Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited November 2017
    The whole pizza came to just over 800 calories. I can fit that into my regular diet, not just refeeds. I ended up yesterday after eating that with having to eat a serving of yogurt and 3 servings of cereal and a cup of my brewing chocolate with half and half in it to hit maintenance calories for the day.

    *sighs dreamily* looking forward to the day when I have to actually scrounge around to get enough calories in a day!

    Unfortunately for me, my brain and stomach are definitely not communicating well, and this diet break has proved that to me. If I dig deep and really pay attention, I realize that I'm not really truly hungry - my stomach is fine and dandy. But my brain is dying to have something to eat! And mom's house has lots of temptations - so when I find myself reaching for that bag of sun chips, that's when I know its time to head over to my temporary home in the camper to get away from the temptation....

    Oh, and apparently according to the link for personality provided back, I came up as a INFP Mediator type when I took the test. I'm not so sure I fit that, though - I have a pessamistic streak a mile long and consider myself to be a living Eeyore lol Though I found it hard really hard to answer the questions - I couldn't really decide if I agreed or disagreed with the statements and kept thinking "I don't know? maybe? kinda?" so that's probably the problem.

    Though it came up as 90% introvert - and that I know is spot on!
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Wow, Nony, your photos are spectacular! All I really know about NZ geography/scenery I got from Lord of the Rings, and these make me envy you your hikes even more. Thank you so much for posting them! If you ever do a group hike event, I'll make the trip. In fact, I think I'm going to be looking into real hiking here at home starting soon -- thank you for that, too!

    I'm in the middle of my first break right now. I'm feeling pretty good about what & how much I'm eating (although yesterday proved that eating at maintenance doesn't completely protect me from a sugar festival), and the scale's stayed within 1.6 lbs of my weight from a week ago. And to my surprise I've rediscovered a few foods that I can include during deficit too. Today should be interesting -- my Sunday schedule is especially suited to deficit eating, and it'll be an exercise in creativity to fill in the blanks.

    Hope you got a good sleep!
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    The past few days I have been eating an extra 75-100 grams of carbs. I didn't have any calorie heavy days this week, just a few days close to maintenance. My weight has been on the high side of where I want to sit for the winter so I am trying to decide what to do. Should I try to trim down a little to get into the middle of my range or should I just say F it and go for the bulk and gain an additional 3 pounds over the next 3 months? I keep wafting!

    Today's workout was pretty fantastic! Usually Sunday and Monday are my roughest workouts so it is nice to get the extra boost from the carbs.
    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member
    HDBKLM wrote: »
    Can report that all my measurements were the same after Week 1, midway through Week 2 my waist was up by 2 inches, but it was obviously water—I was all jiggly; also my thighs were down half an inch in that period (I'm clearly an apple).

    Oh, I thought I should clarify, since there were some people on here who were nervous about potential negative side effects of upping their calories, that when my waistline grew in the middle of the second week it's because I had just gotten home from a 5-day trip out of town, complete with long bus rides, lots of eating out, and little drinking of water. It'll be fine.

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Everyone is most welcome to come to NZ for a group hike!! And I will be gentle, I know how long it took me to build up to being able to do ones like yesterday's, and I know the consequences of pushing too hard, too soon.

    @GottaBurnEmAll, you did better than me on pizza cals. My base is actually only 400 cals (couldn't get the sprouted seed one this week, so got the plain, which is a little lower in cals, also a lot lower in fat so will be a better option for refeeds), but I put the motherlode of mozzarella on it since I didn't have to worry about fat, and it came in at 921 cals total. I haven't found fat-free mozz here, but the reduced fat feta that also goes on the pizza was a brilliant find. Pizza was delish. Ended up 150 cals over maintenance for the day, but don't care. Weight is up a mighty 1 kg (2.2lbs), but PMS bloat, carbs and fluid retention from the hike, so again not bothered. It will come down by the end of the week.

    @anubis609 I hope your hangover isn't too bad!

    Legs are not too bad post-hike, quads are a little stiff. Bung knee is absolutely fine, though both knees would probably grumble if I had to walk up or down stairs. Still debating if I'm going to walk to work. I have physio beforehand, and definitely don't want to walk there and then to work, so will probably drive to physio, drop the car back home, then do the shorter walk both to and from work today, since it's meant to be full rest day.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited November 2017
    The crust I used had 18 grams of fat, which I needed. I also cooked my veggies in a tablespoon of olive oil. I generally need to look for fat, and I especially needed to yesterday because I didn't have a ripe avocado to eat with my lunch cottage cheese so I sprinkled it with some almonds instead.

    I tend to eat low fat anyway, and I have to watch sat fat. Since I'm vegetarian, generally what I do is eat low fat dairy and then add a healthier source of fat into the meal like avo, nuts, flax, or olive oil to get around having a lot of sat fat in my diet.

    I try to get around 50 grams of fat a day in my normal diet and that's the refeed level so nothing changes for me.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    The crust I used had 18 grams of fat, which I needed. I also cooked my veggies in a tablespoon of olive oil. I generally need to look for fat, and I especially needed to yesterday because I didn't have a ripe avocado to eat with my lunch cottage cheese so I sprinkled it with some almonds instead.

    I tend to eat low fat anyway, and I have to watch sat fat. Since I'm vegetarian, generally what I do is eat low fat dairy and then add a healthier source of fat into the meal like avo, nuts, flax, or olive oil to get around having a lot of sat fat in my diet.

    I try to get around 50 grams of fat a day in my normal diet and that's the refeed level so nothing changes for me.

    Yesterday's base only had 6 grams of fat, the sprouted seed one has 21. As you know, I have no trouble getting enough fat, it's keeping it down at 50 for refeeds that's the challenge!!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I'm kinda sad that I didn't get a really good tree pose photo on the trig, but also super impressed that I can just hang out there with my leg right up with ease now. A few months ago, I couldn't hold my leg that high in tree. Should check if I can do it properly with left leg up yet (I suspect not, because my left hip isn't as flexible, so I can't get as good a turn out).

    Right quad currently has a wheat bag on it in an attempt to release that muscle a bit...
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh, other NSV, those shorts I wore yesterday are a pair I accidentally bought a size too small last year, then lost the receipt. Even when I was at (old) goal earlier this year, so basically the same weight as now, they were a smidge too tight. The only annoying thing is the place where I get my active wear (kind of the equivalent of Walmart I think) seems to think that to be a size S you also must be short, so they're a little short in body length. I may have to resort to getting running shorts at an actual sportswear shop.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    The refeed is like hitting the refresh button on your browser, and a full diet break is like optimizing and defragging your hard drive.

    ^^^^ Love this!

    The scale weight is moving up slowly and I am over the moon. I was beginning to think my plan was flawed and I had miscalculated stuff. Have to keep reminding myself to be patient and also to get a deload in here somewhere as stuff is feeling heavy. Sleep not so great again, apart from last night post 5 and a bit mile walk.