Maintainers weekly Check-in November 2017



  • bringbackthejoy
    bringbackthejoy Posts: 255 Member
    Age: 43
    Total Weight lost: 38 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 7 months
    How long in maintenance: 5 months
    Maintenance weight range:112-115
    Fitness goal-Complete Strong Curves and rehab

    Start of Jan: 148 lbs
    Start of Feb: 139 lbs
    Start of March: 133
    Start of Apr-127.2
    Start of May: 122.6
    Start of June-115.0-GOAL
    start of July- 115
    Start of august-115
    Start of sept 112
    Start of oct:113
    Start of Nov-111

    November 3: 110.6
    November 10: 112.1
    November 17:111.1
    November 26: 110.0

    Successes/ strugggles: pretty good week for the scale. My weight fluctuates within 3 lbs so my average is still 111.2. Just keeping on keeping on and hoping to stay in the zone until the Xmas holidays as I will be with family and that is a big eating, drinking, joyful stressful time for me.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,921 Member
    Name: Bon
    Age: 59
    Height: 5'1.75"
    Total Weight lost: ~32 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 4 months
    How long in maintenance: 8 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: 99-102

    Average weight recorded from October: 103.9

    Avg 29 Oct - 4 November: 102
    Avg 5-11 November: 101.8
    Avg 12-18 November: 100.7
    Avg 19-25 November: 100.0

    Success/struggles of the week/month: 8 weeks in increasing calories. It's an interesting approach but I feel really good and successful with it. I have a bingy personality and tend to yo yo so for me gradually increasing my intake every other week and now every week is working. My huge success this week was that I was able to run a new personal best pace. My goal is to be able to do 10 min miles in a 5K by the time I turn 60 next August.. I feel a new encouragement that I will be able to easily meet or surpass this goal. Struggles just the normal ones as far as thanksgiving and lots of goodies floating around. I had an interesting lightbulb moment this year. My parents have been gone for quite a few years and it always seemed to me like they were watching me like a hawk - was I eating. was I not eating etc.. (Jewish parents what can I say?! LOL) This year it suddenly occurred to me that no one really GAVE a *kitten* what I was eating or not eating. Talk about a relief. I think us yo yo 'ers feel more paranoid about stuff like this than normal people anyway. duh. No one really cares.
  • fidangul
    fidangul Posts: 673 Member
    Height: 171cm
    Age: 31
    Total Weight lost: 48kg
    Time it took to lose: 1 year
    How long in maintenance: 1 year 6 months
    Maintenance weight range: 73.3kg and below

    Average weight recorded from January: 72.8kg
    Average weight recorded from February: 72.3kg
    Average weight recorded from March: 72.7kg
    Average weight recorded from April:72.5kg
    Average weight recorded from May:72.7kg
    Average weight recorded from June: 74kg
    Average weight recorded from July: 73.9kg
    Average weight recorded from August: N/A
    Average weight recorded from September:74.8kg
    Average weight recorded from October: 73.8kg

    Week of...
    6th November:75.5kg
    13th November: 74.6kg
    20th November:73.9kg
    27th November:73.9kg

    Success/struggles of the week:

    Exactly the same as last week. And still not back in range, Oh well. However, I'm not so bothered. Probably because I'm smaller in size (took measurements) than I was this time last year when I weighed slightly lower. My clothes are the same infact a little looser. I'm tempted to bring down my maintenance max number but I'm just gonna keep it as it is just as a mental barrier. I will still be aiming to be around that number.
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    Name: Stephen
    Age: 57
    Height: 6'2"
    Total Weight lost: 80 lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 12 months
    How long in maintenance: 11 months
    Maintenance weight range: 180-185

    January: 183.9
    February: 182.8
    March: 182.3
    April: 183.3
    May: 182.0
    June: 181.2
    July: 183.6
    August: 183.5
    September: 183.2
    October: 183.5

