Maintainers weekly Check-in November 2017



  • microwhisper
    microwhisper Posts: 84 Member
    Name: MW
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'2"
    Total Weight lost: ~20lbs
    Time it took to lose: ~4months
    How long in maintenance: 11 months
    Maintenance weight range: 110-115lbs

    Average weight recorded from January-September: 113.7 lbs
    October: 110.02 lbs

    Week of...
    4 November: 108.0 lbs
    11 November: 107.6
    18 November: 110.4
    25 November: 110.4

    Successes/struggles: Exactly the same as last week in terms of weight, which I’m happy with! I kept to my ridiculous fertility diet and didn’t lose so that’s good but I also only worked out once. So this coming week I’m going to up my workouts a little bit and hope that I can tweek my food to stay in range.
    BUT I did also just get my period which of course makes me wonder why I am bothering with this diet plan. lol. I’m only two months into it though so I’ll keep doing it at least till Jan.
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    @MoTownSweat and others...I'm with @kgirlhart I, too continued losing for over a year. Gaining can be scary, continuing losing is scary as well. Adjust your activity and eating (CICO) every once in a while to meet your needs. As @lorrpb mentioned, give yourself some wiggle room. I try to stay within a 4# range and have done so for over a year. When I hit the low end, I eat a little more, at the high end, a bit less.

    See you all on the December thread!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    I have been posting to these maintenance threads for a few months but this is my last entry.

    I consider myself "done" with my 18 month weight loss and maintenance effort which I've documented at length in my "Ready to Recomp" thread located elsewhere in this sub-forum which can be found here:

    I just posted what I consider my last entry to that thread. Bottom line: I lost 36# from 196 to 160 in the 1st 6 months and have maintained my weight at 158 +/-3 over the last 12 months. My BF declined from about 25% down to 10% as measured by hydro and I was able to recomp about 8# of LBM/BF in the last 12 months as well.

    If you are interested in the details, you can find them by clicking the link above. I will of course continue to monitor my progress in maintaining my weight/BF at current levels but I see no need to post that info publicly any further.

    Continuing good luck to the rest of you in your maintenance efforts!