Fit For Future Families - August 2011



  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey just a quick post from me today, fairly new and have been trying since April since I had my IUD removed.Im currently in my fertile days and have been tring to be intimate every second day. I havent been really tracing my temp as Im not too sure on how that all works. I have been using test strips to try to find when Im ovulating but I havent been able to setect a surge in a while.

    Anyways wishing everyone all the best, I just got back from holidays so Im really out of the loop.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    LOL I love you guys, but this board sure has gotten busy (which is a good thing!!!!) I'm going to sit with my notepad and write my comments after!!!

    AFM: Two things....1. I forgot to weigh in today. I got breakfast in bed and it was only after I'd showered and come downstairs that I realized it was weigh in day :S So tomorrow for me. 2. We talked to the sperm bank today and have decided that we're going with attributes AFM.....LOL (A = dark hair, dark eyes; F = Type O blood; M = 6-6'4) which is the closest to DH.......but I had a giggle that AFM is playing such a big part in this...hopefully it's a sign :)
  • Happy Monday everyone! And thanks for the welcome.

    Pam - I was feeling that way for awhile and my doc told me to try drinking more water. Of course, that was about 6 wks before I started trying to be healthy and I was ridiculously dehydrated, so if you are doing okay there, then pay no attention to me. :)

    Jalara - yeah, my hubby is 6ft3 and he's not super healthy, but he is literally underweight for his height. I, on the other hand, am 4ft9... so if I eat what/how much he eats... yeah, not such a good plan. That is part of what got me into this mess in the first place. That, and developing a habit of emotional eating in college. :-/

    I actually did really well over this weekend (which is a huge first for me) AND I lost 2 lbs. I have never been so excited to step on a scale before! lol. This week, I want to continue with the no soda plan (I'm on day 3 right now), drink at least 64 oz of water a day, and do all 5 of my workouts. I have to workout at 7 am, and I am not a morning person, so convincing myself to wake up is always a chore. But, it's a better pick-me-up than a shower.
  • 9Honey16
    9Honey16 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome!
    Well our first month TTC was not a success as AF arrived last night :( I did get a negative Preg test Thursday but I secretly hoped that we would hit a homerun first time up at bat! Lol It has motivated to kick the exercising into high gear this month as we continue to try. Took the recommendation on here about tcoyf and fertility friend and I'm starting to track bbt today, as last month we only used opk(never pos). Happy Monday everyone, I'm gonna get my butt to the gym now!
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hey just a quick post from me today, fairly new and have been trying since April since I had my IUD removed.Im currently in my fertile days and have been tring to be intimate every second day. I havent been really tracing my temp as Im not too sure on how that all works. I have been using test strips to try to find when Im ovulating but I havent been able to setect a surge in a while.

    Anyways wishing everyone all the best, I just got back from holidays so Im really out of the loop.

    I'm in the same boat as you are...trying to be intimate every second day. :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :blushing: Good luck to you!!
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hey ladies just wondering if you adjust your work out schedules when you are fertile and TTC. Im usually a runner but am thinking of scaling back this week while Im fertile, thoughts?
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone!

    Taldie01 - It is perfectly safe to continue whatever level of activity you're accustomed to while TTC. And good luck to you!!

    9Honey16 - so sorry! :flowerforyou: Good luck with your charting and also exercising this week!

    pixieofdoom - so sorry to you, too! :( Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Newleafbeth - Way to go on 2lbs down this week! And no soda?! I couldn't do it. Good luck with your goals this week!

    Fitterpam - breakfast in bed--good for you! :)

    Julia - you're right--that's the best thing you can do. Hope all of the preparations go as well as they can go.

    Alisa -- wow...WTG! 5lbs down!! Keep it up!

    Stephanie -- so far I really like the Wii Zumba! I have been doing that, and also Wii tennis and bowling. It's great because, like you said, you can easily fit it in when you can't get the gym, etc. I like that there are 20 min workouts, or longer ones (45? 60?). It's a lot of fun, but I do feel a little silly!

    Pantera - I can't think of a reason why you couldn't take the fish oil in addition to what you are taking? Are you also taking a prenatal, or just the folic acid & vit. D. There are at least a few prenatals out there that combine fish oil/DHA along with the vitamins.

    kah - hope this week goes by very quickly for you! Best of luck!