    Week of...
    6th November: 182.1
    13th November: 181.5
    20th November: 181.4
    27th November: 182.2
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,035 Member
    Name: Kathryn
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Total Weight lost: ~74 lbs (I dropped about 14 lbs below original goal)
    Time it took to lose: 10 months (to original goal of 135)
    How long in maintenance: I called maintenance in July 2016, but I have continued to slowly lose so I'm not really sure.
    Maintenance weight range: 120 - 125 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 127.1
    Average weight recorded from February: 126.5
    Average weight recorded from March: 126.2
    Average weight recorded from April: 124.9
    Average weight recorded from May: 124.9
    Average weight recorded from June: 122.8
    Average weight recorded from July: 122.1
    Average weight recorded from August: 122.5
    Average weight recorded from September: 121.4
    Average weight recorded from October: 120.9

    Week of...
    6th November: 119.2 scale/ 120.2 trend
    13th November:120.0 scale/ 120.2 trend
    20th November: 120.8 scale/ 120.5 trend
    27th November: 119.4 scale/ 120.2 trend

    Success/struggles of the week: Thanksgiving went well. I tried to log, but I did a lot of guessing so I'm sure it wasn't real accurate. But my weight was actually down a little this morning. My trend is still in range even though my actual weight is a little below range. I was down to my lowest ever (lower than I want to be) on Thanksgiving morning and then up 2.6 pounds on Friday. But I am back down this morning. I knew it was just fluctuations, but it is good to see that even if I indulge some it is not negatively affecting my weight as long as I keep an eye on my portion sizes and keep my activity up.
  • fitand50inSD
    fitand50inSD Posts: 166 Member
    Name: Theresa
    Age : 52
    Height : 5'7
    Total Weight lost: 20ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 3 months
    How long in maintenance 4months
    Maintenance weight range: 125-129.9 (don't want to see a 3 in the 2nd digit - thus 129.9)

    Starting weight end of March: 146
    Start of Maintenance end of June: 126.6
    Range of weight recorded from July: 126.2-128.2
    Range of weight from August: 126.0-128.2
    Range of weight from September: 125.0-128.2
    Range of weight from October: 126.4-128.6

    Week of... (Monday weight date) - Started using Libra weight tracker on 10/29/17
    6th November: scale 126.8, trend 127.9
    14th November:scale 127.0 trend 127.7
    20th November:scale 127.0 trend 127.7
    27th November: scale 127.0 trend 127.7 (saw a 129.8 on Saturday morning - but it must have been the high sodium content of my meals because I was back to 127.2 on Sunday morning)

    Success/struggles for the week: I cooked for 25 people for 3 days over the holiday weekend and didn't worry about tracking my food. I did not over eat during meals, but had way more desserts than I ever have. Overall I feel good about the scale results after the holiday.
  • Rachelmilloy
    Rachelmilloy Posts: 158 Member
    Name: Rachel
    Age: 65
    Height: 5'8.5"
    Total Weight lost: about 50 lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 10 months
    How long in maintenance: 12 weeks
    Maintenance weight range: below 153, preferably 140s...

    Average weight recorded from January: 188.4 lbs
    Average weight recorded from February: 182.2 lbs
    Average weight recorded from March: 176.8 lbs
    Average weight recorded from April: 171.1 lbs
    Average weight recorded from May: 165.2 lbs
    Average weight recorded from June: 161.3 lbs
    Average weight recorded from July: 157.7 lbs
    Average weight recorded from August: 152.2 lbs
    Average weight recorded from September: 149.4
    Average weight recorded from October: 147.3

    Week of...
    6th of November: 143.6 lbs
    13th of November: 145.0 lbs
    20th of November: 145.6 lbs
    27th of November: 146.0 lbs

    Success/struggles of the week:
    During my weight loss phase, I steered clear of foods like cake and cookies and chocolate, and had a pretty serene, craving-free existence. Now that I am re-introducing these foods, and eating more and more of them, the cravings for even more have been extreme. Started buying awesome chocolate croissants and found myself wanting to eat them for breakfast, for lunch, and for dinner! And did! Oh that thick chocolate filling! So now I am reining myself in. Yes indeedy, maintenance requires vigilance! On the plus side, I am enjoying eating at my supposed TDEE, with no deficit. Still like the idea of being at the lower end of my maintenance range though, so come January may reinstate a small deficit.
  • kalchthaleri
    kalchthaleri Posts: 231 Member
    Name: Ingrid
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'4
    Total Weight lost: 215 lbs.
    Time it took to lose: 3 years
    How long in maintenance: 10 months
    Maintenance weight range: 128-135

