Lose 5lbs + in November 2017



  • vanilla_frosting
    vanilla_frosting Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in! I tried the daily weigh-in, but I was too frustrated with no loss or gains. So I think the weekly is better for me. I'll weigh in on Saturdays.

    Starting weight - 204.8
    Current weight - 178.8
    November Goal - 175
    Ultimate goal - 150ish

    4th – 180.2
    11th – 181.2 (I haven’t been counting calories for several days, but I’m back on track today)
    18th – 177 :) Thanksgiving this week...we'll see what the weight is on Saturday.
    25th -
    30th -

    Total loss for November -1.8 lbs
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 125.8
    November Goal: 123 LBS

    Nov 1: 125.8
    Nov 4: 125
    Nov 8: 126
    Nov 14: 125.8
    Nov 16: 126.2
    Nov 17: 125.8
    Nov 18: 124.2
    Nov 19: 123.8
    Nov 20: 125.2
  • PaganUK
    PaganUK Posts: 238 Member
    43yo female. 5 '5".
    starting weight. 225. (Dec 2016)
    current weight 169.4
    November goal 165
    ultimate goal 140 :)

    Nov 1. 169.4
    Nov 7. 169.0
    Nov 14 166.2
    Nov 21 163.4
    Nov 28

    Total loss for November far: 6lbs
  • GottaJustKeepItMoving
    GottaJustKeepItMoving Posts: 37 Member
    edited November 2017
    Update time!

    Starting weight - 160.4Ibs
    November Goal - 155Ibs
    Ultimate goal - 118Ibs

    30th - 160.4Ibs
    6th - 158Ibs
    13th - 157.2Ibs
    20th -155.4Ibs!!!
    27th -

    Total loss for November - 5Ibs

    This weekend was a little tricky- lots of snacks, but still managed to fit them in and stay on target for calories (just). I'm amazed I'm at my first goal of -5Ibs! This thread has been great for keeping me accountable, so thanks all.

    To all those with losses, congratulations and keep going- you'll get there! To those struggling, remember it's one day at a time; each moment is a reset button. You CAN do this.
  • GottaJustKeepItMoving
    GottaJustKeepItMoving Posts: 37 Member
    edited November 2017
  • Pepsab
    Pepsab Posts: 169 Member
    SW - 234.7
    CW- 215.6
    GW- 165

    November Goal - 210lbs

    7th- 216.0 i do weigh in daily because i like to keep track. The scale has sat on this now for 5 days even being in my calorie goal. So frustrating.

    14th - 214.9 Once again im at a stall weight loss wise. When comparing to last week it is a slight loss so i should be thankful but its getting a lot hard for that weight to come off the last month or so.

    21st- 213.6

    I weigh in on Tuesdays

  • OhJayEss
    OhJayEss Posts: 64 Member
    Starting weight - 95.8 kg
    Current weight - 87.3 kg
    November Goal - 83.6 (lose 3.7 kg)
    Ultimate goal - weigh 50-55 kg

    1st -87.4
    8th - 86.8
    14th - 86.5 (slow & steady wins the race ;) )
    21st -87.2 ( :neutral: bad wknd)
    28th -

    Total Loss in November-0.9kg
  • annuthebest
    annuthebest Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in also and a first timer

    Starting weight: 231
    Current weight: 208
    November goal: 200
    Ultimate goal: 140

    1st: 211.6
    8th: 210.6
    14th: 208.6
    21st: 205.6
  • euge280
    euge280 Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight - 75,5 kg (166.44 lbs)
    November Goal - 70 (154.3lbs) (lose 5,5 kg)
    Ultimate goal - weigh 60-65 kg

    1st -75,5 kg (166.44 lbs)
    7th - 74,5 kg
    14th - 72,7 kg (160.27 lbs)
    21st - no change... im happy cos between my sis bday and me stress eating thought I I was going to be 75.5 again
    28th -

    Loss in November- 2,8 kg (6.17 lbs)
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    Sure seems like a slow go, but making progress...those last few pounds are certainly the most difficult to lose. Most days calories consumed are less than recommended just to be able to lose 1 pound per week. Not sure I would be losing any weight at all by consuming recommended daily calorie intake. Anyone else find that to be true? Still hope to make the 5 pound goal by end of November. Soon thereafter, I hope to be in maintenance. Thursday will be a telling day for most of us. I'm sure I'll be tasting everything for T-Giving...just need to be mindful and keep portions extra small for that meal. Best wishes to everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Starting Weight for November: 124
    November Goal: 119
    Ultimate Goal: 115-118

