could never make sense of the sentences... :blushing:
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if I could join this group? ,

    Last month my boyfriend and I decided that we wanted a baby...we re together almost 3 years lived together for two....not married cuz we don't want to deal with the pressure of weddings at the moment, but are ready to be parents together.

    Kinda of backwards. But it works for us :)

    Last month we started luck ;) However this month is a new month. We aren't really trying ovulation kits and that kind of stuff.....we figure we will try just to have fun with it for now. Its been fun! LOL

    I'm new to this whole thing as this will be my first...and it would be great to have some friends that can offer me some input and I would like to offer some as well :) I ve got to do some reading...if anyone has any books or website...I would appreciate the recommendations.

    I haven't read the much of the post yet to as I noticed there are months worth...but am hoping to catch up and get to know everyone :)

    Let me know if its okay that I stick my nose in!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i got the results from my blood work yesterday. i guess they did do hcg with the progesterone.

    hcg = 1
    progesterone = 7.4

    the doctor wasn't in to interpret the results though, so i still have no idea what that means. i have to call back in tomorrow. *sigh*
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    i got the results from my blood work yesterday. i guess they did do hcg with the progesterone.

    hcg = 1
    progesterone = 7.4

    the doctor wasn't in to interpret the results though, so i still have no idea what that means. i have to call back in tomorrow. *sigh*

    Hey Hun,

    How many DPO?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if I could join this group? ,

    Last month my boyfriend and I decided that we wanted a baby...we re together almost 3 years lived together for two....not married cuz we don't want to deal with the pressure of weddings at the moment, but are ready to be parents together.

    Kinda of backwards. But it works for us :)

    Last month we started luck ;) However this month is a new month. We aren't really trying ovulation kits and that kind of stuff.....we figure we will try just to have fun with it for now. Its been fun! LOL

    I'm new to this whole thing as this will be my first...and it would be great to have some friends that can offer me some input and I would like to offer some as well :) I ve got to do some reading...if anyone has any books or website...I would appreciate the recommendations.

    I haven't read the much of the post yet to as I noticed there are months worth...but am hoping to catch up and get to know everyone :)

    Let me know if its okay that I stick my nose in!!

    Welcome! This thread goes back 2 years I think... so don't worry on catch up on the whole thing. We're happy to have you!

    Some of us have been TTC for a long time, some have just started. And ALL of us know how stressful it can be, and how tiring, and how emotional.

    I'm going to give you a couple of heads up pointers though (hope that's okay?).

    Tracking your cycle is a BIG deal. You only have a few fertile days each month, and knowing how long each part of your cycle is can alert you to any problems very early on. is free and awesome! it works by taking your Basal Body Temperature every morning before you move or talk (while lying in bed) and when you ovulate each month your temp will rise until the start of your period. Knowing when to expect ovulation tells you when the "good" days are, and knowing the length of the time from ovulation to your period (called a Luteal Phase) is very important - if it's too short there's no way to get pregnant even if you do everything right.

    Also, as great as charting is, your temp will show you WHEN you ovulate, not WHEN YOU'RE GOING TO. For that, a lot of women use OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kits). It works like a home pregnancy test (it's a pee-stick) and you start testing 8-10 days after the last day of your period. They are VERY expensive in the drugstore - it's best to get them on Amazon or

    If you're looking for a book to read, Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF) is the best, but I also found What To Expect BEFORE You're Expecting to be pretty good.

    So - there's a wealth of info for you... take away what you want from it! It's what we (and most TTC-ers) would all the basics. But we're happy to have you and we are here for each other 100% of the way (and this group has 3 sister groups - 2 pregnancy groups and 1 new-mama group).

  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i got the results from my blood work yesterday. i guess they did do hcg with the progesterone.

    hcg = 1
    progesterone = 7.4

    the doctor wasn't in to interpret the results though, so i still have no idea what that means. i have to call back in tomorrow. *sigh*

    Hey Hun,

    How many DPO?

    according to the ultrasound, about a week ago; they didn't give me a specific day. (according to the ovulation predictor test is was on july 9th/10th?)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Last month we started luck ;) However this month is a new month. We aren't really trying ovulation kits and that kind of stuff.....we figure we will try just to have fun with it for now. Its been fun! LOL

    welcome! :) trying can be fun.

    some advice i've gotten:
    to give you the best results, you need to be 'friendly' every other day during your fertile time.
    if your period is day 1, then conception days are 12-15 in a normal 28 day cycle.
    you can check a pregnancy test on day 27.
    most cycles are not 28 days.
    to increase the chances of have a girl, the sperm needs to already be there before the egg is released.
    'boy' sperm swim faster than girl sperm.
    if you can, enjoy the process!