    Average weight recorded from January: 135
    Average weight recorded from February: 132
    Average weight recorded from March: 132
    Average weight recorded from April: 132
    Average weight recorded from May: 132
    Average weight recorded from June: 130.6
    Average weight recorded from July: 131.5
    Average weight recorded from August: 128.75
    Average weight recorded from September 128.24
    Average weight recorded from October: 125.87
    Average weight recorded from November: 123.62

    Week of November 3: 124.5
    Week of November 10: 123.5
    Week of November 17: 123.5
    Week of November 24: 123

    Struggles/successes of the week:
    No binging and no restricting since November 3! I made it through a business trip to Atlanta and Thanksgiving! Still losing weight though, but I don’t want to change anything drastic yet.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Name: Irina
    Age : 46
    Height : 5'7
    Total Weight lost: 75ish lbs
    Time it took to lose: about 10 months
    How long in maintenance 1year, yeah!!!
    Maintenance weight range, adjusted: 145 - 150 lbs

    Average weight recorded from January: 152.3
    Average weight recorded from February: 152.2
    Average weight recorded from March: 151.4
    Range of weight recorded from April 146.6- 150.4
    Range of weight recorded from May 144.6- 151.2
    Range of weight from June 143.6- 153.2
    Range of weight from July 143.0 - 149.6
    Range of weight from August 145.8- 151.0
    Range of weight from September 143.8 - 147.6
    Range of weight from October 143- 150.8

    Week of...
    5th November: scale 141.4, trend 144.3
    12th November: scale 142.4, trend 142.9
    19th November: scale 145.4, trend 144.4
    26th November:scale 148.2, trend 146.6

    Success/struggles of the week: ;, ( . Not too happy about the weight going up, up, up. It's even more upsetting to see it here all lined up, in black and white, with such gain. It's not all water weight, obviously, uggghhh. I've been eating way too much, so much yummy food around. Although, i have to brag, this Thanksgiving we cooked all vegan, except the turkey, and a little mistake that I've made with my usually vegan stuffing, when i grabbed chicken stock and poured it in. My wife and my daughter helped to calm down my meltdown, and we made a new and completely vegan stuffing. My daughter is vegan, you see, and she was home from school, and i am happily expanding my array of vegan dishes and desserts. It's so delicious, not necessarily low calorie though. I know what i need to do to make my numbers go down, get it back to low 140s, so it's the matter of self discipline at this time. And with holiday leftovers gone, but a lot of chocolate still present, it's somewhat challenging for me still. And what puzzles me, is how I'm so attached to particular numbers, aka scale numbers, despite all my clothes fitting well and some being too loose, I'm still way too concerned about that. I think it's fear of losing control for good and regaining. I should work on that a bit, i guess.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    @fidangul No worries. Sometimes the scale is not our friend. If your clothes fit better, hurray! A victory. Maybe we all should take a step back and consider the NSVs.

    @kristen8000 Fire that silly nutritionist! You seem to know what you are doing and are doing it well! Keep up the good work and congrats.

    I am averaging 116# this month. My clothes still fit nicely. I run when I can and eat what I want, mostly.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited November 2017
    Name: Lori
    Height: 5'7"
    Total Weight lost: 150 (at lowest wt so far)
    Time it took to lose: 2 1/2 years
    How long in maintenance: 9/20/16 first day of weight within maint range
    Maintenance weight range: 150-155

    Jan avg 154.3
    Feb avg 155.1
    March avg 155.9
    April avg 154.7
    May avg 155.4
    June avg 155.4 (2 weeks only, gone rest of month)
    July avg 155.3
    Aug avg 155.6
    Sept avg 155.4
    Oct avg 155.2

    11/7/2017 156.2
    11/13/2017 157.4
    11/20/2017 158.0
    11/28/17 157.0
    Nov ave 157.1

    With all the stress I've had to deal with lately, I figured it was time to work on my response to it. I need to protect myself mentally and physically from the craziness that others throw out there. I found a couple of books that I think will help me see things and respond in a way more beneficial to me, and I've started on one of them. I am looking forward to my growth.