    1st - 124
    8th - 122
    14th - 121
    21st - 120
    28th -

    Total loss for November -
  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    Original starting weight : 190
    November starting weight : 171 (weighed in Oct 27th)
    November goal : 161
    Ultimate goal: 140

    Nov 3-168
    Nov 10-165.6
    Nov 15-163
    Nov 21-162.6
    Nov 30-

    Total loss for November- 8.4 lb
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Original starting weight: 192.2
    November starting weight: 143.4
    November goal: 140.0
    Ultimate goal: 135lbs

    11/01 - 143.4
    11/06 - 143.4 too much salty popcorn yesterday!
    11/13 - 143.6
    11/20 - 144.8
    11/27 -
    11/30 -

    Change this week:
    Total change for November:

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    November starting weight: 389.8
    November goal: 380.8

    Nov 05: 389.8
    Nov 13: 387
    Nov 20: 385.2
    Nov 27:

    Total loss for November: 4.6 LBS

  • sophsw
    sophsw Posts: 81 Member
    November Starting weight: 80.6 kg
    November Goal Weight: 77kg
    Ultimate goal weight 60kg

    On wednesdsays we weigh!

    08/11 = 80.6kg
    15/11 = 79.6Kg
    22/11 = 79.4kg
  • JessicaChicago70
    JessicaChicago70 Posts: 83 Member
    Starting weight - 189
    Current weight - 142.4
    November Goal - 137
    Ultimate goal 125

    1st - 140.1
    8th -142
    14th -141
    21st -142.2
    28th -

    Total loss for November -
  • beckm2022
    beckm2022 Posts: 298 Member
    Starting MFP weight (March 2014): 225
    Starting Nov. weight: 207.4
    Goal weight: 202.4

    Nov. 1: 207.4
    Nov. 6: 206.8
    Nov. 22: 208.8

    Yikes! Time to get back on track.

  • Shenzi03
    Shenzi03 Posts: 88 Member
    Starting weight - 203 (2011)
    Current weight - 138
    November Goal - 133
    Ultimate goal - 125-130

    1st - 138.0
    8th - 136.8
    15th - 135.0
    22nd - 134.2
    29th -

    Total loss for November - 3.8 lbs

    Here's hoping I lose 1.2lbs with not 1, but 2 Thanksgiving dinners coming up!
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,777 Member
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Original Starting Weight: 197.6 lbs.
    November SW: 167.8 lbs.
    November Goal: 160 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal: 150 lbs.

    2nd: 166.8
    9th: 165.8
    16th: 166.2
    23rd: 166.4

    Total loss for November:
  • lady_bug_jd
    lady_bug_jd Posts: 221 Member
    Original starting weight: 214
    November starting weight: 196.5
    October goal:191.5
    Ultimate goal: 135

    11/01/17: 196
    11/10/17: 192
    11/23/17: 193.2 (not bad after vacation)

    Total loss for November: 3.3

    Changed weigh in dates because I was travelling Nov 11 - 22.
  • monokochan
    monokochan Posts: 31 Member
    edited November 2017
    November starting weight: 150.0
    November goal: 145
    Ultimate goal: 130

    11/1/2017 - 149.4
    11/5/2017 - 150.0
    11/12/2017 - 151.2
    11/19/2017 -150.2
    Pre-Turkey Day Weight (lol): 147.0
    11/26/2017 -

    Total Loss For November 3lbs?

    Notes: When you realize you've somehow lost 3 lbs in November after having 3 bad weeks lol. I went to the gym today and am ready to eat turkey and ham all I want! Happy Thanksgiving y'all!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    MFP Original starting weight 2012: 201 lbs
    MFP Starting weight 2015: 201 lbs
    MFP Starting weight 2017: 184 lbs

    September starting weight: 177.0
    October starting weight: 172.5
    November starting weight: 165.0

    November goal: 160
    Ultimate goal: 145

    November 01: 165.0
    November 08: 163.0
    November 15: 161.5
    November 22: 160.5
    November 30:

    Loss for the month: 4.5