Lose 5lbs + in November 2017



  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Original starting weight - 240.6
    November starting weight - 196.9
    November goal - 191.9
    Ultimate goal - 140?

    11/1: 196.9
    11/8: 194.5
    11/15: 193.9
    11/22: 192.7
    11/29: 192.8

    Total loss for November:
  • Starting weight - 298 lbs
    Current weight - 189.8 lbs
    November Goal -180.8 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 150 lbs

    1st - 189.8 lbs
    8th - 185.4 lbs
    15th - 181.6 lbs
    22nd - 181.8 lbs
    29th - 182.0

    Total loss for November - 7.8 lbs

    I didn't make my goal. :(

  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    I’ll be setting up the December thread within the next few days, I’ll let you guys know when it’s up for anyone who wants to continue next month :) x

    Looking forward to it!
  • rvaugh07
    rvaugh07 Posts: 110 Member
    Highest weight - 307lbs March 2014
    Starting weight - 258lbs Oct 2017
    Current weight - 244.2lbs
    November Goal - 240lbs
    Ultimate goal- under 200lbs

    30th - 253lbs
    6th - 250lbs
    13th - 246lbs
    20th -245.2
    27th -244.2
    30th -241.4

    Total loss in Nov. - 11.6lbs

    Well I must have still been holding some water weight from Thanksgiving! The scale has been steadily going down all week and I am almost to my 240 goal. Continuing on through Dec and hoping to get to 230 or close to it by Dec 31st. I can't wait to see the 230s, I haven't seen numbers that low since around my sophomore year in high school!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • w8goal4life
    w8goal4life Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited November 2017
    Final November weigh in today...yeah! :) Blood pressure back in the normal range, now, with diet and exercise. Changing my ultimate goal to 115 for December...and if I can maintain anywhere between 115 and 118 I will be a happy camper.

    November Challenge

    Starting Weight for November: 124
    November Goal: 119
    Ultimate Goal: 115-118

    1st - 124
    8th - 122
    14th - 121
    21st - 120
    28th - 120
    30th - 119

    Total loss for November - 5

    Want to say how proud I am of everyone who is participating in this challenge to continue on their weight loss journey. It sure does seem to be more achievable to take on a challenge 5 pounds at a time as opposed to a seasonal or year long objective. Congratulations to everyone for caring about their personal health and well being. I wish you joy, happiness and success in your continued journey.
  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    Original SW (Jan 15/17): 206.8

    Weigh-in day is Saturday

    Challenge SW November 1: 162.0
    Challenge Goal: 159
    Ultimate Goal: 156

    Nov 4: 162.2
    Nov 11: 158.8
    Nov 18: 158.0
    Nov 25: 159.4
    Nov 30: 161.4

    Total loss for November: -0.6

    My old scale quit on me so went out and bought a new one. May be calibrated slightly different but time will tell on that. Still a slight loss so I'm good with this. Just a bit closer to my ultimate goal this month. ;)
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    edited November 2017
    November Starting Weight - 153.4lbs
    November Goal - 5lbs loss (148lbs)
    Ultimate Goal - 130-135lbs

    1st - 153.4lbs
    8th - 151.8lbs
    14th - 151.6lbs
    21st - 151.4lbs
    30th - 150.2lbs

    Total loss for November - 3.2lbs :)

    Didn't quite reach my goal, but I think this is still a great pace.

    I'm going to join the December one too, this was such a great motivator for me! Can't wait to reach the 140s! <3

  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Original Starting Weight: 197.6 lbs.
    November SW: 167.8 lbs.
    November Goal: 160 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal: 150 lbs.

    2nd: 166.8
    9th: 165.8
    16th: 166.2
    23rd: 166.4
    30th: 163.4

    Total loss for November: 4.4 lbs
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,777 Member
    stella7x7 wrote: »
    Nov. 1 263.2
    Nov. 21-262.2
    Nov.28- 258.6

    So actually on the 28th i was 259.6.i realized i goofed. But this morning i got on the scale for my final monthly weigh and i was 258.6
    Ive lost 5 .4 lbs in nov. Im pleased with that, reconsidering Thanksgiving.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 125.8
    November Goal: 123 LBS

    Nov 1: 125.8
    Nov 4: 125
    Nov 8: 126
    Nov 14: 125.8
    Nov 16: 126.2
    Nov 17: 125.8
    Nov 18: 124.2
    Nov 19: 123.8
    Nov 20: 125.2
    Nov 22: 124
    Nov 24: 123.8
    Nov 28: 122.6 <- holy crap!!! :o
    Nov 30: 124.6 (high sodium foods for a couple days killed me... ooooops!)
  • RitaRyvita
    RitaRyvita Posts: 52 Member
    Original starting weight : 85 kg (187.39 lbs) @ July 3rd 2017
    November starting weight : 68 kg (149.91 lbs)
    November goal : lose 6 kg (13.22 lbs)
    Ultimate goal : weigh 55 kg (121.25 lbs)

    Usual Weigh-In Day : Sunday

    Wed 1/11/17 : 68 kg (149.91 lbs)

    Sun 5/11/17 : 67.5 kg (148.81 lbs)
    Sun 12/11/17 : 66.5 kg (146.60 lbs) (recovering from a bout of bronchitis and asthma this week: steroids, water retention, and increased appetite) :(
    Sun 19/11/17 : 67.5 kg (148.81 lbs) :(
    Sun 26/11/17 : 65.5 kg (144.40 lbs) (have gone back to eating max 1000 cals per day this week, as my recent illnesses threw my eating plans completely out of whack)

    * Really want to have broken through the 65 kg barrier by Thurs 30th Nov. All fingers crossed!