    Last week our Women on Weights class did not meet due to the holiday, but I went in and did my 3 workouts. This week we are picking up a few machines we haven't done before. I also asked for help getting comfortable using the squat rack.

    It looks like my bloat of the past 6 weeks might finally be easing up. I wouldn't mind having a good number for the "post" weigh in for class next week, lol.

  • HarperAnn6
    HarperAnn6 Posts: 292 Member
    Name: Harper
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'1
    Total Weight lost: 50 pounds
    Time it took to lose: one year, four months
    How long in maintenance: four months
    Maintenance weight range: 117 -122

    Average weight recorded from May: 120 (goal)
    Average weight recorded from June: 119.2
    Average weight recorded from July: 121
    Average weight recorded from August: 121
    Average weight recorded from September: 121
    Average weight recorded from October: 120.6

    Week of...
    6th November: 122
    13th November:121.6
    20th November: post missing / don't recall number
    27th November:121.8

    Success/struggles of the week: I hit 500 consecutive log-in days on MFP - a personal goal. (I thought I had accidentally skipped one day while I was away; however,I retro-logged in the early hours of that morning, and it counted:) Struggles: I have a mystery food sensitivity, and I have to go on an elimination diet to get well. Not thrilled about limiting my food choices, but it will be worth it if I feel better in the end.
  • MoTownSweat
    MoTownSweat Posts: 26 Member
    First time posting - just hit maintenance weight!

    Name: Meg
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Total Weight lost: 40 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 13 months
    How long in maintenance: one week
    Maintenance weight range: 125-127

    Average weight recorded from January: 160
    Average weight recorded from February: 158
    Average weight recorded from March: 154
    Average weight recorded from April: 150
    Average weight recorded from May: 146
    Average weight recorded from June: 142
    Average weight recorded from July: 141
    Average weight recorded from August: 139
    Average weight recorded from September: 135
    Average weight recorded from October: 131

    Week of...
    6th November: 130
    13th November: 129
    20th November: 127
    27th November: 127

    Success/struggles of the week: I feel afraid of gaining weight after all of my hard work in losing the baby weight. My hunch is that kicking up my exercise routine (including eating back calories) will help me reject the lie that I'm "letting go" of discipline by eating a bit more.

    Even though I'm happy with my weight, I am also considering losing another couple pounds for "wiggle room" to enjoy some treats around the holidays. Are others considering this as well?
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    First time posting - just hit maintenance weight!

    Name: Meg
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Total Weight lost: 40 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 13 months
    How long in maintenance: one week
    Maintenance weight range: 125-127

    Average weight recorded from January: 160
    Average weight recorded from February: 158
    Average weight recorded from March: 154
    Average weight recorded from April: 150
    Average weight recorded from May: 146
    Average weight recorded from June: 142
    Average weight recorded from July: 141
    Average weight recorded from August: 139
    Average weight recorded from September: 135
    Average weight recorded from October: 131

    Week of...
    6th November: 130
    13th November: 129
    20th November: 127
    27th November: 127

    Success/struggles of the week: I feel afraid of gaining weight after all of my hard work in losing the baby weight. My hunch is that kicking up my exercise routine (including eating back calories) will help me reject the lie that I'm "letting go" of discipline by eating a bit more.

    Even though I'm happy with my weight, I am also considering losing another couple pounds for "wiggle room" to enjoy some treats around the holidays. Are others considering this as well?

    Welcome to the group and congrats on losing the weight!

    As you can see I've been in "Maintaince" since the end of September. I put the the word in quotes, because since then, I've actually lost 7 additional pounds putting me 6lbs lower than my "low weight of my range". So, I have tons of wiggle room. So much that I actually need to figure out how to gain some back to get back into that range...before my clothes no longer fit. I'm sure, like many of us, find that you'll keep losing a little until you figure out your right maintainance calories. Also, our brains are so into LOSING that "not losing" takes a bit of mental change. You think "great, I can eat more", but your stomach says "ah, no, you can't fit more in".

    I wouldn't over think keeping losing so you have wiggle room, because honestly you'll probably lose a bit more anyway.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,035 Member
    First time posting - just hit maintenance weight!

