Low Carb Struggles



  • tammyd_white
    tammyd_white Posts: 24 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    I started a low-carb diet nearly 3 weeks ago. Weight loss has been steady but I'm struggling on several points. I'm early 30s, 5'6", 279 lbs, female.

    1. I never feel full or satisfied - always hungry no matter what/how often I eat.
    2. At what point will my digestive track acclimate? Every other day seems to bring a different gastrointestinal challenge.
    3. This has my lady organs all confused. My TOM nearly coincided with the start of this diet change and I've yet to stop spotting (both bright and dark colors). What is the deal?

    I've read that these results are normal for 3 or 4 days but I'm well pass that point.

    I drink plenty of water, 1 cup of herbal tea or decaf coffee per day, no alcohol, limited fruits/nuts/dairy/seeds. I'm hard core into the green leafies, eggs, and baked/broiled/grilled meats, shrimp, and fish. I cook with either butter or olive oil. I haven't added cardio though I have been doing small bouts of body weight exercises throughout the day.

    Has anyone else had similar issues? Any advice to help ease these effects? Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

    It looks like you've gotten tons of anti-low carb advice, and if you think abandoning that is appropriate for you, then so be it. But what I'm guessing it that you've tried many methods, Low Cal, Low Fat, etc. So here's another perspective. The calorie hypothesis was just that, a hypothesis (the whole 3500 cals per pound thing). It has actually been proven many times over that there is no correlation to the number of calories to weight loss. Look up Zoe Harcombe. She has run several studies on this and has amazing insight. Also, low fat has been proven many times over as harmful. Every one of our cells are coated in myelin which is primarily made of fats and our brains are over half fat. You have to add ESSENTIAL fat to your diet in order to have healthy cells and a healthy brain. (There are plenty of studies on PubMed about it, here's one to get you started.)

    So all that said, what is right then? Well, like anything else there is no one size fits all for anyone. You need to play with your diet until you are feeling satisfied AND getting the results you want. My first attempt at correcting persistent hunger would be to decrease protein and increase fat. Try starting your day with a bullet proof style coffee. Lots of good fats can really go a long way. There's a granola I like from Julian's Bakery that is Keto and Paleo friendly. Lots of fiber, but not lots of artificial ingredients. It's called ProGranola. I have it with unsweetened almond milk. It keeps me full for hours.

    And don't forget, too much protein will get converted into glucose through a process known as gluconeogenesis. So don't go overboard with meat. Eat lots of non-starchy veggies like salad greens, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, brussels sprouts, etc. They are filling, with lots of nutrients and not many digestible carbs. Eat them with a fat source in order to benefit from their fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K).

    Avoid processed foods, and those 'low carb' versions of foods like pastas and breads. Those are still wheat and usually cause people to have cravings and are left feeling unsatisfied. And lots of the low carb candies and shakes are also sometimes triggering for people and end up just causing more guts issues than they are worth.

    Hope that helps. Good luck with your journey.

    Umm. No, a calorie deficit absolutely has not been proven many times over to be incorrect for weight loss. Please give us links to a couple of these many many peer-reviewed studies proving weight loss is not related to a specific reduction in calories.

    By the way. I lost 130lbs just counting calories. And if I look back at my numbers they average between 50-60% carbs. Granted, that high a carb percentage doesn't work for everyone, but it can work for some. And the calorie counting absolutely positively did work the way it should have.

    Unicorn sighting! :D

    Really, this is the ground truth. There are no repeatable, peer-reviewed studies that show that a calorie deficit doesn't result in fat loss. When people refer to studies that "prove" things that contradict solid scientific conclusions, they are following links in articles and blogs that lead to sites that are either web pages for "Doctors" selling diet woo, or one-off poorly designed experiments that prove only that the people involved have no idea what they're doing.

    As a side note, it's unfortunate that an advanced degree doesn't automatically result in even a minimum of ethical integrity. "Doctors" who use their title to scam the public to make themselves rich are despicable. Not only do they suck money from desperate people, they cause many who can't afford the price of the woo to live in fear of what they may be doing to their bodies by not "detoxing" or drinking the expensive teas and shakes.

    No, there's no study showing the the 3500 calories per pound is accurate. In fact, every study ever done based on that hypothesis, has proved themselves to be inaccurate. Look for even one. One that shows the correct correlation to X calorie deficit to pounds. Yes, reducing your intake will cause weight loss, but the 3500 calorie per pound is not true.

    So what? What if it's 3167? CICO still applies.