    (that's all I can remember at the moment)

    Weigh in:
    1.2lbs down from last Monday! The previous week was my period, so I was sort of at a standstill for a week and a half, so I was happy to see the scales down a bit.

    Goals for last week:
    Work out 3x 40-45 min....done! I even fit in a few extra 20 minute workouts.
    Water 64oz/day...done! I bought a new Nalgene water bottle last weekend, and it has helped me keep up with water intake.
    Stay on track with eating while we had guests in town...done! I stuck very near my calorie goal.

    This week:
    Same goals, pretty much. I am still on vacation...tomorrow is my last day. Today DH and I made homemade gluten-free pizza for lunch, and then watched a movie at home together before he went to work. Very nice! Tomorrow we plan to go out to the movies (Harry Potter) and lunch. We rarely get to spend time alone together because we work pretty much opposite shifts (me: 6:30 - 3:00, and him 3:00 to 11:00). So we are trying to make the most of it! Also, I NEVER get time to myself, so this afternoon has been nice, too.

    That's pretty much it for me. Hope you all have a great week! To all who are waiting on good news, best of luck! :heart:
  • lmr9
    lmr9 Posts: 628 Member
    Hey ladies just wondering if you adjust your work out schedules when you are fertile and TTC. Im usually a runner but am thinking of scaling back this week while Im fertile, thoughts?

    Oh yeah - good question - I've been wondering about this myself!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey ladies just wondering if you adjust your work out schedules when you are fertile and TTC. Im usually a runner but am thinking of scaling back this week while Im fertile, thoughts?

    Oh yeah - good question - I've been wondering about this myself!

    Hey Ladies - I put this up on another board just the other day. Hope it answers your questions!

    Here's the stitch: Unless you have PCOS or another reason to alter your lifestyle or diet while TTC, don't worry about it. If you want a drink, have a drink. If you want to go on the ATV - go! It will cause you undo stress to worry about everything, and if it take awhile for you to conceive you'll end up resenting the whole process if you continually changed your life each month and get no results.

    The science behind it: the baby will not be sharing your bloodstream until the placenta takes over - which isn't until AT LEAST 4.5 weeks (some docs will even say 8 to 10 depending on the research the pay attention to). Since implantation happens between 7 and 14 days after conception (or 3-4 weeks in pregnancy time-line) you'll be fine until you notice your period is late and test. Until the placenta takes over, the baby gets nourishment from the yolk sac that develops along side the amniotic sac (and will be absorbed once it is no longer needed).

    The only things that you do need to do to give the baby the best health possible (and I'm not saying this applies to you personally, just women in general) is to stop using street drugs when you are trying. They stay in your system long after use (despite what any dealer or teenage know-it-all might say, lol).

    As for prenatal vitamins - it is BEST to take those before you get pregnant. Here's why: folic acid is important to prevent neural tube defects in the baby - but those are the first things that start forming after conception - so by the time you realize you are pregnant the MAIN (not only) need for folic acid may have already passed by. If you find that the pills make you feel ill (a lot of women do) cut them in 1/2 and take one 1/2 in the morning and the other with supper (your body will also absorb more this way).
  • OnMyWay2STay
    OnMyWay2STay Posts: 144 Member
    Hi ladies! I have a 17-month-old son. I've been married for 5 1/2 years, and essentially TTC the whole time except while pregnant. Recently, 3 friends of ours that have children my sons age have all gotten pregnant again. It irritates me a little when people ask when we will have another. We will have another whenever we do! We can't PLAN it. Well, I suppose if we could afford to pay for invasive infertility treatment, we might be able to plan. Anyway, I drives me crazy when someone who has been on birth control for years decides they want a baby. So they stop taking birth control and are pregnant the next month!

    Okay, that's my introductory rant. I'll move on now.

    When I got pregnant with Isaac, I was dieting to lose weight. I had lost about 20 lbs, if I remember correctly. I still had a lot to lose, but it was progress. I kept eating healthy during pregnancy and gained a mere 15 lbs. Lost it easily. I breastfed for a year and then gained it all back and then some as soon as I quit nursing.