    Thur 30/11/17 : 65 kg (143.30 lbs)

    Total loss for November : 3 kg (6.61 lbs)
  • vanilla_frosting
    vanilla_frosting Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in! I tried the daily weigh-in, but I was too frustrated with no loss or gains. So I think the weekly is better for me. I'll weigh in on Saturdays.

    Starting weight - 204.8
    Current weight - 178.8
    November Goal - 175
    Ultimate goal - 150ish

    4th – 180.2
    11th – 181.2 (I haven’t been counting calories for several days, but I’m back on track today)
    18th – 177
    25th – 180.8 (Thanksgiving – what more can I say)
    30th – 179.6

    Total loss for November -.6 Not great, but at least it was a loss!
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member

    From last challenge 211.8
    November Starting weight -211.8
    November Goal - 205
    Ultimate goal - 170?

    3rd - 212.8
    9th -
    16th -
    23rd -
    30th -211.0

    Total loss for November - 0.8

  • lady_bug_jd
    lady_bug_jd Posts: 221 Member
    Original starting weight: 214
    November starting weight: 196.5
    October goal:191.5
    Ultimate goal: 135

    11/01/17: 196
    11/10/17: 192
    11/23/17: 193.2 (not bad after vacation)
    11/30/17: 191

    Total loss for November: 5.5

    Changed weigh in dates because I was travelling Nov 11 - 22.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    edited November 2017
    MFP Original starting weight 2012: 201 lbs
    MFP Starting weight 2015: 201 lbs
    MFP Starting weight 2017: 184 lbs

    September starting weight: 177.0
    October starting weight: 172.5
    November starting weight: 165.0

    November goal: 160
    Ultimate goal: 145

    November 01: 165.0
    November 08: 163.0
    November 15: 161.5
    November 22: 160.5
    November 30: 160.0

    Loss for the month: 5.0
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,792 Member
    Original starting weight: 192.2
    November starting weight: 143.4
    November goal: 140.0
    Ultimate goal: 135lbs

    11/01 - 143.4
    11/06 - 143.4 too much salty popcorn yesterday!
    11/13 - 143.6
    11/20 - 144.8
    11/27 - 147.6 ugh!
    11/30 - 145.6 November is a really tough month for me.

    Change this week:
    Total change for November:

  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited November 2017
    Nov. Five# Challenge
    OSW: 233
    MFPSW 7/1/16: 223
    CW 10/26/17: 166.4
    GW 11/30/17: 161.4
    UG#1: ONEderland @ 199.9 on 9/15/16
    UGW#1: 160 @ 159.6 on 7/20/17
    UGW#2: 150

    Thursday weigh-ins

    11/2: 167.8 (+1.4)
    11/9: 170.4 (+2.6)
    11/16: 168.2 (-2.2)
    11/23: 160 (-8.2)
    11/30: 158.6 (-1.4)

    Nov. Weight Loss: (-7.8) pounds

  • cookster82
    cookster82 Posts: 39 Member
    Didn't quite hit my goal but made some significant progress this month in simply getting back on the horse and recommitting to my journey. Hope everyone feels good about their progresses and learned from their shortcomings!

    Starting weight - 233
    Current weight - 185
    November Goal - 183
    Ultimate goal - 165

    1st - 188.7
    8th - 192.6
    15th - 187.6
    22nd - didn't weigh
    29th - 185

    Total loss for November: -3.7
  • annuthebest
    annuthebest Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in also and a first timer

    Starting weight: 231
    Current weight: 208
    November goal: 200
    Ultimate goal: 140

    1st: 211.6
    8th: 210.6
    14th: 208.6
    21st: 205.6
    30th: 203.6

    Total loss: 8 lbs.. 3.6 pounds over my nov goal but still v happy cox I enjoyed my thanksgiving dinner as well :)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Original starting weight - 240.6
    November starting weight - 196.9
    November goal - 191.9
    Ultimate goal - 140?

    11/1: 196.9
    11/8: 194.5
    11/15: 193.9
    11/22: 192.7
    11/29: 192.8
    11/30: 191.7

    Total loss for November: 5.2
  • OhJayEss
    OhJayEss Posts: 64 Member
    Starting weight - 95.8 kg
    Current weight - 87.3 kg
    November Goal - 83.6 (lose 3.7 kg)
    Ultimate goal - weigh 50-55 kg

    1st -87.4
    8th - 86.8
    14th - 86.5 (slow & steady wins the race ;) )
    21st -87.2 ( :neutral: bad wknd)
    28th -86.7 (taken from average, as I forgot to weigh in this day)
  • JennH517
    JennH517 Posts: 256 Member
    Happy Thursday, everyone!

    Not my usual weigh in day but since it's the last day of the month I'm reporting in. Average is up 1/10 since Sunday but I am 207.7 today so I'm back in 207-land after a sneak preview of it a couple of weeks ago. That's how I roll... I'll see a pound lower, then pop back up and bounce around for a bit, then dip down again. Rinse, repeat. Hey, there's some comfort in predictability! :)

    Highest weight ever: 254 in October 1999.

    Lowest since 1999: 195.

    Original starting weight: 243 in 2015.

    MFP Starting weight December 25th, 2016: 233

    Goal: 180 in however long it takes, and I'll evaluate at that time. Haven't been there since my early 20s.

    Average from October 30-November 4th: 210.1
    Average from November 5th - November 12th: 209.7
    Average from November 12th - November 19th: 208.7 (YAY!)
    Average from November 20th - November 26th: 208.2
    Average for 7 days ending November 30th: 208.3

    Loss for November: 1.8 lbs.

    MFP Loss: 24.7 lbs.

    Total cumulative loss: 34.7 bs.

    See you in the December thread! Christmas Day is my MFP birthday!

    Move more, eat less.