    The problem is, if it's off, then the whole thing is wrong. Meaning if it was 3167 and removed 500/day- you should lose faster. But that's not what happens. I personally used to have a 1,000+ calorie deficit between diet and exercise EVERY day. I ate only 1200 calories, which is the minimum I should be eating. I felt fine, not tired or run down, so it wasn't over doing it with the deficit/working out. But on a GOOD week, I lost maybe 2 pounds. And most of the time it was more like 1, maybe. But I ran 3 miles 4 days per week, ran 6 miles 1 day per week, and weight trained 4 days per week (the 3 mile days were two a days) and only ate 1200 calories per day. How does that formula work? Even if it's 4,000 per pound? 5,000 per pound? Would have to be more than 7,000 per pound to work for me, but I also know plenty of people who give up 1 soda a day (~300 calories), change nothing else, and lose several pounds a week....How does that work?


    I definitely know you can stall your metabolism, but the reason I got to where I was, was due to lack of results. I started with a much smaller deficit and over time increased it to see even the 1 pound per week. Now that I'm fat adapted, I eat at least twice the calories, exercise half as much and lost 20 pounds in just a few weeks. And now I'm smaller than I was when I counted calories and I'm never deprived. So I didn't wreck my metabolism.

    But as I've stated, there is no one size fits all approach. Low carb feels better for some, Low cal feels better for others, and others like Keto. Honestly, I think the worst thing we do to ourselves is eating a ton of processed foods. There are plenty of people that eat Paleo (real paleo, not bacon at every meal paleo) - fresh fruits and veggies and moderate, grass fed meats- no dairy, grains or processed foods, and they naturally lose and maintain. They don't keep track of any of this.

    You need to work on your reading comprehension. In no way is that article I linked talking about stalling or wrecking your metabolism.

    As to 'real paleo', lol. Are you going to try to tell me that's how Palaeolithic people ate? And just because they're not tracking, doesn't mean they're not at a caloric deficit.

    The article talks about stress and cortisol, which I covered by saying I felt good and wasn't overly tired, etc. in the post you replied to. So I figured I'd cover the idea that it would have wrecked your metabolism....
    But on the Paleo thing, yes, it may be a calorie deficit, but like the other studies I posted, that doesn't explain fat loss or lack of it. Also, no, it is impossible for us to eat like real paleolithic people - the food is not the same and our environment is definitely not the same. My meaning of 'real' means, not the hyped up media thing of bacon at every meal and mounds of meat on your plate. I meant the real theory of eating whole, minimally processed, 'real' food.
    And, even the article you posted shows it's not just about calories as there are many factors.

    Just because you felt good doesn't mean your cortisol wasn't jacked through the roof. And fat loss is just about calories. Other factors can affect scale weight. I guess a lot of people only care about what the scale says though. You could do with learning a bit more about physiology.

    Please do enlighten me. I am in grad school for this very thing. Cortisol causes weight gain/retention around the mid section, I have an hour glass figure. It is associated with adrenal issues and mood swings (which is why I mentioned how I felt). It is associated with blood pressure issues, my is usually super low (then and now). Sleep disturbances, I had none. GI issues, none again. I had none of the sign of having too high of cortisol.

    So if fat loss is just about calories- if I ate all day only oreos = 1500 calories, or if I ate pure lard all day = 1500 calories, or if I ate pure protein only = 1500 or if I ate only green vegetables = 1500 calories per day - My weight loss/gain/maintenance would be exactly the same? No matter which path I chose?

    Pretty much....

    LOL Ok. I can see I should have never been sucked into this then.


    We have essential fatty acids (fat) and essential amino acids (protein). No essential carbs. Otherwise, I don't completely disagree with a lot of that graphic. as I've stated, I do think that people should do what feels best for them. But if you are struggling (which was the point of all this to begin with - read the title), there are ways to make it better.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    I started a low-carb diet nearly 3 weeks ago. Weight loss has been steady but I'm struggling on several points. I'm early 30s, 5'6", 279 lbs, female.

    1. I never feel full or satisfied - always hungry no matter what/how often I eat.
    2. At what point will my digestive track acclimate? Every other day seems to bring a different gastrointestinal challenge.
    3. This has my lady organs all confused. My TOM nearly coincided with the start of this diet change and I've yet to stop spotting (both bright and dark colors). What is the deal?

    I've read that these results are normal for 3 or 4 days but I'm well pass that point.