    Name: Meg
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Total Weight lost: 40 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 13 months
    How long in maintenance: one week
    Maintenance weight range: 125-127

    Average weight recorded from January: 160
    Average weight recorded from February: 158
    Average weight recorded from March: 154
    Average weight recorded from April: 150
    Average weight recorded from May: 146
    Average weight recorded from June: 142
    Average weight recorded from July: 141
    Average weight recorded from August: 139
    Average weight recorded from September: 135
    Average weight recorded from October: 131

    Week of...
    6th November: 130
    13th November: 129
    20th November: 127
    27th November: 127

    Success/struggles of the week: I feel afraid of gaining weight after all of my hard work in losing the baby weight. My hunch is that kicking up my exercise routine (including eating back calories) will help me reject the lie that I'm "letting go" of discipline by eating a bit more.

    Even though I'm happy with my weight, I am also considering losing another couple pounds for "wiggle room" to enjoy some treats around the holidays. Are others considering this as well?

    Welcome to the group and congrats on losing the weight!

    As you can see I've been in "Maintaince" since the end of September. I put the the word in quotes, because since then, I've actually lost 7 additional pounds putting me 6lbs lower than my "low weight of my range". So, I have tons of wiggle room. So much that I actually need to figure out how to gain some back to get back into that range...before my clothes no longer fit. I'm sure, like many of us, find that you'll keep losing a little until you figure out your right maintainance calories. Also, our brains are so into LOSING that "not losing" takes a bit of mental change. You think "great, I can eat more", but your stomach says "ah, no, you can't fit more in".

    I wouldn't over think keeping losing so you have wiggle room, because honestly you'll probably lose a bit more anyway.

    I agree with this. I have been in "maintenance" for about 16 months. In that time I've lost ~17 pounds. I have had to lower my goal weight range several times. It is hard not to worry about gaining, but increasing your activity will increase your deficit if you don't start eating more. How much more you need to eat may surprise you. As long as you keep track of your holiday treats and don't go overboard then you should be able to fit some treats in without any problem. Congrats on reaching your goal and welcome to maintenance!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Name: Cheryl
    Age: 61
    Height: 5"5"
    Total Weight lost: 105 (18 pre MFP)
    Time it took to lose: 2 years
    How long in maintenance: 1 month
    Maintenance weight range: 145 - 150

    Average weight recorded from January: 160.6
    Average weight recorded from February: 161.3
    Average weight recorded from March: 159.7
    Average weight recorded from April: 155.7
    Average weight recorded from May: 152.2
    Average weight recorded from June: 150.1
    Average weight recorded from July: 148.1
    Average weight recorded from August: 146.4
    Average weight recorded from September: 145.1
    Average weight recorded from October: 146.4
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    First time posting - just hit maintenance weight!

    Name: Meg
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'6"
    Total Weight lost: 40 lbs
    Time it took to lose: 13 months
    How long in maintenance: one week
    Maintenance weight range: 125-127

    Average weight recorded from January: 160
    Average weight recorded from February: 158
    Average weight recorded from March: 154
    Average weight recorded from April: 150
    Average weight recorded from May: 146
    Average weight recorded from June: 142
    Average weight recorded from July: 141
    Average weight recorded from August: 139
    Average weight recorded from September: 135
    Average weight recorded from October: 131

    Week of...
    6th November: 130
    13th November: 129
    20th November: 127
    27th November: 127

    Success/struggles of the week: I feel afraid of gaining weight after all of my hard work in losing the baby weight. My hunch is that kicking up my exercise routine (including eating back calories) will help me reject the lie that I'm "letting go" of discipline by eating a bit more.

    Even though I'm happy with my weight, I am also considering losing another couple pounds for "wiggle room" to enjoy some treats around the holidays. Are others considering this as well?

    Congrats and welcome to maintenance. I see that you've given yourself a range of only 2 lbs. Most people find a range of 5-10 lbs most helpful because bodyweight fluctuates naturally. When you get to the top or bottom of your range adjust calories by 100-200 per day til you're back in range. That allows you to stay in control of your weight.
  • MoTownSweat
    MoTownSweat Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips! Love the support!