ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

So while I was training another group of clients, I happened to see these to yapping away while training and doing dumbell squats. Both were using 7lbs dumbells and doing 1/4 squats. No straining, no break in talking and even laughing while doing them. The rest of their workout was pathetic as well.

Point of the story? There are many people out there who kid themselves if they really think that they are EFFECTIVELY exercising. The use of 5-7lbs dumbells, with the possible exception of curls and tricep extensions, is totally useless for bench presses, rows, shoulder presses, squats, etc. If the muscle isn't put under a decent load, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME. Quit kidding yourself!

I know that there will be some who read this and will think to themselves "this guy has no idea how hard I work". My response would be "don't confuse effort with results". If things aren't working out, then something is going on. I and others in-the-know are here to help out, but some need to quit kidding themselves into thinking they are doing it correctly.


  • Rocnut
    Rocnut Posts: 19
    You should change the title of this thread to "Make it count"
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
  • haha Wow, you should bust them next time you see them ;O) Great tips, thanks!
  • No, actually I totally catch your drift. I pretty much go with the MO, if I'm not drenched in sweat, feeling like I'm dying, unable to talk OR even breathe, then I'm not really workin' it out. If I hadn't worked it out as hard as I do, I'd be all flab, considering I had a baby and gained a ton of weight in the process. I know lots of folks like that though, they swear they are really working out, but yet do NO strength training whatsoever and totally skimp it on even the cardio. But, they are only cheating themselves. After all, it won't hurt me. I'll still be hot as hell at the end of the day. lmao....
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I am always completely drenched from head to toe after I'm done working out. why do it if you're not going to.. do it.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

    So while I was training another group of clients, I happened to see these to yapping away while training and doing dumbell squats. Both were using 7lbs dumbells and doing 1/4 squats. No straining, no break in talking and even laughing while doing them. The rest of their workout was pathetic as well.

    Point of the story? There are many people out there who kid themselves if they really think that they are EFFECTIVELY exercising. The use of 5-7lbs dumbells, with the possible exception of curls and tricep extensions, is totally useless for bench presses, rows, shoulder presses, squats, etc. If the muscle isn't put under a decent load, YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME. Quit kidding yourself!

    I know that there will be some who read this and will think to themselves "this guy has no idea how hard I work". My response would be "don't confuse effort with results". If things aren't working out, then something is going on. I and others in-the-know are here to help out, but some need to quit kidding themselves into thinking they are doing it correctly.

    Love it!
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    You should change the title of this thread to "Make it count"
    Nah, because the point is that there are people who totally kid themselves into thinking they do really workout. They already think they are "making it count" when it's further from the truth.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Love it... I work out really hard and have had women come up to me to ask for tips on getting their arms toned or whittling their waist. I want to tell them to stop their yapping, reading, half-assed efforts and actually work out. These are the women who come in perfectly coiffed and immaculate make-up and leave in the same condition. Not a hair out of place, not a smudge on their face because they haven't worked up one bead of sweat.

    There is one woman who brings a book in, does a set of reps (ie 12 biceP curls), then reads for 3 minutes. I heard her tell another woman she does that because she tends to overdo her reps if she doesn't take structured breaks. Really??? Never would have guessed that.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Way to tell it like it is! Great post!
  • wlddove
    wlddove Posts: 85 Member
    After training some clients, I was approached by a female and her friend because they wanted some advice on losing the weight around the middle and their legs. They did admit that their eating needed help, but were GOOD with their training and wouldn't need help with that since they've trained before and have good form. Advice I gave them was to find their BMR and eat about 400 calories over it.