    I drink plenty of water, 1 cup of herbal tea or decaf coffee per day, no alcohol, limited fruits/nuts/dairy/seeds. I'm hard core into the green leafies, eggs, and baked/broiled/grilled meats, shrimp, and fish. I cook with either butter or olive oil. I haven't added cardio though I have been doing small bouts of body weight exercises throughout the day.

    Has anyone else had similar issues? Any advice to help ease these effects? Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

    It looks like you've gotten tons of anti-low carb advice, and if you think abandoning that is appropriate for you, then so be it. But what I'm guessing it that you've tried many methods, Low Cal, Low Fat, etc. So here's another perspective. The calorie hypothesis was just that, a hypothesis (the whole 3500 cals per pound thing). It has actually been proven many times over that there is no correlation to the number of calories to weight loss. Look up Zoe Harcombe. She has run several studies on this and has amazing insight. Also, low fat has been proven many times over as harmful. Every one of our cells are coated in myelin which is primarily made of fats and our brains are over half fat. You have to add ESSENTIAL fat to your diet in order to have healthy cells and a healthy brain. (There are plenty of studies on PubMed about it, here's one to get you started.)

    So all that said, what is right then? Well, like anything else there is no one size fits all for anyone. You need to play with your diet until you are feeling satisfied AND getting the results you want. My first attempt at correcting persistent hunger would be to decrease protein and increase fat. Try starting your day with a bullet proof style coffee. Lots of good fats can really go a long way. There's a granola I like from Julian's Bakery that is Keto and Paleo friendly. Lots of fiber, but not lots of artificial ingredients. It's called ProGranola. I have it with unsweetened almond milk. It keeps me full for hours.

    And don't forget, too much protein will get converted into glucose through a process known as gluconeogenesis. So don't go overboard with meat. Eat lots of non-starchy veggies like salad greens, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, brussels sprouts, etc. They are filling, with lots of nutrients and not many digestible carbs. Eat them with a fat source in order to benefit from their fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K).

    Avoid processed foods, and those 'low carb' versions of foods like pastas and breads. Those are still wheat and usually cause people to have cravings and are left feeling unsatisfied. And lots of the low carb candies and shakes are also sometimes triggering for people and end up just causing more guts issues than they are worth.

    Hope that helps. Good luck with your journey.

    Umm. No, a calorie deficit absolutely has not been proven many times over to be incorrect for weight loss. Please give us links to a couple of these many many peer-reviewed studies proving weight loss is not related to a specific reduction in calories.

    By the way. I lost 130lbs just counting calories. And if I look back at my numbers they average between 50-60% carbs. Granted, that high a carb percentage doesn't work for everyone, but it can work for some. And the calorie counting absolutely positively did work the way it should have.

    Unicorn sighting! :D

    Really, this is the ground truth. There are no repeatable, peer-reviewed studies that show that a calorie deficit doesn't result in fat loss. When people refer to studies that "prove" things that contradict solid scientific conclusions, they are following links in articles and blogs that lead to sites that are either web pages for "Doctors" selling diet woo, or one-off poorly designed experiments that prove only that the people involved have no idea what they're doing.

    As a side note, it's unfortunate that an advanced degree doesn't automatically result in even a minimum of ethical integrity. "Doctors" who use their title to scam the public to make themselves rich are despicable. Not only do they suck money from desperate people, they cause many who can't afford the price of the woo to live in fear of what they may be doing to their bodies by not "detoxing" or drinking the expensive teas and shakes.

    No, there's no study showing the the 3500 calories per pound is accurate. In fact, every study ever done based on that hypothesis, has proved themselves to be inaccurate. Look for even one. One that shows the correct correlation to X calorie deficit to pounds. Yes, reducing your intake will cause weight loss, but the 3500 calorie per pound is not true.

    So what? What if it's 3167? CICO still applies.

    The problem is, if it's off, then the whole thing is wrong. Meaning if it was 3167 and removed 500/day- you should lose faster. But that's not what happens. I personally used to have a 1,000+ calorie deficit between diet and exercise EVERY day. I ate only 1200 calories, which is the minimum I should be eating. I felt fine, not tired or run down, so it wasn't over doing it with the deficit/working out. But on a GOOD week, I lost maybe 2 pounds. And most of the time it was more like 1, maybe. But I ran 3 miles 4 days per week, ran 6 miles 1 day per week, and weight trained 4 days per week (the 3 mile days were two a days) and only ate 1200 calories per day. How does that formula work? Even if it's 4,000 per pound? 5,000 per pound? Would have to be more than 7,000 per pound to work for me, but I also know plenty of people who give up 1 soda a day (~300 calories), change nothing else, and lose several pounds a week....How does that work?