    So here I am, trying to lose weight for my health and hoping that it will again be the factor that helps us conceive.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I want to welcome all the new people to our thread! We're so happy to have you! It seems this group is growing by leaps and bounds right now!

    So in an effort to let everyone get to know everyone else, let's get to know each other!

    Name: Jalara
    Age: 30
    Where you live: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Cananda
    Job: Nursing student - was military for 12 years
    Length of time on the board - 2.5 years - I started it! (It was renamed last year).
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 3 years
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: 13 months
    Diagnosis: Bicornuate uterus, endometriosis, 3 miscarriages, borderline LPD
    Do you chart your BBT: Yes
    Do you use OPKs: Yes
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5ft1
    Weight: 221
    Goal Weight: 170ish...

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: I still have 2 baby teeth!

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Name: Pam
    Age: 32
    Where you live: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    Job: Business Analysis Project Manager
    Length of time on the board - about 1 year - I joined the first month Jalara re-named it
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 13.5 years
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: 13.5 years (well that's how long not preventing, but actively trying has been around 10 years
    Diagnosis: PCOS for me, Acute Azoospermia for him
    Do you chart your BBT: Yes
    Do you use OPKs: Nope - they aren't too accurate for PCOS ladies
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Not specifically yet, but will be starting Lupron at the end of the month (injectable)
    Height: 5ft8
    Weight: 238 (at last count and I don`t expect that it`s less now :( )
    Goal Weight: 170ish...

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: I grew up in a house my friends called the zoo; we had (at any given time) 2 dogs, 2 cats, a cage full of birds, tank full of fish, cages with hamsters & guinea pigs....and of course about 10 kids....
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Name: Kimberly
    Age: 33
    Where you live: Arkansas
    Job: Pharmacist - I supervise a chemotherapy pharmacy
    Length of time on the board - just joined!
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 14.5 years
    Do you have kids: yes, one
    Length of time TTC: officially we are waiting to TTC, although we haven't been actively preventing for some years now. We plan to start actively TTC again this Spring, but we'd also be thrilled if it happened sooner.
    Do you chart your BBT: No, but plan to start, because my cycles are sort of all over the place lately, and I'd like to better understand what's going on
    Do you use OPKs: Not right now
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5'0"
    Weight: 137ish
    Goal Weight: 115ish

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: Not necessarily weird, but the only thing I can think of right now...after college & before pharmacy school, I lived in Thailand for two years, teaching English at two universities. Loved it! Almost 10 years later, and I still have dreams about it almost every night.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Name: dawn
    Age: 33
    Where you live: arvada colorado usa
    Job: homemaker
    Length of time on the board - i have been with myfitnesspal since nov 2009, on fit for future families 1 month
    Marital Status: married for 11 years
    Length of time you've been with SO: 14 years
    Do you have kids: yes, 2 boys aged 8 and 9
    Length of time TTC: 6ish years, but more seriously only two months (and only get one more shot)
    Diagnosis: pcos, premature menopause
    Do you chart your BBT: no
    Do you use OPKs: yes
    Are you on any meds for TTC: clomid, estrogen, progesterone
    Height: 5 foot
    Weight: 122
    Goal Weight: 110

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: i can't watch csi without having nightmares about something happening to my family. i used to love scary movies, but ever since i had kids, i can't watch them at all.
  • Name: Beth
    Age: 24
    Where you live: Portland, Oregon
    Job: Group Home Supervisor/Cashier (2nd job)
    Length of time on the board - Like 5 days?
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 5.5 (married for just over 1 yr)
    Do you have kids: Not yet.
    Length of time TTC: Not actively trying, but we are also not doing much to prevent it either.
    Diagnosis: Nothing that really relates, though I had a miscarriage at 10 wks about 3 years ago (though we WERE trying to prevent pregnancy at that point)
    Do you chart your BBT: No
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 4ft9 (I'm super short)
    Weight: 179 lbs
    Goal Weight: 106 lbs.