    Loved your topic! :o)

    I have a question, though. This whole weight loss thing is confusing me! So, you told the girls to eat 400 calories over their BMR.... I assume this is the number they would need to eat in order to lose weight. Okay, so, I calculated my BMR, and it's around 1650. Which means, if I added 400 to it, I should be eating over 2000 calories a day?!? I'm currently eating 1200. Am I doing something wrong?! I'm so confused....
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I do wish there was a like button on MFP!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    So so true. I actually don't use any dumb bells less than 17.5lbs... and that's for lateral raises. If you aren't going to kill it at the gym... why waste your time going!!! I believe some people actually don't think it has to be challenging to be effective and yes, you are right, they are fooling themselves!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Loved your topic! :o)

    I have a question, though. This whole weight loss thing is confusing me! So, you told the girls to eat 400 calories over their BMR.... I assume this is the number they would need to eat in order to lose weight. Okay, so, I calculated my BMR, and it's around 1650. Which means, if I added 400 to it, I should be eating over 2000 calories a day?!? I'm currently eating 1200. Am I doing something wrong?! I'm so confused....
    I gave a standard answer with the assumption that they worked out hard since I saw them there all the time. I usually use 400 calories over BMR because most people who work out consistently and with decent effort will burn 500 calories in an hour. Apply the calories that they do in every day life (walking, working, and even chores) and they should be in calorie deficit.
    With your BMR if you're not working out 1200 would be okay, but if you are working out hard, then I would up the calories.
  • I thoroughly agree! I don't count it as a workout now unless I'm drenched in sweat or some part of my body hurts. In fact, I get a little upset if some part of my body doesn't hurt but I know I will feel it the next day (which is what happened today!)

    I will admit I'm using light weights atm, but that's cos I'm only starting out I used about 4kg weights the other day (I think thats like 8 or 9lbs) for something. But my brother is training me and has me doing (depending on the exercise) 10-12 reps per set and if I reach the lower limit (10 in this case) for two sets in a row then I stay on that weight, if I'm really struggling to reach it for two sets in a row then I go down to a lower weight. If i can reach the 12 (even if I'm struggling a bit) then I up the weight.

    And he's making sure I'm doing good technique, and if I'm getting discouraged because I feel like I'm not doing it properly (like lunges yesterday) he's really great cos he said he really struggled with the form of doing them and he'll stay and watch me and correct me while I do them.

    I and my family (cos part of my gym membership is for my birthday) didn't pay $400 for my gym membership to be social and not see results :laugh:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    So so true. I actually don't use any dumb bells less than 17.5lbs... and that's for lateral raises. If you aren't going to kill it at the gym... why waste your time going!!! I believe some people actually don't think it has to be challenging to be effective and yes, you are right, they are fooling themselves!
    Dang girl you should do a Fitness comp! You definitely got the right goods to do it. Impressive on the laterals! Many guys don't even use that weight..................woosies.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    I thoroughly agree! I don't count it as a workout now unless I'm drenched in sweat or some part of my body hurts. In fact, I get a little upset if some part of my body doesn't hurt but I know I will feel it the next day (which is what happened today!)

    I will admit I'm using light weights atm, but that's cos I'm only starting out I used about 4kg weights the other day (I think thats like 8 or 9lbs) for something. But my brother is training me and has me doing (depending on the exercise) 10-12 reps per set and if I reach the lower limit (10 in this case) for two sets in a row then I stay on that weight, if I'm really struggling to reach it for two sets in a row then I go down to a lower weight. If i can reach the 12 (even if I'm struggling a bit) then I up the weight.

    And he's making sure I'm doing good technique, and if I'm getting discouraged because I feel like I'm not doing it properly (like lunges yesterday) he's really great cos he said he really struggled with the form of doing them and he'll stay and watch me and correct me while I do them.
    That's a good partner. It's about form first and foremost. Keep it up!
  • I appreciate the help the OP offers, but does anyone else find this a little high and mighty? I don't need to stand out and be told that very overweight people tend to not work as hard as they need. Thanks for telling me that those who fail are failing because they aren't doing the successful things right. I just need more Tim McCarver commentary.
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    I think there will always be those who say they want help but don't really.

    I know that if I'm going to the gym, I work, otherwise, really I can think of a million better things to do.

    My problem is I don't sweat anywhere near what most people do... no idea why, just never have, but anyone watching me will know I'm working hard, cause well, I go really red :)

    I personally don't worry about anyone but myself!
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    If you're laughing - you're not working out. PERIOD.