    I definitely know you can stall your metabolism, but the reason I got to where I was, was due to lack of results. I started with a much smaller deficit and over time increased it to see even the 1 pound per week. Now that I'm fat adapted, I eat at least twice the calories, exercise half as much and lost 20 pounds in just a few weeks. And now I'm smaller than I was when I counted calories and I'm never deprived. So I didn't wreck my metabolism.

    But as I've stated, there is no one size fits all approach. Low carb feels better for some, Low cal feels better for others, and others like Keto. Honestly, I think the worst thing we do to ourselves is eating a ton of processed foods. There are plenty of people that eat Paleo (real paleo, not bacon at every meal paleo) - fresh fruits and veggies and moderate, grass fed meats- no dairy, grains or processed foods, and they naturally lose and maintain. They don't keep track of any of this.

    You need to work on your reading comprehension. In no way is that article I linked talking about stalling or wrecking your metabolism.

    As to 'real paleo', lol. Are you going to try to tell me that's how Palaeolithic people ate? And just because they're not tracking, doesn't mean they're not at a caloric deficit.

    The article talks about stress and cortisol, which I covered by saying I felt good and wasn't overly tired, etc. in the post you replied to. So I figured I'd cover the idea that it would have wrecked your metabolism....
    But on the Paleo thing, yes, it may be a calorie deficit, but like the other studies I posted, that doesn't explain fat loss or lack of it. Also, no, it is impossible for us to eat like real paleolithic people - the food is not the same and our environment is definitely not the same. My meaning of 'real' means, not the hyped up media thing of bacon at every meal and mounds of meat on your plate. I meant the real theory of eating whole, minimally processed, 'real' food.
    And, even the article you posted shows it's not just about calories as there are many factors.

    Just because you felt good doesn't mean your cortisol wasn't jacked through the roof. And fat loss is just about calories. Other factors can affect scale weight. I guess a lot of people only care about what the scale says though. You could do with learning a bit more about physiology.

    Please do enlighten me. I am in grad school for this very thing. Cortisol causes weight gain/retention around the mid section, I have an hour glass figure. It is associated with adrenal issues and mood swings (which is why I mentioned how I felt). It is associated with blood pressure issues, my is usually super low (then and now). Sleep disturbances, I had none. GI issues, none again. I had none of the sign of having too high of cortisol.

    So if fat loss is just about calories- if I ate all day only oreos = 1500 calories, or if I ate pure lard all day = 1500 calories, or if I ate pure protein only = 1500 or if I ate only green vegetables = 1500 calories per day - My weight loss/gain/maintenance would be exactly the same? No matter which path I chose?

    Pretty much....

    LOL Ok. I can see I should have never been sucked into this then.


    We have essential fatty acids (fat) and essential amino acids (protein). No essential carbs. Otherwise, I don't completely disagree with a lot of that graphic. as I've stated, I do think that people should do what feels best for them. But if you are struggling (which was the point of all this to begin with - read the title), there are ways to make it better.

    I'm not struggling at all. But I think wading deep into the weeds is not helpful for the average MFP user asking for help.

  • Dani_Cali_Carolina
    Okay, I haven't read all of the comments but the general theme seems to be eat more carbs. To answer some questions...I have PCOS and carbs are not my friend (weight wise and for medical reasons). I do have insulin resistance and high blood pressure but all of my other numbers (obviously excluding weight) are near perfect. I've tried eating within a calorie deficit while still eating carbs, glycemic index based diet, and weight watchers - all with limited to no success. This is the first diet change that actually works.

    Thanks for the advice, encouragement, and sharing your experiences! You've all been so kind and empathetic. I'll definitely finish reading the comments and make adjustments until my body acclimates. I hadn't really thought of the PCOS and low-carb lifestyle conflicting with each other - I'll do some research. This will be easier to handle now that I don't feel as if I've hit a dead end.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Don't know if anybody has posted this or not, but you might also check into this group - lots of knowledge and info and lots of friendly helpful people:

  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    How low carb are you going? I tried Atkins once and was completely miserable. Not for me. My body rebelled, and there was no way I could live that way forever.
    I've since gone to a 'lower carb', higher protein diet. I keep my carbs under 100/day and aim for 90g+ of protein. It works. I'm down 55 pounds, and don't feel deprived. I eat pizza, drink wine, etc. In moderation. My goal is to do something I can live with.
    It sounds like the plan you're not is not working for you. I would try modifying it by increasing carbs to see how you feel.
    Good luck!