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: I hate this question... I'm so bad at it. Let's see... Um, I read EVERYTHING. From beach reads to chick lit to actual literature to memoirs and biographies to the encyclopedia. I'm mildly obsessed with psychology, so that tends to come up more often than anything else, but I basically just love to read, as often as humanly possible.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Name: Alisa
    Age: 25
    Where you live: central California
    Job: accounting assistant/student
    Length of time on the board - 1 year-ish - I joined the first month Jalara re-named it (i think me Pam jalara and maybe Ashley are the only originals left!)
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 4 years next month (married 18 months next month)
    Do you have kids: Yes one son from a previous relationship. He will be 6 yrs next month
    Length of time TTC: went off BCP last October, tried dec-feb then Hubs left on deployment - starting again next cycle!!
    Diagnosis: PCOS- I haven't ovulated on my own or had a natural cycle (meaning wo some medical intervention) since April
    Do you chart your BBT: Yes
    Do you use OPKs: Not anymore...
    Are you on any meds for TTC: prenatals - provera starting this weekend and then clomid on CD1
    Height: 5'5 1/2
    Weight: 145
    Goal Weight: 135

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: I have an obsession with spreadsheets - if it can be organized I will spread sheet...I seriously get an "high" from budgeting on makes me feel better when I am having high stress/anxiety...
  • dcg8r
    dcg8r Posts: 38
    Name: dcg8r (anonymous online)
    Age: 31
    Where you live: Washington DC
    Job: Finance / Accounting field
    Length of time on the board - 3 months!
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 10 years
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: 5 months
    Diagnosis: retroverted uterus, possible PCOS, 1 miscarriage (July 2011)
    Do you chart your BBT: Yes
    Do you use OPKs: Yes
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 153
    Goal Weight: 127-130ish

    Weird fact about yourself: I don't have cable (personal choice) but my favorite show to watch online is Deadliest Catch!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here and interested to hear what you all say. I saw that this is "goal oriented" I don't know that I necessarily have a goal. My goal is to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. Right now I am trying to figure out if I should try to stop losing weight, or work out less (I normally run a few miles a day and am about to start riding my bike to and from work which is 20 miles round trip) So I'm wondering if I should cut back on the running since I'll be getting so much activity with riding my bike.

    A little about me, I'm 27. I have been married 2 months and this month my husband and I have decided we want to TTC. We are paying attention to ovulation but not doing much else. I think this week I might start taking folic acid. So I guess I'm a REAL new comer to this...this is the first time in my life that I have even considered kids beyond "I want kids some day"

    I live in Cape May, NJ
    In the Coast Guard
    Been on the board 1 day
    8 months with my husband (2 months married)
    No kids yet
    1 month ttc
    no diagnosis
    I don't know what bbt or opks are
    I'm 5'5" 140 lbs
    I'd like to be 135 or so, but I'm happy and 140 and don't want to get too obcessive

    Wierd Fact: (what used to be my bar trick) I can fit my whole fist in my mouth
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Name: Nancy
    Age: Turning 29 in a couple of weeks
    Where you live: Ontario, Canada
    Job: Currently a purchaser.....used to be a child and youth worker in a group home! I miss it :(
    Length of time on the board - Just under a month
    Marital Status: Common law
    Length of time you've been with SO: 3 years this September
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: 1 month (July) onto the second month however not really tracking. Signed up for (thanks Jalara)! So I will be learning about how track the mean time...just having some fun trying :)
    Diagnosis: 2 spontaneous miscarriages which are common and we were some what preventing both times.
    Do you chart your BBT: No
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: Folic Acid as per doctor, I added Vitamin D, and thinking of adding fish oils as well. If I shouldn't please let me know :)
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 160ish
    Goal Weight: 135-140

    Weird fact about yourself: Oh gosh....I have so many! My DB thinks I'm ssoooo weird because I could flare my nostrils on demand, and can curl my upper lip up more than Elvis!

    Good to be meeting everyone!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Name: Julia
    Age: 27
    Where you live: Tucson, Arizona
    Job: science teacher 6th and 7th grade
    Length of time on the board - 1 month
    Marital Status: Married
    Length of time you've been with SO: 7 years
    Do you have kids: yes 3.5 year boy
    Length of time TTC: not until the end of the month
    Diagnosis: none- according to doc, I should be a fertile turtle
    Do you chart your BBT: none
    Do you use OPKs: Yes
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5ft5.5
    Weight: 140
    Goal Weight: 125ish

    and finally.........

    Weird fact about yourself: I have a funnel chest